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Jun 2021 · 312
SiouxF Jun 2021
Feeling regret,
Wasting time,
Lost opportunities,
Not listening,
Not trusting,
Being angry,
Being defensive,
Being hurt,
Speaking harshly,
Taking offence
When none was proffered,
Bringing past hurts and pain into the present,
Moments squandered
Never to be repeated,
Time and people moving on.
Finding it hard
To forgive
For not being perfect,
For getting it wrong,
For being cruel,
For self sabotage,
For wasting time,
For missing opportunities,
For not truly treasuring
Those precious moments
Spent with someone you care for
Who has so much to teach
And share
In so little time.
May 2021 · 489
Uncomfortable Comfort Zone
SiouxF May 2021
Oh the seductiveness
Of that deep dark abyss
Keeps calling,
Saying my name,
Come hither,
You know you want it,
You know you love it.
I don’t love it
And I don’t want it.
I recognise it now for what it is.
My uncomfortable comfort zone.
It’s there to keep me playing small,
To hold me back,
To imprison me
With its sticky tentacles
Of negative thinking
And victim mentality.
Bit by bit,
Moment by moment,
Hour by hour,
Day by day,
I learn to do things differently,
To change a habit of a lifetime,
To feel joy,
To seek pleasure in what I do,
To see good in those around me,
Quite simply, to live.
But vigilance my friend,
For it will always be lurking in the shadows,
To catch you unawares.
When your mind starts to fog,
Loses clarity of thinking,
Your emotions start to boil over,
Stop. Pause. Breathe.
Move your body,
Dance to an upturn beat,
Sing choirs of angels,
Jump for joy.
Change the stagnant energy
To one of the highest vibration,
To one of love
For you
And all.
Apr 2021 · 115
SiouxF Apr 2021
Keep falling back
Into the hole,
That abyss of despondency and despair,
Until the straw breaks the proverbial camel’s back,
This time vino the cause.
Come morning,
You realise ....
Too late.
Life’s changed.
Will never be the same again.
That most important and precious to you
Has gone.....
You are alone once more
To wallow in that ***** ditch to your heart’s content
Apr 2021 · 421
Face Value
SiouxF Apr 2021
How to tell when to take words at face value,
Not to misread into things,
Making two plus two equal five,
Not to analyse each word,
Expecting to be tripped up,
An ulterior motive,
A hidden agenda,
Sometimes things are just as they are,
At face value.
And sometimes not.
The trick is to learn when and when not.
Something I'm still learning!
Apr 2021 · 109
Erroneous Thoughts
SiouxF Apr 2021
Erroneous thoughts
Catch you unaware,
Appearing in your mind
From nowhere,
Feeling so real,
Like a great truth,
An inspired idea,
A revelation.
Always remember,
If it’s negative,
Doesn’t make you feel good,
Detrimental to you or another,
It’s an attack,
A ruse,
A plant from the devil.
Begone! say you,
And draw deep on the well of love within you
To overcome,
Time after time after time,
Until that ole brute
Gets bored and moves on
To pastures new.
Apr 2021 · 271
God’s Will
SiouxF Apr 2021
People judge you based on their own rules of play, on their own experiences, knowledge, fears, values. It’s nothing to do with you. It’s their journey to learn.
And you have yours.
You are who you are. Live authentically, live a good life, love others, love you, be kind, be selfless. Then it doesn’t matter what anyone else says because you are living from your heart. You are living God’s will.
Apr 2021 · 122
SiouxF Apr 2021
Dawn beckons,
The veil of darkness and
Blanket of nightmares recede,
Feathered dawn chorus,
Fresh morning dew,
Sun peering over the horizon,
Shiny rosy sun kissed glow,
Bringing light, hope, joy,
To all who believe.
Apr 2021 · 309
Fear II
SiouxF Apr 2021
The unknown
Is never as bad as
I’ve just realised this poem is the complete opposite of what I was actually trying to say so I have penned a new one called Fear III!
Apr 2021 · 235
SiouxF Apr 2021
Glimpses and
Times past,
Floating in and out of consciousness,
Some uncomfortable,
Some bad,
Some horrific,
Leaving confusion,
A lump in the throat,
Unable to swallow,
Knowing not yet to what they relate,
Just a
Feeling of
Apr 2021 · 220
Sweet Sorrow
SiouxF Apr 2021
Parting is such sweet sorrow,
Reeling with joy
From precious moments shared;
Then sadness at being apart,
Pangs of unhappiness,
Spasms of loneliness,
All the more acute,
When preceded by such
Apr 2021 · 411
SiouxF Apr 2021
Remember God loves you.
He has your back.
You are safe.
Praise be.
Apr 2021 · 300
Straight Ahead
SiouxF Apr 2021
When you believe in yourself,
Toxic words of others
Wash off
Like water off a duck’s back,
So hold your head up high,
Be true to yourself,
And don’t be swayed
By others’ pettiness, jealousy and spite,
For that is their chosen stony path in life,
And you have yours.
Apr 2021 · 286
SiouxF Apr 2021
People tar you,
Throw their beef at you,
Call you names,
And undermine you.
You can put their skin on,
Walk around reeking of their ****,
Or you can take it off,
Shine bright,
And be the person you’re meant to be.

Which do you choose?
Apr 2021 · 625
Hold Fast
SiouxF Apr 2021
The trials and tribulations you go through
Are testament to who you are
And the strength in you,
For you will never be tested beyond your means,
So hold fast to your values,
To your dreams and desires,
And show them who’s wrong
And who’s right.
Apr 2021 · 269
SiouxF Apr 2021
When all around you are
Dragging you down,
Calling you names,
Undermining you,
Do you stoop down to their murky depth,
Or rise above,
Show what you’re really made of,
Who you really are,
Leaving them coughing and spluttering in your dust.
Mar 2021 · 173
Golden Cord
SiouxF Mar 2021
Age does not weary,
Distance diminishes not,
Divinely forged
Golden cord,
Unexpectedly and
Binding us,
To one another,
Connecting us,
Mar 2021 · 1.1k
Grammar Snob
SiouxF Mar 2021
In this age of technology
And auto spell checker,
Is it too much to ask for
In this HePo commune?
There really is no excuse I’m sure,
To come a cropper
With your and you’re.
Possession or identity?
Am I alone
In my frustrating annoyance
At this growing misdemeanour?
So much so I move on
Without even a Like,
For there’s nothing to see,
That makes any sense.
Are you guilty?
A grammar snob too?
Or is it.... just me?
Mar 2021 · 280
SiouxF Mar 2021
A heart is like a piece of parchment,
Being on the receiving end
Of a barbed word or
Spiteful action,
Crumples up the paper.
No matter how much you smooth it out,
It can never be the same again,
And each crease will be a reminder, a scar,
Of the pain and torment you went through.
It is your choice whether the scar causes further pain,
Repeating the trauma you went through over and over in your mind’s eye,
Or you see them as life’s rich tapestry,
A sign of your strength
An indicator of who you are,
A lesson learned.
Mar 2021 · 454
Sleeping Beauty
SiouxF Mar 2021
Like a modern day Sleeping Beauty,
Living 50 years of her life
In a trance like daze,
Oblivious to all,
Viewing the world through the twisted lens and filter
Of a controlling bully.
Learning to be her own worst enemy,
Flagellating herself like a aesthetic,
Living as a timid scurrying mouse
Fearing the light of day,
To a ridiculously enraged roaring lionness protecting her brood.
Awoken from her deep slumber
By Prince Charming’s sweetest gentlest kiss,
She rose to fight another day,
This time standing in her power,
Slaying her enemies,
And all who had kept her playing small
To further their own ends,
Now shining in the glow of her brilliance
Saying “******* one and all,
I am me,
THIS is who I am,
I am proud of what I’ve achieved,
Now I sing my own song,
Dance to my own tune,
Play my own game”,
As she galloped off astride her gallant steed
Amid a swirl of dust
Towards sunset’s rosy glow
Mar 2021 · 234
Men and Women
SiouxF Mar 2021
Apparently opposites attract.
But maybe men and women
Are so poles apart,
Their brains so completely
Miswired to one another,
That they’ll not see eye to eye,
And never truly understand what’s going on for the other.
So there’s the quandary.
Do we avoid for an easy, albeit lonely life,
Or do we muddle through the misunderstandings and miscommunications,
The pain and the lows,
And hope and trust for a better outcome on the other side?
Mar 2021 · 96
It Doesn’t Matter
SiouxF Mar 2021
It doesn’t matter a toss
If people like you or not,
For there will be people who like you,
Maybe even love you,
And people who hate you
Through no fault of your own,
That is their path to follow.
So be who you want to be,
Do what you want to do,
Live and love with wild abandon,
Be free of the ties that bound you
And restricted you
And kept you playing small,
For you have need of them no more.
You are you,
A beautiful, compassionate, kind human being that has so much to give,
In spite of living a life of deprivation til now,
For what you give out, you receive,
And you deserve to shine,
Shine bright,
Faults and all,
For what defines you
Is the good you do unto others
Mar 2021 · 238
SiouxF Mar 2021
Shame arises
When emotional needs
Are not met.
Ignored as a young child,
Taught you and your needs weren’t important,
Not seen, not heard,
Behave according to their high expectations,
Not be an inconvenience,
Not in the way,
For you,
Your thoughts,
Weren’t important.
You believe what this care giver says,
The person most important to you in your life then,
The one with lapsed responsibility,
Supposedly caring for your mental health and well-being,
Who encouraged you to believe you are not worthy.
Learnt to live life apologetically
According to others’ will and demands,
Let others do what they want with you,
While hanging your head in shame.
Enough I say!
Now is the time to change,
To live life for you,
Make demands,
Be unreasonable,
Put yourself first,
Throw yourself into what you want to do
With wild abandon,
To live,
With passionate intent
And purpose.
Mar 2021 · 240
SiouxF Mar 2021
Should is a crippler,
“You should do this”,
“You should do that”,
“You should think the other”.
According to whom pray tell?
Do they know my mind?
What I’ve been through?
What I’m up to?
Who I am?
Do they have my best interests at heart?
They only serve themselves,
To keep me in the box they have deigned for me,
To live up, or down, to their expectations,
So they can feel superior
And better about themselves.
**** that!
I am me.
This is my life, not yours.
I choose to be and do what I want.
Just because you messed up your life,
Doesn’t give you a right to mess up mine too,
To control me,
Keep me small,
Playing your tune.
So go **** yourself,
For this is me,
I am me,
I do what the **** I want,
With, or without, your approval.
Mar 2021 · 474
Shine Forth
SiouxF Mar 2021
No amount of darkness
Can hide a tiny light.
Having faith enables you to
Shine forth,
Radiate your essence,
Share your brilliance,
Inspire others
Along this journey called life,
For there is nothing
The devil can do to you
When you truly believe.
Mar 2021 · 193
SiouxF Mar 2021
Everything is possible
For the Lord,
Just don’t expect it to be on your terms
Or timescale.
Mar 2021 · 414
SiouxF Mar 2021
There is no ratio of sin,
No sliding scale,
Good is good,
Bad is bad,
Sin is sin,
No matter how big or small.
But have hope!
For all sin is forgiven
When we truly repent.
So pray to your God
Seek forgiveness,
Learn from your mistake,
Then move on,
A better person than whence you start
Mar 2021 · 3.1k
What Matters Most
SiouxF Mar 2021
What matters most
Is not grand gestures
And fancy gifts,
But moments of intimacy
And connection,
And care.
This speaks to one person in particular - thank you 🙏🏻 - but is indicative for many out there I’m sure
Mar 2021 · 319
Shine Bright
SiouxF Mar 2021
Hiding your God-given light
Is a tragedy,
A waste,
A deprivation.
Shine bright
Baby girl
For all the world to see,
And be
Who you are meant to be.
Mar 2021 · 137
Transient Thoughts
SiouxF Mar 2021
Thoughts are fleeting,
You can change
them in an instant.
Thoughts are discretionary,
You can choose
If your glass is full or empty.
Be brave and
Take responsibility for
Your beliefs,
Your thoughts,
Your feelings,
Your success,
Your life.
Change them
If they’re not how you want them to be,
If you’re not happy,
If life isn’t working,
For choice is the key
To a successful life well lived
Mar 2021 · 124
My Poetry
SiouxF Mar 2021
And emotions,
Derived from a life
Lived at the sharp end
Mar 2021 · 223
SiouxF Mar 2021
We all make mistakes
We are human,
We err,
Through wilfulness,
Through ignorance,
Through our own deliberate fault.
God forgives you.
Now all you need to do is to
Forgive yourself
Mar 2021 · 74
Mind Games
SiouxF Mar 2021
A devilish master of mind games,
Infiltrating your subconscious,
Playing tricks on you,
Taking things out of context,
Instilling fear,
Filtering statements and actions to fit
Restrictive outdated beliefs
Seductively whispered in your ear
By that goading insidious wretch.
Don’t give him the time of day,
Say “no,
I’m not listening,
Leave me be,
You have hold of me no more”.
Mar 2021 · 340
This Is Me
SiouxF Mar 2021
This is me,
I am strong,
I am powerful,
I am courageous,
I make no apology for who I am,
For who I am
Is forged from pain and suffering,
The lessons were hard,
The road was long,
But led to a stronger, better, more empowered version of me.
So if you’re struggling,
Feeling weak and abused,
Hold strong,
Be steadfast,
Raise your head up high,
Look for Him who supports and inspires you,
Know your suffering will be turned into strength
And an inspiration to others.
For some it takes a while to reach this place,
To slay the dragons
And stand in our power,
But once there,
With God on our side,
Lo betide anyone who dares to put us down again!
This was inspired by someone I met today in the way they held themselves, how they were strong and true to who they are, were unapologetic for that, and in their being was an inspiration to me
Mar 2021 · 198
The Rollercoaster
SiouxF Mar 2021
Oh the rollercoaster of life
With its ups and downs,
Thrills and spills,
Each day different from the last.
You think you’ve sussed it,
Contentedly cruising,
Enjoying the view,
Until the devil rears his ugly head
And with a crooked smile exclaims
“Enough of this sickening joy,
We need mischief and mayhem,
Carnage and chaos”
And without even a by your leave
Turns your world upside down once more
Mar 2021 · 1.2k
The Devil
SiouxF Mar 2021
Oh that devil is a ******,
“Don’t give him a seat at your table” I was told,
Yet he sneaks in by the back door
And before you know it
Lying back in the chair with his feet on the table
And a big fat greasy grin on his face
Surveying the carnage and pain
And all the good work
Unfurling around him
Lying in tatters on the floor.
Oh the gruesome glee emitting from that odious unwelcome bedfellow
As I’m left wretched and in pain and alone once more
On the cold stone floor
SiouxF Mar 2021
Men look to solve problems
Hoping to be the knight in shining armour
Even when there’s none to be resolved.
Women like to talk over their problems
For it is in the sharing they come to their own conclusion.
Two different approaches
Too different mindsets
And ne’re the twain shall meet.
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