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 Nov 2014 RMatheson
erin walts
Oh keep telling yourself
the cup is half full
keep pretending
pretending you're no
small minded fool
smile and smile away
smile until your smile fades...
 Nov 2014 RMatheson
Awesome Annie
Bathtubs spend alot of time empty.
When used they are never filled completely.

Maybe I'm like a bathtub.
Cold and clean.


I'd hope to be clean. But I find myself ***** more often then not.

But I could shine. I could be filled to the brink of overflow.

You could lay on me for awhile.. Close your eyes and just relax.

I'll wrap myself around you and welcome you into me.

****...I'm like a bathtub.
Might be weird. This piece is a product of backwards thinking.
 Nov 2014 RMatheson
Awesome Annie
I don't know when it was I fell, but I think I just hit solid ground. Those arms I wanted to catch me, are nowhere to be found.

I thought of strength as I fell, the beauty of his soul. Disregarding what I knew, that love can take a toll.

It's my own fault, I hide away so well. Secrets tucked down deep, that my lips refuse to tell.

I can't help but feel so broken, as I hit the floor. Delicate hearts made of glass, I heard mine crack as he closed the door.
 Nov 2014 RMatheson
Awesome Annie
You may have noticed puzzle pieces  scattered all around me.
Patterns starting to come into light.

I know this because I see it myself.
So I wait.

I always catch myself wondering what my heart keeps saying, because I'm finding it difficult to translate.

I love the wrong way.
I know this from everything before.

Puzzle pieces that never fit, no matter how hard I try.
Glue and paste never hold.
Edges always askew.
Patterns so complex they hurt my eyes.

It takes time I'm guessing.
Patient hands to guide pieces into place.

I wouldn't know what to do if it where complete.
Or what it might be like,
To never have too worry about starting over.
 Nov 2014 RMatheson
Awesome Annie
You are abstract.
Rare in our world of black and white.
So full of color that you burst.
Beautiful on canvas and in theory.

Stunning is you when you shine.
Breathless is me here before you.
I want so badly to fill in the cracks.

Contrasting elements leave us lingering in this place that we now can frame.

I could look at you for hours not wanting to blink.
Gazing into the powerful man,
Seeing beyond what others may see.

I'm captivated and perhaps a bit shaken. Left in such awe.

I say this with absolute certainty,
needing to catch your tears in my hands.
You are a masterpiece.
You are a work of art.
 Nov 2014 RMatheson
Barkley Layne
Then, in that moment

I did not feel
 Nov 2014 RMatheson
Barkley Layne
He does not give me butterflies


No, the feeling he gives me in my stomach,

It stings.
 Nov 2014 RMatheson
Barkley Layne
Drip Drop Drink
Oh fill my glass to the

Drip Drop Drink
Why does this elixir prohibit me to  

Drip Drop Drink
Why does this cause all my thoughts to

Drip Drop Drink
I take another sip and gradually

Drip Drop Drink
My pen desperately tries to regurgitate  

Drip Drop Drank
My thoughts have becoming teasingly

Drip Drop Done
I will never be his only
 Nov 2014 RMatheson
Awesome Annie
This is when I turn to rock, emotions mold to stone. I could never give you my heart, for its not my own.

I drift away with regret, I know I let you down. I cant take back the things I think, when your not around.

I feel it pulling in my chest, rise up and come to tears. I took a chance to make this work, and it ended with my fears.

I disapear now like the wind, I fade into the trees. You think I will forget you fast, but pain is hard to ease.

Dont look back and see me, a shadow of who you once knew, for I was never fully here. I make it look so easy, but the scars are always there.
 Nov 2014 RMatheson
Awesome Annie
You want to take the wings I've earned, I sense it beyond your touch. You wrapped your hand around my throat, and it become too much.

You think that you're the only man, to ask of me what you do. But in reality, there have been countless before you.

I pace this room to ease your pain, it sinks within my skin. Another scar from your heartache burns. So much to say, I can't begin.

I count the scars on my flesh, the hearts I've had and lost. You look at me like I'm the monster, but never ask the cost.
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