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Oct 2021 · 1.0k
SiouxF Oct 2021
The darkness of the night,
Silent and elusive for a while,
Returns to me
Like a long lost friend
As my creative juices
Start to flow once again.
Sep 2021 · 162
The Thinker
SiouxF Sep 2021
Perpetually adrift,
Lost down a myriad of rabbit holes,
Like Rodin’s The Thinker at the Gates of Hell,
That’s exactly where the devil wants you,
Caught up in your tangled thoughts rather than living life in the here and now,
Overwhelming emotions,
Mental confusion,
Feeling like there’s

Slow down your pitch,
Lower your tone of voice,
Hand your worries to God,
Ask Him to relieve you of your burden and light your way,
Consciously choose the path of joy and love
Over fear
Time after time after time...
Aug 2021 · 175
SiouxF Aug 2021
We the sleepy are waking up,
Noticing what’s behind the veil
That’s kept us from our one true being,
Prepare yourself for change afoot,
Seek redemption in our Lord Almighty,
Pray with all your might,
And light the way for those who are willing and ready.
Aug 2021 · 171
Still Standing
SiouxF Aug 2021
Despite the devil’s best attempts
To drag me down rabbit holes and muddle my thinking,
Or drown me in the lake of despondency and despair,
I’m still standing.
And not only that,
Full of tenacity, hope and courage,
And with God on my side
I won’t just survive,
But thrive.
Aug 2021 · 393
Reaching Out
SiouxF Aug 2021
When life’s a challenge
And all feels lost,
No hope in sight,
No clear direction,
There’s only one thing to do,
And that’s pray to God Almighty,
For He has your back
And will comfort and guide you,
If only you let Him.
Aug 2021 · 238
Unapologetically Me
SiouxF Aug 2021
Whatever you say about me,
Whether you judge me,
Or condemn me,
I really don’t care.

I may choose to wear green with blue,
Or pink with red,
And a large straw hat.
Don a posh dress to the shops,
Or T-shirt and jeans to the opera.
I may sing in the street,
And dance in the rain.
I may stay up all night,
And sleep all day.
Work from bed in pyjamas,
Or take the day off
And swim in the sea.
I may laugh at your anger,
And cry at your humour.
Be assertive and strong,
Or bossy and proud,
Take a stand for what I believe,
Or simply let things pass me by.
I may be single and sexually active,
Or marry and abstain,
Or switch between the two.
I may be the life and soul of the party,
Or people watch from the fringe.
I may chat ten to the dozen,
Or say nothing at all.
I may spend time in your company,
Or decline for my own.
I may stay...
Or I may walk away.

It’s my life,
My choices,
My desire,
To do and be who I want day by day,
And which I choose is fine by me.

So whatever you say about me,
However you judge or condemn,
I simply don’t care!
For I’m Unapologetically
Aug 2021 · 233
No More
SiouxF Aug 2021
No more a scrap of a girl
Retreating in her shell,
No more a Cinderella
Not invited to the ball,
No more a lady in waiting
Hiding in the wings,
For I have cast off my cloak of shame and despair,
And I stand here now
As a fully fledged 51 year old
Aug 2021 · 261
Is That Me?
SiouxF Aug 2021
Is that me?
Is that really me?
That girl in the photo?
The one standing in her power,
Wrapped in chiffon and little else,
Looking confidently towards the future,
With her hands on her hips
And a glint in her eye,
Aug 2021 · 675
A Year Ago
SiouxF Aug 2021
In the midst of a sudden storm
One night a year ago,
Whilst solitary camping
In ancient woodland
With wise majestic oaks,
From seemingly nowhere
A poem flowed from within,
Unleashing a torrent of words.
387 published poems later,
Releasing bridled feelings,
Unveiling past experiences,
Encapsulating deep seated pain and hidden anguish,
My healing journey continues,
With inner strength, courage, compassion
And a 180 degree turn
Towards my dreams
And my future.
One year anniversary of the start of my poetry journey on 26th July 2020
Aug 2021 · 231
Like An Oyster
SiouxF Aug 2021
An oyster starts off as pure and innocent,
Until an irritating parasite, wheedles it’s way in,
Instead of succumbing,
The mollusk covers it in layers and layers of elegant nacre,
Transforming it into something magical and beautiful and priceless,
One of nature’s miracles,
A strong iridescent unique pearl.

We must do the same,
Cover our failings and our insecurities and our sins
In layers and layers of kindness and compassion and forgiveness,
Till we too blossom and shine bright,
Becoming priceless in all our glory.
Aug 2021 · 100
You Only Stayed Because....
SiouxF Aug 2021
You only stayed because
God wanted you to,
Forcing you to stay
Against your will,
By choice you’d be gone,
You’d have run far away,
Because of who I am
And what I do

But by the grace of God
You are still here
Still believing in me,
Still supporting me,
Still empowering me
Helping me unfurl my wings
And not just to fly,
But to soar.
Jul 2021 · 301
SiouxF Jul 2021
No matter what you are going through,
Good or bad,
Challenges or joy,
Everything is temporary,
So either enjoy the moment,
Or learn the lesson,
And move on.
Jul 2021 · 331
SiouxF Jul 2021
No matter the storm you find yourself in,
Know God is constant
And there by your side,
Supporting you,
Holding you,
As you journey through the trials and tribulations of life
And worm holes of the Devil’s making.
Put your faith in the Lord
For He will never leave you,
But be patient,
For it’s not until you trust and believe,
Until you are ready,
That he will reveal Himself unto you
Jul 2021 · 296
I Am Ready
SiouxF Jul 2021
I am a sinner...
Yet You love me anyway,
I lay my worries, my woes and my fear at Your feet,
For You know all of me,
I have nothing to hide,
So I hold nothing back,
I give myself to You completely
For You to do with as You wish,
Show me the way,
Guide me,
Lead me,
For I put my trust in You,
And I am ready Lord
Jul 2021 · 101
SiouxF Jul 2021
Knowing I disappoint someone
Who believed in me before
Cuts to the core
Disappointment regret sadness shame
Jul 2021 · 293
SiouxF Jul 2021
Live life wholeheartedly
With wide eyed awe and wonder,
Like an innocent child
Joyfully believing in folk tales,
Unicorns, 🦄
And rainbows, 🌈
Believe in those fairy tales,
Believe in possibilities,
Believe in you,
For what you believe you will achieve,
Your potential is limitless
When you let yourself shine ✨
SiouxF Jul 2021
Finally liberated from the chains of narcissism,
Nothing can hold me back now,
Rising from the ashes,
Surfacing from the bottom of the deepest darkest lake,
Escaping from the depths of despair,
Once lost,
Now free,
Free to fly as a bird,
Lo behold anyone holding me back now
As I soar to my destiny,
As I celebrate my freedom,
As I embrace my liberation.
Jul 2021 · 286
SiouxF Jul 2021
Trying to control what happens to you,
What others should or shouldn’t do,
Say or not say,
Be or not be,
Forces you and them into a box,
Restricts, confines, disappoints,
Batters expectations,
Suppresses spontaneity,
Pulverises possibilities,
Bludgeons synchronicities,
Annihilates joy from life.
Jul 2021 · 296
SiouxF Jul 2021
Confusion reigns supreme,
Enveloping you
In a swirling distorted fog
Of mixed emotions and
Contradictory messages,
Con - mislead, false, unreal,
Fusion - tie up in knots,
Unsure what’s happening,
What’s up, what’s down,
To understand,
To know,
To learn,
How to break out
Of this endless cycle of
Asking for help,
Receiving none,
You’re on your own,
Drowning in this murky abysmal soup
Of contorted pain and
Jun 2021 · 171
Over The Horizon (abridged)
SiouxF Jun 2021
Over the horizon
Our dreams await,
Waiting patiently,
For us to listen,
Echoing our soul’s desire,
Jun 2021 · 148
Over The Horizon
SiouxF Jun 2021
Over the horizon
Our dreams await,
Waiting patiently,
For us to listen,
Echoing our soul’s desire,

Dreams whispering
Between the mists of time,
Crying to be heard,
Screaming to be noticed,
Shouting to be paid attention to,
In order to not only live,
But to thrive,
To dance,
To have,
To be.
Jun 2021 · 675
Fear III
SiouxF Jun 2021
The unknown
Is worse
Than reality.

So embrace the fear,
Throw caution to the winds,
Have courage,
Faith and
Then set sail in the direction of your fear,
For that...
Is where your destiny awaits!
Having realised an earlier poem of mine, Fear II, had the complete opposite meaning of what I intended, I was inspired to pen the above.
Jun 2021 · 763
Dilemma II
SiouxF Jun 2021
Torn between a rock and a hard place,
Do you say what people want to hear
To fit in,
Or do you say what is true for you,
No matter how controversial,
And run the risk of being
Cast out?
Jun 2021 · 667
SiouxF Jun 2021
Feeling lonely,
You wish for friends in your life,
Forever working,
For what else to do.
But when an opportunity
For fellowship arises,
Feeling lost,
You shy away,
And reject it.
Oh sweet child,
How will you break this pattern
Of monotony,
And disconnection,
And isolation,
If you avoid the one thing you crave?
Jun 2021 · 78
SiouxF Jun 2021
It’s too easy
For that most precious to us,
To slip through our fingers like sand,
And be lost forever.
Vigilance my friend,
Work out what is important to you right now,
Treasure and nurture that most priceless,
Never take for granted,
For too often,
Too late,
We only appreciate the value,
After it has gone
Jun 2021 · 195
SiouxF Jun 2021
So much hangs on the weight of those three syllables.
Without it,
Your life can turn upside down,
Seemingly in a moment,
And be irrevocably changed forever.

Feeling betrayed,
The wound festers
And smoulders,
Without even noticing
Hurt and pain magnifies,
Lashing out,
Sticking the knife in,
For seemingly no reason,
Hurting the one who means most to you.
Portcullises lowered,
Drawbridges raised,
Fortresses built,
Till you’re both encamped on different continents,
Shooting arrows at each other,
And yourself,
Till the relationship is well and truly

No. Communication,
And most of all,
is a better route,
Ultimately more rewarding,
For both of you.
The rightful path is not smooth and easy,
Lessons painfully learned,
But a wiser soul be you.
Jun 2021 · 71
Who Is She?
SiouxF Jun 2021
A female Midas whose touch transforms into gold?
A Medusa who stare turns you to stone?
A sorceress who’s presence turns all to poison?
Or perhaps all three?
Only time will tell.
Jun 2021 · 303
SiouxF Jun 2021
Feeling regret,
Wasting time,
Lost opportunities,
Not listening,
Not trusting,
Being angry,
Being defensive,
Being hurt,
Speaking harshly,
Taking offence
When none was proffered,
Bringing past hurts and pain into the present,
Moments squandered
Never to be repeated,
Time and people moving on.
Finding it hard
To forgive
For not being perfect,
For getting it wrong,
For being cruel,
For self sabotage,
For wasting time,
For missing opportunities,
For not truly treasuring
Those precious moments
Spent with someone you care for
Who has so much to teach
And share
In so little time.
May 2021 · 467
Uncomfortable Comfort Zone
SiouxF May 2021
Oh the seductiveness
Of that deep dark abyss
Keeps calling,
Saying my name,
Come hither,
You know you want it,
You know you love it.
I don’t love it
And I don’t want it.
I recognise it now for what it is.
My uncomfortable comfort zone.
It’s there to keep me playing small,
To hold me back,
To imprison me
With its sticky tentacles
Of negative thinking
And victim mentality.
Bit by bit,
Moment by moment,
Hour by hour,
Day by day,
I learn to do things differently,
To change a habit of a lifetime,
To feel joy,
To seek pleasure in what I do,
To see good in those around me,
Quite simply, to live.
But vigilance my friend,
For it will always be lurking in the shadows,
To catch you unawares.
When your mind starts to fog,
Loses clarity of thinking,
Your emotions start to boil over,
Stop. Pause. Breathe.
Move your body,
Dance to an upturn beat,
Sing choirs of angels,
Jump for joy.
Change the stagnant energy
To one of the highest vibration,
To one of love
For you
And all.
Apr 2021 · 107
SiouxF Apr 2021
Keep falling back
Into the hole,
That abyss of despondency and despair,
Until the straw breaks the proverbial camel’s back,
This time vino the cause.
Come morning,
You realise ....
Too late.
Life’s changed.
Will never be the same again.
That most important and precious to you
Has gone.....
You are alone once more
To wallow in that ***** ditch to your heart’s content
Apr 2021 · 393
Face Value
SiouxF Apr 2021
How to tell when to take words at face value,
Not to misread into things,
Making two plus two equal five,
Not to analyse each word,
Expecting to be tripped up,
An ulterior motive,
A hidden agenda,
Sometimes things are just as they are,
At face value.
And sometimes not.
The trick is to learn when and when not.
Something I'm still learning!
Apr 2021 · 99
Erroneous Thoughts
SiouxF Apr 2021
Erroneous thoughts
Catch you unaware,
Appearing in your mind
From nowhere,
Feeling so real,
Like a great truth,
An inspired idea,
A revelation.
Always remember,
If it’s negative,
Doesn’t make you feel good,
Detrimental to you or another,
It’s an attack,
A ruse,
A plant from the devil.
Begone! say you,
And draw deep on the well of love within you
To overcome,
Time after time after time,
Until that ole brute
Gets bored and moves on
To pastures new.
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