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 Nov 2014 Sarah K
i want
 Nov 2014 Sarah K
I want to softly whisper
incomplete poems
on your collar bones
that don't rhyme with anything
but your heavy breathing.

I want to bury my face
in the curves of your neck
because you smell like the winter clouds
and I've been gazing at the sky
since you left.
 Nov 2014 Sarah K
Lena Bitare
I got down
And see the street lights
The cars passing by
Stuck in the headlight

I've seen bestfriends become lovers
We've eaten their left overs
What's left with us,
Is the piece of junk way back past.

I've watch lovers love
Like I did before
I've watched them fall apart
I've felt their beating heart

Baby there's no ticket to the past
There's nothing you can do
We didn't make it last
Just throw your love to the past
What doesn't **** you,
Makes you wish you were dead.
What doesn't destroy you,
Leaves you broken instead.

Who will fix me now?
Dive in when I'm down.
Save me from myself,
Don't let me drown.

It's getting harder to hold on,
I need to let go.
But as I start falling,
Then the love will show.

Who will fix me now?
Dive I  when I'm down.
Save me from myself,
Don't let me drown.

And if they don't seem to listen,
Don't give up your faith!
Don't take out your anger,
Just turn back and say,

I will fix myself,
Look up when I'm down.
And without a doubt,
I will not drown.
Inspiration from bring me the horizons drown
 Nov 2014 Sarah K
Alex Granados
You're breaking my heart—
chiseling it away with your tongue.
If only it could've been my tongue
cause i'm tired of the taste
of false hope and love.
 Nov 2014 Sarah K
Just Melz
I keep digging and digging and digging,
     trying to dig myself out of this hole
But it seems everything is collapsing around me
      burying me with my soul.
      This small shovel
  just doesn't seem to be enough,
     No one thought to tell me
         how life could be this rough
    I'm just getting deeper and deeper
        and deeper
    with my unwanted thoughts
This shall be my grave,
        but don't put any roses on top,
      I prefer **forget-me-nots
 Nov 2014 Sarah K
Addison René
you're all soft lines
and blurry edges:
like the moments between each
rise and fall of our chests
while your lips entwine mine
with every breath.

you're all droppy eyes
and silent screams:
looking behind you
everytime you leave,
keeping doors locked
and your teeth flossed.
never letting a single thing
escape your mind that you've lost.

you're all languishing stares
and rough hands -
you've kept mine clean,
laced yours around mine
and promised forever this time.
 Nov 2014 Sarah K
 Nov 2014 Sarah K
You can't
just because
you need them.

Never mislead
the idea
of love
with your
 Nov 2014 Sarah K
Just stop.
 Nov 2014 Sarah K
Jen, stop being so clingy.
People will leave eventually.
 Nov 2014 Sarah K
Alysia Marie
 Nov 2014 Sarah K
Alysia Marie
You be the beauty

And I'll be the beast

I'll try to sweep you off your feet

Tho the rolls might be reversed

I promise I won't be perverse

You're just the one I've been searching for

Watching you dance across the floor

You'll grip my hand perfectly tight

You know I only have one night

Until that rose wilts and dies

Then I'll forever be living this lie

When those petals fall to the floor

You won't love me anymore

For I'll be trapped inside of a body unkind

Washing away your blissful mind

I'll take your hand but you'll turn away

If I only had the chance to say

and prove to you the lies that have been;

The outside that this body forbids

So go be the beauty

I'll still be the beast

And when I sweep you off your feet

We'll dance until this world subsides

We wont have to worry about those lies

Even when that flower wilts away

I'll want nothing more than for you to stay

And see me for the true romancer to be

The one that steals your heart;

You'll see

                                               Alysia Marie 2014 ©
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