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Aug 2015 · 797
2 months
Moonlight Aug 2015
Short and sweet right?
What about the fights
Full of mistake
Wiser, older
Some lock away there year in a folder.
   2 months is all it takes
for people to stop being fakes
You leave for summer
What a ******
No friend right?
Just taking flight?
People WILL change
Maybe a real Fighter?
Life goes on for the best
As we may not forget the rest
All these changes in
2 Months
Summer Almost over and this Poem is for L. Everyone, myself as well, changes. This is my change over the Summer. This is also my way of saying I will not be on this website anymore :/ sorry for the people who liked my Poems and sorry to L.
Feb 2015 · 515
Heart Break
Moonlight Feb 2015
When your not normal
Nor much for formal
When you think you found love
Only to be given that shove
A first heart throb
Turned into a long sob
Worst of all to face a friend
Who became the cause of the end
It's hard to have power
And hold such a flower
Least of all a love
Without a warrning glove
So I sit here in my class
As I wait for time to pass
Goes the clock
No one here to hear
So my heart is left to sear
What time shall heal
I shall steal
A Broken heart
Of my own *art
First Heart Break
Moonlight Feb 2015
In Memory of W.E.B. DuBois here are some poems.

Here Lays a caring man
Who had many adoring Fans
He believed in the A.A.
But not in the K.K.K.
He fought and encouraged Civil Rights
And Never Put up a fist Fight
So with a grieving heart we sow
His body down to this spot to grow
Never forgotten then nor now
For there is no way to, how?

Freedom, Civil Rights
Working, Learning, fighting
Leader, brotherhood; slavery, stupidity
Hiding, beating, worshiping
Beat, bleed

**End of Diamante- Pet in referral to a new kind of slave
Jan 2015 · 1.9k
In My Mind
Moonlight Jan 2015
In my mind anything is possible...
In my mind anything can happen...
In my mind most things are not all that well
Do you know who you are?
No, I do not
Do you know what your doing?
My mind starts spinning as that one questions sets me off
I shall never nor shall I ever understand
For what is there to understand?
The mind is Strong
The Mind is frail
The Mind is strange, new and ever changing.
In my mind I understand everything and nothing
In my mind...

*I'm me and I'm free
Dealing with confusing things... this is what you see.
Jan 2015 · 5.6k
Moonlight Jan 2015
What makes a Bully?
*Perhaps they to were had a Bully
Or maybe its for self esteem
Or maybe to be mean
Does it matter why?
"No, not to you. You can't think past a fly"
"To me it does, for I have a heart"
No just tear me apart
Why? To make yourself feel more important?
We Bully in a cycle fueling there fire
Do we ever tire?
Can we not think with our hearts?
Or are we still neanderthals with fists apart
Please try to understand
For there is only one land
Let our hearts sing in with friendship
Before we start this forever tearing relationship
So I ask you now if you wood
Perhaps consider brotherhood?
Today is about stopping Bullying. I now its a fool`s dream to think it will end in a day but perhaps we can make a bigger change today. (If your reading this please write a poem on bullying and let me now. I`ll repost it on my page)
Jan 2015 · 5.4k
My Jumbled head
Moonlight Jan 2015
The thoughts in my head uncertain
My heart hides behind a curtain
And to those of you who know
I can think of no greater foe
For when my head is filled with grief
I can not think to start a beef
I only wish I could know all
And not make such a blundering fall
For my words left unspoken
I only ask for one simple token
Of love
And most of all...
A friend like **you
Here is one for you L. I`m sorry about today and that things came up. :(
Jan 2015 · 634
Everybody Goes
Moonlight Jan 2015
In the coldest day of the year everyone must go
When all hope we once fear has lost its meaning everyone must go
When the time seems right and we've lost the fight
Everyone will go
In the end
Until defend
In which end will we go?
When the ones we love pass away
And even the great fayes fly away
Everyone will go

When Everyone has gone and left were will you go?
Leave the fus
Join the Must
And let everybody go
Nov 2014 · 936
Moonlight Nov 2014
I see my darkest demons that line the hall
I am closed around it and I did not fall
I should be corrupt and tainted
Yet I am purely Painted
I laugh at evil as it tries to consume my thoughts
I have always fought
I know not a moments rest
Until I take my final test
I have little peace in my mind
My sanity needs to find
The rest of me is strong and fair
But all enemies shall come in pairs
Help myself to stay strong
No one will help, they're all wrong
Let me stand strong
And help people for long!
"The purest one is thy who has faced evil and turned away pure."
Oct 2014 · 4.2k
Moonlight Oct 2014
I find myself lost
In a never ending frost
For is my anger that dwells
Even when I should not, and well
I hate the way they joke
And talk like regular folk
They laugh about suicide
And they mock and lie and hide
They talk about Ebola
As if saying Hola
I hate the way they make me feel
As if I'm a useless wheel
I want so bad to hurt them
But if not for my friend, who keep my hem
I would gladly go to jail
For an attempted ****** in which I would fail
I hate those who laugh at the less fortunate
And I hate those who smile with amusement
So thank your lucky stars
That my best friend cares from afar
For if not for her compassion
I would wear you as my latest fashion
Be thankful there are people who care to stop the angry.
Oct 2014 · 1.6k
Shedding Tears
Moonlight Oct 2014
I cry quietly
I do so silently
I hardly ever do so anymore
I don't even know who to cry for
I am tired and my strength is faded
for holding all these tears in like spades
I hate what the world has done
How it has fun
People love my tears and pain
And I cannot shed them without negative gain
Can I cry at home
Or in the sea of foam?
No, I can not cry
Nor can I fly
But I do try
So here I sit
not so fit
And for the first time in years
I can finally shed my tears
"Where only strong when we don`t cry... but never once have I wanted anything more then to do so." Monk Kashi
Oct 2014 · 650
For Lilyth
Moonlight Oct 2014
L** is for the way you laugh
I is for your outstanding intelligent
L is for the way you Love people
Y is for being you
T is for being terrified and not caring who knows
H is for heroism because your alive today and still brave through the haters.
Your a special friend thats dear to me, never forget that, I love you sis! Always will!
Oct 2014 · 1.5k
Moonlight Oct 2014
Even with great power I feel useless
I even wind up in a mess
How can I talk so big and feel so small?
It almost like throwing a ball
We want power over others this is true
But then we feel so lonely and blue
I want to be there for you
I really do
I don't want to leave you alone
Even when I call you on the phone
Yet with all my power I am useless
Nor am I much help in a crises
I have power and don't use it
I don't even try to stay with it
Why is this a must?
Do I deserve your trust?
I don't want to be like the others
Or like a mother
I love you sis and this is true
Even if im a useless blue
So please hate me I deserve it
But don't have a fit
For a friend who know me well, for a friend I let down, and for a friend who I do not deserve. I don`t want pity nor do I wish to cause you pain.
Oct 2014 · 930
The light
Moonlight Oct 2014
When we die we see a light
Is it truly bright?
What of we put up a fight?
I truly have no sight!
I fear for death to come
yet I care not where it's from.
Whom shall I talk to at night
When everyone has blown out my small light
No one speaks a word
Nor do they care as long as there's a ford
Who cares if one dies?
Or even if one should lie?
No one is pure nor they light
Even if there not bright!
We put up not a single fight
When our humanity is in sight.
So here we lay our heads down low
And lose our angelic **glow
"We all need a light, some of us have it, some of us don`t. Only in our darkest hour does the light shine through our darkened lives." ~Mishu Kawikie
Oct 2014 · 746
What hurts inside
Moonlight Oct 2014
My pain is subtle and no one knows
I know not what the world holds
I'm not sure with all the hoes
In which way the world will fold
I keep my faith in humanity
But all they show me is their insanity
I can bear witness to only so much
But who will bear witness to such?
I hide my pain with a smile
And even keep it in my files
I fool the mass with my act
But surely this won't be Fact
How far shall I Fall
Before my life goes down that Hall?
I witness people's pain
I bear witness to their Gains
I love without fear
And hate no dear.
My inhuman actions are my Fault
Yet no one bothers to Halt
I see the violence and faults of humans
Is this what makes us inhuman?
I see the fights
I see people take Flight
It kills me on the inside to see people die
If only I could help people to not lie
Then I would'nt fell this pain inside
I am not making this a big deal but why do people lie? Play games? Cheat? Deceive? Do we learn nothing from the past in which to better our self`s with? Do we even have anything inside?
Oct 2014 · 1.1k
Moonlight Oct 2014
For a friend that's not a tool
And for a friend who somewhat likes pools
I love you like a sis
And I'm glad your not a priss
Your always there for me
Even if I'm being a be-
I'm glad I have you in my life
Even if you'd never be my wife
Your the best person in this universe
even if it is diverse
I will never leave you nor we I lie
And I shall hold this true till I die
even if death do us part
And even if I ****
I know you'll never go away
Even if were faraway!
I really do love you like a sis Logen!
Oct 2014 · 389
Moonlight Oct 2014
I was born different from the rest
With special ability that made me the best
Everyone looked on in fear
And thought me only queer
I can bend the elements can I not
Yet I have never really fought
You tell me that you love me
But then you let me be
I walk alone
I talk alone
And when I've found a friend
It comes to a quick end
I am everyone's shoulder to cry on
I myself can never cry on
I keep my heart open all the time
Yet people still want me to mime
How can I mime my emotion
Does it look like I have a potion?
I'm afraid too love and yet I do
In the end I'm just a tool

— The End —