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7.9k · Mar 2014
Miss Johansen Mar 2014
Like the air, you are with me everywhere
Like the solid walls, you protect me
Like the burning fire, you warm me
   I will never forget you, or how you made me feel.
1.9k · Mar 2014
Miss Johansen Mar 2014
I wish I could accept myself
I wish I could love myself
I wish I could stop caring what you think
1.9k · Mar 2014
Miss Johansen Mar 2014
I hate that I wasted my time with you
You never gave me anything but trouble
You treated me like I was worth nothing
          But then why do I miss you so much?
916 · Mar 2014
Don't break me
Miss Johansen Mar 2014
You lied to me, You pretended
You used me, You forced me
You knew my story, and about my broken heart
That didnt change anything, but why would it matter,
   for someone so heartless
After everything, you leave me with nothing  but a broken spirit

I am tired of trusting you
851 · Mar 2014
Miss Johansen Mar 2014
I left my home and the feeling cannot be described
I left everything I have ever known for this completely unpredictable adventure
Being an international student is a wonderful struggle
492 · Mar 2014
No love.
Miss Johansen Mar 2014
I wish I knew exactly what it meant to be loved by someone who didnt have to. I care about so many, but no ones cares back.
   I feel like I am slipping, and I dont know what to do,
I will always smile, they have no idea of what I go through. I am always laughing, I save the crying for later when no one is watching.
382 · Apr 2014
Miss Johansen Apr 2014
So far away
Capturing my heart
Taking it with you
So far far away

I long for you
I need you
But you don't need me
Breaking me apart
Causing me pain

How dare you
Taking my heart
Making me love you
Without loving me back
340 · Nov 2015
Miss Johansen Nov 2015
look at me
just one time
and tell me
that this was not meant to be
281 · Nov 2015
I will
Miss Johansen Nov 2015
In 50 years, you will be ugly,
                but I will still be beautiful.

— The End —