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Mar 2014 · 354
Luna Lynn Mar 2014
Last night I saw the moon cry
and this morning I watched the sun rise
That's how life is sometimes
You win some
You lose some
But the sun will always

(C) Maxwell 2014
Luna Lynn Mar 2014
A broken heart is never
ever healed
only scarred
tucked away
and concealed
You never stop shedding tears
they only lessen
harden and
dry up over the years
However, the blood never, ever stops flowing
it never stops flowing
Do you understand?

give fate a chance
and love again
(C) Maxwell 2014
Mar 2014 · 2.9k
Luna Lynn Mar 2014
forgive me for my silence
the healing I must do
I do in quiet
(C) Maxwell 2014
Luna Lynn Mar 2014
You have helped me so
The man I will always know
To have my whole heart
Even in the dark
You give birth to immense light
I'll love you for life

(C) Maxwell 2014
Mar 2014 · 241
don't ask me what's wrong
Luna Lynn Mar 2014
my insides hurt from crying
wouldn't you want to know why?
look into my eyes
deep into my eyes
then maybe for once
you'll see
(C) Maxwell 2014
Luna Lynn Mar 2014
Watching someone die in a hospital is not as glamorous as they make it seem in the movies
It is gut wrenching
It is awful
We are medically trained to know exactly whats happening,
making it worse
(Yes it hurts the heart of the nurse)
Watching the body shut down
***** by *****
system by system
Watching someone struggle to walk
an struggle to stand
They can't no longer eat because they have lost ability to swallow
and may still be hungry
A face gone so hollow that at one time was lovely
They struggle so hard to breathe we now put them on oxygen
Sit them upright, and say it's okay
We give them drugs to ease the pain
And now they are blinking and unaware
The eyes wander but there's nobody there
And the gasping for hope is the last function left
And we hold their hands as they take their last breath
And we are left to hand them to the families that don't know what to do

then we go back to the nurse's station because we need to cry too
Lost a patient today and it wasn't an easy death to witness.

(C) Maxwell 2014
Luna Lynn Mar 2014
I think about you so often
that I find myself in your dreams
searching for your spirit
to kiss you
to hold you
to know you
how beautiful the night seems
now that I've found you

Let our imaginations
continue to carry us beyond the page
and into our veins
for purpose
for clarity
for understanding
how lovely the days have become
now that I've found you

If it only lasts a short while
and all we have is this moment then I still wouldn't have it any different
to read you
to feel you
to heal you
how the hurt seems to disappear
now that I found you

Even if it is just the moment
let the moment continue to be as lovely as our dreams
(C) Maxwell 2014
Mar 2014 · 313
For Amanda
Luna Lynn Mar 2014
you may feel rather broken
due to demons in your past
you feel the need to be outspoken
so you can speak at last

but never short your broken heart
from what you do deserve
and never tear your wall apart
and pull your loving from reserve

open up your mind to accept
you just might fall
don't try to take on all that's left
or you will not try at all

don't let the fear take over
it's all part of the plan
Jesus has you on His shoulders
and your heart inside his hands
(C) Maxwell 2014
Luna Lynn Mar 2014
we slipped up and got tangled
in sheets of passion
and amidst the anger
the getting caught in the moment
the need for release because
i was just so ******* *******
you crossed my mind
and i almost said your name
you first gain control of the mind
then everything else just follows

(C) Maxwell 2014
Mar 2014 · 472
Best Friends
Luna Lynn Mar 2014
I said, "I'm done with all this *******."
You replied,  "Then let's get a gun and put our heads together and end it now. It's better than dying slow."

I said nothing about taking you with me
I said nothing about taking myself but you saw my pain needed an outlet
And you wouldn't let me go alone

You said I can't give up
You said we're PB&J;
You said if I die, apart of you dies too

I'm the luckiest girl in the world to have a best friend like you
(C) Maxwell 2014
Mar 2014 · 469
disbelief-- how it hits me
Luna Lynn Mar 2014
Listening to Donny Hathaway
And I'm singing this song to you
Can you hear me?
Deep in the clouds, high in the skies
Along banks of rolling rivers
Mountain tops and rolling tides
I love you for my life
You're a friend of mine

I cry because I miss you so
I never got to tell you how much love I have for you
How much I loved your soul and
I am afraid you'll never know
So can you hear me?
I'll love you for my life
You're a friend of mine
And I'm singing this song to you
Listening to "Song For You" by Donny Hathaway and it makes me think of my dear friend Eric that passed away unexpectedly back in January. Only a line or two are actual lyrics so I hope there is no copyright issue, I pay all credit to where it's due.

(C) Maxwell 2014
Mar 2014 · 836
Haiku Number Heaven
Luna Lynn Mar 2014
If by chance you see
my soul in sensless wander
Know I am not lost
(C) Maxwell 2014
Mar 2014 · 968
Haiku #10
Luna Lynn Mar 2014
You are what you eat
So if I then choose to fast
What becomes of me?
(C) Maxwell 2014
Mar 2014 · 750
Luna Lynn Mar 2014
Father God I come to you
So that I may be healed
Or at least to **** the pain
It's becoming hard to deal
Every day I think
Of what it might be like
To take control of fate
And take my own life
Father God I know it's not right
And this is why I have come to You
You are the Truth the Way and the Life
There isn't anything You can't do
So Heavenly Father this is all I ask
That I am given strength to endure
For I know what is to come
And I know there is no cure
What frightens me is not the end
But the path I take to see it
I'm not afraid to die
and if it's coming then so be it
But I dont want to go by my
Very own hand
Because the world will never understand and i'll never be forgiven
And I'll be wandering about in spirit
Just as I do on land

This physical world seems to be one big test and Lord, I need Your help
I don't feel as strong as the rest and I just can't do this by myself

Won't you hear my cry Lord?
Won't you hear my my prayer?
The Bible tells me walk by faith, not by sight
but just show me that You're there

And God, this is my prayer
Mornings seem to be the hardest part of the day for me lately.

(C) Maxwell 2014
Mar 2014 · 3.3k
Haiku #9
Luna Lynn Mar 2014
I should just give up
The doctors don't have a clue
It seems they're done too
(C) Maxwell 2014
Mar 2014 · 621
let's go take a shower
Luna Lynn Mar 2014
I'm feeling rather *****
Let's go take a shower
Let's get lost in lust and suds
Into the midnight hour
You wash my back
And I'll do your front
Actually you can do any side
You want
As long as I feel the connection
Deep within
And the initial breath of relief
When you slide it in
Hold me tight and don't ever
Don't you ever let go
This doesn't have to end
And no one has to know
Let the water be our blanket
And let it wash our hearts
Let us forgive our past offenses
Let us never, ever part
For a moment here we stand
Let's make it last forever
The fire only seems to burn
When we light the fuse together
So let us get undressed
And take a step right in
Out of our masks
And into our skin
(C) Maxwell 2014
Mar 2014 · 495
Luna Lynn Mar 2014
Don't fall in love with me
I'm a total *****
I'll make you let your guard down and you'll wish you never did
Let me be honest i have something to confess,
There's a man I love with all my ******* heart
But confused as **** as to what we want so we always tend to part
and he holds this control over my head making things a mess
Making me a mess
(and people wonder why I smoke cigarettes)

Oh, so you're still listening
This is good I guess
I hate that word.  Because no man and woman can be just friends.
Love was there at one point, it's just at some point it had to end.
Unless it never did and you're one of those sorry ***** in love with your best friend

Okay, so I'm this great person
Am I worth it?
Walk away while you can
I'm a broken, undecided, ball of confusion from loving one **** man
Am I happy?
Hell, I think I am.
When I'm not what do I do?
Spend my days and nights thinking about YOU

What kind of spell do you have me under? I'm all smiling and **** eyes are full of wonder
You make me blush
You make me wet
All my pain is gone and I forget
You say nice ******* things to me and make me feel like the most beautiful person in the whole entire world
It's then i realize I don't deserve you
and I'll never be your girl

It's messed up and I'm sorry for who I am
You say I'm perfectly imperfect
I just hope you truly understand
(C) Maxwell 2014
Mar 2014 · 5.1k
Luna Lynn Mar 2014
there comes a point in life when you feel nothing
you can smoke a pack of cigarettes in one setting and not even get sick
you can cut yourself ten times over and never feel the *****
you could walk through a thousand graveyards and not even be afraid
there comes a point in life when you feel nothing

there comes a point in life when you feel nothing
and it looks like you've given in and given up
and nobody understands this is how it goes
because when you scream and shout what you feel deep in your pitiful soul
still nobody knows
there comes a point in life when you feel nothing

to be numb is not to be weak
to be numb is not to belittle the being
to be numb is not misunderstanding
to be numb is not to abandon the self
there just comes a point in life when you feel nothing
When it becomes too much, you just choose not to be it anymore.

(C) Maxwell 2014
Luna Lynn Mar 2014
Today I feel like total ****
So please just let me be
Well would ya know
This crazy ***
Just wrote some poetry!
Don't ask.

(C) Maxwell 2014
Mar 2014 · 544
i love you too
Luna Lynn Mar 2014
I live a double life because I cannot seem to choose
I have everything to gain
and I risk everything to lose
(C) Maxwell 2014
Luna Lynn Mar 2014
Woke up so dehydrated my mouth was cracked with blood
The pain overtook my body like the sacred bible flood
My eyes burn like fire from all the lack of sleep
No one understands my daily struggle or takes me seriously
Some days I can smile and forget about the hurt
And appreciate the life I'm given and appreciate the worth
But days like this are spent in sorrow, severe and true abyss
And leave me only to desire a better day than this
I ask God for His strength but I never ask for cure
Growing old in this condition would mean more a hellish prison than a promise to be sure
Maybe I'm here to suffer and feel what one cannot
Maybe I'm absorbing the hurt for someone weak and going through alot
Maybe I'm here to open eyes so my soul can really see
No matter how mangled my surface from the battle scars I'll always be
A tough morning. That is all.

(C) Maxwell 2014
Mar 2014 · 418
like father like daughter
Luna Lynn Mar 2014
Sometimes I think my mother hates me
Because I'm a slob
Because I'm not married
Because I'm still at home
Because I'm like my father

Not because I'm educated
Not because I work hard
Not because I try my best
Because I'm like my father

Because I must lie about not feeling well
Because it must not be that bad
Because I'm not the woman she wanted me to be
Because I'm like my father

You're just like your father
You live like a pig
You think that boy will ever marry you?
You don't know how we struggle

Because you're just like your father

I am my own being
but in your eyes
why even bother?
(C) Maxwell 2014
Mar 2014 · 366
six feet under wonders
Luna Lynn Mar 2014
sometimes you just can't stop crying
and you don't know why
but you know the river runs deep
hence the tears never seem to dry
you wait for a break in the clouds
and you pray to see the sun
even beneath the dying rainbow
your work is never done

all you know is the river runs deep
and you pray to see the sun
(C) Maxwell 2014
Mar 2014 · 188
Haiku #8
Luna Lynn Mar 2014
I am absolute
ly in love with you but you
will never be mine
I'll spend my whole life
watching and wishing for a
chance I'll never see

(C) Maxwell 2014
Mar 2014 · 255
poet 2 poet
Luna Lynn Mar 2014
words have so much power
you can bring someone up just as fast as you tear them down
you can create passion with a pen
go back and forth with your words
over and over again
without even seeing the face you see into the mind
soul searching becomes easy
he's already found mine
the disadvantage of knowing a poet
you cannot successfully hide
you cannot play games and disguise what you feel
because poets of all people know that it's real
emotions and feelings not felt once before
should i open a window or unlock the door?
(C) Maxwell 2014
Mar 2014 · 4.5k
heaven or some place like it
Luna Lynn Mar 2014
To lie in a bed of daisies
Beneath the sun and moon
To not worry who has come too early
Or gone too soon
To swim on our backs
In rivers of gold
Listen to stories
We've already been told
To tie our curls
In bows of sun
To cleanse our skin
For everyone

To show the world that we made it
The eternity promised has us elated
and here we stand wounded and jaded
But we made it

we made it
(C) Maxwell 2014
Mar 2014 · 405
Haiku #7
Luna Lynn Mar 2014
this blade is so cold
burning holes into my soul
some pain is just right
(C) Maxwell 2014
Luna Lynn Mar 2014
You tell me you're there for me no matter what
So don't ***** when I need a moment to complain about my pain or being sick
Maybe it'd be easier if I was quiet I mean physically I already suffer in silence
So what would make this any different?  
Matter of fact when I die,
don't be one of those idiots falling over my casket making a scene as if you actually gave a **** about my demise
You need attention I'm sure
Oh my poor friend has an illness of no cure
Feel sorry for me see here I am I brought you gifts is that enough?
No ******* keep your material things I don't need them sure as ****
Your condolences and waves of support funny I never do see them
But when I'm on the brink puking into the toilet bleeding in the sink
Then you want to stop and think
Maybe I should offer her help

**** it. I'll live alone and die by myself.
(C) Maxwell 2014
Mar 2014 · 505
failing distractions
Luna Lynn Mar 2014
I try to think of hearing birds sing a
Cool crisp breeze
Right outside my widow
I try to think of chocolate ice cream
Candied yams and
Warm coffee in my belly
I try to think of orange sunsets peaking through the clouds and hovering over oceans
I try to think of everything but you

And I fail every time
(C) Maxwell 2014
Mar 2014 · 409
Luna Lynn Mar 2014
Collective Soul told me about
The World I Know
And standing on this ledge
With no other place to go
I jump
I'm crying
But I'm flying
It's that split second before dying
That I realize how much I love
The world I know
(C) Maxwell 2014
Mar 2014 · 347
Haiku Number Sick
Luna Lynn Mar 2014
Tired of being
***** pain and discourage
This is my life now
(C) Maxwell 2014
Mar 2014 · 11.5k
Luna Lynn Mar 2014
My father is black and my mother is white
And though we live in a new generation I still find myself having to give explainations on how all of this works
The ignorance of race really hurts
No this is not good hair
No you can't touch it keep your ******* hands to yourself
No I'm not Mexican or Puerto Rican
Stop guessing above all else
I'm black like you
And I'm white like her
I'm flesh and blood not claws and fur
But see you don't want to accept me
Of course unless I'm president Obama or Halle Berry
Did you know they were mixed?
Or were you so deep in the lime light you don't care
Because on the streets I'm not considered black no matter how coarse my hair
I use relaxers too
I've had my hair braided
I've been called ******
I've been followed in stores
I've been sent to the end of the line for no reason
Denied friendship for seasons
And wouldn't you know
(Being black was the reason)
But its just not enough to gain any trust

I don't look anything like white people so I dont even try
Only hope for full acceptance from the other side
And yet still I'm left feeling quite empty inside
Where the hell do I fit in?
Who's on my side?
Since claiming black or white is considered a crime

This was when I decided to become an advocate of self
I found who I was
Didn't need any help
I don't let my race define who I am
But I embrace both my colors
They work well with each other
And that's something society just will not understand
I am black AND white. Call it what you will.

(C) Maxwell 2014
Mar 2014 · 445
disbelief (again)
Luna Lynn Mar 2014
yesterday i took the most hauntingly beautiful picture of the sunset
and i said slow down the car don't turn just yet
this is too beautiful not to share
in that very moment you crossed my thoughts
i knew you were there
to what do i owe this honor i said to myself
you smiled down from heaven and that was enough understanding in itself
lost in the beauty of the saturday
the relaxation
the serenity calm and peace
28 balloons for the birth of the deceased
it was your birthday and i didn't even send you a wish but looking back at that picture you knew it was me
i will miss you for the rest of my life.

(C) Maxwell 2014
Luna Lynn Mar 2014
waking up to the morning sun
it arrived before I was ready
so I lay here unprepared
my day has to begin
but I don't want it to
I would rather run through a thousand fields or more in my nightmares
than to face the day that awaits me
(C) Maxwell 2014
Mar 2014 · 214
what becomes of the dark
Luna Lynn Mar 2014
Is it possible to fall for words?
It's ****** up how poetry works
You find yourself in a sea of emotion
That's not even yours
But it becomes a part of you
And because it's so deep you can't even fight it
And because it feels good you don't even hide it
I would rather be lost in the pit of your mind joined at the hands with our souls intertwined than asleep in reality that doesn't exist
You opened the door
I just couldn't resist

I don't even know you
and you've gained some control
without seeing my eyes you saw into my soul

We met in the dark
with two broken hearts
and that is all that we can ever know
(C) Maxwell 2014
Luna Lynn Mar 2014
I don't have a lot on my mind
But usually peace is hard to find
I fall so deep into my dreaming
I become blind
The significance of wonder can be kind
It takes me places that I've never been
I know I'll reach them; just don't know when
In my thoughts I always win
Just wonder when real life begins
I wanted to write a poem with Travis,  he said, "I dont have a lot on my mind," which I knew was a lie.

(C) Maxwell 2014
Mar 2014 · 154
if i ever find my way
Luna Lynn Mar 2014
I'm lost
So lost that I couldn't even tell you
Who I used to be
Or who I want to be
Where I've been or how I got there
I just know I'm lost

In my sleep I'm deep in wood
Moonlight high
No other light
I'm searching for what I cannot find
And give up

He's chasing me
And he always
gets me
And I'm always lost
(C) Maxwell 2014
Mar 2014 · 1.4k
fuck me life
Luna Lynn Mar 2014
i make myself *** to the sound
of the rain
to the feel of the joy
the heart of the pain
touch myself to make sure
my thoughts are still pure
i get wet
my fingers are soaked in regret
i make love to my hand
before any man
it's not wrong to do what i can
harder. harder. HARDER.
faster in circles my head starts to spin
this is taking too long
I know it's a sin
and now i won't win
closing my eyes to start over again
(C) Maxwell 2014
Mar 2014 · 349
freak morbidity
Luna Lynn Mar 2014
the lone road we walk is that of
a dream
a path of uncertainty nobody
hold on to the dark and call it your
they don't understand and they won't
in the end
(C) Maxwell 2014
Luna Lynn Mar 2014
If I close my eyes I'm not even here
My tears don't exist
And the needles in my back disappear
The land is green and golden rose
The sun is glitter the clouds are gold
And my wings are white
I fly wherever I want to go
However I want to go
I want to go

My soul cries out
Still stuck in this ****** body
Good for nothing that's my fault
If I close my eyes I'm not even alive
But a mere sliver of what's left inside
(C) Maxwell 2014
Mar 2014 · 724
Lord! I love You!
Luna Lynn Mar 2014
I praise God as I cry
Lord I love You!

In my pain
In my sorrow
In today
In tomorrow
In my sickness
In good health
In my debt
In my wealth

I praise God as I cry
Lord I love You!

Many friends
Many foes
Many smiles
Many woes
Many successes
Many falls
Many dreams
Many draws

I praise God as I cry
Lord I love You!
Amidst my struggle, I love my God. Today. Tomorrow.  Forever. Amen.

(C) Maxwell 2014
Mar 2014 · 502
disbelief continued...
Luna Lynn Mar 2014
there you go
showing up in my newsfeed
as if I'd be ready to see your face
your smile haunts my heart
and your friendship i still taste

you are dead now
and that is the harsh reality
that sends me to this place
this place where I try so hard to find you

although I know the earth no longer
binds you

was it just too much?
one day I will be able to see your photo
without crying
one day I will be able to accept the thought of you dying

(C) Maxwell 2014
Mar 2014 · 348
it was supposed to be love
Luna Lynn Mar 2014
I am in love with you
but you are not mine
just like that
I have fallen



in a cold hotel room
I undressed and
became your prey
you devoured my heart
I became your slave

just like that
I submit



my mind is lost
in cigarette smoke
as we puff away the truth
my body aches from your abuse
I know you'll never call

just like that
I believed



your answering machine
is quite lovely
you sleep so good in white
I look to the ceiling
and now I feel ugly

just like that
(C) Maxwell 2014
Mar 2014 · 246
Haiku number five
Luna Lynn Mar 2014
Unborn baby weeps
Looking for a bed to sleep
Mama misses you
(C) Maxwell 2014
Mar 2014 · 310
Luna Lynn Mar 2014
Is my favorite kind of night
Even the dead is asleep
There is no witching hour at
The wind has picked up
The trees are kissing
The moon is high
and glowing giving light to life that doesn't exist at
The righteous sleeps alongside the wicked at
as I lie awake
(C) Maxwell 2014
Mar 2014 · 443
Luna Lynn Mar 2014
Every time I try to write about you
My brain freezes
M heart stops
My soul drops

I can't get it out of me
It's stuck in a place that I cannot see

Every time I try to think of you
I cry
I laugh
I get sad

Your smile meant the wold to me
And now it's gone
You're gone
And I'm so mad

Why did you have to die?
Do you know how much you've left

I'll never feel your hug
Let alone your touch
I'll never hear your laugh
That I loved to hear so much

You were only 27
just a baby
that had babies of your own
You'll never see them grow
Where you went
I'll never really know

I miss you
I love you
And this is when I stop

Because I'm crying
I had a dear friend pass away January 4th of this year unexpectedly. I still cannot make sense of it.
(C) Maxwell 2014
Mar 2014 · 169
Haiku #4
Luna Lynn Mar 2014
The Earth gives us signs
God tells us He is angry
Nobody listens
Inspired by a conversation I had with a patient this morning as we talked about the missing Malaysia plane. So much truth to an old lady's word.
(C) Maxwell 2014
Mar 2014 · 405
Luna Lynn Mar 2014
it's a man you don't no
that's all you need to know
(C) Maxwell 2014
Mar 2014 · 755
poetry is sex
Luna Lynn Mar 2014
The words; they just keep coming
You feel the heat rise
From the pit of your insides
and you can't ignore it
in fact you adore it
The buildup of emotion
The release of commotion
It feels so good you scream
It doesn't matter who hears it
you know what it means
(C) Maxwell 2014
Mar 2014 · 308
not so nice
Luna Lynn Mar 2014
I really hate when people think they know me
You go ahead and make your analogies
Since you know so much
You're so deep
Skin deep
You're a *******
With a tinge of wit
I don't care what you say
Or think
Or feel
Or believe

Still like me now?
(C) Maxwell 2014
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