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Sarah Caitlyn Oct 2016
The way his fingers moved over the ivory keys
Notes pouring from his hands left me in awe
"Sing" he urges so I do, voice, piano, and
Laughter like a symphony of our own kind
The intimacy of the moment is so thick
it threatens to burst out of the room
and consume the whole world in love
I forgot for a moment to keep my guard up
I forgot that I should be weary of this
That I should be cautious of anything
I let myself be engulfed by the love
we shared and I let the intimacy
of that moment consume my world.
  Oct 2016 Sarah Caitlyn
'I don't think you're capable of loving anyone',
he said
hands on steering wheel
twinkling eyes on the road

breath in.
breath out.
suddenly i forgot how to breath
pang on my chest
'but i love you' - i wanted to scream so bad.

but how could i say it
when i had never done that
how could i say it
when i had never learned to say it
how could i say it
when i had never loved anyone
before you
show me
teach me how
a little bit
as i
how to love
there was
no one
before you

i desperately wanted to say so.
yet i let a little pained laugh.
'of course I am', I answered.
'tell me at least one person that you love other than your family'.
i could sense it
your hope dangling
you had been patiently waiting for me to say it out loud
yet still
how to say it?
say it, please.

i feel your disappointment
within those silence.
and i'm sorry.
for i could not say it out loud.
but i loved you.
and i still do.

*yet you're gone before i could even learn to say it.
and now
you left me screaming it to the world out loud alone
Sarah Caitlyn Oct 2016
Your lips touched mine
and fireworks went off
every sense was heightened
and I could taste your heart.
Now every kiss tastes dull
and you're lips are pressed
to someone else's
but the feeling still lingers
on my tongue like poison
I'm trying so hard to replace
the tender touches and
your hands in my hair.
I pretend not to care as I
see her head rested on your chest
but I can't unlove you
and I can't forget the taste
of your heart on my tongue
Sarah Caitlyn Oct 2016
I thought my heart had broken
and that's where the emotion came from
but I had handed my heart to you
when you gave it back I felt everything again.
Sarah Caitlyn Oct 2016
Being a woman in America
is so very dangerous.
Afraid to walk down the street
alone in broad daylight.
As a woman in America I
was asked what I was wearing
and if I was sure I wasn't flirting.
I was dismissed and invalidated.
I was shamed and ridiculed.
I was thirteen.
Being a woman in America
is incredibly shocking
especially with all of the "feminist"
movements going on lately.
Being a woman in America
makes me wish I was born male
so I wouldn't need self defense
classes and assault training.
As a woman in America I
will never be able to feel
like I am Safe.
Sarah Caitlyn Oct 2016
She came home
drunk off her ***
five missed calls
and it's still ringing
His number is
flashed across the
screen bright green
She just stares
he never calls
the phone flies
out of her hand
hitting the wall.
and cracking
his number.
Hours later the
red and blue lights
hit pale skin
and she breathes
out his name
for the last time
placing the gun
on her nightstand
and holding his
pale body close.
I'm not sure...
Sarah Caitlyn Sep 2016
The world spins as I breathe
But it will continue when I stop.
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