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I am so sorry I have not been online here  at Hello Poetry! I have been very remiss. My father has been taking up a lot of my time, and my mother is not doing well either. She can't get around the way she used to. It's taking a toll on me. There is another factor, also. I renewed my account on Facebook. I've been on there in the little time that I have. And I have been neglecting this site. I am so sorry!

I have family on Facebook. So I'm going to remain on that site more than Hello Poetry. If you have a Facebook account you can look me up... Cathy Jarvis. My avatar is the same as it is here. I still post poetry on there. I wish I could clone myself! I wish I had more time! But circumstances make it very difficult.

Thank you for understanding. I'm going to keep my account here, and read and post where I can. I love you all very much!


♡♡♡ Cathy ♡♡♡
 Oct 2016 Illya Oz
The corners of my mind
are filled with new life,
Where gunfire and silence intertwine
and happiness crawls on a knife.

Please, please
take a step inside,
witness the frozen breeze
of the monsters I've mummified.

You will find no easy path,
my mind is a complicated maze,
either peace or utter wrath
mixed with a hurricane to glaze
me as I bathe in the ash
of my self doubt blaze.

Title is French...have fun figuring it out
muahahaha.. thankyou to Kitty Ting -
**Our conversation inspired this poem.
 Oct 2016 Illya Oz
winter sakuras
They are so oppressive
we can't stop the tears
from bursting just
whenever we're reminded,
this is such a hard
world to reside in,

why are they so
judgmental and cruel,
setting standards for
everything single grain
of breath and touch
from gold to dust and
well maintained tongues,
flattering attires and
polished reputations,
advertising material wealth
spewing bitterness and
treading on blooming
hearts and expanding souls,

what is their purpose
in life, and why make
the world such a
cruel inhumane place,
never aware of the
depths of sorrow and
penetrating loneliness
that take place among
souls that were supposed
to be united to shine
amidst the dark starless
eternal night, but

instead of shining we
are now forced to fight
and live lives of endless
tears and pain, for
they created such an
environment that
surely obtains the
flaws and darker
sides of human nature,

but we wish for the
world to be the best
starry place as possible,
or be it a hole
submerged in entire
darkness forever.

Give it your all to
live for the eternal
free, or else let the
whole of your soul
be enslaved to the
eternal darkness,
there is no middle
ground to tread on,
choose your path,
and live till you reach
wherever you chose
the world to be.
 Oct 2016 Illya Oz
Pick a star darling
And my heart will be drawn to the same
As we stare at the same sky from separate worlds
I feel my tears fall and I can't restrain.
One by one they make a path
Through my makeup and to the ground
I close my eyes just to see your face again
But not for too long, for my eyes would drown.
They melt into my book pages
Little black droplets that leave fainted stains
You cry too, from heaven I feel you
While I stay here silent in your rain.
Dedicated to Cody Vargas ❤️
 Oct 2016 Illya Oz
Write it down
Sing it aloud
Draw it now
Because you feel it
 Oct 2016 Illya Oz
Arcassin B
By Arcassin Burnham

I sense your loving embrace,
can't nobody tell you different love
your a rocket ship in my eyes
you make me feel alive

Beat around the bush but the bush could
Get cut down,
I wouldn't feel this way in shambles if i
Had you now,
I could put away my childish things to
Only later return to a kiss,
I wish that I could taste it,  I could reach
It if it wasn't made of pure bliss,
am I what your looking for,

I sense your loving embrace,
can't nobody tell you different love
your an rocket ship in my eyes
you make me feel alive
and when I'm not talking to the hive,
my heart and lasting memories can be
soon enough repaired

I won't just die
cause the memory of you is still here.
Mixed feelings
Mixed emotions
But happy ones,
Yesterday my life had no meaning
Today everything changes
I now have a purpose

But well received
Everything happens for a reason,
She broke the news to me
Last night
"Baby I'm pregnant
You have planted a seed
In me,
A flower is about grow
We must take responsibility
For our actions"

"I'm 'bout to enter motherhood
You fatherhood,
We 'bout to become parents
No longer living for ourselves
But for two ,
Responsible For a life,
A life that should bring
Joy And Happiness
To our hearts,
My love I carry for you
A Prince or Queen"

My stomach
Was filled
With butterflies
I smiled at her ,
Grabbed her hand
And said
"It seems we stuck together
For life now,
Baby For the little one
Let's ride this train
Of love together
To the far corners
Of the universe
Where the railway
We spread our wings
Today I promise you
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