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 Oct 2018 Avi
I am still upset about things in the past,

their is things that is still a mystery to me,

I am tired a lot of crap into my life,

I am tired of lies,

I am tired of a lot people lying to me in social Media,

I am trying to find out things that was a mystery to me,

I tried to let go,

It just that my heart wants to know the truth,

and it needs it so I can be free,

Like an bird that can go where ever it goes.
 Oct 2018 Avi
Hira malik
Just Words
 Oct 2018 Avi
Hira malik
Sometimes you dnt know what you are speaking, ur mind is floating in abyss and ur words somewhere else, u assure people of their sadness will go by, and meanwhile u ******* in the gloomiest of alls in you.

Flattering from here to there, a wind carrying the sounds of chyme go through as swift as minglenesa happens in dreams un- consciously. U try to grab words to pen down, and they very accurately ditch you on your face. This is how life is!!

I might sound melancholic and depressed 33 aged woman , but remember you all happy young lads, sadness is what residing in all of us very deep. Again and again you go back towards it just to taste its divinity and check its temperature. If you feel she is alone and needa ur company u sit with her, drink beer or sip whiskey , hold her vividly just to make sure she stays in darkest deepest hole of you as you are very much aware that too much happiness will make your mouth bitter and to sweeten it you will for sure come back to sadness!!!

Holiness is such a revealation that falls on you like sprinkle of drizzle in time of full blown sun, very unexpectedly. Bereavee it, engulf it, hold it for that moment of brief can outshine you.
 Oct 2018 Avi
 Oct 2018 Avi
You've got two stormy eyes
Like those I read in that book
Who would have thought
that I would have found them in you

I know it sounds cheesy
Nothing has even started
but the dizziness and the heat
and the accelerated heartbeat
Are something I can't ignore

For you, it might be nothing
I'm probably playing a movie
right inside my head
But those eyes, I promise
I don't know how to forget about them

I know you never read it
the book that contains your eyes
But it is one of my favorite
for it makes me believe in magic

It makes me feel special
It makes me believe in hope
It makes me look at the world and think
there's so much I have to explore

It makes me think about beauty
about innocence
about life
about friendship and love

it makes me feel alive.

I love feeling that way.

Many people don't realize it
they say it's just a book
but for me it's more
more than simple ink,
more than simple pages,
more than simple prose.

It's been a while since I held it in my hands,
since I looked into it
and felt powerful and brave

But when I see your stormy eyes,
and I swear this has been driving me insane,
I feel like I'm reading it once again.
 Oct 2018 Avi
 Oct 2018 Avi
I still feel lost sometimes
even if it's just for short, even if after it I'm fine.
I steel get lost
and look around but see nothing except dark
I wonder
where was my last path?
So I cry and lay down,
waiting for the demons to pass by
waiting for the end of the deepest night.

Then I wake up and try to remember
where I came from?
was it from South, East, West or North?
My feet move before I find an answer,
I can't help it, but I know why:
I'm scared I'll get paralyzed otherwise.

So I keep walking,
I am still walking,
but I don't think I know where I'm going.

Perhaps, is this the reason why I still get lost?
Should I maybe simply stop?
 Oct 2018 Avi
 Oct 2018 Avi
I feel like everything is my fault,
cause that no one likes me,
I only have one guy in the world that cares,
i still feel alone,
i am mentally tired of my past,
My flashback hurts me everyday,
i feel alone even i am not physically,
but mentally that i do.
people that hurt me in the past thinks that
everything is my fault.
Words mumbled.
Thoughts kept secret.
I'm fine.
I'm fine.
I'm fine, I scream
under muffled breath.
I'll get some sleep,
maybe when I'm dead.
But for now
I'm just stuck
in my own head.
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