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GaryFairy Jul 2022
Show no mercy
Leave no witness
You can have mercy without showing mercy. In fact, why in the hell do you need to have or show mercy anyhow?

Witness to what?
GaryFairy Jul 2022
I told them that I am a Jew.
They beat me up anyhow. May the wrath of God be upon them.
When the preacher said that the Jews were God's children, I jumped up and said "I'm a Jew"
I stand behind that, but not in the way that Jesus did. I choose water because water is one thing you need to grow grapes.
This stuff is in no way putting down Jewish people, Jesus, or spirituality.
I feel like there is something more powerful for sure. I just don't know about whether it matters if I believe in a god that goes along with rituals and teachings that I don't understand. I don't know. I would think that God wouldn't care about me making a joke. I went to church and Sunday school...Christian tent revivals, and vacation Bible school at a young age. Messed my **** up!
GaryFairy Jul 2022
See no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil

That means I didn't see anything, I didn't hear anything, so don't ask me questions

You wouldn't believe me if I told you. Unless it is what you wanted me to tell you.
why do they call them stool pigeons? Put a pigeon on a stool and ask him. I swear he will squeal like a pig
GaryFairy Jul 2022

"Hey man where did you get this bud at"?
"The guvnah"

Marijuana is federally illegal. Marijuana is illegal in West Virginia.

Unless you go to the local Dr Khan, and get a permission slip from the American Medical Association. $150

Then take that permission slip to the West Virginia Department of Health and Human Services, who will give you another permission slip. $75

Then you must take that there permission slip to the Government *** dealers. $$$$

You can purchase your Marijuana there $$$$

No shirt, no shoes, no service!

Please don't be afraid, the Government *** dealers don't ride Harleys, or have tattoos. These are clean decent people, with actual jobs. We don't even eat pork or smoke cigarettes...or believe in Jesus.

Scenario 2

"Hey man where did you get this bud at"?
"The guvnah"
"I get it cheaper"

Scenario 3

"Hey man where did you get this bud at"?
"The guvnah"
"I get it cheaper"
"How much"?
"You are under arrest for conspiracy to sell drugs"!
Well it could

Don't worry, I am a secret agent...of the universe

Idk what anyone says...I am pretty sure gaslighting used to have a different meaning than the definition is now.
GaryFairy Jul 2022
Life imitates art... and electronics?

Everything depends on the plus and the minus. The positive and the negative. Including heaven and hell. Don't get it wrong either. Being positive isn't saying "let it go, it will be fine" it is saying "no, it has to be this way"! It is thought to be cruel to tell someone they are doing something wrong. But is it cruel for a cop to harass someone who is cooking burgers outside? I don't really think so, but it is WRONG. You stand in that negativity protected by a union of black wires, Blue wires. I am the positive red wire that they try to call negative. I choose to be the white, neutral wire, but they say ******* is wrong, and make it a race issue. I scream, "*******"! They say no, so I go back to being the red wire. They say that is wrong, but I still choose my own power. So, are you the red or the blue? We depend on each other, even with opposing polarity. You can't be red, white and is impossible.

(electronics have a red and a black wire for positive and negative. It used to be a red and a blue wire...and a white wire that is represented by an N.)
GaryFairy Jul 2022
The dumbest person in the world thinks they are the smartest person in the world.
When words hurt, stop speaking that language.
GaryFairy Jul 2022
I failed 7th grade three times because I refused to **** wildflowers and press them between wax paper. I also refused to dissect frogs and other animals.

Those wildflowers and frogs were all I had in the patch of woods...where I had to hide.

My science teacher looked just like a toad with a beard. Ms Farley. Vermilion Middle School. Ohio
They talk about the monarch going extinct. I am more worried about the larva caterpillar stage...and the pupa
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