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Aug 2015 · 1.2k
Father's Day
Sade LK Aug 2015
Sitting, smoking a sheet to a 90s playlist
Cooking a shot for the road
A fix for the fever I'll have 3 hours later
A thread to mend my torn soul.
And this hole's been ripped open
As a means to match the broken
But this beating, endless bleeding
Bruised the backbone of that notion
leaving only one thing left to test
The drop from out that ocean
Dripping quickly into glistening
Pretty glitter ****** of poison.

Corrosive rot and dull decay
Haunt the walls of every room
Prisoner to the ball and chain
That stains my veins dark blue.
Reminiscence is a ghost,
A life I never knew-
Sipping from a silver spoon,
That father's day in June.

My blood, my bones, my family
All just memories in the air
That kick up with the gusts of wind
And tickle through my hair.
A reminder that I still can't feel,
And they were never there-
My body left me long ago
And no one ever cared.
Written June 21st, 2015
Dec 2014 · 10.0k
Sade LK Dec 2014
My scars don't look like
Anyone else's-
They're more careful,
Organized, precise and
Not light, but
Never deep enough
Never deep enough
Never deep enough
Never deep enough.

People always ask why
I do such pretty patterns:
Because this is the only thing in life
That I can really control

And I find it so beautiful-
Though, not so much tragic.

My scars are not chaotic like a
They are consistent like a
Proof that I was awake
The whole time I was sleeping,
And I could feel everything
Even though I could tell no one.
No one.

That this
Unconscious obsessive compulsion
Demands order
Insists by instinct,
An intricate simplicity.

Still, I will 'ever envy
Those stitched gashes, once
Gushing with surrender and
Each raised and rough coarse collagen fiber
To form a white flag
Forever etched in flesh;
To tell the world
They, were a slave to freedom-

I am only a slave
To *myself.
Written December 6th & 8th, 2014
Dec 2014 · 2.4k
The Plan
Sade LK Dec 2014
All I need is a needle
And a spoon
I've got the balloons
The cotton ball, lighter
Drive higher up the mountains
Where no one will find me
And get really high
For the
Written December 1st, 2014
Nov 2014 · 825
David's Death
Sade LK Nov 2014
On the day that David died, I was
Sitting sober, wishing I was high
And it was always like that during those
Couple clean months.
The first person I told didn't care-
What's another dead ******?
As if the trash took itself out.

I didn't go to his funeral,
Didn't really know him that well.
I didn't cry when I found out,
Wasn't all that surprised-
He had been talking about it for a while now.
And we questioned, of course
But answers aren't always enough.
I wonder what was enough
To lead him there, lying on those cold tracks,

You said,
"He put his earphones in and closed his eyes."
My first thought was,
"I wonder what he was listening to
For the last time..."
You said you hadn't thought of that.

And I also wondered what he must've saw
Behind shut eyelids in an all dark mind
As the weight of the train
And the weight of the world
Trembled the tracks and trudged closer.
He told his little sister,
"Make sure they know,
I am happy now."
Maybe everything began to feel warm
Like the sensation of coming home
After years of being

And I have to admit:
I've since thought to myself, many times-
"That lucky *******..."
He got out.
Certainly couldn't blame him.
Cause on the day that David died,
I was wishing I could join him.

On the day that David died
I was sitting sober,
Planning my own suicide.
Written November 18th, 2014
RIP David Taylor
Nov 2014 · 711
Short and Sad
Sade LK Nov 2014
You never told me your
Plans for thanksgiving.
Maybe you knew
By then I
Wouldn't be part of
Your family
Written November 16th, 2014
Nov 2014 · 1.9k
It Could Be Magical
Sade LK Nov 2014
Driving through these city streets,
And it feels just like floating on a
Machine cloud.
Like I'm high above the
Rusted, automated mechanical world, and
Somehow softer, warmer than metal.
These heavy gears, turning
Twisted up and breaking down.
Only to be built back into order
By bustling, stoic robotics.
There is a golden glow to this
Streetlight night scene-
I can feel it buzzing, a bioluminescence
Of evanescent enchantment.
It could be magical
A never-ending fairytale, but that's
Too light, for this reality.
Which is that I'm really just
Strung out as ****.
And society seems too much like one
Of my bad dreams.
Nightmares will always haunt me, and
This doesn't have a happy ending.
This world is too real,
I long to be removed-
D   I   S   T   A   N   C   E   D   .
Take me to dreamland
So I can stay high forever,
And never
Written November 14th, 2014
Nov 2014 · 821
Check Out
Sade LK Nov 2014
I don't need to list the reasons,
What I need is a reason not to.
You've heard me talk like this before.
And somehow my silence seems like a bandaid-
Like maybe if I just don't talk about it
Everything will get better.
Maybe if enough time passes,
It will all, eventually, heal.
But that is *******.
I don't need your permission,
**** forgiveness.
My intentions have their own agenda
But it's never hidden.
Quite the opposite- I'm plain sight.
Don't have to wait for night
To let the darkness take me.
I'm honest, open,
And honestly I'd rather be sleeping
In a closed casket; no one
Wants to see my blown off brain bits
And some teeth meshed with leftover tendonis threads
Dangling from my severed neck.
But those tooth shards are smiling-
The bandaid has been ripped off
The time has ran out,
Sand in my mouth.
Dirt where my eye sockets used to be.
This isn't me,
This whole "life" thing...
I don't need to list the reasons.

I never signed up for this ****-
Where do I **check out.
Written November 3rd, 2014
Sep 2014 · 1.4k
Maybe I Deserved It
Sade LK Sep 2014
I wanted to watch a movie.
Knew you would appreciate horror.
Figured you could use some company
And I could use a nice entertainment system.
So I drove out to your house
Where no one ever goes
Cause you're always all alone
And I felt bad for you.
We smoked a bowl and that was fine.
I was already strung out and we
Went into your kitchen
You gave me candy and a coke.
Downstairs you let me pick the horror flick
I sat at a comfortable distance
Across the couch.
You said, " Sit closer."
I could feel your loneliness
Burning through my skin with
The way you looked at me.
So I moved a little closer but kept my
Torso as far away as possible,
Kept my eyes focused on the movie
Even when your hand crept across
My belly, I was
Extremely uncomfortable, and it
Was not because I am self conscious.
I was nervous,
But not because I liked you, I just
Felt bad for you, and so I didn't push you away.
I should have.
Credits rolled and I almost ******* ran
For the door.
I knew you wanted more, you
Stood behind me and grabbed my
Waist, pushed me into your room and said,
"Stay with me."
I half stumbled and sat on your bed.
It was comfortable, but I got
Up and grabbed my stuff.
Making excuses as you picked out my
Pajamas, you said,
"It's a long drive, don't use anymore drugs tonight,
We don't have to have ***, if that's what you were thinking."
I should have left. I should have left. I should have left.
But I put the pajamas on, even after several sayings of,
"I don't want to."
I laid on the opposite side of the bed.
Said, "Let's go to sleep."
You pulled me close to you
With a force that was much more frightening
Than that horror movie,
And I froze.
Just like when I was a kid. I laid there
Let you touch me and pretended it was
Just another flashback.
I rolled onto my stomach so there was
Less of me for you to have, but you
Pulled down my pants and took me.
Just like when I was 7,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16
I told myself, "If you pretend to be numb
You might not feel so much pain."
Thank god you got off quick.
But I should've known you weren't quite finished,
And it happened again, at least I had
Practice giving in and
Blacking out-
Separating mind from body
And they all wonder why I'm so
D i s s c o n e c t e d .
You said, "That's the best I've ever had." They
I got up, got dressed in darkness with shaking hands
Searching for something to
Cover my shame.
Angry, you said, "You're just gonna **** me and leave?"
I just wanted to watch that movie.
But all I could feel for you was pity.
And I walked myself out.
Didn't cry in the car,
I never do.
At home I smoked
That I really hoped it would **** me.
I cut 12 gushing blood gashes
On my arm, the first time in 5 weeks.
I deserved it, needed to be punished
So ******* disgusted by myself for
Letting that happen, again.
All my fault.
Just like when I was 7, and it all started.
Every single time, it was all my fault.
In the shower I desperately tried to
Scrub my sins away
'Til my skin was raw and red,
Wished I could blow my ******* head off of my
Broken body.
Couldn't talk about it for days.
Today I confessed
To a friend who said,
"He ***** you."
But those words make it too real
I cannot deal with that again
Not now, I am not a kid.
Adding 20 to my list.
Adding scars to my wrists.
How to tell my therapist that
Our year of weekly outpatient progress
Has been destroyed in one night.
Wish I'd died when I was 5
The first time I tried on suicide
It was the perfect size that I never could outgrow.
I can't believe I've made it this old.
A shattered spirit, hollow soul.
I wouldn't **** you if I could, because
You'll probably **** yourself
And I feel bad for you.
Cause you probably believed, somehow
That I actually wanted you.
It is only pity that you filled me with
A filthiness that will forever stain my memories.
Scrubbing in showers, but never feeling clean.
It's all my fault, after all.
Maybe I
*Deserved it.
Written September 1st, 2014
Aug 2014 · 611
Gun Shopping
Sade LK Aug 2014
I'm shopping for a gun
Online, cause everything's that
Easy, nowadays.
Everything but
Life, itself.
See, cause I've searched for solutions
For so long, and this
Is where it all leads.
To this website that buys, trades and
Sells guns.
A shotgun,
Is what I'm looking for.
It doesn't really matter what kind-
Not that I know what to look for anyway.
It only needs to fire one shot.
Doesn't really matter how expensive-
I won't be needing money after this.
My final purchase, you could say.
So I'm shopping for a gun-
A shotgun, of any kind
Just to get the job done.
Cause it's the only solution.
I know, I've searched.
It lead me here. It all lead me here.
And it will lead me home.
I'll end up in the mountains-
Far away from my mother,
So she never has to find me.
It's not her fault.
I'll give my body back to the earth,
The animals, the plantlife consuming me-
And my soul will, finally,
Know peace.
Written August 17th, 2014
Aug 2014 · 1.5k
Plate Tectonics
Sade LK Aug 2014
If God was real
He'd let me die-
Too much suffering
In this tiresome life.
He'd know the thrill
Is not worth the strife,
And all the heavy
Outweighs the light.

If I could feel,
Then I could try.
All the emptiness and sorrow
Would simply all subside.
If I could crawl out from the darkness
And beg for acceptance in light-
Maybe if I weren't so numb I might.

Hollow is this whole wide world,
Filled with greed and hate-
Crumbling around me
And they blame it on the plates.
Power and destruction-
I can't come to appreciate
What we have done...
To this place.

I am born of burdens,
I was born too late.
Missed my chance
So the devil danced me
To my fallen fate.
Held captive to damnation,
I will waste my life away.
Wondering- is this a dream?
And when will I
When will I, when will I

Hollow is this heavy heart
That beats for needless, just to bleed.
All this screaming on the inside
Raised the monster, raised the beast.
How can I strike it down without
Destroying me?
I was doomed to rule the darkness
Etched in stars- the destiny.
If there is a God out there, then tell me,
Where is his mercy?

So alone, and I'll die alone like this.
So alone, and I'll wear it on my wrists.
So alone, everyone leaves eventually.
All things must end, except the
Great infinity.
So numb! And I'll keep myself this way.
So numb! And I'll **** myself some day.
So numb! And I've nothin more to say.
Yes, this will end,
Make no mistake-
You too will ache.
Yes, it all ends,
Not hard to break-
You too will ache.
Written August 4th, 2014
This is actually a blues/metal song, but I haven't written anything in a while so I figured it might be worth posting.
Jun 2014 · 2.3k
Balloon Man
Sade LK Jun 2014
When you're a kid
Some nice person gives you a balloon.
You hold it in your hand by its string;
Touch the shiny tension
Knowing you could pop it at any point.
That feeling.
But I don't wanna talk about
When I was a kid, anymore,
And I've grown so old talking about it.
Cause all I can think of, nowadays
Is a not-so-nice person, giving me
A balloon for $20- that good ****.
I hold it in my hand by the
String of what is keeping me alive;
Touch the black and strum the tension in your
Head's sick symphony.
You're ******* sick, and
Knowing you could pop at any point.
It's that feeling.
But I don't wanna talk about feelings, anymore.
Cause I could never really tell if
I ever felt at all- but this is
All too much
And I have got to get my fix.
It's another $20, it's another
Tension in my head, and
Please, balloon man, make this
Feeling go away.
I don't wanna talk about
How it bubbles, right before
The s  l  i  d  e.
The chase, the
The honey sweet- try not to puke;
The relief.
The relief.
The relief.
The relief.
The relief.
Fix me.
A paradise of
Strung out dreams.
You shake and hang your head
Below the bowl, nodding out while throwing up.
I am the modern grunge queen-
The rockstar essence
Musical inspiration.
My guitar has never wept so pure
And begged for more like my
Voice was a cure-
But it isn't. And nothing is.
But this
Makes everything
Better, in the worst way.
Driving home the next day.
The sensation of wanting something
More than air
But can't breathe.
**** me.
**** me.
**** me.
Written June 5th, 2014
Feb 2014 · 451
Won't Ever Know
Sade LK Feb 2014
Regretting something said or done
In sobriety
While ******.
Mostly social interactions I suppose
Things I think I shouldn't speak,
Maybe its just me.
Why can't I see the common line
That divides this communal collective
Of what's generally perceived as
Maybe its just not in me.
And maybe something's
Like its
     ­                                       T h e r e .
But nowhere else,
So maybe if you make me a
Of the way humans should stay on path
I should take it
Like everyone else but I'm gonna have to
Pass on that
Because it would still only be just
As useless as the next thing
Or other
Neither will stitch the pathways like veins
To a translucent permeable
Sieve of a person
Cause these preset standards and demands
Are too much to ask for
The place of blood in these
Hollow vessels.
I should know,
See I've bled myself dry.
I'll scratch at my scars when they itch
But I'll ditch your insistent opinion about it,
Cause I don't need that ****,
Don't need nothin' and not needed.
Just stuck in between lines
On this compass of life
The clock of time
And the lines in my skin.
Wearing the world with
Mirrors for eyes.
Stare in all you like
There's nothing behind
But the knowing I'll never fully describe
Anything to anyone
In a way that is what I mean;
It isn't words that fail me,
But my unfathomable capacity to
Comprehend at all, and if I
Were to conceive a consciousness
Could I ever really communicate to you?
I don't think so, but
I won't ever know.
I wonder what sober me
Would say right now.
Written February 27th, 2014
Feb 2014 · 503
Sade LK Feb 2014
Tonight I hacked the **** out of
The medial portion of my right anterior brachium.
Just to torture myself
In a place that wasn't used to it.
The blood spilled in streams
Little specs flicked from a blade
Sprinkled on my fingertips,
Spread across my hollow hands
And dripped peacefully beneath me
To pool in my lap like a
Beautiful collection of art
Each rich drop.
I couldn't tell you what it feels like
To be in pain
Because I couldn't tell you what it feels like
To not
In pain.
My self destruction is my only
So I dug that sharp metal through
These unsuspecting layers of frail flesh
And separated mind and body-
Tearing at the tendonous fibers
'Til an erosive eruption of blood gushing
Snap, and I could almost ******* laugh
That I could not feel one thing in me.
Couldn't feel a razor 6 inches in skin
Like I wouldn't feel weight on my chest
Buried 6ft deep in dirt.
So I burned away at my being
With a fury painted red and left me


And you ask me why I
Worship pain, it is not
To feel something, it is only to
                                  B L A C K  O U T
Cause I'd like to be dead
But instead
I take advantage of myself
When I can't hurt anyone else
But I
Because it will crawl out of
My torn skin
And infect everything around me
I'd drown me
In my own ******* blood
If I could.
But I can't, so
I'll sure as **** take this chance
To cut my head off with
My own hands,
And maybe one day
I'll just
Written February 21st, 2014
Feb 2014 · 1.4k
Word Juice
Sade LK Feb 2014
Moldy mutterings-
A char-broiled doomsday
Licks the salted air, no condensation in clouds
Dry and cracked.
Elephant stomp
Pounded ground where
Lizard-scaled turnip roots drip
Into dirt, drooping low and quick.
That senseless racket, the incessant buzzing
Yellowed a crusted earlobe
The cauliflower cult.
Chipped to smithereens
As the sun split
In sizzling heat.
No porcelain skin to drizzle
Tender sweat beads
Blackened back-burner.
Conquest of detention to
Contain lackluster irrelevant lessons
Blessed with a dead hand
Crumpled flesh stump.
Hunched Trapezius circle person
Cowering in familiar corners.
Glisten as an oyster's ravaged shell,
Sour cream pearl dangling between your *******.
Twinkling Adam's apple
This speech could sink its teeth in.
Spurting eloquence
Gushed up word juice.
Swallow hard and whole
Choke on the knowing.
Written February 20th, 2014
Feb 2014 · 719
A Day in the Life
Sade LK Feb 2014
**** yourself cutter.
You're not worth it.
You're nothing, not good enough.
Just end it now
Before it gets any worse
Before you **** anyone else over.
Just **** yourself,
Because you want to,
And therefore you don't deserve to live.
Cold black hole in the earth-
Rot like your mind rots your personality,
Or burn like your ****** up heart,
Pulsing poison through your arteries.
**** yourself because you don't matter
And you never will.
Because you're worthless,
And this life holds no answers.
**** yourself so you know
What's really on the other side.
Do it, *****.
Slit your wrists one last time.
**** yourself cause you'll never get better-
And recovery is a grave.
You're a **** up,
So **** it.
**** yourself
Cause no one will ever know you better than
The infinite darkness.
And you belong in the ground
Like the dirt that you are.
Written October 1st, 2013
Feb 2014 · 463
Sade LK Feb 2014
Intrinsic distinction
Public justification of
Dissolved disillusions-
Delusional dysfunction.
Call it protocol, call it
Fuckitol, call it
Medication of salvation.
Those desperate endeavors.
Said with no regret, and
Spoken in staggered motion, with
Softly strong bold notions,
No hold could keep me
No pill to sleep me,
Sweetly, still and bitter ill
Is rippling the shadows
Of hollow fill.
And fed me rotting gut tubes
Glued to doom, the dreaded shade
Of shame’s false face
And traded grace for
Fate in pairs, no snare could state
How simply slaughtered was this day
So long ago.
Splintered glass ripped shards to blow
Open stitches sinking under skin
And again, and again
It went like this.
Again, and again,
It came to this.
Again, again,
It ends like this.
Written August 15th, 2013
Feb 2014 · 416
Everything Red
Sade LK Feb 2014
Such a deadly obsession- suicide.
It kills me to wish I was dead so bad, and
Fantasize about death all day.
Bleeding images screaming
In my mind and I just want
To drown them in my bathtub while
I fall asleep forever.
Don't want to get better, not sure if I'm sick.
But blood, crimson streams
Of decadence calling me to the grave.
So unexplored- so unknown- so unique.
So fascinating, captivating, decapitatingly
Consuming my mind. And I am so denied
Of the sweet surrender.
What I would give to know...
I'd give my life to understand dying.
To experience what comes after
With the choice to come back again.
But what does that mean?
Wish I could just be a vampire-
Somewhere in the middle.
All the blood I could ask for.
I don't feel wrong, I don't feel sick.
I feel alive and
I feel death calling me closer to
Suicide each day and I don't understand
Why I can't get rid of these thoughts these
Images haunting me breaking me
Crushing my skull in
Bleeding screaming death dying black black
Everything RED.
Written October 8th, 2013
Feb 2014 · 452
(Its Nothing)
Sade LK Feb 2014
Life- endlessly sweeping from shadows
A shuttering still-frame for no shame and pain to gain
Somebody's brain broke so I spoke
Up and shut the *******
Buck done been shot down
No ground to hold him
No cold hole to know him
On the road like rage ****.
No intentions left mentioned for *******
Of deep destination, no
Choke of destiny to leave bleeding
Screaming alibis had drove on by
With bitter ailments of the eyes
Leaking black ooze of droop seeping
Unhearted blistered tear ducts.
What luck, huh?
Its never enough
Its never enough
Its never enough
Its never enough

Its never enough
Its never enough.
****** the flesh in it's skin bag-
No remorse for unfinished courses
Vanquished tranquility in unseen forces.
This divorce of life and death
Hesitated with breath and
Broke into silence.
*Nothing left.
Nothing left.
Nothing left.
Written June 6th, 2013
Feb 2014 · 1.7k
Sade LK Feb 2014
Violets shriveled in a desperate desolation-
Bleeding blues and bruising black.
But yellow rots through leaves of green
And gives stubborn solace in
Insights black and white-
Silent treatment of a flower's wilted soul
As it leaves it's roots
And sinks to soil.
Pretty petals wither and
whether or not you thought you could save it
With a cool drink of water
Or crimson drop of blood,
No, nothing so vital
Could bring the life back
To this vacant violet;
Dried up regret crumbles
With the quiet life of secret sorrow
Hollow as it's death to follow.
Stolen beauty, ***** and shattered.
Broken glass it's vase had offered.
And sweet ripples of it's youthful bloom
Had shriveled into endless doom.
Inevitable, uninvited
And yet so perfect, so exciting.
Shadows of it's gentle form
Sagging slowly to the floor.
This is what it must come to,
And this is the day
The flower has died.
Written March 4th, 2013
Feb 2014 · 732
All I Ever Wanted
Sade LK Feb 2014
Feel like I'm being buried in a mound of ******.
Scratch that- a mountain of ******.
Black tar mud, disgusting love.
I feel like I'm trying to find a straw in the middle
Of a razorblade stack-
A single straw of hope.
So **** this, basically.
If I could, I would.
I would smoke black,
Bleed red,
Fade out and see silver.
Drift into the oblivion of my mind...
Feel like I'm hiding from myself
by trying to deny these feelings.
I can't quite describe my morbid desire for
******, and cutting.
And maybe it's because
All I ever wanted
Was to cut myself while strung out.
And maybe one day,
I'll finally do both those things
At the same time.
All of reality would freeze-
A blissful utopia...
And in that moment,
I would feel *peace.
Written February 22nd, 2013
Sade LK Feb 2014
Carrots moping in the ground
Roots rot and spoiled orange splits-
In cold earth.
Worms squirm freely in and out the sprouts
And wander about without worry or woe,
No place to go but down
Tunneling deeper in Carrot-Worm town.
Written February 21st, 2013
Feb 2014 · 393
Am I
Sade LK Feb 2014
Can't begin to explain what this feels like.
An entirely new frame of mind and state of life.
But there's something very familiar lingering in
The changing colors of the trees,
And autumn offers no relief from this seeping grief
Like nose bleeds flooding lungs and underneath
These sinking teeth lies something rotting with disease-
Its in the wind, Its in the sin,
It's in the spin of Satan's grin when
One day you realize- God isn't real.
And neither is anything else.
It's heaven's hell,
A magic spell cast by innocent little girls
'Til one day you grow up, and realize there is
No gold star in an adult sky for the slaughtered demise of this
It slits the soft skin like a silver regret-
Cold like the choke hold of guilt around your neck-
Fills up your head, like
Bad dreams and ***** scenes,
Wearing sleeves in smoldering heat.
Trick or Treat has new meaning
When Halloween offers hollow shelter in masks and costumes-
Hide this monster I've devised, locked deep inside
This ****** up mind.
The world has robbed me blind of my own time.
there's no one there to ask me if I'm fine.

*Am I?
Written September 26th, 2013
Feb 2014 · 388
Sade LK Feb 2014
I wish my wrists were slit-
A crimson kiss of vicious bliss
To stitch this twisted rigid ripped up grip
On the anger, violence, aggression within.
My sin is slipping silver in to skin
And digging in to who I am,
Don't think I'll ever understand.
Don't want to find a better plan.
I'll be ****** before I'm dry,
All this blood keeps me alive.
I need to see it on the outside,
Remind me to get out of my mind-
Live my life and use my time
To fight against the grind and strive
For better things and brighter lights.
Darkness has it's own insight
But I've got mine,
And that's just fine.
Organized in pretty lines.
Written February 12th, 2013
Feb 2014 · 1.1k
Spontaneous Freeform
Sade LK Feb 2014
She ripped the stitches out of
Rotting skin and sinked in to
Seeping sin, dripping crimson
Crashing to the ground.
That same hole in the earth
With a cold to call home-
Not alone down there, she lets
The worms observe her every move.
Wriggling in dirt
Her thirst pulsed hard and black;
Can't take it back,
Too late to save that day
So let yourself unravel with the sutures
There's no future when you're dead.
Written sometime in October, 2013
Feb 2014 · 373
Silver Eyes
Sade LK Feb 2014
I cut myself.
And you know what?
I like it.
I'm a cutter.
And you know what?
I accept that.
Embrace it, in fact.
Cause after 9 years of a blood-stained adolescence
These scars are just a part of me,
And these wounds are a lifestyle
That I choose.
My addiction to pain does not weaken me,
My lust for blood does not make me a freak,
My scars do not make me ugly-
I am beautifully broken;
And I'll cut myself on the shards of who I am,
But at least I haven't stabbed myself with them yet.
I wear long sleeves and pants around friends and family
But when my cuts heal to scars
I do not fear to let them breathe and be
It is not for attention,
It's to tell the world that no one can hurt me
More than myself.
I am covered in scar tissue,
But I am one tough-*** ***** from hell.
And I really don't give a **** what you think about that.
I don't want to "quit."
Because I'm writing my story in silver-
And it comes out red.
It's the closest thing to "real"
That I can control.
So yes,
I cut myself.
And yes,
I am a cutter.
Don't be surprised to find more marks in my flesh
Because they are part of me
And I actually like that part.
I don't have to be in pain to inflict pain,
Don't have to be numb to want to feel something,
I don't have to be angry or guilty,
Bored or depressed-
Just because I am those things, I don't always
Have to cut them out.
Sometimes I just like the way it feels
And looks after;
Red blood on white wrists, and
I've got silver eyes.
See, this is my way of life,
And it's all I've ever known.
I know one day I'll die of suicide,
But this is just feeling something in the meantime.
I'm a cutter;
And I'll die a cutter.
Whoever finds my mutilated body
Will read my story,
And they won't understand,
But at least they won't be surprised.
My lust for blood does not make me a freak,
And my scars show the world I'm a warrior.
I'm fighting this endless battle in my mind
But each cut
Is a symbol that I've lived to fight another day.
Written February 17, 2014
I do not encourage self harm of others,
I just know what I'm doing to myself
And I do it well.
Feb 2014 · 1.1k
She Turned 7
Sade LK Feb 2014
My niece turned 7 today.
I look at her pictures, and she is a beautiful
Little girl,
A child,
Just a kid.
She is innocent, pure, and beaming with light
Glowing with a future of brightness.
And see I look at this picture
Of 7 year old me
And I am corrupt-
Grown up, wasted,
Not a kid anymore.
My innocence was taken from me
And my future was only ever darkness.
See cause I just can't picture my sweet little niece
As not a ******,
I can't imagine her naked child body as anything
But sacred and untouched.
But I remember praying to God
That I wouldn't burn in hell
Cause I was the only little girl in Sunday school
That Jesus didn't want for a sunbeam.
And I remember my naked child body
Raw, and pulsing with pain,
Aching with what I couldn't understand.
I can't imagine her smiling baby teeth
Open up and swallow poison
As a 5 year old suicide attempt
Like I did at that age.
Sometimes the flashbacks sneak out my tearducts
And roll down my face,
And I feel like I'm 7 again.
But I just can't imagine her feeling that way.
And I just want her to be my baby niece forever,
Even though I know I can't protect her.
She wrote a love note to a boy in class
That read, "Do you want to kiss me?
Circle yes or no."
Her mom thought it was cute.
But all I could think of
Was my first French kiss;
Slimy, sloppy kid tongues-
And I just have to stop right there.
I always wished she'd stay 6 forever,
So she never has to grow up like I did.
Cause 7-year-olds should be children,
Not ******.
Not like me.
I can't imagine hickeys on her neck,
Bruises on her thighs,
Or cuts on her wrists.
When I picture her as a young woman
I don't see scars-
But the same bright future,
The same radiant smile (only with big-girl teeth.)
When I picture her as my age,
I hope the skeletons in her closet
Are sneaking out at night and lying in the morning.
I hope she has the innocent kind of fun.
And if anyone tries to take herself from her-
I will *******
****** them.
Written February 17, 2014
Sade LK Feb 2014
Today would've been our anniversary-
But I'm spending it with my not-new boyfriend,
And you're probably doing something adventurous
With your new wife.
She would've been me,
If I hadn't left you for our best friend
The friend I gave you.
He taught me to free myself,
And you are more ignorant than I-
Because you think you're so ******* holy
And I hope you drown in your self-richousness.
My boyfriend and I
2 years and 8 months later
Were invited to your birthday party last week.
Of course we didn't go,
But I texted you to say thanks, anyway.
I got your number from my friend
That I gave you.
You replied that it was really only my boyfriend
Who would've been welcome
Cause your new wife doesn't want us to "interact."
What is she so scared of?
Couldn't be your cheating lips.
Your wife-
The one who would've been me,
And I'm so ******* glad that never happened.
Because you're a slave to your God,
The God you left me for,
The God I gave you.
I can't believe I'm writing about you again.
But this will be the last time,
And you and your wife can go get ****** in holy matrimony.
Written February 14th, 2014 (Valentines day)
You only married her to cover up the guilt from God when you **** her,
But I bet it's still there.
Feb 2014 · 675
Sludge Sockets
Sade LK Feb 2014
Imagine looking into yourself
So deeply your eyeballs slip
Through the sockets and
Melt in your brain acid...
Ooze out black sludge through
The gaping holes and see
Yourself through the rotting
View of decrepit dreams.
Suicide of a shadow that
Dared touch the light.
Sought something better but
Ate yourself for supper.
No nutrients in negligence,
No eyes in my head.
Written November 8th, 2012
Feb 2014 · 765
Ice Box
Sade LK Feb 2014
Losing myself, but
Finding someone else.
Don't wanna be held
At the lost and found,
Waiting for the right one
To take me home.
A stepping stone-
Not skipped but thrown
Kisses the skin then sinks in
To a sea of possibilities,
Sinking me to it's floor;
The core of my soul
Where I know I drown.
Alone in my own hole
I choke on my hope
And hold myself down
Bound with ropes of resistance
To remind me of my situation
I placed myself in
And caged all that could've been
With chains of my rage, and
Hate and questions.
Oppression imposed as a lesson,
To lift my heart and crush it in my hands.
Feel all the shards of who I am
Stab at my palms and slither through my fingers,
Slitting tender flesh and finally
Falling, crashing to the ground.
Shattered soul and silent sound.
Liquify the unknown
And flow into a hollow hold
Of helpless nothing,
Now I know
There is no home below the cold,
Where no wind would wish to blow,
Not in that frigid box
Of lost and found.
Written November 8th, 2012
Feb 2014 · 608
Sade LK Feb 2014
Skin drys out, cracks,
Broken openings leak
Seeping secrets screaming
Blood bleeding black, gushing
Spewing profusely
From gaping holes of unknown notion.
Absence of reality
Flickering like static in the background.
Backtracking through endless experiences,
And falling through infinite possibilities.
The same new thing.
That new old feeling.
Body crumbles, collides within itself.
Scattered shards of fragmented potential,
Now settling in the air-
A film of dusty desolation left to subside.
Left to fill the lungs of nobody,
With sticky stinging, heavy thick
Strangle choke of no one.
Disintegrate, and
Written June 12th, 2012
Feb 2014 · 862
Sade LK Feb 2014
She wore the story of her life on her body-
Just to remember
Her father's beard scratch across her cheek
And the tear in his eye as he left.
Her brothers and sisters growing up around her,
Doing things she didn't understand.
She marked all those hours
Her father spent in the bathroom with withdrawals,
And the time he showed her how he took his medicine,
With a needle and a spoon.
How her brothers and sisters teased her,
Because she was different, and didn't understand.
She etched the first French kiss of her 7-year-old lips
From inside her closet with her best girlfriend, and
All the times she did what "best friends did."
Her brothers and sisters moved away.
And she never understood.
She wore her adolescence
Of eating disorder drug stained wasteland,
And cheap *** with cheap people,
Or some people who had some cash.
She didn't understand, and neither did
Her brothers and sisters.
How her father was never around to even ask
If she were okay.
She marked the day she was expelled from high school
When it was all she had, and it was ripped away.
How she spiraled endlessly into her emptiness.
Her brothers and sisters never called
And she didn't understand what "reality" was.
She carved all the nights she swallowed not enough pills,
The mornings after when she woke up.
She sliced how she felt her view of the world
Was too beautiful to be real.
And she cut the images of ****, molestation, manipulation and prostitution
While she tried to make love-
And she carved in the guilt from hurting her lover,
And letting her brothers and sisters down.
She scratched the time her ex held a gun to her head,
And how she hardly ever made music anymore.
She marked the way her friends didn't know her at all,
How she didn't want to understand, or tell anyone.
Then she didn't want her dad around.
She wore the story of her life on her body-
When she knew that God wasn't real,
And she slit her wrists one last time.
Written May 23rd, 2012
This is the only suicide note I've written since I was a child.
Feb 2014 · 503
Sade LK Feb 2014
One cold night, a black butterfly took to the stars
In search of itself through all the darkness.
She flew higher and faster than ever before.
But the air was cold and the wind harsh-
It bit through her wings, and she began to fall.
She exhaled a fluttering butterfly breath
As she watched everything she had worked for hit the ground.
Down in a dirt hole, she looked from her jagged wings
To the big beautiful moon, way up in the sky-
And wished she had a friend like that.
Alone in that cold pit of earth, she froze.
And no one cared.
Written April 23rd, 2012
Feb 2014 · 527
Sade LK Feb 2014
Sitting in a shifty shack
Safely sheltered
From the swarm of society.

I hate this ******* festival.

Written March 24th, 2012 @ the Holi Festival of Colors- Sri Sri Radha Krishna Temple
Feb 2014 · 790
Sade LK Feb 2014
You fill up my head. I could
Sit and stare and space out
In your amazing world of
Who you are. It seems like I
Haven't seen you smile or
Heard you laugh for so long
It could make me sad. Today
I could not wake up in your arms
To hear you say "Goodmorning."
And I cannot sleep with
You tonight. I saw you
Just yesterday- but I miss you.
I miss your words
Occupying the empty
Spaces I try to fill with
Other less-amazing things.
I miss the heat of your
Skin and the warmth of
Your lips. Can't stop
Thinking about you... But
Don't really want to. In fact
The only other thought captivating
My mind is when I can come
Home to you tomorrow.
Because home is wherever you
Are, and where I am for
You. When we're apart
Time seems endlessly long,
But together we are
Unlimited. Silly of me
To miss you so much
After just one day apart,
But all I want in the
World right now is just
To be in your arms so
I can tell you "I love you."
Written January 28th, 2012
Feb 2014 · 598
Sade LK Feb 2014
Dripping faucets leaking black sludge-
Clogging up the sink.
It fills up and has no place left to go so
The overflow ebbs against the edge,
The pressure builds and tenses-
Suspense lingers quietly above,
While fate hangs contented below.
The first splash of blackness crashes
Ruthlessly to the cold and still hard floor.
A shockwave of darkness ripples throughout the area
And penetrates it's path with calamity.
This is tragic,
And this is hideous,
And its all so beautifully sickening...
I could writher around on this floor like a dying fish,
Choking on the blackness and gagging from the air-
Fill my lungs up with poison, and let this disease
Bubble out my ears and mouth,
To mix with the mess on the floor
And the mess I'm in.
Feel an unliftable weight hold me down,
Can't move and don't care.
I think of how I could've fixed this, and chose otherwise.
I look up to the dull flickering light above me-
Until this substance eats away my eyeballs,
And burns through the ****** black holes
To consume my brain, and rot my skull.
Then I am darkness,
And everything is black.
All I can feel is my consciousness pulsing
In static fragments of
Written December 9th, 2011
Feb 2014 · 597
More than Myself
Sade LK Feb 2014
Slit my wrists suicide
Black, blood, scraping imperfections from the inside;
Cut out the anger.
Cut out the hate, the endless self loathing.
Cut out my heart to shove it down my throat
So I can choke on all the emptiness
And spit up acid that burns like
A lifetime of shattered dreams
Or an early adolescence, cut out and carved
By a rusted razorblade,
Gone dull with guilt and shame.
Cut this image out of my brain,
Cut this confusion out of my veins-
Cut me open,
Cause I can't quite tell what's wrong,
But I'm broken.
I have no answers or solutions,
Only infinite thoughts,
Encaged within an abyss of gray.
Blood underneath my fingernails,
On my hands,
On my clothes,
But not inside of me...
Then there is nothing,
And I am nothing.
And nothing can make me hurt
More than myself.
Written November 19th, 2011
Feb 2014 · 655
Sade LK Feb 2014
Silver rays of light illuminating
Thick, heavy smoke.
Everything is still,
Resting on a lingering reluctant
Inhalation, caught suspended
Between an ever alluring exhale.
And there is nothing left inside
But stillness, and silver.
Subtle waves of soft shaking sorrow
Slowly cover the world in a
Blanket of remorse,
Yet loss and lament lean far from fully felt.
Silver light, and still white
Smoke in the air...
Feel my consciousness split
From emotion,
Feel my mind fade into silver,
feel this, feel-
Written November 16th, 2011
Feb 2014 · 586
Blue Metal?
Sade LK Feb 2014
Spinning indecisions
Thicken the air like a choking lung;
Gagging on grotesque gaping
Voids of uncertainty.
Spiraling swirls of sedation
****** a dizziness in my head,
And spreads throughout my body
In a chaotic calm of all encompassing captivation.
I'm sinking, I'm rising
I'm floating, I'm buried.
This world is smothering my soul,
Yet giving myself something to attach to.
Stomach aches,
Brain spaces and emptiness...
Endless question marks.
Written November 16th, 2011
Feb 2014 · 872
Rose Red
Sade LK Feb 2014
You touch me and rose petals fall over my skin
Like a summer rain that kisses my body with an
Autumn chill and winter comfort,
That leaves spring almost as refreshing and
Exiting as your smile.
You touch me and my head explodes in
Fireworks of pinks and reds and
Soft embers smolder
While the sensation lingers long after
The fireworks disperse into the atmosphere of
Comfort you create.
You speak and rose petals flow out your mouth and
Cover my body.
I lay next to you, wrapped up in the
Warmth that is your voice.
You kiss me and I'm dizzy
From forgetting to breathe because
I'm so captivated by the magnetic velvet rose
That is your mouth.
You kiss me and I'm melting
Under the heat of your violent red,
I'm melting under you and I only want you
To soak me up and let me in
So I can feel inside you where no one else could.
I wanna know where your thorns grow
And feel them ***** my flesh
Just to know your pain.
But with all of your thorns, and all
Your flaws and imperfections,
You are completely beautiful to me.
And you smell nice too. :]
I wanna be beside you
To watch you grow and bloom,
And be beautiful before the world.
Cause to me you are unique and perfect,
And I see red when you touch me.
I feel your scarlet heart when you're
Near me, and burn in anticipation
When you're close.
You touch me and I'm yours.
You touch me, hold me,
Kiss me, smile, laugh,
And turn me rose-red;
And my heart is softened like a petal.
We can grow together,
And I'll be happier than you could know
Whenever I see you. <3
Written November 7th, 2011
Sade LK Feb 2014
Music slithers through my skull
Like a struggling maggot-
Drowning in my brain fluids.
I gotta shake my head-
This isn't real, nothing's inside.
Hollowed eye sockets ooze black
But everything is gray.
And my mind is still rotting maggot music.
It's pulsing, throbbing in dull metals
To slit my tongue in two for the blood of one.
I can't feel this, I can't feel you, I can't feel...
I am a worm, and I'm covered in dirt
And all I can do is play my part, and
Play music.
Written October 14th, 2011
Feb 2014 · 481
In That World (Still)
Sade LK Feb 2014
You speak in violent crimsons that leave my
Dull silver set stuck between sparkling and faded.
I trade this for nothing, because
No one else is around for any optional situation.
It all swirls up in massive horrendous tornados
Of imaginary chaos- ceasing to linger above me.
I get ****** up in the spiral of spinning infinity,
And how everything is exactly perfect, always,
And how it is all completely beautiful, because it is all
I feel like people never completely understand that concept.
But then again, one can only attempt to relate based on
One's perception- or point of view,
Being based on personal experience.
I guess we have destiny, along with some of our own choices
To thank for that.
Because we should be thankful for what we have
Around us, and also within us.
Because when all else is gone,
We have always got ourselves.
And no one can take that away.
Even when I feel like I'm so far gone,
That I can't even hear those piercing words of crimson.
But my silver is still dull-
At least I know I have some shine, somehow,
And sometime- I will be so stunning,
That I can be a ******* rainbow if I want to.
Because although there is no one around
To bring harmony to all my many colors,
I can paint my own masterpiece,
And I will live in that world
Until this one fades away.
Written October 11th, 2011
Feb 2014 · 1.0k
Pinks and Reds
Sade LK Feb 2014
I just wanna stay awake and think about you-
Imagine your eyes looking into mine,
Your hand on my leg
Your smile followed by your laugh.
I could spend hours going through
What it feels like when you touch me
In my head.
Everything about you is so interesting-
I wish you'd let me get to know you better.
I'm anxious and eager,
Cause I know you're worth it.
And I just can't stop thinking about you,
And how you make those sounds
And that face
When I touch and kiss your body.
I could spend the night in your arms
And still feel like I wasn't close enough to you.
You can hold me as tight as you want
And I'll be worlds away in contentment
And carefree smitten bliss.
You attract me like a magnet
With just the way you are.
And there is so much of you
That I just can't stop thinking about it.
I can't get you out of my head,
Or out of my mind,
Out of my dreams, or
Out of my system.
But the thing is,
I really
Dont want to.
Written September 7th, 2011
Feb 2014 · 522
Sade LK Feb 2014
Thoughts overflow inside my head
And leak into my mouth,
Bubbling out my lips.
They seep down my throat,
I choke as they tickle my lungs
Black, thick and sticky.
Still they proceed to fill my stomach,
The weight of this acid is grotesque.
The thoughts then subside
Within my organs.
Creeping into my heart
So they can be pumped throughout my arteries.
My entire body is consumed and captivated
By my mind.
But its all in my head.
And I just can't get rid of these thoughts.
So I just fester within them,
Nothing else can exist
Outside of this reality I trap myself in, with my head.
But my ears are dripping endless thoughts,
And my eyes bleed confusion.
It seems like I can never escape who I am.
And being alone is never quite alone,
When I'm constantly suffocated by myself.
I just wish I could stop thinking,
Just for a minute,
To feel what it's like to be
But the heaviness is all inside me,
And My thoughts are overflowing.
Written September 5th, 2011
Feb 2014 · 884
You Know Me Too Well
Sade LK Feb 2014
You know me too well.
And I'm running out of places to hide.
My mouth can't stop talking
When I only wish you would tell me something about yourself.
I wanna get to know you
On a level that no one else has reached
So your mind separates me from all the rest
And let's me in where no one else can go.
I want you to trust me,
Because I care about you so much
It keeps me up at night.
And I have to lye awake and think of
Your eyes, and the look inside them
When I make you smile, the way only I can.
And I confuse myself
Because it seems like I'm already dreaming.
I feel weightless when I'm with you,
Like nothing else matters.
But I'm constantly worrying about how you're doing,
And if I make you happy.
Just wish you would talk to me more
So I could let you inside my head
And think about your laugh and voice before I fall asleep.
But you know me too much.
And I know that doesn't mean as much to you as it does to me.
Still I wish you wanted to know more...
But you fascinate me.
And I wish you wanted me to know more about you.
I just want you to know
That I only want
To make you
Written September 2nd, 2011
Feb 2014 · 874
I'm Your Doll
Sade LK Feb 2014
Use me.
I am your toy, just a little doll
For you to play with.
You can bend me any way you want.
Spread my legs wide open so you can come inside.
You can *** inside if you like it,
Do whatever you want to me.
Just use me.
Cause my plastic doll heart cannot feel.
And I only want to satisfy you
In all the wrong ways.
You could drag me around on a leash like a dog,
And I'd follow you closely and lay on your lap,
Lick your wounds and be your best friend,
Or maybe just your favorite toy.
So hold me down so I can't escape.
Whisper in my ear that you need me
So you can put all of you inside me,
And take all that's left of me out.
Tell me that you want me
More than any other toy in the chest
And use me until I just fall apart.
Break me.
Cause I'm worn and tired
And you might want a new toy soon if you're bored.
Until then just **** me.
**** me until my entire doll body comes alive,
And ***** you like I need you to use me.
Then just leave me there, lying naked on the floor,
With no place to belong, when I long to be held in your arms.
Tell me you're finished with me.
Then just kick me under your bed,
And forget about me.
Written August 28th, 2011
Feb 2014 · 739
Here's to the Last One
Sade LK Feb 2014
It's the ticking, the itch of the digging
Down to reality
Out of this abyss, and
Into transcendenence
Where its
Only lonely nowhere, solely because
A soul needs no reason when cleansed with supreme divinity.
It sickens me to know or feel
That unreal matter, material made illusion
To lose myself in.
See, I've been
Sick of the convoluted oxymoron phenomenon
For so long that it's just wrong not
To shake up a change, and
Turn this worn page
To a new day
Where although the skies may be gray-
I got faith there's rays of sunshine
Through all of this world's *******.
See I spit it like it is
Cause this taste on my tongue
Was once numb, and raw with some
Ignorant attempt at self expression.
Bitter with rage and self hate and rebellion.
Now I dwell in the flavors of nectar I savor
With one word.
One name.
Freedom and love don't cost a thang.
And ya see, it's really all the same to me,
As long as I'm free and in love.
Written July 6th, 2011
Feb 2014 · 600
Sade LK Feb 2014
Running green, running black, running
Birth, disease, old age,
Energy- that has always existed
Forever existing.
An unfathomable attempt to organize
This unharnessable chaos.
And its all so perfectly under control in that way.
Well how does one really measure that
From an infinite scale of ignorance?
Also, what is knowledge?
What is real?
Who or what am I,
And how do I express or communicate anything...
The never ending brain stopper-
Heart throbbing chokehold.
By voice,
Or engraved within some material substance,
It all is so constantly  perplexing...
But sometimes they sound so eloquent,
When embraced within consecutive junction.
But both my brain and chest,
Including the heart it cradles,
Are beckoning to burst at the edges,
And tear through their seemed borders
Like thin metal ripping through dead scar tissue.
Feels like scraping at all the useless flesh,
And cutting down to the core-
The soul-
Until I can carve myself into something real.
This world is coated in a thick lining of *******,
And we're all just gagging and choking
On the words we repress,
For fear of speaking our minds.
Say something ******* real for once-
Spit it,
Scream it,
Or however you wanna get it out, but just let that **** go.
And don't try to sound like someone you're not.
Because only you have
Written June 14th, 2011
Feb 2014 · 744
Sade LK Feb 2014
Poetic thoughts to merely strangle an
Otherwise undeveloped expression.
Chaos- dripping profusely from an
Endless flow of illusion.
Imagination? Is this real?
But the good is
Claw at the temptation to be
Something else.
Because maybe then reality
Could actually make some sense.
But still can't get over the thrill
Of existence
Being nonexistent.
Because it's
So ******* good
To feel unreal.
Why should anything matter-
When nothing is affecting
But, knowing, knowledge-
That **** is scary.
Because how can anyone know?
Jesus Christ, the "nothingness" just ******* kills me.
The screaming is melting my brain tissues
And inside my head is just
Black, static sick of explaining the
Discomfort in my head.
Sick of rambling cheap obscurities-
Verbally littering on this ****** up planet
One "word" at a time.
Who the hell cares??
No one
Ignorance is considered cherrishable
Because we don't have the *****
To accept reality-
At least maybe I'm just weak.
So why does it even matter?
Redundance- it gets so ******* old.
Feel like something fresh-new-breathable
Could expand at least an experience or two.
Yet it gets so catchy to
Rage warfare on one's self.
****, cause the taste
Is exceptionally harsh.
Texture is only an effect based on perception.
Still, everything is in
Retrograde inversion,
Like my old composition homework assignments-
Only less classy,
And without genius direction.
**** the misunderstanding, man.
That **** will mess with your mind.
But I am in love
With hating to feel,
And everything in between and
Opposite that.
And I couldn't explain anything,
To even give you an idea of what its like.
Written June 13th, 2011

[It's possibly worth noting that I was highly intoxicated at the time.]
Feb 2014 · 629
Words Words Red
Sade LK Feb 2014
Blue smoke, jagged line.
Twitch, fix, no concept of time.
Meanings, meaningless notions
World wide apocalypse.
Black smoke, tight, straight, beaded line.
Headache, stomach-scraping, brain-spaced, no reality.
Concepts, comprehension, unfathomable theory.
End of human life.
Words, communication, expression, words words red lines.
Head, thoughts, spaced, stinging throb
Rotting chest, breath, lungs, smoke.
Get a gun, get a rope.
Black, gray, metal, panic, headache not real
Panic, headache.
Reality, existence.
Gun, rope.
**The end.
Written June 6th, 2011
Feb 2014 · 497
Sade LK Feb 2014
Things to think
But not so much to say.
Little fragments that scatter sparkling static
Of weightless notion
Across open miles of flatness.
Yellow prickles of dry dying grass
Stranded in a distant field,
And nobody cares.
Feel the tension in the small muscles of my forehead
Wrinkling and releasing,
Elastic concentrated pressure.
Things to feel,
But not so much to express.
Barren road of endless thought,
Hinting the glimmer of existence
Amongst the desolate air
Dense with nothingness.
Thin streams of clouds whisp around a burning sun,
And spiral their moisture through rays of contradiction.
But nobody notices.
Still the words don't come.
They build up in the gaseous acid of the atmosphere,
And offer no consolation to anyone.
The comfort of being is bitten and pricked
By the dull sensation of an imaginary threat,
But it isn't real.
And there is no one place to belong.
And nothing to say about that.
To no one.
Written June 1st, 2011
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