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life choices cast in iron skillets,
presented choices that possess no flexibility

twice, she asks me today

morning fruitage, on offer,
peaches ripe to rip real sweet perfection
from your eyes to the remembering salivating mouth,
sweet but just **** enough
strawberries that will wince your tongue buds
intolerant of either, but perfect together

acorn squash,
over roasted to be the violin section
to your barbecued chicken orchestra serenading,
but which shall be the sweetener,
honey or maple syrup,
similar but different

the kitchen floor explosive shakes,
pans to the floor fall, eyelet unhooked all,
spices from cabinets burst forth,
kitchen mittens slapping each other
in utter disbelief

when I reply,
let us choose both!

for there is no bifurcation,
no line of demarcation
on our taste buds
this a truthful -
our lives a perpetual blending,
both will login lead to a
the right and proper ending
Whats happening?
What was once green and fruitful, is turning ripe.
But I am forbidden, and so are you.

I cant help but fall...but maybe its not you.
Its not you .thats making me fall. It could be anyone.
We all want that which we cannot have.

We lust for danger. We lust for that which we shouldn't touch.
But I did touch you, and you...
Was it my heart? Or was it a coincidence?

Maybe it could have been any other person,
Maybe it could have been me?
Maybe its because I haven't been in touch with me.

I want to dance the night away.
But I like company.

All fruits ripen.
So it's a matter of time until you ripen as well.
But how can I preserve you forever?

I love you. And you love me.
I don't want you to ripen,'re not helping yourself.

Ive tried...I still am. But i'm tired.
Ive crossed no lines, yet made connections.
But i don't want to give up.

Am I Adam; in a garden only allowed to touch one fruit?
Am I Eve; tempted to try out new things.
Am I Lucifer; only satisfied when all else collapses around me.

I want to dance the night away.
Light a cigarette on the bridge.
I want to be alone.

Not because i want to.
But because you wont understand...
You wont understand me, you'll label me.

Im cruel: You're right.
Im harsh: You've got it.
Im unworthy: Im sorry.

Im the father of my own sins,
Im the son of my own darkness,
Im the spirit of my own demise.
The wind howls from the north.
A cold blizzard has struck;
Leaving the man astray;
But the poet couldn't stop.

A horseman approaches...
Fate? Death? Destiny?
None of those;
It was reality.

The reality of a memory never forgotten.
The reality of a touch never betrayed.
The reality of a gaze upon ones glass eyes never amiss.
The reality if it being what it is.

The winter sparrow tells an Autumn tale of lust
Medusa engraved the moment on Smokey Quartz.
The witch added the forbidden lovers spice to the brew.
And the horsemen rode off into the night with all he could take.

Yet, the poet lusts for more.
His muse, she too wants that.
But what is may never be...
Or could they both be wrong?

Only time can tell
What only the moon knows.
Until the winds howl again.
Unless they never stop.
A boy got chased by wolves
and got lost in a forest.
He knew of all the dangers that would arise.
He was aware.

The trees created clouds of leaves.
No light pierced through. Nothing.
He couldn't see.
But he could hear.

He heard a sparrows chirp.
And though he know not where she might take him.
He blindly followed her.
All she needed to do was chirp.

She led him out of the forest.
Out to safety. But it was nightfall.
It was still dark and dangerous.
And night brings fowler things then wolves.

It brought creatures from the deep.
The sparrow sat on the boys shoulder as they walked.
They walked alone until they came to a river.
They were afraid of what lies in the deep.

A fair tale was heard from quite a distance.
A ballad of a Robin and the Star of the Sea.
A siren was recalling.
Telling the tale while gently splitting the waves with her fair scales.

She approached the boy and his sparrow and she explained the story. But they got lost in conversation.
For you see, the sparrow knew that the conversation would create safety.
And that conversation would protect him from the night.

The Sparrow and the boy need not fear what may come.
Yet embrace it. Adapt to it.
Let happen what is to be done.
Let the story write itself.

The Ballad of a Robin and the Star of the Sea.

'Oh a Robin he gazed upon a star one night, a star that shined the brightest light. Wishing shed fall and fly with him. Each night he sang her to sleep.  Until one day she escaped the sky and the Robin chased her and flew after her. But the star fell and sank in the River Grace. Yet the star still shined brighter, even brighter then before and the Robin still gazed upon this star, a star now reflecting the waves of the deep. Now the Robin noticed that the star was now closer then before, therefore the acted upon it. Some say the Robin swam to the star and managed to reach her, and stayed down there with her. Others recall the tale of how one ray would fall directly on the Robins red chest and he'd sing to her and the star would echo the song all across the river. Some creatures recall hearing it..."
Ready your bow.

The last arrow was fired.
And as quickly as the arrow sprang from bow to target.
She was gone.
Disappearing into the night, dressed in black.

What is this urge to impress you?
This feeling of heartbreak over someone that was never mine?
Why is there still hope?  
Maybe because theres still a spark.

And with that spark I want to burn the world.
Burn it with you!
But...I think;
I'm only burning myself.

I'd do anything.
Go anywhere.
Just to see you.
In my arms again.

Ready your bow.
There is a lion up above embedded in the stars.
At midpoint between the stars and the sea, flashes a green light.
Slightly above sea level are two people sharing conversation.
And below in the deep sea are two fish tied together.

The lion roared filling the girl up with interest.
The fish stirred up the current making sure his conversation remains interesting.
The green light flashed brighter with each passing second.
Making sure they remained safe and the night remains lit.

They connected on that night.
Soul, heart and mind.
The attraction was there.
But only poems could reveal what they felt.

Forbidden and forsaken.
Yet still driven towards each other.
Old souls re connected.
Ancient feelings re visited.
I attempted to move forward tonight.
I was with a different crowd.
There was a girl I though I might like.
But all i could think of was you.

She isn't you.
Non of them walk like you.
Talk like you.
None of them give out the same energy.

How am I supposed to move on?
How can I?
I'm ******* up.
Its hard holding back.

I can talk to you. But I'm doing this for you. Not me. If it were be I'd be there.
Still in the picture.
But I was hurting and confusing you.

But how can I know if you're ok?
How can I make sure he is respecting you?
How can I know he is giving you what you need?
Or that he sees you as you?

All I want to do is connect.
Break the silence.
I'm afraid you'll forget me.
I'm afraid you've already started to drift away.
Light up some sage.
Bring down your cauldron.
Put a candle on.
Let the rain be your music.

I am no wizard.
Nor am I a man of god.
But in times like these.
Maybe I should believe in someone.

Who am I?
A man split in two.
Consumed by anger.
Driven by freedom.

I am containing myself.
Holding back.
Baby, this isn't who I am.
I fight for what I want.

Think not of is as an act of selfishness...I am not selfish.
Nor as an act of heroism...I am no hero.
But because I understand what you are, who you are.
Im holding myself back. Fighting myself.

Finding a reason...why should I stop?
It's because you respect her boy.
You fool. Slave to love.
Captive of your own desires.

I am no wizard.
Nor am I a man of god.
But in times like these.
Maybe I should believe in myself.

Light up some sage.
Let the ashes fall in the heathen ***.
Get that sentimental pendant...
And wear that red gem around your neck.
 Nov 2019 Dandy Lioness
Fill in the blanks:

1. After months of sleeping next to you, today I woke up, rolled over to see your face, and was (      ).
a) in love
b) complete
c) nervous
d) alone
e) all of the above

2. I (      ) you because I (      ) you.
a) ****, love
b) love, ****

3. I (      ) you because I (      ) you.
a) lost, hurt
b) hurt, lost

4. Towards the end it was clear things weren't working out, but when I  (      ) you I still felt like (      ).
a) kissed, a school boy
b) resented, trying
c) came inside, a god
d) lost, ****
e) all of the above

5. It's devastating because I tried so hard (      ) I knew we were never going to work.
a) even though
b) until
c) after
d) because
e) to pretend

6. We had *** in (      ).
a) our apartments
b) our friends' apartments
c)  the Tonga Room
d) the workplace
e) misery

7. I was (      ), you were (      ), it was (      ).
a) in love, in love, amazing
b) trying, trying, trying
c) yours, yours, yours
d) trying, tired, over
e) real, real, real

8. You never let me (      ), you said it was private.
a) read your recipe book
b) see you ***
c) run with you
d) do yoga with you
e) get to know you

9. I wanted to (      ) you, you wanted to (      ) me.
a) love, love
b) ****, ****
c) possess, escape
d) marry, forget
e) all of the above

10.  When things were at their best we were always (      ).
a) laughing
b) together
c) *******
d) doomed
e) all of the above
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