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 Jan 2015 Tongues
 Jan 2015 Tongues
I refuse to leave a life of innocence
A world of freedom and spontaneity
The future looks like a grim possibility
With myself as both the hero and the villain
Who can make or break reality
Into a story or a tragedy
 Jan 2015 Tongues
Que pena. Ser la única persona en hacer un esfuerzo para que las cosas sean como antes.

No entiendo? Si nos queremos porque no hacemos un esfuerzo para que esto mejore. Se que estamos a la distancia,  pero eso no impide que nos queramos.

Soy optimistica. Soy positiva porque para mi hay una esperanza. Pero cada día que pasa me siento más lejos y lejos de ti. Eso no puede ser así.

Te dedique una canción de Camila - sólo para ti. Pero leyendo tus mensajes cortos significan que ya no tienes interes.

Me habías dicho que solo seamos amigos. Pero que pasa si te quiero mas que un amigo? Sabes, mi corazón arde! Te culpo.. hay, en que me meti?

Tu decidiste dejarme..tu disparaste primero.. no hubiera abierto mi corazón hacia ti. Me rompiste el corazón de nuevo. Pero que puedo esperar de alguien a lo lejos? Nada.

Pero prefiero tenerte como amigo y saber que aún te tengo que no tenerte para nada. Estaré aquí por ti, sufriendo silenciosamente.
Soy tonta en quererte tanto sabiendo que no te sientes igual.

I will translate soon..
 Jan 2015 Tongues
Marium Iqbal
 Jan 2015 Tongues
Marium Iqbal
Being drunk doesn't excuse it.  
"You didn't know what you were doing."
"I love him, he's my son."  
You don't remember what you did.
Do you know he still does?

The purple in his cheeks.
Lips split.
Eyes scared.

Look at what you have done.
Harmed your own son.  

It hurts when he laughs.
His cheeks sting as he cries.
Back jolts up as it touches the back of his chair.

Is it fair?
The boy scared of wearing a belt.

It reminds him of his father.
The way he cornered him, till he was a pleading and crying mess.  

The smell of alcohol lingering in the air.
It makes him sick.
He remembers.

He runs his hands up his left arm.
Cigarette burned holes scattered.

He couldn't take one more beating.
He didn't know how.

He tried his hardest.
As he closed his eyes.

He tried suicide.
He tried it all, the pills, the windows.

He couldn't do it.
Leave his mother and brothers behind.
Just because you were drunk, and can't remember. Doesn't mean they don't. They remember the betrayal. The broken trust. How does a parent do that to their child
 Jan 2015 Tongues
Justin Case
I kinda wish I never met you.
You know why?

Because before you:
I didn't know what true happiness was.
I was content with being alone.
I thought love was fake.
I enjoyed life.

But now that you've come into my life and then left:
I cry because I'll never truly be happy again.
I hate being lonely.
I know how incredible love is.
I can't enjoy life because you were all that ever made me happy,
And you left me dead on the street.

Thanks for ruining my life,
This was hard for me to write because I still love you and my life was amazing with you. But I hate life without you and I just want to die.

I realize the title doesn't have much to do with the poem. The hardest part of a poem for me is the title.
 Jan 2015 Tongues
Courtney Gaura
I'm sure I mean something
With the way
I craft these lines
With words
That I have the
Barest understanding
of their real meaning
And sometimes I do
I know what I am saying
Can you see
It's never a waste
When one
Just one
Can understand
the importance of
this word here
Or that one there
Or why I miss spell this
I probably couldn't spell it anyway
So yes
I'm sure
I must mean something
Even though
I sometimes don't know it
But even when I do
Its all up to you
Dear reader
It's YOUR  perspective
YOUR opinion
Of my words
That will last
Longest in your mind
I wonder what
the meaning behind
This one
Though I
Think it's
Plain to see
 Jan 2015 Tongues
Bailee Carter
Our hearts are monsters, that is why our ribs are cages.
 Jan 2015 Tongues
One and Only
Chained by truth,
Chained by tears,
Chained by dreams, and
Chained by fears.

Coward to self,
Victor to all,
Fears naught but one:
Which is Death's call.

Annoyance is plenty,
A straight face is kept.
Tears of joy,
Have never been wept.

Bane is joy,
Boon is sorrow.
Was there still hope,
To be a morrow?

Never change,
Never bother.
To show weakness
To another.
 Jan 2015 Tongues
Chelle Quezon
I've always admired
the hands of a poet
fragile, yet capable of telling
the most breathtaking stories
and writing down
the most frightful thoughts
in the form of ravishing metaphors
so no one really gets
how dreadful they really are

the hands of a poet
can take you to a place
that’s constructed out of time and illusions
the hands of a poet
can lift you up
and make you fly
they can take you to the only place
that they would call shelter

I’ve always admired
the hands of a poet
because they can form the letters
so resolutely
while the words are still pondered about
they can make words look
like they’re on the right place

the hands of a poet
aren’t as damaged as their feelings
and unlike the mind of a poet,
they age
until the poet can’t write
the beautiful thoughts down anymore
 Jan 2015 Tongues
Jan Harak
Do you really love me?
or just love to hurt me,
to take control
and use my body
but where is soul?
You never care
maybe you just can't,
you are a soulless
horror of the night,
my nightmare,
that came alive
and I let you take me,
head over heels,
you leave me so empty,
you just use me,
then you leave
and I am nothing,
I feel so worthless
God, I can't take this,
I'm dying every night,
I want your heart
and you just my body...
An abyss that laughs at creation...
Joy Division - Heart and Soul
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