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Esther L Krenzin Jul 2019
"Even the stars
can't outshine us."

Esther L. Krenzin
Esther L Krenzin Jun 2019
"Love is kind
love is gentle
love is cruel."
Esther L. Krenzin
Esther L Krenzin Jun 2019
Don't go looking
for bread from an
starving man
when he cant even feed himself.

Esther L. Krenzin
Esther L Krenzin Jun 2019
"Make yourself small
become invisible
until you are needed
don't take up space
starve yourself so that we find you appealing
cover and smear away
at your blemishes"
is the unspoken rule

Our bodies are not pitstops
for ravenous men
this flesh
these limbs
this ***** is a gift
and can be taken away,
just as it can be given

When they want you
docile and unassuming
seen but not heard
climb through the bars
of the prison you built
to please others
and make something of yourself
for in you alone, lies the power.
Esther L. Krenzin
Esther L Krenzin Jun 2019
Explaining myself
is an privilege
and I do not owe it to anyone
not even the ravaged girl
born of glass and mirrors
whose cutting stare picks me apart
even from the realm
of reflections and lies.
Esther L. Krenzin
Esther L Krenzin Jun 2019
I am becoming
stirring the flames that I subdued for you
cultivating the embers
that ate away at my innards

When did I allow
my fangs to produce honey
when venom was what I needed
to stand up for myself?

Too long I’ve tarried
in the shadows
shedding one skin only to don another
caught between a disguise of who I am
and who they want me to be

Esther L. Krenzin
Esther L Krenzin Jun 2019
Placed in earth
corroded with poison
they expect me to bloom
as the other flowers do.
Esther L. Krenzin
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