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 Mar 2015 MysteryBear
 Mar 2015 MysteryBear
Doctors say
Once you reach the age of maturity
You will cease to grow;
But how does that explain
The heights that I reach,
The expansion of my heart,
Or the width of my smile
When I'm wrapped in your arms?
It doesn't.
It is your love.
 Mar 2015 MysteryBear
Here we are
where we were
we talked
we fantasied
we had illusions about us

Here we are
where we were
we whined
we fought
we scared each other

Here we are
where we were
we kissed
we caressed
we made love

Here we are
where we were
we toyed with our hearts
we,us,our kisses were full of lies
we,us,our love perished
we drowned
 Mar 2015 MysteryBear
I realised too late
That I should not have
Tidied us into separate picture frames
When we could
Have shared one between us
Like those other lovers
Who sit together on swings
And giddy themselves
And that I should not have
Scribbled over every thought
And possibility
And guess
I should not have hemmed back
The inch of romance
I once set aside for you
Because the only thing that stopped me
Was fear
You remain my one love story
The sole great un-requited affair
The unspoken words
Between each conversation line
The coffee stains on the pages of my novel
That will forever anticipate a you that is past
And you remain my one love story
You are the love story that I told myself
Was not love
And we were never anything other than silence
And holes in the conversation
Like dropped stitches
When we were twelve
You asked me out via someone else
And I stamped ******* your offered palm
Never stopping to learn
Whether you meant it
And I hope now that you did
Because then it is not so foolish to call you a love affair
And I still do not quite believe that I love you
I saw you today
And my chest
Ceased to be that glacier it chooses to be
Pinned under the lining of every coat
I own
And you said
And I hoped I wasn't imaging it
That you were pleased to see me
Because I know that the
Global Warming
Of my world had to be worth something to you
And I have always been something of an
And you have always been something of a skateboarder
But you are immortal
In my
Confused melting
As I paint the pavement
With the contents of my
Inspired by me

And Between the Lines by Sara Bareilles
 Mar 2015 MysteryBear
Been thinking ..
Would I really express this feeling?

We've already started
So better just let it go and be written..

Before this had happen
I didn't know the little hole will grow and I'll be weaken
I've known you as a sweet little admirer
A boy that I thought will make my life better

With you
I'd experience almost all the "first time"
It's great before because I  thought our feelings really rhyme

But the world seems like they see it in the other direction
People judging, thinking what we're doing was a wrong notion
I don't care at first of course
When my father told me what I'm feeling is wrong
I've rethink and had second thoughts if this should be stopped
If our love will stay forever or it will eventually rot
But you'd confirmed we're not doing something wrong
Cause you confronted and told him your love for me is strong

And you know?
Because of that my heart leapt with joy
Your love felt like it really replaced the void
In my heart which would really explode
If you ever lived me alone in the cold

Days, months, years passed by..
We've been together for a very long time
A perfect relationship, they'll say
And I won't deny, I'd also have thought it in that way

But seems there is something wrong
I've noticed the changes
When I seek your help and start to cry
You'll just look at me with a sigh
A sigh that started the spaces you've built
To ruin the things we've created with it

It is not accidentally built though
The barrier?
I've heard that you really do need space
From my dramas and doesn't need to see me a few days

That is the time..
The time I knew it would all stop
The time I knew you're already tired
The time I discovered you've found the girl who is really right

I've loved you.
Yes I do
Until now I can't deny
The feelings I have between you and I

You know the secrets..
The things I've shared with you even before we met
I'm not afraid though you'll spread and tell it to others
Because I know..
Even if you've stopped caring..
You can still be my sweet little friend

Now that I've had released it
Thank you dear friend for being there
And I want to tell you I'm not mad
At you or her, I'm not holding any grudge

As life goes..
It is normal that people change
It is normal that the feelings will fade
What isn't good is if you've not done anything
To change the things you know that doesn't have a meaning
Change is normal
Pain will hurt
But the important thing is..
Our path would be better
 Mar 2015 MysteryBear
chrissy c a
I feel like I'm searching for someone,
Who doesn't exist,
Or just the idea of love itself.
In everyone that I meet,
But deep down, I know,
It is not what I see.
It hasn't hit me yet.
Everyone around me is falling in love, and then there's me.
 Mar 2015 MysteryBear
With You
 Mar 2015 MysteryBear
I saw you
walking with her
and I
choked because
I think that I
am in love
with you
and you
are in love
with her
and she
could not
care less
I feel so sick
 Mar 2015 MysteryBear
We love the wrong kind of people
In a bid to change ourselves

Once the love has departed
So has our old ways
Maybe we fall for the wrong in order to change.
 Mar 2015 MysteryBear
Coleen Jade
It hurts me when you say,
that no one will ever stay.
Coz when the day turns to night,
I will be the moon, your light.

They say “People come and go”.
So I’m here to let you know.
I will prove them wrong
and sing with you every song.

I will dance to every step;
all the secrets will be kept.
I will not let you go,
until all deserts bear snow.

No matter what happens,
your darkness, I will lighten.
My back will only turn,
if the sun will cool its burn.

xoxo cj
My friend said no one will ever stay. Little does she know what I'm capable of defying.
Her eyes are two galaxies full of secrets,
But you know with time she will reveal her past,
Confess her hopes for the futures and her dreams for the present.
You wait.
Like a wild wolf, she approaches slowly, it takes time but all you have is time,
A lifetime as she approaches and you raise a hand and watch as she
Speaks with confidence and a hint of vulnerability.
Instantly, you want to shelter her from the hurt of the world,
Shelter her for the pain, the rejection, the heartbreaks,
But the only shelter you have is the strength of your
The quality of your
Wrapped around her.
You hope, you pray,
*Please, God, let this be enough.
Inspired by Danny O'Connor's art of the same title
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