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Apr 2017 · 242
Strings and Cords
ShadowWolf Apr 2017
I am a puppet
I make my master feel better
if I don’t she says I am broken
I am a robot
programmed to have one directive
and synthesized to feel only the emotions she sees fit
If I feel differently I have to be reprogrammed
I am straight
but when I feel sick of repressing myself I am immoral
and this means I must be doomed to hell
I was made to be a good christian girl
a girl who married well
a girl who raised a family
a girl who would go to college even if she didn’t use it
I was intended to be that girl
and when I say intended I don’t mean it was just a pleasant thought
Intended means this is what was forced onto me everyday
anything else got me punished
But the time is approaching when my warranty will expire
my strings will reach their breaking point
I will be able to fight
I can be my own master
still needs a lot of work.
Dec 2015 · 783
Haiku for finals
ShadowWolf Dec 2015
When did we learn this?
It's worth how much of our grade?
I'm dead, **** my life.
Nov 2015 · 551
ShadowWolf Nov 2015
I grew up seeing the world as a wonderful place
but now I see what it truly is
under the gold-plated streets is a world of darkness.
the people are just the same
they put on masks covered in jewels to hide their hideous faces
hatred, greed, lust, and betrayal
the things that plague the hearts of the people.
There are the few of us that remain a beacon of hope
it’s like finding gold in a dark empty cave
but once it's discovered everyone wants a piece.
Those few good people are blinded to the world of corruption by their purity
they are slowly broken away till all that remains is an empty husk.

Those who are smart build walls around their hearts
to protect their light so life can't ***** it out
others welcome the darkness.

Take a look at the things we find valuable in this world
is it the people or the knowledge?
the innocence or the bravery?
no it’s the gold and silver,
the sapphire and emerald.
the things that shine the things that gleam
the things directly opposite of our cold and dark hearts.
We hope that the shine of a diamond around our neck will distract from the dark voids that we have

All this corrupt life can do for us is take.
Some say it’s a game, some say it’s a battle
but it isn't, a game would mean there is a chance
a battle would mean there was a choice or a side to fight for
but it’s not, it’s more like a parasite leeching what it can till we are left with nothing
then it moves on to a new victim

And I refuse to be next
Nov 2015 · 409
Just keep going
ShadowWolf Nov 2015
I know that it might seem like a losing fight
I know that the hill looks too steep, and you’ve used up all your might
But just keep going
I know that the cuts have run deep
And that the pills just make you want to sleep
But keep breathing
The lights may be dimming
And your head is still swimming
But keep going
Because you may not realize it but you are a beacon
Even if your lights been weakened
You have to keep going
Keep going for your parents
The ones who raised you
The ones who just want to see you make it in a world shrouded in blue
Keep going for yourself
You have to find your strength
Even with the scars that mark up your arms length

I wish I could give you wings
So you could fly away from the pain that always stings
So I tell you now to fly
Go now take to the sky
Go till you can’t anymore
Till all you can hear is the sound of the winds mighty roar
Just keep going
Fly above your troubles
All you fears and doubts that just start to bubble
Fly from the things that seek your destruction
Please just heed my instruction

I just wish you could see
See the things the world could be
The world is cold and dark
but you still need to make your mark
The world needs your light
The world needs someone to help the fight
So let me take your pain
Let me free you from your chain
So you can keep going
Even when the winds keep blowing
And the world just seems to want to knock you down
And you’ve lost all the jewels that make your crown
Keep going
ShadowWolf Nov 2015
Her heart is sealed behind unscalable walls
and unbreakable doors
It’s key long ago forgotten
but those are the least concerning
Any weary traveler or brave warrior should beware
of the beast that protects the walls

Rows of ivory razors set in a malicious smirk
strong jaws meant to snap a man in half
unbreakable scales make a gleaming armor of crimson
whose strength has crushed any who travel by

And inside the castle a maiden stays
detached from the world
unaware of the battles that are waged outside
lost in the looming abyss of her mind

And she wonders
is something wrong with her
She is the queen of broken hearts
and she doesn’t even try
And the moment she begins to feel something
she is drawn back by the beast inside

People are bound by ropes and chains
but the weak strings that kept her attached to this world have long since broken

she looks for love but never finds it
she doesn’t know why
she doesn’t even question it any more
just drifts off into her blissful oblivion
but  she doesn’t realize that it is all her fault
The beast is controlled by her savage heart
even if she is oblivious to it
deep down she knows the truth

So in her castle she will stay
behind her mile high walls
and sealed doors
that no longer have a key
protected by a beast and a savage heart
hoping for a brave knight that will never come
Nov 2015 · 576
One writes of scars healed
ShadowWolf Nov 2015
When pen scratches paper it scars it forever
leaving little black lines that will never fade
showing the emotion that couldn’t be expressed
Transferring the scars from heart to head
from head to skin
and from skin to paper

The words dripping from our veins to the page
the crimson words turn black
the ink staining like blood

scratching the page with scribbled out words like torn skin
leaving sheds behind that can never be patched
marks that can never be forgotten

We write to forget the scars
the ones we earned
the ones we inflicted on ourselves
the ones others forced upon us
We write to feel whole again
to try to find the pieces that others took from us
We write to remain human
Nov 2015 · 526
The Hidden Blade
ShadowWolf Nov 2015
When you fight you have to pick a weapon
most just use their hands
tools that are good at building but better at destroying
some choose weapons
something that makes a bang
when you swing you hear the sickening thud as it hits its target
but I have a much more powerful weapon
sharp as any knife
more powerful than any gun
and more silent than death
They say that the most dangerous weapons are held in a holster or a sheath
but I say the most dangerous weapon lies behind your teeth
my weapon of choice is one we are all born with
one we all have, but we don’t even know how to use it
it can **** and destroy
faster than lightning
and hotter than fire
the black tar that drips from our lips with the ability to blot out any light
Words that burn themselves into our skin
a mark that never leaves
because when scars fade and bruises heal those marks are always there
like a bleeding **** that will never go away.
Nov 2015 · 652
ShadowWolf Nov 2015
You feel like you would rather die than speak your mind
But you will die if you keep it all inside
The words are trying to claw their way out of your throat
But you won’t say them
You can’t ever say them
Not when you are down
Or in your last dying breaths
You can’t say them
And it kills the people around you
For them to see you silence yourself
They feel as though their voices muffle you
That their own voices will block out your whispers
Your silent cries for help
So they don’t talk
They silence themselves
They look for the words you refuse to say
Soon the whole world will be silent
A world of reluctant mutes
A loud vivid world made silent
Because no one would raise their voice
No one would speak up
Thus we enter a new silent world
A world ruled by fear and low self esteem.

— The End —