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May 2017 · 866
Beautiful Ruin
Neo Madime May 2017
For months a stood at the edge of a cliff
Starring into your dreamy eyes feeling
Fulfilled. Happy. Complete.
I had found what appeared to be my soulmate. My everything.
During the storms, I stood by you, helped you through because i kept believing in my own Cinderella story.
One thing though...
I never saw it coming, hearing you say you're in love with someone else.
I refused to believe you because you kept holding on.
But my tear soaked pillow cases, utter a different sordid fairytale.
I never expected you to push me off, to watch me fall into a seemingly bottomless pit of heartbreak. Of sadness and disappointment.
In losing you I lost myself. My confidence. My will to carry on. My dreams which had somehow intertwined themselves with the idea of me and you.
With  passing moment,
I only hope that in this beautiful ruin I have become,
I will rise again like the sun does; after the long dark cold days of winter.
I can only hope to shed myself of all these scars like the trees do at the dawn of autumn.
I can only hope for a constant experience  of growth, of renewal of the rebirth of something extraordinarily beautiful.
I can only hope that like Spring, i can be free, I can blossom and stand once again against and among the elements and soar.
But most importantly, that like Summer, I can shine:
And once again believe in love
Mar 2016 · 1.1k
Start Over Perhaps ?
Neo Madime Mar 2016
My heart can not lie and say your are the one.
But I can not seem to remember how I got to loving you.

So can we please start over ?

Can you romance me all over again so I can feel the moment I fell in love with you ?
Can you write me poems again so I remember the feeling of losing my breath at the emotions they brought ?
Will you whisper those sweet words that held together the shattering glass I had become and through their utterance I could feel your heart ?
Can those long late night conversations and phone calls come to life again ? Cause I miss the smile I held while falling asleep and the sense of hope and love you brought to my world of loneliness.

Don't misintepret me when I say it all seems to be a distant memory.
What I feel is real but
A point came in my life where detachment became a way to cope.
Even in loving you I was not really there.

Perhaps I was running away from the constant pang of unworthiness that my heart beat had become ? The skeletons which kept me up at night ?
Or just the mere fear of finding something so real because I tends to "exude the illusions of perfect, yet I fail to commit. I seem to ruin anything good going for me".

But give me a chance.
Can we start over cause my heart says you're the one.
Be mine perhaps ?
Nov 2014 · 472
I wrote..
Neo Madime Nov 2014
I wrote my feelings for you in neated verse,
Carefully rolled it into a blunt hoping I could get high off my feelings for you
hoping maybe the high I'd reach would reciprocate itself into you and I
but the words from that neated verse was like inhaling razors that gnawed at my passage way and once again I forgot what it is like to breathe- like when you would say
I  love you
and those words would crash into me like a relentless wave and I would drown in pleasure-
Now I was crashing, turning black-blue and battered;
slitting myself with the pieces of me I found scattered behind your shadow.  
I did not realise it but I was broken and now I am hoping someone can teach me how to puzzle.
Apr 2014 · 1.2k
Neo Madime Apr 2014
As our mouths explored further your breathing became loud and husky;  I could feel your hard excitement bulging against my body.

Despite my total state of Inebriation my inexperienced hands relieved your intense excitement as

Your hands roamed my body and found a home between my thighs.

I had never experienced such goodness: I had to ask you what my name is.
Apr 2014 · 556
Neo Madime Apr 2014
The first day we spoke
I wanted to call you mine.
When you said goodnight
I couldn't help but wonder;
What had I been doing all my life?
If somewhere in the future
There would be an us?

When you wanted to make
me a part of you
I thought I would lose you
Because you had to fight for it,
Because I was already a part of something,
Because I refused to choose
the unknown over what I already had.
Regardless that was you that I wanted
And it tore me inside-
Our happiness would be somebody's pain.

You came and changed everything;
Good and bad.
Soon though we became murders
constantly assassinating our emotions.
Your jealousy of who came before you
drove us apart
But you made sacrifices
Which left me powerless and entranced-
You had me. No matter what.
Despite the pain and the tears:
You had me. And always would.

Loving you is hard,
Fighting is a constant
and soon the inevitable became clear:
We would be over.
I got tired of fighting for you
and the draining routine of convincing you of the love I have for you.
So I did the un-imaginable...

I stopped believing in what we had.
I gave up loving you.
I hated the feeling of insecurity we fed each other -like we were never enough and had to seek other ventures.

The lies you told cut deep because you were secretly saying I am not worth the truth
And in the end you told me
"You're worthless"

What we had was real to me
And though I hate what we went through
I still love you
And sadly:
I am still in love with you.
I found my old poetry book. Wrote this: 4 June 2012 when I thought I was in love. Shocking. Didn't do any editing.  Just words from a young broken heart.
Apr 2014 · 473
Neo Madime Apr 2014
The world is so
I trust
over humans.
Apr 2014 · 356
Neo Madime Apr 2014
23:15** I had been crying for an hour or so
23:45 tried to define suicide
02:32 wishing for sleep.

It's like wishing for death made my subconscious a little scared of allowing me to slumber.
Apr 2014 · 771
Neo Madime Apr 2014
I don't suppose anyone can explain to her why, as she contemplates death she gets Bible bashed and banished to Hell?

Has anyone ever noticed the way she crosses her arms across her body like she's guarding herself ?

Next time stop and notice how she's desperate for a hug because she drowns in a lot of self loathe and sadness.

Look into her eyes and see how she beats herself up over things she cannot change,

Brands herself the father-less girl and seeks her absent father's love in men who leave her broken, sad and deflowered,

Wears a black veil of mourning over her heart and worships Sadness as a way of life.

She gets drawn to the aisle that hold razor blades at the supermarket to try carve the pain out her body...
Judgement must be racing in your mind
But praise Her
for she dared confront the monster called Self Criticism in its purest form:


Should she let go? or hold on once again?
#my bad piece. Just needed to let the emotions out.
Mar 2014 · 12.3k
I still long for you
Neo Madime Mar 2014
I still remember you
I lost you because non-commitment was all I could give.
Now I wake with my sheets soaked with the residue from my nightmares, suffocating me.

I long for those days when the sun was setting and hand in hand we'd sit, in silence.
You'd pull me closer to share your excitement with me; grab a fist full of my hair to allow you to enter into matrimony with my lips.

I long to have your presence next to me; to see the rise and fall of your chest reminding me that that is where my home is.
To have you wake me in the morning with your arms protectively caressing  me, rhythmically and suggestively moving along my body...
To have you send shivers down my spine with your hot breath as I feel you smile into my neck

I remember your lips became the metaphor for our young hasty affair:
your lips often grazing every crevice on my body, arousing feelings in me I never thought existed and exciting this dormant precious place between my thighs.

My thighs, which are now the empty hallways you used to roam with so much passion and ferocity used to release waterfalls that cascaded down in a pleasurable release,
long for one more body trembling exhilarating encounter.

But most of all I long to be loved again.
Some things are just forbidden
Mar 2014 · 339
10w (2)
Neo Madime Mar 2014
a smile hesitates only because fear of being broken exists.
What I go through everyday
Mar 2014 · 1.1k
Neo Madime Mar 2014
Nobody will understand
the sadness and self-loath
I drown in.
A heart that's constantly shattering.
Feb 2014 · 589
Neo Madime Feb 2014
You gave her a circular metallic band , to represent your supposed eternall devotion to her goodness
You breathed love down her spine, the dull beat of her heart livening and her eclipsed life brightened.
You whispered promise into her heart until you were her only source of happy.
Together you built a life but lately you're never there.
She lies in the darkness in pieces pathetically reaching out to a cold space where you're supposed to be.
You rule, she follows.
She follows and bows to the ground you walk on
Cleaning whatever mess you leave behind
She is blind to her slavery and all she can utter is "he loves me".
God knows black and blue don't belong on her skin.
But you are god.
She knows your word Genesis to Revelations, Revelations to Genesis.
Men like you with a **god ego need to rearrange and realise you're not a god but a dog.
I will never let a man tell me what to do.
Jan 2014 · 751
my konstantine
Neo Madime Jan 2014
My image of you is the eternal echo of sorrow, of a door closing in a big empty room.
My eyes are blinded by the residue left from the tears you shed when I broke your heart.
My heart tears with pain, fakes joy because you're smiling with someone else because there's nothing more you hate than to be alone.
I just hope they don't hurt you like I did.

I know I never really wrote you love letters but,
I pray the pain I've caused doesn't change you cause now your wall is so high I have to search for who I fell in love with.
I hope the dreams you uttered to me In the chaotic cadence of the night remain because we birthed them together.

When there are no lights and its 11:11,
I dream a life of us
Together growing old.
Its always you and my dreams
I even believed in 'till death do us part'.
I saw the world in your eyes and it gave me hope.
Your tranquil voice took my fears and put them to bed. You shook the very core of my being to life and time became irrelevant because our world couldn't be measured.

I wont shower you with fluffy poems littered with insignificant adjectives that don't even pay you justice
But god I MISS YOU.
And I hope the universe conspires against you so you'll end up with me because you'll always be *my konstantine
I want you back because giving up was harder
Jan 2014 · 2.4k
Not A Poem
Neo Madime Jan 2014
Oh so many words with no way of forming logic
so many words trapped in confusion
So many words dying to be heard to be admired to be out gagging me but I just can't find my voice.
I just can't make it come out.

I'm alive, I'm breathing.
I walk around but I'm not really living.
Its the Pain.
I can feel it cursing through my veins with tears streaming down and staining my face.
Eroding all the life left on my face.
I've lived so long in this low I don't really know what a high feels like no more. Even in love I'm down low and mournful. Insecure and pitiful. Crazy if you ask me.

I know I have to get out this cycle but this low has stolen all my dreams like a quiet thief in the night,. Stolen my voice and I'm left with this burning desire for greatness with an empty vision. Because my dreams were too fragile , like a fetus in the womb killed by negligence and under nourishment. Or better yet ripped out by metal rods poking prodding in a ***** hidden backyard ally.

I prayed. I cry.
I believed. I cry.
I had faith. I cry.
I even used to look up to the stars and the moon.
Mostly past tense now. Because nothing ever really came out of it. My hopes became the barren womb of a woman failing to produce.
All past tense.
But I still cry as if pouring my soul into this water that leaves my body will appaul the gods enough to have pity on me. Restore my faith and recharge my halo cause its been running on reserves for so long.  As though I'll finally see the God everyone raves about. As though I'll find my destiny. But I just end up dusting my rags and bearing this load that's nearly taken my life by my own hand so many times I could feature on a comedy.

A cliche but I have a void in my heart. I tried ignoring it. Filing it with nonsensical things that always dry out. At a point I thought I'd found a solution but my heart now in pieces I learnt never to trust in a human what you can't do yourself.
I let somebody take me through the fiery lanes of hell to leave me there

Oh so many words with no way of forming logic so many words trapped in confusion so many words gagging me but I just can't find my voice.
I just can't make it come out.
So many words dying to be heard to be admired to be out.
But I'm at a loss.
Nov 2013 · 906
I Hate Me
Neo Madime Nov 2013
Somehow you saw that

I wake each day as though my purpose is to walk aimlessly with no desire to live.
I reject anything that promises security and has the chance of leaving me abandoned because
I grow in this cage of in securities that casts a foreboding shadow on any joy that comes my way.

You saw but you didn't really know that

My insides still scream , I want you to know !!
This feeling of 'I hate me' eats me whole,
It withers my conscious until its dark deserted leaving me nearly demented.
I feel obligated to smile but its in pieces from this constant silent reminder of 'you're too fat too fit  in'
So my body heaves over toilet seats but its  too numb to regurgitate, and leaves me with the gut wrenching realization that my tears are only worth urinals.
I see my reflection and it hurts me more, so with each ticking hour I'm broken with more velvet lines chartered on my arms, looking like a surgeons artwork. I die with handfuls of depressants altering my state of being ,invading, because I'd rather be far away. But mostly I lie with hard burning liquor for that instant buzz because its easier to blame a downer for these mad depressing days than to say 'I'm sad'.

Maybe now you know

But until I break from this mind forged ;
two legged,
two armed,  
one headed prison called my body...
Falling in love ,
Being happy ,
are foreign concepts
"because suicide is the most sincere form of self-criticism"
Nov 2013 · 1.6k
Neo Madime Nov 2013
A smile spreads along my face at my audacity to think I could put together a string of words and say I wrote a poem for you
To say I'm sorry and please forgive me.
I knew what I was doing but to lose your love is not what I foresaw
But sorry had become so ordinary in our love it will not soothe your soul but smash your heart again.
Your heart with the Midas touch returned all the innocence I once possessed before life stripped it away and left me naked.
I could sit here and recite a bible of soliloquies about a doubled edged sword of I love you I hate you.
But I won't.
I mutter your name in my sleep and morrow they will ask what I said and I'll look up with an iron curtain around my emotions and say a nightmare I will myself to forget.
Because you are  a constant reminder of how I infamously ruin any good that comes to me.
I am fathers daughter after all , I conceived  in a woman the joys that lit her face in the darkness and kept her fears at bay.
I took the promise of forever and obliterated the light in her eyes and walked away leaving her alone with a broken life.
And now I am barren like women who can't give birth and empty like a woman who said yes to abortion.
And I'll never know what love means
I once loved a girl.
Sep 2013 · 764
Neo Madime Sep 2013
She is at a point in her life where the innocence of childhood is stripped away.

Thrown into a crazy world , where so much evil lurks , holding onto faith becomes her battle

Until all that is left is an eternity of mixed emotions

She exudes the illusions of perfect
But fails to commit

And seems to ruin anything good going for her

And screws over the one that made sense

But in her world , she dreams of a world just for two

Eloped from this hell she lives daily
Because its love, Because of the one

And she's dying for forgiveness

Because your smile is the paradise that elates her heart.
Sep 2013 · 771
i tried
Neo Madime Sep 2013
i tried
to write this poem
to tell you
and explain whats inside
but words refused to materialised
so now i'm sitting here
telling you
i tried but
i failed
Sep 2013 · 879
Neo Madime Sep 2013
I love each and every crevice of my canvas,
Parts resonate to the one who birthed me;
exuberant in its own beauty.

My hair is untameable.
Sprouts of rich coarse darkness
are the roots embedded into my skin
speaking of the still waters which run deep.

My skin, a burden in itself
Is my Pride;
My very protection against Society’s perceptions.

The curves on my body are more than a dress size
Or the men’s heads which turn as i walk down the streets.
My curves are my heritage
A sign of where home is.

I am more than a number that blinks on a scale.
I am worth more than the whistles
which fill the silence as I enter the room.
I Am Me.

Yes, i love my body
So mirror mirror on the wall
Don’t let this girl forget her worth
For she loves what she sees.
This comes from a girl that hates what she sees when she looks in the mirror and through other peoples eyes, has seen her worth.
Sep 2013 · 2.9k
What You Do To Me!
Neo Madime Sep 2013
It all started with a passionate touch which
aroused the adrenaline rush
We lose all sense of our bodies
Of our minds,
as we grind with passion
forgetting all our hurt
like we have no worries,
Until we reach a place with
no pain or regret.

Like lighting, a feeling of euphoria
Curses through our bodies
leaving us in ecstasy
as we forget about everything.

Our bodies, packed like human sardines
Gleam under the moonlight glare...
Heartbeats chasing…
Breathless we collide
and together we are one,
as we fade…
I even forgot my name!

— The End —