Oh, but the pain we suffer
Alone in the dark, at night
Ruminating lifes agonizing flaws
Piles of letters on the floor
Apologies and final farewells
Meaningless attempts to explain
A hammer pressed tightly
Placing an end in its sight
Groping the thighs of death
Fingers typing ferociously
Attempting to explain the pain
To those that deserve it not
Scattering pointless words
For the world to see and mock
Tear filled heart dumps the final breath
An ocean away, and a draped face
Covered by the endless miles
Stretches out her love
Tonight a friend has added the minutes
Abolishing the hooded beast
Saturatiing the darkness with hope
Hugging away the darkness
Oh the light that the precious soul
Touching the darkest corners
Emitted light with radiance
The sparkle in the heart
Ignites a glorious fire
Burning bright for all to see
Oh but only if
The arms could
Stretch a few more miles
Thank you my friend
For saving me from the end
It is my love I send
Even when you feel as if there is no hope, god will send someone to touch you soul and give an ounce of hope. Thank you so much my friend.