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You were a beautiful
To an unknown problem.

You liked me so much
I had to end it.
Because we are not looking
For each other.

You want someone to love you.
I want...
Someone to fill the silence.

Maybe you're too young,
Maybe I'm too ******* bored
Of sad, beautiful girls.

Either way,
I couldn't keep kissing you
And thinking of her.

You were like
An Indiana summer:
And miserable.

I knew
I was too
Emotionally unavailable
For you.

Pretending to be jealous
When I just
Didn't give a ****

I was tired
Of complacency.
And you were tired
Of waiting for me
To commit.

So I ripped the band-aid off
After a month of messing with the edges.
Somehow my skin
Is still sticky.

I feel bad,
But I resent you
For being the prettiest girl
Who's ever wanted me...
And still being wrong for me.

And I resent myself
For my good intentions,
But bad timing.

You may hate it,
But I want to say that
There's no one I'd rather
Have wasted my summer with.
Vivid red barn juxtaposed against a green pumpkin field.
Cloudless sky with bright sun hurt my eyes.
Starkness of the scene burnt into my mind.
Time passes.
Sun lowers in the sky with fat orange orbs all around.
Bright reds, yellows and orange ornate the trees.
Hayride swinging through.
Artist easel in the field.
A painting just waiting to be alive.
Sun lowers still.
Winter, snow deep, cold white drifting toward the barn, glistening.
Snow Hare tracks everywhere. Black crows in the sky warning out their calls.
Mud season, sun moves higher in the sky banishing the white until next year.
Sun, still on the move.
New baby green in the field reappears.
Cycle continues year after year
 Dec 2016 Joshua Dougan
Twas pity that did **** her soul,
a murdress make her be,
but unkempt passions of her mind,
did bind her soul with thee.

Fie, the storms of roiling brew,
for shame, the frolick'd waves,
thy heart and head under wilt go
till she unmasks her grave.
This is my war cry
This is my moment
My do or die.

When the heavens come crashing
down on me
when the mountains rear their heads in defiance of my existence.
When all that I know turns against me
seeking to wipe out all memory
of who I once was.

When the oceans rage
and the skies thunder
when the beasts howl
and the stars plummet violently to earth.
When the darkness consumes all hint of light
when the sun and the moon succumb to the night.
When my thoughts torment me
when my weakness is greater than it's ever been before.

When all hell breaks loose and its minions are unleashed upon me.
When the fear is crippling
when the hate hits its zenith
when hearts break
and all hope in me is lost.
When the rope that I held on to for so long snaps into shreds of dust
when the love I held in my heart gets ripped away.
When everything and everyone
falls into line to tear me apart.

I will not back down.

This is my defiance.
This is my battle cry
my shout of rebellion.

Come hell, come fire, come darkness, come storm

I will not back down.

This is my defiance
This is where I make my stand.
I will not lose ground,
I will make ground.
I will advance.
And I will conquer.
I will see the world
I will see great and wonderful things laid out before my very eyes.
I will see faces from the far corners of the earth
I will climb the highest mountains
I will bear the heaviest burdens.
I will swim the strongest currents
I will bear through harsh cold and fierce heat
I will never stop
I will never quit
I will overcome everything that is laid out before me
Nothing can stop me
Nothing can hinder me from achieving my goals, my dreams, my desires.

I am a loose cannon, no one can hold me down now
I am as free as the wind
as wild as the sea.
I am defiance
And defiantly I will rise above this tempest.
I will rise and I will overcome.

I am Defiance.
Try and stop me now.
Inside four walls
Imprisoned from life
For life
One escapes the shackles and bars
Within owns one mind
Left to wander
Unbeknownst to the guards and keepers
The mind travels beyond the highest walls

The free man
Burdened with sorrows
Regrets and grey skies that oppress
He, of all men, can wander too and fro
Botanical gardens and cathedral ceilings
Art and the classics to feed his hungry eyes
Exploring the world and the depths of his darkness
He, whom shall never be captured, never caught nor imprisoned
His incarceration was not a place, nor four walls, it was his own mind
For Sadness
There is no escape
At all
 Dec 2016 Joshua Dougan
I searched for God in the sounds of the seas
oscillating butterfly wings
clinging of communion wine glasses
page after page after page in libraries
children laughing
ghastly howls of tornadoes
calls of wild birds

I listened to the rumbling of my inner wars,
I did not hear Adonai's voice there
until I opened the Bible ...

I heard Job loudly grieving his colossal losses
Jonah's boat crushed in a sea creature's mouth
crusty sound of Lot turning into stone
Samson pulling pillars apart
Daniel whimpering among surrounding lion growls
cries of women and children killed
blood dripping from the sword that beheaded John
whiplash echoes, soldiers spitting on Jesus
the rooster's third cry.. then Peter's cry
coins rattling in Judas' pocket
Mary mourning her son's death
warm dry winds blowing in 40 years of desert wastelands

and then I heard

the burning bush and Moses taking off his sandals
roaring thunders turn into calm waters
David singing palms
clapping dove wings, ascending down on Jesus
waters and rejoicing of baptised folks
waving palm leaves and announces "Hosannah!"
the pounding feet of a lame man now leaping
breaking of bread at the feast of the Table
rolling away of the Jesus' tomb stone

and then I know what I will hear one day...
well  done  my  good  and  faithful  servant
until­ then...
be  still  and  know  that  I  am  *God
 Dec 2016 Joshua Dougan
Cryptic dreams awaken the mind
Telling more than I want to know
Hinting at emotions undefined
The glint of rough gems to be mined

Possible rapture threatens contentment
Disturbing the balance and the flow
Turbulence enters the calm of the present
Subconscious susurrations could prove prescient

The painstakingly built façade stays intact
But the lingering dream won’t go
No use denying its deep impact
As it cajoles me to think and act
Do you dare to let your dreams guide you?
I can sense the flame is getting dim, will we lose or will we win?
I much rather we tend to this fire then to start all over again.
Some things that are lost can be found but we haven't lost a **** thing yet, and I would hate for us to lose the love and forget how we ever became friends.
Cuz that's how it started and then you got in my heart and made yourself at home, so they'll be remnants of your beautiful soul if ever you had to go.
Please don't go, let us not lose this flame or its glow,
because ever since we've connected you and I have became one soul.
There goes that dim...and the flame is flickering, are there demons in this room trying to **** whatever's left?
Well I'm calling on angels to help by coming to fight for us, because this battle we've been facing is more in the unseen dimensions of our love.
Come fight for us...
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