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Hello Daisies Oct 2018
Heart pounding
Through my ears
My eyes bleed
With my current fears

It's quiet here
There's no sound
My body falls
Into the ground

I've made a mess
It's flashing in my mind
Where did everyone go
I'm left behind

I'm in isolation
The walls are talking to me
I left this cell so long ago
But the shadows came back for me

My vision is fogged
My ears are pumping
With the sound of silence
My body won't stop jumping

Isolation is my fear
There are demons in my head
They are pounding through me
They want me dead
Currently been alone for a while with massive nightmares and panic attacks. Guess thats fine. have a lovely night everyone ❤
Hello Daisies Oct 2018
where do i start
There are so many thoughts racing
Trying to find a finish line
But before they ever can a new one begins

And somehow they keep leading
To thoughts about you
The things you did to me
How sick you made me feel

I was so obsessed with you for so long
You ****** me over more then i can even understand
I thought once i said no more
That meant i would never have to think of you again

Yet your disgrace lingers
The pain you caused
Is still on my face
You're shaking my life
Please go the **** away

You make my skin crawl
Until i cant even sleep at all
I want you to go away
Why wont you go away

I wanted you to mature
To be someone better
I saw the ugly within you
But i hate to hate

Now i see
You still wont let me be
I want to make you go away
Please just go away

Go away
Far away
Never stay
Just go away

I told you
I told everyone
Yet your disgrace
Only seems to hit me
in the face

I hear your name spread through the wind
By people who adore you
Why do people hold onto evil
And close their eyes to the good

Go away
Far away
Never stay
Just go away

One day when i write
It won't be about you or the distaste of your soul
One day I'll write a beautiful song
Of the women i let myself become

I want to write such beautiful poems
But inside i feel such a disgust
Everyrhing i write is absolute trash
Simply because i know not how to write of such vile natures

Go away
Far away
Never stay
Just go away

I said goodbye to you and meant it
Noone believed me they called me a liar
I'll do whatveer it takes
To never hear the curse of your name

When I'm free i can finally
Pray for your sorry soul
But while you stay and torment me
I only wish for your absolute hell

So please
Go away
Far away
Never stay
Just go away
I didnt put much thought into this just pure feelings, been gping through a hard time and it isnt getting better and it's like the person who hurt me gets away with it all. Shame.
Anyway i never said hi everyone! Im new to this website! Love everyones poems! You guys inspire me.
Hello Daisies Oct 2018
There once was a girl named Mary Louis
She was from another planet far away
She was so excited to learn all the things she just had to stay!
Everyone enjoyed her silly self, always chasing bees

They called the alien little miss positivity!
She was always happy and eager to learn
Until she tried to do things with no money and got burned
The humans looked at her and said what are you thinking get in  reality!

She took this as a stepping  stone still excited for life
She'd dance wherever shed go never staying still
Everyone got annoyed with her and told her to jump off a hill
They told her you're too old for fun come get with strife!

No matter what happens, she said she wouldn't lose her self
She'll see the good in everyone always there for those in need
They told her she was naive everyone will make you bleed
They didn't like who she was she was too different from everyone else on the shelf

Now surely she cries every night wishing for her death
She doesnt smile to humans anymore she lets them know of her sad soul
They look at her and say be positive,  you could be so phenomenal!
Mary cries into her hands, but this is what i was taught, to be sad until my last breath!
I dont think this is actually good but i had a story in my mind i wanted to write and thought maybe i would try it as a poem
Hello Daisies Oct 2018
We are but flowers in the wind
We grew together
Different but with shared roots

Someone picked us
They tore us away
Now we each fly

With pedals swaying ever softly
We search for one another
But stumble upon brick walls

We hit the ground
But tis not soil we can grow on
We start to wither

The sun mocks us every day
The color we shared together fades
When will we ever blossom again

Someone picks one of us up
With a smile so bright
They put us back together in a jar of life

This jar may not let us live long
But we are together now
We are where we belong
I wrote this for my two best friends
Hello Daisies Oct 2018
Isn't it unusual
To read of love and joy
And cry tears of hurt and sorrow?

Isnt it unsual
For a happy feeling
To truly hurt and feel like it's borrowed?

Oh isn't it just a tad unsual
No matter how hard you try
To never fall in love with another?

I find it too normal
Until i see others
So close together when I'm never with a lover
Hi i start a new job tomorrow but i have so much anxiety over it so my thoughts are else where. I sometimes forget that falling in love or having crushes is normal to most. For me it isn't. Whenever i feel for someone else i am rejected and/or mocked as though i did something wrong. I never really feel like i fit in. I find it hard to watch happy romance movies they just make me feel sad. That's probably fine
Hello Daisies Sep 2018
Oh sweet child
What has the world done to you
You used to have so much love so wild
Until they stripped the rose glasses away from you

You fell in love with so many souls
Yet each one ripped you apart and laughed at the mess
You blackened out your heart yet no one seems to know
It's all you could do it just hurt much less

You're afraid to ever love
But also terrified you'll never find it deep down
But now you lie and say loves for fools with white doves
Because that makes you look wiser even with your constant frown
I feel very numb to feelings anymore becsuse i did it to myself on purpose. Ive sorta beem taught from life thats what i have to do. always feel like an idiot when i have feelings for people
Hello Daisies Sep 2018
Take me up high but drag me

My starry eyes look UPon you
But with no |glow|

I shrink and shiver with YOUR BREATHE upon me

I want to feel safe
Noone come near


Take me away
Somewhere more         [safe]
I was a fool to ever have faith

My starry eyes shatter
Underneath my heart

it's a pit within my stomach
It makes me want to lie
underneath you and *****

For i was a f l o w e r
Blooming and ~colorful~

Now I'm a puppet

Dead and miserable
I wrote this to the man who used me for years manipulated me and eventually molested me, i hope you notice tbe strange and messy symbols, capitalization, and placement were done for a reason. To show the mess in my head to describe the meaning. I really like this one i wrote. I can feel it.
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