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Hello Daisies Sep 2018
I feel it boiling inside
I laugh it off and try to hide
It sturs within my body
The rage of being treated like a nobody

Because I cry
Because I can't lie
Because I love
Because I honor things up above

They think I'm not good enough
To handle things because they're too tough
For someone so fragile and small
Yet from my eyes my emotions help me stand tall

Everyone has these flaws
But they hide them they build walls
I don't hide them I show everyone my all
They look down on me making me feel small

Because I'm emotional
Because I'm scared
Because I'm fragile
Because I'm brave

I know there's nothing wrong with me
No matter who looks down I'll look up and smile widely
Because being this way is never wrong
No being this way is what has made me strong
This is not great but I'm feeling a mess of bad emotioms and mainly anger right now. People keep looking down on me and ignoring me. They have my entire life. Because im too emotional so i csnt handle things. No. I cant handle so many things you'll never understand. You have no idea. But if that's how you want to perceive me then thays how it is I'll move on to people who will appreciate me. Might be few and far between but I'm used to it.
Hello Daisies Sep 2018
I've been fighting this for so long
Kept telling myself it was wrong
I couldn't let it in my mind
I kept running and leaving it all behind

Today I let in
The reality i call sin
The magic i believed so strong
Is dying off after so long

I guess thats growing up
Drinking too much and throwing it up
Sadness starts to sink through
But this time I've accepted it to be true

I'm unsure if this is losing hope
Or gaining strength away from the *****
I held on to romance and stars so tight
But i awoke today realizing it isn't right

Am i letting go of my child like innocence?
Am i letting this cruel world make me repent?
Well that's just how you make it in this life
Let go of your fantasies and let in the strife

Go to work for full time and lose your personality
Because noone cares about your dreams outside of reality
I think I'm giving up running away from the truth
That my wonderland was  only for my silly youth
I wrote this while hungover, been having some feels about growing up realizing life will never be how i dreamed as a kid and the love i wished for is far out of my reach. Still scared to let go of the innocence in my heart but i have to grow up i guess someday might as well now
Hello Daisies Sep 2018
Well maybe I'm starting to know
Deep down in my being
That to try in this world has no meaning

Maybe I've always knew
But it's overflowing
My entire life the strife has been growing

The harder you try
The harder you fall
But try they say or it'll mean nothing at all

I feel as a fool
Breaking my back
For a life that doesn't love me back

I blame myself
And i blame others
Really i just need to close the shudders

Why unravel thyself to the world
Trying, bending, and overflowing everyway
When we'll just end up closed off and buried six feet under anyway

Theres no point,  
no point at all
We'll all rise and eventually fall

So lets all take a deep breath
Breathe in the truth
That life, love, trying it's all useless there is  no use.
I wrote this a bit ago while going through a hard time and losing a lot in life
Hello Daisies Sep 2018
Head covered in fog
My eyes try to break through
But fogged my mind stays
With mist falling too

Some days my mind rains
It starts as a drizzle
Then thunders into a storm
It feels like forever until it finally fizzles

Sometimes i awake to sunshine
Which may seem lovely at first
But breaks into sweaty blazing chaos
That leaves me  quenching with thirst

In rare occasion my mind is filled with a chilly breeze
Where my heart calms as each leaf falls
My soul is shining with color as i can finally rest
Just before the frigid ice freezes over all my walls
I was feeling an overwhelming amount of emotions and anxiety as i wrote this
Hello Daisies Sep 2018
Beautiful dreamer up in the trees
Climbimg so high
Where are you going to land?
You want to see it all
But the wind blows you down
Will you climb back up for that peaceful green?
Or shall you stay down in the sturdy dirt?

Each time you climb you wind with bruises and scars
But you feel just that much closer to the moon and stars
You know you'll never make it up there so high
But my god who would i be if i never try?

So each time the wind drags you down
You'll fall and it'll break you
The tears will fall as well with the open wounds
But don't forget to just look up
There will be the moon to stop your tears
And there you'll be a beautiful dreamer without fear

— The End —