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Skaidrum Feb 2016
"No one likes your poetry because they don't understand it."

"Congratulations, welcome to reality."
I write for the soul fading out of my own skin.
I am not a popular poet.
Skaidrum Oct 2016
Circles of ash and wire~
cupping the last diamond flame;
in palms outstretched, he'll forgive
but we ourselves decay
"all in the flaw of my love."

Darkness dipping beyond the jaw of the tiger,
Killed so softly by the mountain's hum;
We ask the lotus to bear sky children
unto the bleeding water~
and call the wounds of the world pretty.

"You have a beautiful way with words..."
How naïve, how flattering,
English of dead flowers served on a silver platter,
beautiful is a battle scar my words wear proudly~
tuck the saints beneath my piano and I'll play them all night long

In the dragon's house tonight,
questions claw at the stars, like my fears often do
I'll ask you this;
will you be my shelter?
will you be my open arms?
time waits for no one

© Copywrite Skaidrum
Skaidrum Aug 2015
And sometimes, love is just the aftermath of a tragedy.
© Copywrite Skaidrum
Skaidrum Jul 2015
A luminescent firefly is the opposite
of a cascading waterfall.
Pulling strings from my dreams.
One of the many thoughts.

© Copywrite
Skaidrum Jul 2016
the ashtray is full again

1.)  As I write this to you now, the doves were bleeding diamonds
2.)  And to this very day, I still find your name is in every cigarette the ocean's ever smoked
3.)  I wonder if you remembered the time we realized that flowers preferred the taste of blood over water...
4.)  Or the time we sipped some of the moon's tea; and realized that our teacups were gifts from her lover, the sun
5.)  Distance isn't constant, it's overgrown like the lucid garden that I planted in honor of my wolf girl; yet you were the one who tended it with me as if it was your own
6.)  I know, I know; I didn't thank you enough for all those moments as you held me when time melted into puddles at my feet
7.)  I wrote God a simple letter, still haven't heard from him about how you're doing yet...
8.)  "Unfortunately, on some nights my grief tastes all too silver again"
9.)  You feared all the talents that flowered in the dark and I remember the second you realized I too, was one of them
10.)  Your voice shed sapphire fireworks in my room and what I wouldn't give to see that one more time
11.)  Sleepy roses dribbled down the walls of your hospital room whenever I visited and played with your hair
12.)  The milky way shed it's fickle skins-- and sometimes when the dawn's shoulders snap into place I can hear your laughter echoing along the ribs of the sky
13.)  Your name was a natural disaster born on my pink tongue and delivered by my quaking lips and I can feel the clouds turning in their sleep
14.)  I suppose that you were a cigarette yourself
15.)  And you knew I was the lighter, but you hung around anyways
16.)  Every time I see a shooting star, I'll know that it's you in heaven just throwing away your cigarette so you don't get caught...

I think you were my bad habit
You were oh so pretty, smokin' through the canopy

© Copywrite Skaidrum
Skaidrum Oct 2020
aloe vera aftertaste;
as honey drips from the faucet.
let's leave this pile of bones
under the duvet.

been a long time
since venus asked me to write.
the butterflies murmurs beneath skin;
beneath this milky way.

**** softly;
let all nightmares bubble over––
––and over––and boil––
as your innocence walks out the front door.

blow your nose,
sign your death certificate.
tell your mother,
that it never was her fault.

i leaned on the sink,
& took a long long look at the mundane.
i rinse my hands; the depression doesn't wash off,
––and the honey turns sour in the drain.
––From some old religion of mine; iv.
"depression at it's witching hour."
© Copywrite Skaidrum
Skaidrum Aug 2016
Scarecrows dance in violet sun rays
in time best broken over my wrists

I steal magic from chalk bones on the sidewalk
and learn to read where children left their roots to become fossils

Clouds sinking into my skin as rainwater floods
my blood and turns my steady heart stream into livid rapids

Fate tapped on my window at 2a.m. last night
and informed me that I still am a poet and I still write to injure gods

Jealous frost infested the soil and trailed kisses of death on earth's cheek
but oh how pretty envy sparkles in hues of first light

But as I beckon stars to lean from their thrones in heaven,
I have realized that it's useless to continue watering a dead flower.
old love.

© Copywrite Skaidrum
Skaidrum Mar 2016
Mirrors are jealous creatures of candor;
beauty is reflected on a pane of self-hatred.
We are forever at war with ourselves.
Don't tell me this isn't denial.
Skaidrum Jul 2015
What happened?
Has your silver tongue turned to lead?
Oh it's such a pity.
The alcohol stirred his blood in a caludron,
Now I'm as good as dead.
**** me while you can, dad.
Skaidrum Jun 2019
———"that familiar boiling yolk of a sunrise—comas richer than russian dark chocolate— & saturn smoking a cigar while playing chess with gravity... i have been here before."

ocean dove, pardon my excuses for not writing as of late; been busy fulfilling a prophecy that can't even look me in the eye and ask me to change.  in the june wreckage of two thousand and sixteen;  i retired my tongue with the dormant volcanoes  before the world could end in my mouth.  and yet my poetry informs me that there are some wounds too sophisticated to even flower into scars—kind of like how my words will never feel like honey again, (but vinegar nonetheless.)

how cruel of me it was; to condemn you to a death without one final cigarette slow dancing with your lungs.  i miss the shadows of you most: the belt of venus caged like a wild animal in your eyes, your rusty guitar silky voice dripping off the haunted house we called home, countless a.m. drives kicking up filthy moonlight in the rearview mirror, but most of all—the way you said 'i love you' like it was nothing dressed up in something fashionable.

it is now the june of two thousand and nineteen. this wreckage sat on a throne and filled into the moon's shoes. a crown crawled it's way home to my head and kissed me with knowledge drenched in your name.  this queen started from lesson no. 1: broken instruments, will preach broken sounds—  and how lovely it has been, planting a world war in my soul only to raise eden in it's stead.  i will miss your company, but your ghost is no longer a requirement for me to be complete.

i have learned to stop loving falsehoods.  i have learned to start loving the leftovers of who i am becoming.  we would have been star crossed lovers had you not tried to swallow that bottle of pills that famous night where we fought like madonnas— but it looks like you got to death's fortune cookie before i did.

"and one day, you will have lived long enough to taste your grief turn bittersweet too"
my alibi still tosses in it's sleep at night thinking of you.
© Copywrite Skaidrum
Skaidrum Sep 2016
Alabaster teeth at the crack of dawn,
Blossoming storm with a crooked smile,
Can't shake this mist,
Drink the wine that is paradise;

Endure it,
Friends that stray the streets at night,
Grown in the rivers of jealousy,
Hatred is a sword of ink as well.

Is it the way desolation kisses my neck?
Justifying the ghosts on walls as I tire,
Kindness is it's own sort of torture,
Love is just the aftermath of a tragedy.

Misfortune is the deity with the sun in her veins,
Nothing worth losing in my heart these days,
Open riots in the flesh of old graves,
Purpose is just a nickname for pathetic;

Quickly now,
Rinse off all that happiness in the sink,
Spoken in tongues of moonlight and snakes,
Trust me, death is the poor man's doctor.

Unless, it was fate itself,
Verify my passion for silver,
Weighted by the selfish love for wolves,
You are a paradox in the white twilight,

Z is a broken letter, look at how much we have in common with it.
© Copywrite Skaidrum
Skaidrum Dec 2016
for the arms
that hold me tightly

My love,
won't you feed me to the tides of war?

"I would never. I love you."
The garden of eden shares her suspicion with me
"Why is that?"
'Never' is the name of a fox I know
"Do you still talk to this fox?"
To his skeletal remains written in the dark
When grief comes
"And what about love, do you speak with her too?"
She visits me when she must
When she feels like feeding people to the war

for the boy
that loves every face
the moon chooses to show

"What are you thinking about?"
Stories on the backs of ravens
Obsidian angels who set souls on fire for a living
"What do the ravens tell you?"
The ocean cleans his plate tonight
"His plate?"
He wastes her sacred fruit
Why, the moon's of course
"Why would he do that?"
Liars cannot taste little slices of heaven
"So... what happened to her fruit?"
It wasn't fed to the war
"I don't quite understand."
Neither did love

for my phoenix,
that brings the sun to it's knees

"You are everything I've ever wanted."
Cardinal sins on the sky's wrist
You desire that?
"No, I desire a natural disaster."
that kind of wish lies on the backbone of insanity
"I wouldn't be suprised, my love."
That you desire the unfathomable?
"Ah, but I am in love with a poet."

for the lover
who I buried in the window,
who waited patiently for my return

Love is right behind you
"Oh? What does she want?"
What love has always wanted
"And what do you want?"
An alpine sketch of myself through your eyes
"I hope love doesn't mind~"

"She is and always will be
the moon sketched in every masterpiece.
She is a mosaic along the alpine land,
like fog cupping the trees at first light, or
an emerald forest radiating with grace.
She is the roots of every seed
sown to emerge a queen among calm soils,
and the ghost of an god once lost.
She sews wolves into their sheets at night,
tangles stars in the fur of foxes,
breathes the dawn into the heart of bears, and
teaches the fish the art of harvesting time.
She is holy,
she is art made flesh.
She is the bloodstream of every crystal river,
the lungs of the misty mountains themselves,
the skin of every wildflower known to earth herself.
And by god,
do I love so much
that love herself tastes jealously
for the first time in her life.

...Beautiful is the soulmate of that sin
"You think so?"
"Well, is Love still standing behind me?"
Indeed, she drinks your words as if it were the tides of medicine
"Flattering...however my love, I do have a question."
I house ten thousand answers
"So, who did love feed us to?"

this is for the boy
I was fed to
in the tides of war

Each other
We will always be hungry
© Copywrite Skaidrum
Skaidrum May 2015
Ah, but do you want to know my secret?
I draw with cold and unbeautiful silver,

& it comes out red.


Oh?  You want to hear a story?
I wanted to write exactly how I felt,
But I left the page,

                        b l a n k.


And I couldn’t have described,

                    It any better,
                than that.
I found this in the lost pages of my rotted notebook,
thought it might find a place to belong here now.

© copywrited.
Skaidrum Jul 2015
A fixation of light
A point in the sky, frozen at will.
Steel clashing, gold splinterimg.
Dust off some humility.
Time has bent what cannot snap,
And trust me I've had my fair share
of traitors.
Injecting betrayal.
Rusted love on
Platinum shoulders.
The world is leaning because my right shoulder can't hold it up.
I will seize the planets and tuck them along my sleeve.
The waxing dawn,
And waning dusk.
I'm not worth my weight in silver.
I'm collecting my friends 'neath the willow tree.
Will it be the only one weeping when I'm gone?

© Copywrite Skaidrum
Skaidrum Oct 2018
and all the wishes stuck in their throats.

(i.) when i throw quarters
i wish i knew
what the universe tasted like
in my tea; and then i wished
that i could hug my babushka
& dedushka again for the last time
before their hourglass ran out.
i wish i could still witness the way
the light dribbled like honey in
that foreign land familiar street.
Back then I was taught that love
was contagious by nature,
that love was unconditional-
---maybe that’s what the universe really
tasted like to begin with.

(ii.) when i throw dimes i-
wish that my antidepressants were more
like leftover echoes
that i’d eat for dinner.
i wish i hadn’t said that but it’s too late
‘cause this ode is too busy
tripping over it’s own shoes;
i wish my poem knew how to tie it’s own shoelaces,
and knew how to say grace.
but most of all...
i wish there was a softer metaphor
to lower me into this hurting;
just like the leftover echoes

(iii.) when i throw nickels
i wish i could erase the murals of flashbacks
behind my eyelids;
before i fall asleep.
i’m convinced that they’re to blame
for my eyesight that acts more like
a broken compass than a disability.
i wish i was blind to the way
the world spoon feeds us the dark;
like it’s a requirement for us
in order to flower into people.
i wish i could fish my name
from infinity’s belly.
please just never wish for

(iv.) when i throw in pennies
i wish i wasn’t their daughter.
i wish i didn’t have russian strings
and american footsteps for bloodlines;
i wish i was born a moon somewhere,
orbiting or worshipping the the color of
space, which is coincidentally the color of poets
the color of ink.
i wish my forbidden fruit was poetry,
i’m glad it isn’t.

(v. ) and i think,
i will always wish
for quicker deaths.
I don't write like I used too,
and I miss the dark.

© Copywrite Skaidrum
Skaidrum Dec 2015
ar·bi·ter <noun>
Winter's favorite judge.
Trial is held with the witness.

⌭ ⌭ ⌭

⍤  Trustworthy ⍤
"Do you know what month it is?"
December growls in seven octaves
In demon tongue
"About who?"
The she wolf of porcelain night
"The She-wolf...?"
Can't you hear it?
"Hear what?"
The ashes on the walls
"What ashes?"
Sinful choices that need to be cleansed
"Why do they need to be cleansed?"
They drunk my last cup of gold

⍤  Confession ⍤
"What happened to the wolf?"
She chased the seventh house of Cancer
The traitorous stars in heaven
She loved him more
The man who could talk the sun into setting
"So she left you?"
Among the valley of mirrors and chess
"Mirrors and chess?"
So I could see I was a pawn

⍤ Treason ⍤
"Did you lover her?"
Down to the wreckage in my bones
"I don't understand."
My soul has fallen ill
"Are you sick?"
Of that blue sink
"What blue sink?"
Look over there, in the corner
"What about it?"
My reflection on blood is quite frightening this evening

⍤  Rectify ⍤
"Do you understand why you're here?"
Father winter needed a suicidal witness
"How did you know?"
The oaken spider prophesized it
"A spider...?"
On the lips of candor and death he spoke
"What was his prophecy?"
Three treasures summon the ill-spirited wolf
"What do you mean?"
One bite from the golden fruit is tragedy
"What tragedy?"
Two drinks from the fountain of youth is treason
"You're not answering me."
Do you know what the third treasure was?
"Enlighten me."
The last breath of the moon

⍤ Final Judgment ⍤
"Do you regret anything?"
The pity screaming from those volcanic eyes
Her apologies left marks on my willow tree
"Are you ready to accept her punishment for her?"
Yes, I owe her a favor
"Any last words, Alunakira?"
Tell her to never forget
"Forget what?"
How the truth killed me

⌭ ⌭ ⌭

Execution; Successful.
Mark the wolf's sin as resolved.

ar·bi·ter <noun>
© Copywrite Skaidrum
Skaidrum May 2015
Lovely how the
art of breaking
is quite
You just,
happened to be
the master,
& I?

your masterpiece.
Listen here beloved Lycan,
two copper coins
are only pure
if they're for you.

© Copywrited.
Skaidrum Oct 2015
I've got a few visitors tonight;
they're all associated with the wolf under my eyes

I've left loneliness to starve on a stone table,
while jealousy can bleed me a lake;
fear and I are equals,
on the battlefield of fate.

"Pay no mind to the rebel."
Forked tongues recite wickedness; of all
the shadows gaining power as the sun was slain.
Black flames banish all that is golden,
as darkness bent my silent skeleton;
but it didn't break.

"I'm just some sin you committed...right?"
A basilisk waited for me at my chambers,
it requested a lullaby, and a glass of iron wine.
Who knew poison would be my new best friend?
Who knew my company would be kept by
an oracle of silver'tongue?
Dead languages clutched my
lively secrets.

"Every wolf gets tired of the moon at some point."
And just like that;
We were splintering at your wolfsong
auburn poems at the feet of trees
waist deep in misery you sat,
head crowned in autumn's diseases.
Witnessing you tilt your head to plant a kiss
on the night's wings;

"Oh, it's ******* agony."
Watching your eyes harvest hurricanes
love sinking in tongues
of ebony sorrow.
they don't belong to me
you don't belong to me.

"I suppose I can't change the world
but I will leave it colder."


And sometimes, love is just the aftermath
of a tragedy.

I deserve to suffer over you, Lycan.
I always have deserved it,
this is my curse.
© Copywrite Skaidrum
Skaidrum Sep 2015
If you cannot sink pens or blades deep into my heart,
then who are you to cut off our tongues?
We transcend the languages of gods,
and parade our words on our

We are the poets who write our prayers
and send letters to the moon
because in darkness
no one is looking.

"Write me something?"

Be careful what you wish for.
© Copywrite Skaidrum
Skaidrum Jul 2015
It'll rain tears of sacrifice,
as the witching hour eclipses with my heartbeat.
I can see shadows that don't belong here.
They seek the throat of my poetry.
If six months stole the kiss of Jack Frost,
six months can stitch our love back together.
Thuh--hh....... thum--p...
I will die, every day,
waiting for you if I have to.

Lie?  I can.

© Copywrite Skaidrum
Skaidrum Jun 2015
"you truly are. "
Bliss is

Snap his heart in seven

There will never be a full moon
When a poet takes a life.

© Copywrite
Skaidrum May 2015
Some days I see the bad reflection
of every

Father father,
I'm afraid of what I'm becoming.
For my Wolf girl,
who bites at ashes
and stains her fangs~
"I'm afraid."

© copywrited.
Skaidrum Mar 2016

"This is a big dream, it may eat you up."
I do not flinch in the face of chaos.

I counted as seven gods
ascended the iodine skyline.
We all call them "misfortune in the flesh."
They waltz in pairs but the very last is a composer;
Seven deities promised the sun would catch scarlet fever.
We danced to the music to summon fate and disorder,
building a coffin in the middle of hungry waters,
The sun is our noble sacrifice in ruby robes;
So lets just hope the sea was starving for fire.

Metal ghosts slip among the sky
and lock like iron gates to form an army of grey.
The weight of sober clouds are intoxicated with turmoil,
Unbalanced weight, scales faltering, "no sudden moves please"
Obsidian giants collect the welkin until it boils over
the edges, the pillars, the cage
Why does the dark taste sweeter?

(Beautiful downfall)
The raindrops are ashamed
of the bitter liars we're all becoming;
We've succumbed to narcolepsy by the hand of water;
within the jaws of hurricanes we were consumed,
teeth formed by the angry fingers of the wind
thunder rejoicing as the land buckles down,
rain feasting on the earth in ecstasy
hail and rain are merciless foes
lightning still swinging,
morbidly screeching
chaotic smile,
a sword,
a single,
a cut.

I am the one
who fed the sky
my name.

I guess my only company that night
was the black umbrella.
It's kindness was it's very own ******,
and I have always known better.

© Copywrite Skaidrum
Skaidrum Jun 2015
Ͼ Dragonite, Dragonite,Ͽ
>< >< ><
Chinking at your heartstrings,
can you hear

>< >< ><

A blush to
your snowy skin
and so you

>< >< ><

A eyelash brushes away
a century,
a blink knocks out
two more.

>< >< ><

Fetching back a inked paw,
hear me rapping (oh so knocking)
selladore?  (cellar door.)

>< >< ><

Ͼ Dragonite, Dragonite Ͽ
brush the stars from your hair.

Ͼ Dragonite, Dragonite Ͽ
Words and blotches are unfair.

But then again,
scatter your inkheart, dragon boy.
This ones for you, Kal.
Eat the sky out, mate.

© Copywrite
Skaidrum May 2018
'cause this is how he loves me

emptiness hangs like a moon in my mouth-
he kisses the stain of night
from my palms;
and turns it

he reminds me that our love-
is the constant tag of
"drowning sun and flowering moon"
between opposite horizons;
and that the sky will always be
our stage.

his heartbeat is the closest thing
to what the universe sounds like;
and he blinks and says instead:
"my love, my one and only,
you always will be
my beautiful infinity"

when i am nothing but
the color of mirrors-
or a broken chaser
of the light-
he finds a way to worship
even the coldest silhouettes of myself
like one would of art.

i am a mural of a target-
i am constantly flirting with death-
yet he has been feasted on by bullets
because he refuses to let
shadows make a meal
of my soul.

he has defied every walking god
in his path to prove that nothing,
and i mean no existing thing-
can place a dent in our love.

the thing about the sun is that
he loves nothing more
than when i paint his bedroom ceiling
with our future.

And when death stands
on the tip of my tongue-
and the nightmares cup my cheek
in the flesh of my own kingdom (the night)
he holds me close;
until all the wars within my bones
turn to honey.
paradise grows in our footprints my love
© Copywrite Skaidrum
Skaidrum Mar 2017
Seize the night
The satisfaction of loneliness?
Like a mellow grey afternoon and knowing no one can take it away from you.
Let it draw all over the lining of your blood
The thing about solitude is that you see it’s beauty with time and it gets sweeter and sweeter.
And let me have a taste of that morning dove honey
It's only offered to those who die every second a little and the world ends every night for them.
And that is why I have decided
to leave your house and home unhaunted
Yet the ghosts resound in your footsteps
you were rain with him but are a hurricane on your own
Broke the spell to find that
nothing changed in me
Skaidrum Mar 2019
a dragon's claw;
merely leftovers of the moon
from last night's revolution,
and he beseeched a god long absent:
"how'd you forget my name in the grave
last week?"

i break bones like i break bread,
and hell recoils at the rare mention of me;
"—we're using blood for watercolors baby—"
'cause sometimes,
i don't think they understand
my heart.

god took the world to the doctor,
and asked for a cure he couldn't afford;
for the sun has already set in the palms
of my hands, o' father...
and there can only be so many
bones knitted together in this womb.

recall that,
reality only reveals itself when it feels
like making a fool out of someone;
and i don't know what stage of grief
i'm in—
or if I'm even in one
at all.

i drink tea with ghosts
every other tuesday,
trying to make sense of it all;
because at some point,
—i'll stop eating bullets for
people's whose eyes
pull triggers.

mama always did raise me to be a sword,
and i killed when she told me to.
because, you see—
the fragile things die
in the cold, and what i find interesting
is that i've remained;
and ultimately?
it's a beautiful thing.

and when will i learn?
that mercy is false hope amongst all else, darling,
but enough already;
this poem's got universes full
of emotional baggage.

you said
you're a dreamer?
great, get in line kid,
you'll get a chance to change the ******* world,
just take a number
—like the rest of us;
but, then again...
"the world has always been ready
to receive you, hasn't it?
amen to that,
amen indeed.

© Copywrite Skaidrum
Skaidrum Aug 2015
I'll map the distance between each breath you take.  Don't go swallowing stars that threatened to give birth to universes within your own lungs, darling.  I won't always be there to watch the constellations tear you apart from inside out.
Stupid poetry at 12:09 a.m.

© Copywrite Skaidrum
Skaidrum Aug 2015
▪In the book of the Lion,▪
¤It's raining violence.¤
○On the fickle moon,○
°Guilt echoes throughout°
♤ my sundial throat ♤
◇A crystal dawning on my shoulder,
♧ Autumn twisting in my dreams. ♧
I'm ill-spirited,

'●I'm waltzing with the pendelum of death,●'
~A noose of wisdom fractures my thoughts~
/|\Gold is splintering/|*

While death cups my cheeks

"Knowledge is frighteningly beautiful."

I beg of you,
Do not kiss
The reaper in
He is grim
and he is

■□■That is why they call it the Lions den.■□■
Nicole, my blood maiden.
This is for you.

© Copywrite Skaidrum
Skaidrum Mar 2016
and like a grey jewel

"How are you feeling?"
Like solace in ocean foam
"What happened?"
She cast salt on my heart
Because I'm the moon's crucifixion
"Who did this?"
The wolves on the water
"Where are they?"
Are you sure you want to ask that question?

you were polished

A rose has made you her prey
"What do you mean?"
Logic is your sword; why is it dull?
"How is it dull?"
Take notice to the black rust instead
"Did she do that?"
Unpredictable is the chaos of a flower
"You think so?"
I know so
"What are you trying to say?"
You need to recognize what weeds are in disguise

to be brilliant;

"You're crying..."
For your misfortune.
"What misfortune?"
Distance is a sadistic torture, I've heard
"I am aware of that."
What's it like, utter helplessness?
"I cannot describe it."
Let me ask you something, though
"What would that be?"
Where would you be without your demons?
"In a better place."
Oh, but doesn't love come at a cruel cost?

to be valued

"All I want is for you to be happy."
I am happy
"You are lying."
What's the difference?
"You deserve everything you've ever wanted."
Does that include death?

but your value

You remind me of this place
"What place?"
The sea of concrete on death's spine
"What is a sea of concrete?"
Take this journey on dead waters
"Where am I going?"
Anywhere but here
"Will you come with me?"

isn't just how bright you shine in the sun---

"Thank you."
For what, grey jewel?
"For always being there when I needed you."
The darkness tastes a little sweeter with your company
"Does it really?"
I could never lie to the truth
"What about me?"
You are the truth

but it's how you don't decay in darkness

Look behind you
"Do I want to?"
Nullify your fear
"What could it be?"
these cracks of hope in the sea of rock
"A...blooming crystal lily?"

"I watched our friendship flower from the concrete."
I am proud
to call myself your friend.

© Copywrite Skaidrum
Skaidrum Oct 2015
I'm sorry that every song is about you.
It's all I have now.
Skaidrum Sep 2016
Some poems belong in the dawn.
"I begged solitude to take me tenderly as I slept."
Didn't you know?
Death is the poor man's doctor.

"I deny. I deny. Not anymore.
I worship him."

You see, turning water into wine
is the same thing
as turning
into liquid gold

"I drank the gold
and it plagued my gut,
I scream at solitude to come take me."

Do you think monsters fall in love too?
"Monsters fall and tumble and fracture.  
They fall the hardest;
it's humans who don't."
Oh, but how can you be so sure?
"I've seen both, I've been both."

Tell me about the crimes
that are your lovers and your ghosts.

"Both have given me kisses,
both have left with blood on my wrists."

Greetings wearing thin
"Don't you think what prophecy did to sleeping beauty
was better than what the prince did to her?"
Like mother said,
pick your poisons wisely.

Skaidrum Jul 2015
What a tragedy.
Her love was her Forte on sheets of bronze,
Symphonies to sway all the right colors---
And his his eyes were foreign
to the music.
No way to read her passion existed.

Simple misunderstandings can destroy us....just like that.
For Belle.

© Copywrite Skaidrum
Skaidrum Apr 2016
I like to convince myself that she's a walking solar system.
­                                                          (It will never be enough;)        
She has the sunken cheek bones of Mercury;
~filthy shadows, caked in crimes~
they forge her face,
oh so well,
and engrave her smile in
stone; the sun
laughs sourly,
and then,
he spits on her.
                   ­                    (Because sorrow is a sweet thing.)
         She reminds me of Venus the most.
         Her hair is the murmur of violet,
         her beauty, it lingers,
         ~like cigarettes beyond the boundary~
         the cosmos, the constellations, and the milky way.
         She is my dragon princess,
         draped in stars and wounds.
         She bleeds
         the somber color of night.
         She is royal, yet alas
         "The queen didn't come
         without a crumbling castle.

                                                                ­  (Three)
                                            (So take it in, don't hold your breath)
                                                      ­   Beneath the arc of her spine;
                                                         Is where Earth plays
                                                         poker with her bones.
                                                         It's such a shame,
                                                         that her ace is her 'unkempt heart,'
                                                         and she lost it to a pitiful bet,
                                                         with a certain ghost I once knew.
                               (The bottom's all I've found.)
            Her fingers gouge through time's fabric, and her hands
            remind me of Mars;
            Powerful and ******,
            Oblivious to what she's created;
            I'm afraid
            the phantom
            she wishes so dearly to see,
            is only getting hungrier.
               (Diamond wings were meant to be torn)
Jupiter is the core of her anxiety,
and she basks in it every day,
never by choice, never by desire.
Muscles and skin of iron and goldenrod,
they carve out our very own Aphrodite,
which is you,
it's always been you.
A rabid angel,
a calamity of chaos,
frothing with  blackened fear.
                                                        ­       (Six)
                              (Spill every flower from your garden of thoughts)
                                             Subtle depression lurks between the
                                             the crooked sea of her ribcage,
                                             it's Saturn smoking rings,
                                             brewin' up the cinders.
                                             ~I reminiscence in the white lace~
                                             of the cobwebs that hold her
                                             heart together.
                                             I've plucked them,
                                             those strings play a mournful
                                             sonata, with her name written all over it.
                          (Promises bend at every funeral we attend)
              In the graces of her palms we found Uranus,
              like teal teeth
              and whimsical witchcraft,
              I watched her thread magic into this world.
              Her hopes shift-shape into 'nocturnal fairies',
              and 'grim reapers' with broken music boxes.
              She is naïve, but that is
              a trait she needs to survive
              in our world of
              metallic dreams and navy nightmares.
                                       (Rejection is a survivable heartache)
                                                   ­  And so what if her heart reminded me
                                                      of Neptune the most?
                                                      The royal vastness
                                                      of­ blue and ivory;
                                                      ~rip­tides on the walls of her soul~
                                                      I want her to know that ambitions
                                                      l­eave more scars and
                                                      tear more crystal flesh;
                                                      tha­n her polished wishes ever will.  
                       (Have you ever seen blood and water in love?)
And her lungs,
they remind me of the honesty of Pluto.
So small, and docile,
like an elliptical smile of grey fire.
Would you lay with me a while,
count your unconditional lovers;
like our burnt stars in mason jars?
Struggle is the birth
of the void and the 'rapture'
~Your king and poet will wait for you,
in the radiant abyss of our ink-hearts~
I will guide you to his open arms,
              a hug awaits my dragon princess.

                                                     ­                   He wears the stars for clothes,
                                                      li­ke an outlaw,
among the banks of the universe.
               Where disease can't reach him, or she,
                                          Cancer can't harm you anymore,

                                                       ­          "Not anymore, Belle."
Sincerely, Capricorn.
© Copywrite Skaidrum
Skaidrum Jun 2015
The lips of war will not determine which constellation you slaughter.
I've knotted tears into the dead sea, I'm still crying for

If a god could see us now
they'd see nothing but ink
flesh and stardust.

and maybe
an eclipse
if we the souls

This poem is for you,

© Copywrite
Skaidrum Jul 2015
"You cannot love                        
                 what is cursed from your garden, Kira."

   Delicate silver wings bloomed,                  
from the outskirts of her dress and spine,
    sprouting through her floral skin.          

"Oh but my love,                    
I'll die trying."

Conquer your shadow
before your demons.
Skaidrum Mar 2017
"Grieve while you can"

Don't speak in silhouettes
"Why him and not me?"
Vermouth signature in september
"I don't understand what that means."
Moon asleep while on fire
"That still doesn't make any sense."
Sometimes the beautiful things don't have to
"And what beautiful thing did he do to you?"
Kissed the silver right out of me
a little like all at once
all over the world

"Tell me how I ****** up"

"How could you?"
You mean how could my poetry
"How could you ******* hurt me this way?"
Art is a twisted, underestimated thing
"And love?"
Like a child's coin toss
"You can't compare love to that."
Love is a two faced child that feeds people to the war
"What war?"
Our own

"Dismantle me because you're chasing something you can't have"

"What's heads stand for?"
Carpe diem, Carpe noctem
"And tails?"
Soli deo gloria
"I'm so confused..."
And now you understand
"Understand what, your confusing definition of love?"
Felix culpa

Ask god how this could happen

"I watched you distance yourself from me."
Distance gives birth to gardens
"You've created a ******* forest at this point"
Housing the tree of knowledge
"What are you saying?"
Snake in god's flower crown
Sin of fruit and temptation
"So this is about Adam and Eve?"
Not quite
"Then what?"
Eden grew between us

"Hate him so it makes it easier"*

"He'll be the one that defiles you."
The shattering of soft water
"But you are the moon."
"Then who are you shattering?"
The snake
"What snake?"
I will not eat fruit that is ripe of jealousy

"I wanted you."
And I wanted more.
Lost in the bonfire
© Copywrite Skaidrum
Skaidrum Jun 2015
In my act of
defiance and grotesque penmanship,
I'll be the silver-eyed poet to beckon you from wonderland.

I've written you the universe and I'll
sew the seams to your switchblade shoulders.

"What are these?"


Come Lycan,
time for you to trust in your wings

© Copywrited..
Skaidrum Jun 2015
Twin  vipers on
the windowsill
chasing  young
******  moons
send a  shadow
       off  to fetch  me      
gnashing  gears
'tween ink  skin
  skewing   snake
  tales  so that the
  venom      won't
   kiss   my   cheek
  g o o d n i g h t .
For the twins,
and Lycan.
And Jack Addison...
"Written in my Willow Language for you."

© Copywrite
Skaidrum Jun 2017
"a lie
can make it all
the way around
the world and back

before the truth can even
get it's shoes on."
© Copywrite Skaidrum
Skaidrum Oct 2020
the sun squatted just over the horizon,
a giantess,
a red bulb;
the pregnant flower––
enabling all flesh;
flora and fauna

the moon sank her fangs into the sky,
merely a anorexic sliver of a crown,
a knife, against newborn night;
a ballet dance,
eating her own heart out
as the monsters devour
her leftovers.
––From some old religion of mine; i.
"vive la light"
© Copywrite Skaidrum
Skaidrum Nov 2015
"They say freedom is a state of mind."
Nostalgic reminder;
We exchanged souls on the sidewalk once.
His marble dreams dripped along porcelain palms,
Open blue terrors decayed at the birth
of the crow's injured wing.
We're hunting twin nightmares in
dawn's clothes that we've stolen.
Your mother tongue was a certain silence;
And what did I tell you,
I told you not to read death's lips by
the faint glow of the moon.

I'm sure her wolven love didn't do you justice.
Brown eyes were tarnishing the coals of Jupiter
think foam, lust, and a side dish of insanity.
It's remarkable really;
how love had absolutely nothing to do with it.
There he is again;
Nightfall knockin' on your coffin with ease
please tell me you at least

⇸  h e s i t a t e d  ⇷
to let him in.
Violet bruises paint some pretty reminders,
Pastel happiness doesn't cover up
how long he's suffered.
God didn't bother to leave his name
among the wreckage of your bones.
I still wonder why that is.

Lets turn these sorrows into strangers
like the way iron melts against your cheekbones.
Unfair warning; caution if you may
poison has never been an easy pill to swallow.
Never let the black sea lend you a double mirror
that's asking for self-destruction straight up.
There's rosemary placed in-between winter's wooden teeth,
it doesn't excuse every frozen god ****** cavity.
They say illnesses have cynical faces,
Grey skin isn't a cigarette dream
don't go igniting yourself
like the Fourth of July.
And I'm so sorry that this whole time
You've been drowning, and we've just been
describing the water.
Your freedom was your undoing, Dylan.

"But someday, we will meet again."
I miss you, my friend.

Fifteen years,
One hundred & Thirty-Five days.

© Copywrite Skaidrum
Skaidrum Jun 2015
                ­            in the

Yin finds                                      
                  Yang,                                       ­                    
'neath the                   silver web.


"I thought you hated spiders?"

"I do."
Lycan & Ahkira
on a summer's eve.

© Copywrite
Skaidrum Jun 2015
/|\   °
Can't freeze a caludron with only witchbone and cigarette dreams.

No sir; I live in the city not a
surreality.  The smoke can kiss my collarbone, not my vexed mind.

The only thing I am is the color of lightning and all I have to offer is my glass.

As in hour, not luminous wine.

I'm losing my ******* mind and no one can help.

© Copywrite
Skaidrum Aug 2017
I've been homesick,

It's been a long time since I've last given birth to gods in my poetry; so to the old truths and the new: 'hallelujah'

My tongue was a slave to lovely things---I'll admit it was easier that way, but now I've been writing it down again; turning spiders into stories and cancer into planets

who was I to begin with,
who was I.

I'll say it now. I will never escape the wolves. Those wolves with their chalk outlines and their lakota moons. They'll try to teach themselves how to walk back into your life again and don't you dare forget the ruin, oh don't you dare forget how the fire kissed you

she was moonlight sonata,
but he was clair de lune.

He fed me to the bullet feast when he saw fit and I left his ashes on the sidewalk; daybreak can have it for all I care now.

"I don't know if I'm in love with you anymore"

I remember my body as a garden of stars disguised as flowers; my roots merely empty spaces dismantled by the light. I remember the bullets in the soil he planted, and the wars that grew in it's place. I became a walking example of death; a soul in the process of decay.

Who was I,
who was I to begin with.

Dear all that has haunted me all these years: I am ready for you. I have always been ready for you.

Tell me where to sell my soul, and I will meet you there.

---Swimming in the moonlight
you wanted to fix me
you lied

© Copywrite Skaidrum
Skaidrum May 2015
This full-metal house is both
my                              home    &
my                               coffin.

Watch me bury something of
mine                            in    the
depths                              of
                         ­           Neptune.

I call those things my problems.
3 a.m. thoughts.

© Copywrited.
Skaidrum Oct 2020
when my father's pride lands
on my shoulder, digging it's claws
into my collarbone; demanding
blood in return for his
of my
I learn to receive his broken
version of what love is
without protest.

when my mother's judgment
runs it's fingertips down the
curvature of my spine, searching
for weaknesses in my
posture, pose,
and figure;
my weight, skin
and fissures;
I learn to endure her
backhanded version of love  
without complaint.

when my younger brother's anger
comes over for dinner, makes itself
a guest in my first apartment;
and cusses out my duty
as an older sister to
even give a **** about him
in the first place?
Tells me I've failed
at loving him properly?
I learn to cry without
really crying
at all.

you think you've taught yourself how to be ice;
only to realized you're just shattered water.

© Copywrite Skaidrum
Skaidrum Jun 2015
"You have your father's eyes, they're full of nothing but truth."
So that's why they're so ugly.

Thanks for pointing out
my tears.

© Copywrite
Skaidrum Jul 2015

Pain and death aren't so frightening, really.
Unless, you let your imagination run away with you,

Pain in the present can be dealt with.
It's what's we imagine that truly terrifies us.

I'm trying to imagine,
it doesn't hurt without you.

© Copywrite Skaidrum
Skaidrum Oct 2020
dead man's requiem,
how does god weep when he's laughing?
shadow puppet queen;
it hurts, doesn't it?
the grip of life loosening
rapidly, rapid fire...
welcome to the bullet feast.
Go outside and play with time now;
chess with the past,
checkers with the present,
poker with the future.
howl at the sun for a change;
smoke on some of that science if you think it'll save you––
eat names for breakfast.
break every mirror
that pities you,
water your houseplants
with holy water.
drink tea sap.
Fever wolf.
––From some old religion of mine; ii.
"the stuff of fever dreams"
© Copywrite Skaidrum
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