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Apr 2014 · 499
Luna Lynn Apr 2014
I fell in love with your smile and your strawberry blonde hair in an unnatural light
I fell in love with the scars on your arms that left traces of pain in the fight
I fell in love with your hunger and hoped I could change you
I was broken hearted to know the demons of your mind would forever enslave you
You'd tell me you have dreams of caring for people just like me
You'd tell me of all your desires you'd fulfill once you're free
I think about you a lot since they took you away
and how I had to say goodbye that cool October day
How I wish on the sun and the moon and the stars
that the devil has not found you
where ever you are
I think about you a lot J.A. and I hope you're okay.

(C) Maxwell 2014
Apr 2014 · 3.2k
Luna Lynn Apr 2014
When seasons change, colors get darker
and set mood for life around the sun.
When seasons change, the world prepares
for things unfinished and what is to come.
When seasons change, all are aware
of the cold that will creep beneath our skin.
When seasons change, the ending is near
and we hold summer close as our kin.
When seasons change, the leaves are dead
the trees are dead
no blood in their veins .
We expect this when seasons change.

Where the rivers may cross at the end
of the streams, water that brings life
back to the trees.
Happiness follows the sweet lasting breeze,
and we live in the presence of sorrowful spring.
The buds are in millions of heads upon ease,
that still have not brought us life in the leaves

When seasons change, all is expected
and hope is still strong and will is protected.
When seasons change, we do not prevail
and never once think out visions may fail.
I was debating on whether or not to post this but it's still kind of funny. I was 13 or 14 when I wrote this and wasn't really aiming at anything other than playing with words and creating imagery. Not bad for little old me huh? :)

(C) Maxwell 2014
Apr 2014 · 1.3k
a Prose for the Dying
Luna Lynn Apr 2014
I sit at your bedside to provide you comfort and a true friendship that only one of the dying could ever understand. I hold your hand as you struggle to breathe, and I silently pray you find some relief, and I wipe the beads of sweat from your face and whisper let it be. And once you have finally let go of this world in the most satisfying of peace, and once your soul has taken flight from this very moment to be, I thank God for allowing me to spend it with you. When my time arrives, I can only hope there is such a caring spirit to fulfill such a dire need.
I used to work in hospice care, and each bedside death was a different experience. I am equally honored to have been a part of each of them.

(C) Maxwell 2014
Apr 2014 · 493
a small thought of you
Luna Lynn Apr 2014
I imagine your breath upon my ear
whispering sweet nothings
and your hand upon my thigh
drawing hearts
and your nose nuzzling my cheek
yes this is new to me
But the sound of your voice entices me
and when I close my eyes
these are the very things I see
I am utterly infatuated with your being
and your poetry flows through my brain as a cord of lovely dreams
I blush at the thought of your touch
because I know you know what I feel
and what it means
and to be in your world is a blessing
But to be in your presence in physical form can be but a wish come true
My sweet friend

I smile
Just at the thought of
I will never tell ;)

(C) Maxwell 2014
Luna Lynn Apr 2014
I don't use big words
that doesn't make me any
less of a poet
(C) Maxwell 2014
Apr 2014 · 296
Luna Lynn Apr 2014
Sway to the left
Now sway to the right
Smile at your partner
Oh what a night
A night for dancing
A night for fun
A night for rhythm
A night for love
Kiss her hand
And grasp her waist
Dip her to the passion
Of the music played
Shake your hips
Clap your hands
It's a never ending
Night of dance
Feel warm in her hold
And drink from her cup
Dance dance dance
Until the sun comes up
Just something fun I wrote while listening to good Motown music.

(C) Maxwell 2014
Apr 2014 · 1.3k
My Dream
Luna Lynn Apr 2014
My only dream
is a dream come true
May I be your voice?
May I touch your heart?
May I use words to see through you?
Take my hand and feel free to get lost
smell the flowers
dance in the rain
appreciate the thunder
embrace all of the pain
Let me reach a place that has never been seen
Let my words anoint your emotions
Let my visions be your dreams
Let me understand your struggles
Let me solve your troubles
Let me inspire the sun to shine
and the moon to light
in the night
Let me hold you in the arms
of the poetry I write

May my dreams come true
My only dream is to please you
To move you
To help you
To soothe you
With every word I write
I give my all
I give my might
Won't you dance with me tonight?
Across the page
as if on stage
and hold each other tight?

Let's celebrate our feelings
and make our dreams come true
Let me be the poet I dream to be
All because of you
This is a poem written to those that read my poetry and sincerely enjoy it. I would love to have a "fan" or two, and just knowing that may actually be possible is nothing short of a dream come true. I hope to one day be published, and share my work with the world; if the world will have me :)
(C) Maxwell 2014
Apr 2014 · 1.8k
Falling in Love (Haiku #24)
Luna Lynn Apr 2014
I was sixteen and
in love with the idea
seeds become flowers
(C) Maxwell 2014
Apr 2014 · 11.0k
The Diary of a Mad Fat Woman
Luna Lynn Apr 2014
I wake up and eat some eggs, a yogurt, and a few slices of melon
in an attempt to change my life
after all it is that or death
I won't hold my breath

It's a beautiful day to head to the mall
with a friend
I really know where this is going

I like that shirt
Oops, this store doesn't offer plus size
On to the next..
I really like these jeans..
Forty five dollars for sizes sixteen and up
What a mess!

Since I refuse to let Lane Bryant **** my wallet in the ***
I decide to head to Barnes and Noble instead
I accidentally bumped into a lady and her baby stroller as I walked past and she mumbled
"Fat *****" under her breath
Yes that's what she said
I didn't even turn my head
Because that's what the lady said
and that's what society says
and instead of trying to explain it's just
easier to walk away
it's the self hatred after I dread

So I buy a whole pizza and eat the entire ******* thing
and it is beyond delicious
though the guilt I feel afterwards wasn't worth it
and vomitting that **** up was viscous

Even when I was a little girl I dreamed of being thin
I dreamed of being a model
I dreamed of having a flat tummy
Just to fit in
I didn't like the belly I had
or the fat in my cheeks
I was the only kid in gym that could never climb the rope
and that began a string of anxiety attacks
that would last for weeks

The doctor calls it insulin resistance
which leaves me with the inability to lose weight
but I shouldn't have to explain to anyone my condition
I just shouldn't have to explain
not to mention the ovarian disease that cripples me to my knees
which so happens to be genetic
and mimics the blood of a diabetic
leaving me incurable
a medical mystery
not to mention infertility
so for me
children are just a dream

Although I tell myself
that I am beautiful
and that I am intelligent
and that I am funny
and that I am a hard worker
and that I am successful
and that I am caring
and that I am loving
and that I am daring
and that I am the best **** friend a person could ever have
To a stranger I'm just a "fat *****"
and you know what?
That makes me really ******* sad
Don't feel sorry for me, I am only speaking the truth.
(C) Maxwell 2014
Apr 2014 · 456
Luna Lynn Apr 2014
broken into a thousand pieces
I shatter to the floor
at the reflection of your sadness
I break into a hundred more
and even amongst the breakage
I cannot avoid what's true
for my soul is lost in hopeless wander
my heart is still in love with you
lost within your presence
lost within your sight
lost deep in the sunbathing daisies
lost deep in the woods of night
forgotten voices of Eden
I have eaten forbidden fruit
and the sinful crime I have committed
does not allow me to hide the truth
what is love when it is pain
beyond what can be measured?
what is loved when all that's gained
is irony and pleasure?

as I lie here broken as shattered glass
just leave me on the floor
don't attempt to glue the pieces
I shall remain broken forever more

(C) Maxwell 2014
Apr 2014 · 1.1k
Cooking With Grandma
Luna Lynn Apr 2014

And the chicken goes in..
right into the hot oil
mama always said don't let it touch your skin


That seasoning salt right on top
keep shaking that hand little girl
flavor never stops


The dough in between both hands
but don't play with it in your fingers
this isn't ocean sand


Onto the couch next to grandma after you just fed your soul
with good home southern cooking that only the hills and mountains have come to know
My grandma lives in East Tennessee on the side of a mountain at the edge of the smokies in a trailer on land that has been in the family for hundreds of years. I won'tget to see her this spring, but I love going there to be lost in the peacefulness of the mountains with my belly full of her fried chicken and Apple turnovers!

(C) Maxwell 2014
Apr 2014 · 828
Murder She Wrote
Luna Lynn Apr 2014
Maya was murdered behind
Union station while beggars held out their
Rainboots for change and while the
Diner workers made food until fully
Exhausted and hobos hung out along the stair
Rails smoking cigars

She was once beautiful until
He took it away and left bruises in her
Eyes which were a dusk fall evening gray

While her mother paced the porch and dad
Racing home their baby never returned
Only her memory had burned deep into
Their minds and hardened their souls
Everyone hurt when Maya didn't say no
My first time at writing this style poem. It was fun mixing fiction with poetry.

(C) Maxwell 2014
Apr 2014 · 651
Can't Sleep (Haiku #23)
Luna Lynn Apr 2014
Laying next to me
deep in your sleepy slumber
as I lie awake
(C) Maxwell 2014
Apr 2014 · 418
the rain
Luna Lynn Apr 2014
the cool drops tickle my cheeks
the smell brings an aroma of
and reassurance
that the earth will be just fine
(C) Maxwell 2014
Apr 2014 · 1.0k
The Death of Life
Luna Lynn Apr 2014
To behold the fruit which grew from the seed planted so long ago
And to be unsure of what to do with it, one can only hope the fruit remains sweet
and tasteful
and colorful
For when the natural process of decay begins
It is already too late
I wrote this with a ton of symbolic meaning. It actually has nothing to do with life or death but more so my desire to be a writer. The seed represents the early beginning of my writings from when I was just a child, and the fruit represents the maturity of my work (which is today).

(C) Maxwell 2014
Apr 2014 · 364
He Has Risen!
Luna Lynn Apr 2014
With every ***** from the crown of thorns
With every unjust lash
Jesus I thank you
He died just for me
And here I am living life selfishly
lost in the world that was never for me

All God's children are born different
you see we were built from the womb
and before God even put us there
He knew

And so on this day that Christ rose
I am overflowing with love
I get it now
I understand you Lord
unlike when I was young
and I cried because someone else did
and I prayed because someone else did
and I bowed my head
and I fell to my knees without knowing
without knowing the God I was kneeling before was the Truth, the Way, and the Life
The Reason, the Being, our vice

I am overcome with emotion as I imagine what you went though
And what a waste as I walk the path You paved for me living sinful
I am unworthy
But you lift me in Your presence
and through Your vision
I am saved
and I am forgiven

Blessed am I for have never seen you
Because I still BELIEVE
I believe you died
I believe that you rose
I believe you cast out the devil
Through the flesh beyond the soul
I believe you are with me
I believe you are in the sky
I believe in You and that I will never die

Blessed am I for have never seen you
Just because I believe

Just praising some God here.
(C) Maxwell 2014
Apr 2014 · 346
Luna Lynn Apr 2014
I used to look at your smile and laugh
but now it makes me cry
because you're no longer amongst us in the physical world
you are only the memories I desperately cling to
the pictures I kiss every day
you are a spirit in the sky

My friend, the sweetest I had ever known
he would give you the shirt off his back
if you needed it you know
and even if he didn't have any to give, he would dig deep for a stranger
Because he knew and understood the struggle
and he knew the love of the Word
and he knew the love of a child
and he had the best laugh you'd have ever heard

I wish I could feel your hugs again
they were the best
I could be hurt, sad, lonely, and just the sight of you lifted Satan off my chest

You were too good to be here
I guess that's why God took you so soon

You were better fit for His kingdom
and if I ever get to see you again,
then I hope I am too.
Eric I hope you hear me when I say I miss you.

(C) Maxwell 2014
Apr 2014 · 510
Haiku number whatever
Luna Lynn Apr 2014
**** will *always rule
If it feels good enough then
you are in **prison
(C) Maxwell 2014
Apr 2014 · 558
The Cave
Luna Lynn Apr 2014
a wave of sadness overtakes my body
as I ***** self esteem
it never belonged within me anyway
because that was never me
under the boulder of self pity inside a cave of broken dreams
the little girl is still hiding from the monsters and holding on to what used to be
with ribbons in her hair and shoes that never fit the awkwardness of being different was all they'd ever see
she's crying
i'm crying
the storm is never over
the lightening flash is frightening
we're losing air in the thunder and
now we can't breathe
who is coming to save us
who is coming to save me
beneath this boulder of sadness
in a cave of broken dreams
(C) Maxwell 2014
Apr 2014 · 374
Luna Lynn Apr 2014
pieces of me have fallen away
now i don't know where to go
the missing parts are gone forever
they're memories ill never know
(C) Maxwell 2014
Apr 2014 · 457
Dear America,
Luna Lynn Apr 2014
Thank you

For this place you call the land of the free;
a land full of debt, poverty, and incurable disease

A natural disaster can wipe a city completely off the map,
but financial assistance is rejected because another country needed that

Blow up a nation to rebuild a government that's non existent, while you've lost all interest of your own resulting in a crumbling system

You rank up the cost of living and lower the level of pay, and all those jobs that only require simple skills you send overseas to give away

Working hard and growing old was once the American dream, and we still pay our last pennies into that same bank; but that's money we will never see

Make illegal immigration a topic of social exception and fool the people into thinking it's not an economic crisis with your emotional campaigning deception

Require expensive, extensive college degrees for what only calls for common sense, and then pay minimum wage so that the people are forever in debt

Control everything we do yet still give us freedom of speech
So that we can only talk of our dreams and never practice what we preach

Committ a ****** in Illinois and you're behind bars forever on your knees
Committ that same crime in Florida and you're guaranteed to be free

Two of the same exact persons in dire need of the same heart,
One has enough money in his pockets giving him a head start
while the poor man is sentenced to death by not doing his part

America, what happened?
This is no longer your land
and it's no longer my land
it's simply crumbling cliffs of
old foundation
sifting into sand


What do these colors mean to you?
I'm ******* and this is what came out lol... Don't ask.

(C) Maxwell 2014
Apr 2014 · 22.5k
Luna Lynn Apr 2014
The safest place is supposed to be my dreams
but it seems that's when the devil
tends to attack me most
Comforting warmth and sleepy slumber
disturbed by horrific fear
caught beneath my throat
and expelled in blood curdling
(C) Maxwell 2014
Apr 2014 · 2.8k
it's hard dating a poet
Luna Lynn Apr 2014
because you think every poem has something to do with something you've done
or something you've said
and you're reading the thoughts that were never read
or you think there is someone else because you just cannot imagine being compared to a sunny day
because your relationship doesn't go that way
because to be deep means surely it has to be about you
and when it isn't then you'll pick apart your brain to see who it's about
just to figure it out
and then you'll realize it was that ***** from six summers ago
let it go
shut your mouth
No I'm going to ask
Who is this about?
Nobody is what you'll say
and I'll know that's a lie

It's hard dating a poet and now you know why
My boyfriend just created a HP profile. We've done this to each other for years. It's rather comical at this point.
(C) Maxwell 2014
Apr 2014 · 361
Luna Lynn Apr 2014
Like a the thief in the night stealing my strength to say no
and enhancing my ability to say yes
I cannot resist
And in the end I'm caught in a pool of regret
swimming in a sea of what shouldn't be
feeling euphoric bliss
To continue on into the moment as if rules hadn't been broken
I walk in silence wearing the crown of shame, looking to place the blame
Because I gave in to the simplistic demons that I could not resist

(C) Maxwell 2014
Apr 2014 · 375
He died for us
Luna Lynn Apr 2014
My Lord
the most High
I am far unworthy
and yet you clothe me
and bathe me
and nurture me like an orphan
back to life
Although I have never denied You
I have sinned against You
One too many times
and yet You forgive me

Father God I do not come to ask You of anything, just to say
thank You.
I thank You for healing me.
I thank You for walking with me.
I thank You for carrying me when I could not stand,
and I thank You for being the very breath of life that you exhale into my soul when I no longer have the will in me to live for myself.
I thank You for every struggle and for every hardship,
for my struggles are incomprehensible to that of the Son of God.

To think, the being of one man, the sole purpose of this one man, was to live only to die at the hands of those who did not believe,
only to rise again and provide salvation, truth, and life to those of us who do.
What darkness will become of me if I leave
the demons behind to fall to my knees and worship the most High.

The devil is a lie.

And it has been proven over again and yet we still battle within ourselves,
we battle with the churches,
and the world,
and the most High Himself.
If we know the truth,
the way,
and the answer,
Why do we continue to question our being,
and more importantly God's plan?

The devil is a wolf in sheepskin
beware of his doings.
But know that Jesus was also tempted,
and tested,
and he questioned,
just like me
and just like you.
This went in a completely different direction than I had planned.
(C) Maxwell 2014
Luna Lynn Apr 2014
I miss you more than
the sun would miss the blue sky
Please, just come back home
I miss you so much today Eric. I hope the heavens are as beautiful as you.

(C) Maxwell 2014
Apr 2014 · 284
a raging storm
Luna Lynn Apr 2014
And as the rain trickles down
my sense of wonder
I continue to question my

And as the sun fails to shine
on dark valley nights
I continue to walk without

And as the body shuts down with
failure to thrive my senses
become weak by

But as the skies come alive
to promise me hope
I shall never give up on
(C) Maxwell 2014
Apr 2014 · 397
be anything but real
Luna Lynn Apr 2014
will you make love to me so bad it
So that I cannot tell the pain in my heart is worse.

will you leave marks of agony
on my skin?
So that I cannot sense the suffering
deep within.

will you say how much you love me
even if for one night?
So that I can be lost in the moment
and the moment be right.
(C) Maxwell 2014
Apr 2014 · 405
I walked -- Haiku #21
Luna Lynn Apr 2014
Are you really sure?*
he asked me on a blind day
and I said **** it
(C) Maxwell 2014
Apr 2014 · 23.0k
Luna Lynn Apr 2014
my mother has blue eyes
but I'm still a ******
my mother has blonde hair
but I'm still a ******
my daddy is black as night
but I'm still a *******
my daddy has ***** curls
but I'm still a *******

I call this hash tag the struggle
because to be biracial is nothing
because to be biracial is nothing
than a struggle
to find who I am
to find who I should be
to find who I'm supposed to be

i really wish they were the same person
i really wish you understood hash tag the struggle
but you don't
and you won't

so stop telling me about my
good hair
and stop telling about my high
yellow skin
and stop telling me my parents have the fever
and stop staring at me when I
walk in
and stop trying to guess which parent is black
and stop trying to guess which parent is spanish


I'm not Spanish.


I don't speak Spanish.


You CANNOT touch my hair

Yes, my nose is in the air
Of course I think I'm the ****
Because I live my life trying to be better than women who are dark skinned ...with something I was born with
...out of my control
Of course I try to flaunt my plush lips around the white girls who get botox
who then become the have nots because I've stolen all the brothas hearts from the city and the boondocks

See you don't even know me
but you think these are my goals

see I call this hash tag the struggle because nobody understands the trouble in being whole
when you're given two halves
that don't match to patch up one soul
and you're born into a ****** up mess still expected to know

and they tell you to ignore them all
be yourself
race should not define you
but I can't even fill out two ******* boxes on a standardized test
because you are only allowed to check ONE to describe you

hash tag
Just venting on what it's like being black and white.

(C) Maxwell 2014
Apr 2014 · 222
give back
Luna Lynn Apr 2014
Grasping the torch does not mean one holds tight forever
since forever never exists it is that reason exactly
in due time
that it must be
(C) Maxwell 2014
Apr 2014 · 455
Dont Stop -- Haiku #20
Luna Lynn Apr 2014
Defeat* is purpose
to keep trudging through the mud
Refusing to fall
(C) Maxwell 2014
Luna Lynn Apr 2014
is it too much to admit that I find myself drowning in an ocean of dreams every time I am in your presence
is to too much to ask for a tad moment of your time so that I can become lost in your consuming
is it too much to wonder how life would be if you were apart of my future promising me every little girl's dream
is it too much to love you so truly that my adoration is borderline obsession and I just cannot get enough
is it too much to find myself losing grip on reality when all I can think of is loving caring admiring being with you

lucky to be lost in your presence
cursed to be succomed in your gaze
lost in time that seems but a dream
when you believe friends is enough
i am hopelessly subdued into *you
I'll never tell.

(C) Maxwell 2014
Luna Lynn Apr 2014
I find comfort in the sun upon my brow
only because I know it is you
and it is you that sends the wind through each strand of my hair
and it is you that sends the birds singing
and it is you whom sends the calming rain on a hard day
and it is you who covers me with warmth when I am cold
and it is you that I shall miss every day in my life

heaven may be a beautiful place
but it is a place lucky to have an angel like you
so spread your wings, my beautiful friend
spread them far and wide and soar around the world ten fold
live the life you could not live in your physical body

because I can only see your smile in photographs
promise me you won't stop sending the sun
I will miss you forever.

(C) Maxwell 2014
Apr 2014 · 164
hello to the end
Luna Lynn Apr 2014
and just like that
you're gone with
*the wind
I'm not even mad.

(C) Maxwell 2014
Apr 2014 · 660
disbelief -- Haiku #19
Luna Lynn Apr 2014
Your smile is my
reason for moving forward
in this lonely life
(C) Maxwell 2014
Apr 2014 · 351
disbelief -- my friend
Luna Lynn Apr 2014
I cry tears of laughter thinking of all the amazing memories I shared with you
I cry tears of immense sadness because I will never create a memory with you again

My friend

I looked forward to your hugs
I looked forward to your smile
Though as we got older and life got in the way there wasn't enough time
And that was my biggest regret yet

My friend

I miss you so much I cannot even imagine what your family, your brothers, your sisters, your parents
...what they have to endure

My friend

My emotion takes no form as it hits the page because in writing of you I could go on for days
I wonder where you've been
how often you come and go
Since there is no longer limitations to your soul

My friend

I love you so much
I miss you even more
I look at your picture and I still shed these tears as if I've never bled before
You were the universe to all of us
The sun the moon the stars and the sky

*My friend
Eric, why did you have to die?

(C) Maxwell 2014
Apr 2014 · 394
Haiku #17
Luna Lynn Apr 2014
The way you touch me
tells me that you truly feel
**we can't let it go
(C) Maxwell 2014
Apr 2014 · 235
Luna Lynn Apr 2014
from all the back and forth I would have figured you'd grow tired and looking into your eyes today as the sun goes down I'd say you are
We are a mere solid existence of a home for each others' soul and refuge for our own hearts
The deep devotion we have the love we express in all of the pain shows no means of forgiveness or salvation
We both know you can't seek refuge forever and yet we continue to dig ourselves deeper into damnation

Your eyes have grown so weary from trying and it only takes a minute of your presence to know and fully understand
Letting go has never been easy so we choose to hang on to that thin line of love and hate and jump into the fire we start with our hands
My love, my life, my reason for knowing all I know and feeling what I feel about loving a man beyond the moon
Our love, our lives, are forever evolving as we individually change and we do our best to grip the alter and jump the broom

it may be too late
it could be too soon

My love, the sweetest of berries on a tree in the sun high afternoon
Shall we part our ways and share this last day?
The irony of it all it may never set with the sun today or tomorrow
I am too afraid to go
You are too inclined to stay
oh what a shame
Two weakened with fear and beaten with sorrow our hearts continue to seek refuge in each others' broken souls
Awaiting the sun to rise again
No form. Just feelings.

(C) Maxwell 2014
Apr 2014 · 861
Why Me
Luna Lynn Apr 2014
Why not the ******* who just robbed the old man at the corner store
Why not the lady who crack induced her own abortion because she didn't want a baby no more
Why not the gang banger who killed a man just for his name
Why not the dishonest greedy businessman who's always begging for change
Why not the creep at church that gets away with touching little kids
Why not the guilty pastor that knew about it yet acted like he never did
Why not the ungrateful mother that enjoys bullying her seed
Why not the evil grandkids at gravesites holding their hands out in open greed
Why do people like this don't feel as much hurt and suffering
Why does it seem my life is just a living offering?
Just a small idea. Wasn't sure where I was going with it. It may still change.

(C) Maxwell 2014
Apr 2014 · 316
i am not you
Luna Lynn Apr 2014
I've come to the final conclusion that I will never be who you want me to be
That I will never do as you ask in the manner of which  you asked it therefore I will just not do it at all
I will never fulfill your dreams of a magnificent woman unless I'm compared to someone of lesser value
I will never stop crying because I will never stop hurting
and maybe that's why the little girl in me will never grow up
(C) Maxwell 2014
Apr 2014 · 272
Haiku #16
Luna Lynn Apr 2014
laying next to you
brings out my inner demons
**you are forbidden
(C) Maxwell 2014
Apr 2014 · 194
Haiku #15
Luna Lynn Apr 2014
it is the darkness
that always seems to take hold
of the sleepless mind
(C) Maxwell 2014
Luna Lynn Apr 2014
There is no greater comfort
than lying next to the beat of your heart
The breath in your chest
The safety of your presence
With you my soul is calm
With you the monsters can't get me
With you my nightmares become dreams and soundly I sleep
Please, don't ever leave
My big brother you say
My best friend I say
My everything every day
No bond is stronger than the one that binds us together
And we will join spirits and continue to fight off argumentative aggressors
That will never understand
I am not your woman
You are not my man
But that is the beauty of it all; we don't have to explain a **** thing
Not to anyone
We know what we are and what we have and that it's special and that isn't something you can find in everyone
A friendship so true the word does it no justice
Moving beyond friends family blood and boundaries
I thank God I found you
and I thank Him even more that
You found me
My BFF knows who he is, and he is the center of my soul's adorarion.

(C) Maxwell 2014
Apr 2014 · 604
painful irony
Luna Lynn Apr 2014
I look into your beautiful eyes every day of my life and you look just as hard into mine
And we feel the gravitational pull of our hormones and the screaming of our hearts and it drives us absolutely mad

because we know it will never be our time
Time is not on your side when you cannot have what you desire forever.
(C) Maxwell 2014
Apr 2014 · 610
if i die
Luna Lynn Apr 2014
and you find me sailing in the skies on a cloud of forever
and if you find me on a maple leaf flowing in the fall wind
and if you find me along the tides of the Atlantic clinging to the rocks
and if you find me dancing with the man on the moon
and if you find me riding the glowing rays of sunrise
and if you find me as the daisy growing in your rose garden
and if you find me on the tip of your nose as spring tickles your spirit
and if you find me crossing your mind when you feel that sudden chill
that makes you shiver

find comfort
and know that it indeed is
(C) Maxwell 2014
Mar 2014 · 453
disbelief--Haiku #14
Luna Lynn Mar 2014
I always see you
in my dreams and I wonder
where you could be now
I miss your smile Eric. I hope your soul is flying free taking you to all the places you've always wanted to go. However, please, don't forget to rest. You deserve the peace.

(C) Maxwell 2014
Mar 2014 · 355
you're full of shit
Luna Lynn Mar 2014
I write you sweet *** love poems like you're the greatest thing that has ever occurred in my life
Then you **** me off and make me think twice
You're far more selfish than you think and I'm sick and tired of you always turning the blame on me
I've purposely done things to you that you've done to me just to see your reaction
And of course you never surprise me with your words and actions always looking for your own satisfaction
How am I supposed to be cruising on a one way street? In one direction by myself on my feet?
And yet you have the nerve to ask me, "what does this mean?"
Take care of home, you tell me, take care of home
We have no house we have nothing but the rotten chains holding us together seemingly forever so what fool says take care of home?
Leave me alone, I say, leave me alone
But you won't

And the endless cycle of love and hate begins
Don't be fooled; nobody ever wins
We ride the roller coaster over and over again until our hearts break so bad they're impossible to mend
And then I'm looking like a ******* because I can't figure out if I'm your woman or your crutch now tell me what is that about?

I could go on and on and you'll read this and tell me I'm wrong like you always do
Like you always say I turn things around to put pity on you
Like you always say if you're tired then leave
If you were the man you say you we're then you'd set me free, but no, of course not
It's always on me
I'm just *******.

(C) Maxwell 2014
Mar 2014 · 662
i need a cigarette
Luna Lynn Mar 2014
because it's the only thing keeping me from losing my ****
because the nicotine high is better than hitting a wall
and it's all i've got to temporarily keep my grip
it's always life and you tend to think so hard about it all and your mind is constantly moving
amongst the cigarette smoke
intertwined in the heavy gray
you inhale ****** up
you exhale okay
it's a circle of death they say

man does death feel soothing
(C) Maxwell 2014
Mar 2014 · 198
Luna Lynn Mar 2014
I don't have many words but I can show you exactly how I feel
through hugs
through love
And I may not be the best speaker but I can tell you
through poems
through song
I may not be the finest but I promise you I'll be the best
and I'll be anything and everything you will ever need or want me to be

My love for you is thicker than blood
nobody could ever compare to us
We know where we belong
and yet we wait
More open thinking than poetry.

(C) Maxwell 2014
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