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sans screens Oct 2018
Talking to you is like talking alone
Talking to you is like speaking

Talking to you is like using headphones
Talking to you feels like pleading

Talking to you makes me feel like a tease
Talking to you makes my brain overthink

Talking to you makes me feel great unease
Talking to you is like a pen without ink

Talking to you is like twilight on Sundays
Talking to you is like I’m no-one on Fridays

Talking to you is like I’m never being heard
Talking to you is almost entirely absurd

Talking to you overall makes me sad
Talking to you is what I want but don’t have
sans screens Sep 2018
I need to travel alone
I need to travel completely and entirely by myself

Are you sure?
I mean, who will ever be sure to be so alone?
The voices are too loud when nobody else is talking, right?

But I need to travel alone
I need to travel completely and entirely by myself
I need to make peace with the voices in my head

Aren’t you afraid? Aren’t you insecure? Wouldn’t you be so lonely?
Afraid, insecure and lonely I’ve felt my whole life being surrounded by people
Maybe I’ll feel less alone when I find my freedom

But, honey, the unknown is so frightening
Wouldn’t at night everything seem so evil?
I’m not sure, I mean, nothing is more chilling than sleeping with your demons

So I need to travel alone
I need to travel completely and entirely by myself
Partly because I want to
But desperately because I need to
sans screens Sep 2018
During these gray days

During these when space seems
To have a million dimensions

During these when uncertainty
Governs you

During these when the cold
Invades your body
Even at 38 degrees

During these gray gays

During these when one kilometre
Seems immeasurable

During these when every chair results
Uncomfortable and every table
Too empty

During these gray days when it seems like you are
Too big compared to how small you feel

During these gray days

Remember that I love you

That my hand can reach any part of the world
If you need one

And that experiences need to be lived

But there will always be

A couch,
A white dog,
And a grumpy girl
Whose a little insane

Where to return
sans screens Jun 2018
Someday I will be under the sun
Feeling calm
With you caressing me
From the tip of my forhead
To the tip of my feet
And I will feel like I always feel with you
But most importantly
At peace
sans screens Apr 2018
Take away everything from me but dancing
Or your eyes
Or better
Take away everything from me but your gaze
Or better
The way you look at me
As if I were everything and without me there were nothing
As if I were sun moon sky and constellations
Night and day and midmorning as well
As if I were at the top, yes , even being 5ft 3
As if my smile were a miracle and my laughter an addictive drug
As if your world hang on a thread and that thread was tied to mine

Take away everything from me but your gaze
Or vallenatos
Or better
Take away everything from me but dancing
Or better
The way you dance when you are with me
As if my moves were a sin in which you will always fall
As if my twirls were the most beautiful thing brought by the wind and my singing an overflow of joy
As if your world hang on a thread and that thread was tied to mine

Take away everything from me but don't take yourself away
Or myself
Or better
Take away everything from me but don't take ourselves away
Or better
The way we can't promise ourselves an infinite but we know we are a whole world.
Poem originally written in spanish, If someone wants to read it in its original language message me :)
sans screens Mar 2018
My boyfriend asked me what did I want to eat

It is not funny and I’m not trying to make a relatable meme

For me, deciding whether I’d like ice cream or cake is a task I sort of fear

Anxiety is not nice to you when you need to decide where to go to get dinner.

You see, I need to evaluate certain specific particular things

Such as the distance to the place in kilometres or feet
I might feel like drinking tea but isn’t the weather too hot? I don’t know you tell me,
I prefer if you chose, but wait should I keep it low on calories?
The price is okay for you? I don’t know how much that burger exactly costs.
Maybe we should go somewhere we know, or should we try something new?

Wether is showering in the morning or at night,
Wether is choosing what words to use in WhatsApp,
Wether is having breakfast or skipping to lunch,
Wether is drinking on a week day or spending the night,

Anxiety is not nice to you when you need to decide how to live the small things in your day to day life.
sans screens Mar 2018
In school I was told that I was small,
I was portrayed as a gold fish who lived in a small tank,
Like a small fish who was scared to jump to a larger one,
They failed to notice, fish can’t breath while they jump.

In school I was told that I was lazy,
I was displayed as if I were taking the easier path,
They failed to notice I was an A straight student,
Only I couldn’t be happy in such a squared larger tank.

Two years have passed and I am not lazy, nor small,
The fish has grown, and it is indeed gold,
But it doesn’t jump, it swims and flies,
They failed to notice, we are not made out of a mould.
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