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 Nov 2014 Sarah K
Paper Cuts
 Nov 2014 Sarah K
You paused to look at me as if you were browsing a book shelf
and your fingers brushed ever so slightly across my skin
hesitating, lingering, at my spine.

Then you chose me
you laid me down and opened me up
it wasn’t easy because not many have read me before.

Your eyes looked me up and down, side to side
taking it all in,
engorging yourself.

You licked your fingers before you turned my pages
for a steadier and more meaningful grasp.
You said paper cuts were pretty
and that they were safe with you.

But then,
you read something you didn’t like
slammed the book shut
and shoved it back on the shelf.
 Nov 2014 Sarah K
Pen Lux
better to be silent
than say words
that are brittle
and break
under the
of their meaning.

existing without living
waking and breathing
in short spurts of pain
too ***** to be touched
picked and scabbing
bleeding into dinner
kissing into sleep
pushed away
love this is not
lust preserves the rot
my heart's in a knot
if only I was taught
 Nov 2014 Sarah K
 Nov 2014 Sarah K
You are the literal universe
Not the center either
but the whole thing

Your blood is a galaxy
While your heart is a star
fuming with love and lust

But on your darkest days
Your eyes turn into black holes
Your soul turns into an empty void
destroying everything and anything you ever loved

Your bones that once structured your whole world
will crumble and turn into a dust of dullness

The scientist will diagnose you with a word
that will be meaningless to you but still makes your heart skip a beat

But know that you're not broken
Your body of the universe is just expanding and growing
in this rather cruel world where we all have to call home
Inspiration from a friend who told me this -
"You are not the center of the universe. You are the universe."
 Nov 2014 Sarah K
I want to dance to Frank Sinatra's tunes
this cold time of the year.
With our feet bare on the kitchen tiles,
with a handful of each other and our heads
reclining for support on our shoulders.
I want to stay there until the early hours of the next day
with a soft silence and cozy smile;
just us muting the world for this little while.

When we soon run out of music, we'll simply sway
like an anchored boat on a breezy day
and all I'll need will be the steady beat of your heart
because to me you are a mellow melody always
and throughout the disarray of my life.

Just for this night let's sway in each others embrace;
let's dance the frigid winter nights away.
Because it's cold and I'm cold and someday I'd love to do just this.
Thanks to Erenn for the lovely title suggestion!
 Nov 2014 Sarah K
you saw sadness,
and you never noticed the pain.

you heard the thunder,
and ignored the rain.

but yet you wonder,
just why you dug my grave.

you saw, my dear.

but you cannot see.
You only saw what I was feeling but didn't see the real pain that I felt.
 Nov 2014 Sarah K
Jessica Evans
I want someone who sees my freckles as galaxies
And my scars as stories.
Who tells me my eyes are beautiful
And that my crooked teeth are charming.
I need someone who makes me feel as happy
As I feel when I write poetry.
Who makes me realize that I don’t need a lover,
But sometimes it’s okay to want one.
Then I realize as I trace the freckles on my arm,
That I already see them as galaxies.
And I know the stories behind my scars.
My eyes are my favorite feature
And **** my crooked teeth are awesome.
I write poetry and it makes me happy,
So why do I want a person to share that with?
I have everything here,
I love myself more than anyone could ever love me.
I found this in my old notes and cried a little
 Nov 2014 Sarah K
Audrey Lucille
I have to constantly tell myself that I didn’t love him.
I used him
he used me
for comfort, and comfort only.
I’ve only ever loved one human being in that way on this planet. 

And it’s okay
because when I tell myself I didn’t love him
I know we were in the same place.
Our chests were both hurting from someone else
We needed each other then
but we didn’t love each other ever.
My eyes they show it
You just don't pay attention.
Its there though
My expressionless face shows nothing.
These eyes though , they show everything
Yeah the tears they fall.
I cry.
My mind says "Don't Cry"
But my heart says "Don't stop"
This world.
My life.
Its dark & painful
I still smile though.
I smile through the pain.
I walk through the fear.
I smile but I still can't help the fact that I hate that I love you.
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