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 Feb 2015 Vlks
Nothing Much
T minus 15 years
I am screaming, crying, untimely ripped from the first home I had ever known
Born with eyes open, I fight for my first breath. I know I am supposed to live.
T minus 10 years
I have earned callouses on my little hands, toughened the soles of my feet
And now encounter the lullaby of language, the incredible illusion of image
T minus 5 years
I notice shooting stars, and for the first time, they seem within my reach
If I just turn my palms towards the sky, I'll catch a comet before it hits the earth
Countdown complete
The mountains I've climbed are scratched into my soul, and I trek on
Keeping my eyes open, I fight for my each breath. I know I am supposed to live.
 Feb 2015 Vlks
Nothing Much
I've lost all my baby teeth
But I remember the ache in my gums
The ****** holes they left behind

I exchanged each pearl for a coin
From a glittering fairy tale falsity
A consolation prize for growing up

Bits of bone falling from my mouth
I bid my skeletal farewell
To the pieces of me I no longer needed
Note: the last line is heavily influenced/inspired by the writing of poet Sarah Kay
 Feb 2015 Vlks
Nothing Much
The other day I told you about how I sometimes get the urge to eat tree bark
The flaky, papery kind that peels from the trunks of certain trees
Just a little, just to try it
You told me that was ******* weird

I'm more honest with you than I am with myself
You are my diary, a shoebox of secrets
And I tell you everything that runs through my head
You know me inside and out, like the back of your hand, like your favorite book

I want to be your hometown
I want you to find a place in me where you can be safe
And shed your skin, be as naked as I am
Let me be your shelter
Together, we can hide from the snow
Until the world thaws out
 Feb 2015 Vlks
Tainted Mind
The sun is shining so make your hay.
You may not get another day.
You may not get another chance.
To sing that song or dance that dance.
That open hand and friendly smile... might not be there in a while
That golden opportunity,
may not become reality.  
As sometimes chances do not wait
for people who procrastinate.
Life changes course upon the breeze.
So chase your chances, run and seize...
...the life you want and hold it strong.
But know you may not have it long.
Things will not always go your way.
But the sun is shining. So make your hay.
 Feb 2015 Vlks
Rebecca Leven-Hill
I devote my day to you

I dress nice for you

I show up on time for you

I work my plans around you

But some days...

I ditch you to go hang out with my friends

Maybe I forgot to do laundry and wear something *****

I might be late because I overslept

My other plans are more important

Thank you for being understanding and not giving up on me
don't give up on school because it will never give up on you
 Feb 2015 Vlks
Rebecca Leven-Hill
I love...nevermind

I thought you...nevermind

Are you and her...nevermind

Can I have your...nevermind

Would you like to go on a...nevermind

Do you like...nevermind

You will never know unless you ask
Don't be afraid to ask
 Jan 2015 Vlks
Rebecca Leven-Hill
she sits patiently
waiting for the light to shine on her
Her tears blind her
Unable to speak because of shadow's grief
The person who owns the shadow is small
But the shadow is ever so large

The girl screams I have potential!
She runs but the shadow holds onto her
She fights and fights to try to find the light
She stops realizing she will always be in the shadow

There's no point crying or screaming or running
So she sits looking into the shadow
The girl whispers to herself I am nothing without the light
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