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 Oct 2018 Luke
The poet lives two lives.
One on the outside,
And one in their mind.

When you look in their eyes
You could see an abyss.

If you looked long enough
You could sink into it.

But most people don’t see it.

Take the time to read the words, though,
And you would know for sure.

The poet lives in two different worlds.
A little escape from the madness.
Or maybe, into.
 Oct 2018 Luke
Self Love
 Oct 2018 Luke
You love the smell of fresh apple pie.
You love the sound of the high tide shore break.
You love the way the guitar feels on your fingertips.
You love the feeling you get when your around him.
You love the way the sun sets at home.
Darling, you love so much.
But if I asked you to name all the things you love,
How long would it take you to name yourself?

 Oct 2018 Luke
Matteo Palermo
 Oct 2018 Luke
Matteo Palermo
What is time?
When this was the only thing that meant
Anything to me
What is time?
When the clock is going the wrong way
Regressing into my past self
Fading into the person I never wanted to be
You brought me back down
Taught me
The clock ticked for awhile
But it shattered
 Oct 2018 Luke
Jillian Jesser
 Oct 2018 Luke
Jillian Jesser
here we are again
walls, white
cotton sheets
teal socks with the tread

we share small talk
i ask about home
things are the same there

i tell you about my bedmate
she thinks she's satan
it's all up from here

when you leave
i sit down to dinner
a jail meal

it drips from the mute's lips
who sits staring
at the table diagonal from me

she is afraid of dogs
i, a dog
bite a dry piece of bread
and cough

in this lowland we halt and look up to the sun
but see only a black sky

and when you ask
are you getting better
the response

is for you
 Oct 2018 Luke
there is no guarantee
that we will ever be free
I can't tell you why
the rain pours
and the people mourn
there is no guarantee
that we will ever find peace
I can't tell you why
we go to war
and why he called you a *****
there is no guarantee
that we will ever be happy
I can't tell you why
half of us are on anti-depressants
and why we are fighting the resistance
I can't tell you why
there is no guarantee
 Oct 2018 Luke
Tell me your truth
one that few others know.
Allow me to explore the dark parts of your heart
and ignite the fires of your soul.
Align your demons with mine
in time you’ll find they need love, too.
They need love.
Just like me. Just like you.
 Oct 2018 Luke
it's true--
i don't love you anymore.

but sometimes i catch your eye between waves in the surf,
that same ocean blue i've always known

like summers by the beach, you are long forgotten like my childhood,
days and nights spent drinking the stars

i will never forget what they taste like
i will never forget what you taste like.

it's true--
i don't love you anymore.

i am with another,
he is more than you ever could have been for me but

why do i still crave your inadequacy?
he is my whole galaxy, his beauty is unmatched and

oh how he makes me feel but
why am i still dreaming about you?

i don't love you anymore-- i promise,
we moved on so long ago i forget what goodbye sounds like

i'm lying.
i could never forget the way you said that,

like it took the strength of a million tsunamis to just
keep it together but oh i don't love you anymore!

it's what i've been trying to say i'm sorry but sometimes
the emotion in my own words gets so caught in my throat

i forget how to breathe because
i still see your eyes between the waves.
inspired by pablo neruda...
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