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 Oct 2016 Illya Oz
OH Hi!
 Oct 2016 Illya Oz
I get it now
Those were the hard realities
I could never understand
How you could be so cold

No please
I don't like hugs...

You were right
I wouldn't let go
Of all the loss
Oh what a load

But one day
I realized
I was either going to live
And be happy
Or **** myself

So I just shut it all off
My feeling's
Like a light switch

Ya I heard he died
I don't go to funerals...
Traveler Tim
Have you ever walked the habanero row
Worked in spicy air that wouldn't let go
Run to the henhouse like stormy wind
Sit with the chickens till the burning ends* ..
Copyright September 31 , 2016 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved

*** Old Farm advice .. There's something in dry chicken manure that quells the burning sensation from peppers ..
Papa cut the spurs off of Rocky Red
The rooster keeps flogging every time -
I turn my head
He's dancing a jig with a wing dropped
low , turning circles and singing bass notes
Rock'***** both legs till they've bled
Please snip the hooks off ' a mean old Red* ..
Copyright September 30 , 2016 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
the rain constantly buckets down
this deluge being over the top
gallons of water cause a frown
there are no patches of dry hop

this deluge being over the top
drops falling with continual wet
there are no patches of dry hop
we're tiring of the weather's jet

drops falling with continual wet
mud puddles lying on the land
we're tiring of the weather's jet
the sun's fuller face we could stand

mud puddles lying on the land
everything drenches with dampness
the sun's fuller face we could stand
we're in a persistent dankness

everything drenches with dampness
there are no patches of dry hop
we're in a persistent dankness
this deluge being over the top
 Oct 2016 Illya Oz
tom krutilla
I must confess I was poorly made
I'm vulnerable yet strong
Cut easily from the blade
My skin is thick yet delicate to the touch
My mind is focus yet wanders too much
My hearing is excellent yet selective
My voice bold yet whispers when expected
My nerves shatter every once and a while
Yet I'm not ready for that funeral pile
My heart still beats awake or asleep
I hold dearly the dreams I seek
These are my confession I say to you
Do not wait for things to happen
Get at it and take action
Be the one with that extra fire
Fulfill your world with satisfaction
Make your spirits bright
Continue to climb that ladder
You have the knowledge and ability
To make your vision sharper
 Oct 2016 Illya Oz
david mungoshi
the twigs are still and quiet
            indeed the birds have flown
            soon it'll all be ice and snow
         and shrubbery in a white gown
     as everywhere traffic seeks ease of flow
           i see that the birds have flown
      and that no more grass has grown
no more daffodils, lupine and hollyhocks
or the bluebirds, larks, thrushes and nightingales
     that jimmie rodgers waxed lyrical about

     one swallow i see in acrobatic show
        of frantic rhythm to beat the snow
        but futile its extravaganza ever is
       for one swallow does not make a summer
      i see that indeed the birds have flown
being recently arrived on a visit to the british isles i was struck by the absence of bird song at the break of day. then it struck me that the birds had probably migrated to warmer climates. i couldn't resist the temptation to do a parody of the words of Charles the second on arriving at a belligerent parliament: i see my birds have flown. the pun is deliberate
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