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 Jun 2017 Esther
Madhu Jakkula
 Jun 2017 Esther
Madhu Jakkula
As I map the curves of your body with my lips, I listen to your moan slowly.
I hunger to taste every inch of your skin from toes to between your thighs to your soft cleavage till your lips.
Your cries with pleasure is my new addiction, vaporising my lust.
 Apr 2017 Esther
Zoe Sue
Use this to better yourself. Try as ******* yourself as you did on the relationship. You are the most important person. You are capable of everything you want to do. Don't give up on yourself too. I love you. I love you. I will learn to love you. There is time for sadness. That is okay. Turn it into creation. You won't always be happy but you will always be okay. Fill the holes in your heart from loving him with new reasons to love yourself. Go hiking alone. Climb a tree and read a book. Write more. ******* it, don't waste that talent. Practice gratitude. Practice mindfulness. Believe. In the future. In the power of your mind. In your ability to overcome. You will be reborn in strength.

Your forever companion
 Apr 2017 Esther
Emma Melvin
People cover up wounds with bandages,
whether it's the littlest paper cut,
or the largest **** all the way to the bone.
They are always covered with bandages,
hidden for no one else to see.

That's what's happening to society
We're all hurting,
whether it's the littlest paper cut in the heart,
to the largest **** all the way to the bone.
But we are forced to cover it up with a smile,
so no one will see we are dying.
You don't realize how people are hurting inside,
all you see is the smile.
And sooner or later,
you will look in her casket and say
"I always remembered her beautiful smile,
I never knew she was hurting inside".
 Oct 2016 Esther
if someone is ***** and everyone ignores it,
did it really happen?

if she said no and he didn't listen,
did she make a sound?

we live in a world where women teach their daughters
to scream before teaching them to say please.

where the word "no" is treated like a suggestion,
and "stop" is treated like a foreign phrase...

where a woman's innocence is crushed like a flower in hands that were never given permission to hold it.

and yet you wonder why girls go to the bathroom in pairs,
and call each other to make sure they got home safely?
this was hard to write, but i refuse to keep silent.
 Oct 2016 Esther
Kay Ireland
Please forgive me, for my hands won’t stop shaking.
You and I:
Parallel lines holding on to the notion that maybe one day
We’ll intersect, in more ways than one.
My breath catches at the thought of your fingertips
Slipping and sloping down my spine.
I can’t fall asleep anymore without you on my mind,
Conjuring images of your
Phantom arms wrapped around my waist
And the autumn breeze of an open window washing over me.
They say that this cannot be love,
But god, I’m not so sure.

Your mother doesn’t know that I exist.
I thank her every morning for you,
Over my lukewarm cup of cheap coffee.
She is the only person who will ever love you more than I.
You look at me like I am made of flowers
Whose petals have colours you’ve never been able to comprehend.
I hope they make a little more sense now.

The first wrinkles on my face will be crow’s feet,
Like my mother’s,
Like my grandmother’s.
We’ve all fallen a little too hard
And smiled a little too much.
I’ll cherish them just the same.

They never taught us how to write poems without the fuel of heartache.
I’ll never learn, anyhow.
 May 2016 Esther
Audre Lorde
If you come as softly
As the wind within the trees
You may hear what I hear
See what sorrow sees.

If you come as lightly
As threading dew
I will take you gladly
Nor ask more of you.

You may sit beside me
Silent as a breath
Only those who stay dead
Shall remember death.

And if you come I will be silent
Nor speak harsh words to you.
I will not ask you why now.
Or how, or what you do.

We shall sit here, softly
Beneath two different years
And the rich between us
Shall drink our tears.
 Apr 2016 Esther
Ntwari Poetry
What we has was great, wasn't it?
The talks we had, the laughs we shared.
It was like a dream.

But dreams end.
What makes love the exception?
 Apr 2016 Esther
kyle Shirley
The literal *******.

I find myself not caring about anyone or anything, just what she is doing.

Days like today and nights like these are the worst.

I can't stand day dreams of you anymore. All I want is to talk to you.
See how your doing.

My only regrets were lustful thoughts and being too young to recognize what love is.
 Apr 2016 Esther
Hush. . . no one must know
That I am at war with my own mind.
No one must know
That I am fighting a losing battle,
Stuck in a brain that wants me dead.

For how long I can keep it up
Only God knows.
But I will probably be dead
Before anyone even begins to wonder.
But hush. . . no one must know.
This poem describes how depression makes you ashamed and scared of your own mind.  How incredibly lonely it is to keep it all inside but not having the courage to let anyone know your DARK secret.
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