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 Mar 2018 Bee
Amanda Kay Burke
 Mar 2018 Bee
Amanda Kay Burke
"Your arms feel like home." I said.
"Yours are heaven." He replied.
Me and my boyfriend will say things to eachother that are so beautiful i turn it into poetry sometines. This is one such example. He takes my breath away.
 Mar 2018 Bee
s u n l i e s
 Mar 2018 Bee
❝ i feel
so hollow
in this pale moonlight

i beg of you,
make me feel right,❞
the empty girl cries once again.
 Mar 2018 Bee
Diana Botelho
where wildness grows
between my rib cages
close to my heart and
all over my brain
where revolutions begins to take place
for me and for her and for all of you
i change my perceptions, become something new
and you can't deny you heard me, when I ripped my throat so I could heal
blossoming feelings deep inside my bones
i'm a warrior at heart with hope set on steel
 Mar 2018 Bee
SG Holter
Even as dying, I have no time
For bitterness.

Life was too short,
Even before.

Each step holds gratitude for the sound
Of snow beneath it.


I carry my passenger

Say no to nothing. Not
Even the cancer.

Even tomorrow's mother's tears,
Father's clenched fists upon casket;

Flowers; loss. Inevitability.
Death grows inside me.

The opposite of a
When the yellow day coppers to dusk
I paint my weary eyes dreams.

They nudely wade the crabhole muds
for marks of the great marksman
climb up the chunks going into tides
tiptoe through the needle roots
sniff a wind that smells of stripes
death if comes
would be a momentary stir
a dangling cloth
resting on the trail of blood, marking,
someone ventured.
Tiger trail, Sunderban, February 24-25, 2018
 Mar 2018 Bee
Outer Hades
 Mar 2018 Bee
I imagine death
Is like snow blown from a branch
Upon hitting the earth
There is a rapid loss
Of color and form
 Mar 2018 Bee
I can no longer hide
My soul ignited

once disparaged
I long to share it

The chills in my spine put into words

Lips on skin
Eyes filled with sin

What is this sensation

I drip colors you cannot see

Heightening my passion
Enhancing my touch

Raw emotion channeled as such

My desire aches
The color of flush
My cage breaks
Expressions of lust

I do not fear it
I can hear you blush

My favorite sound

Our souls combust
My restless soul longs for something fulfilling
 Mar 2018 Bee
rachel huberty
the words bloomed from my mouth
and the petals fell as i spoke what i'd been
trying to say for the last six months
beautiful and soft
they fell to the floor in swirls
but left behind only dust
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