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 Apr 2016 Esther
 Apr 2016 Esther
She cried
She lost it all

My heart screamed
*''You still have me!''
Dear Father in Heaven
I have been the unsuccessful idealist
a muted convoluted mentalist.
May this open prayer
Transcend through fear--

Dear Father in Heaven
Don't take them away from me
Why did you abandon me?!
Thus this body is now an empty shell
No spirit to dwell

Dear Father in Heaven
You said let there be light
I may be blinded by your light
my soul as a whole
warped into black hole

Dear Father in Heaven
Give me reprieve
Please spare me the grief,
My wounds! They bleed tears--
Rip my heart open with shears.
An open prayer for the depressed
 Mar 2016 Esther
 Mar 2016 Esther
If we were right for each other,
Then wouldn’t the gods have allowed us to be?
If the stars control our fates,
And the gods control the stars,
Then surely they could have allowed us,
To meet at the right time in the right place..

Instead we’re divided by oceans,
Our timing so incredibly wrong,
That I cannot help but feel we’re victims of fate.
You want to fight the fates, the stars and the gods,
Your resolve is so admirable, but I’m so tired my love..
I just want to fall into an eternal sleep and dream you’re mine..
 Mar 2016 Esther
You hesitate with every word
As if everything you say means the world
To everyone who might hear you
You shiver as you maintain eye contact
With every motion, your hair,
It cuts through the air with beauty
All of the beauty of your entirety
And you smile when i tell you all of this
With your teeth white,
And your tongue sticking out,
You are the embodiment of my happiness.
 Mar 2016 Esther
Anon Y Mous
 Mar 2016 Esther
Anon Y Mous
It coats my thoughts,
clings to my breath,
grips to my skin,
circuits through my blood,
latches to my heart...

it's so unforgiving,
settling deeper and deeper,
*It's constricting hold will **** me.
 Feb 2016 Esther
 Feb 2016 Esther
How dare you
be the kindest person that I know,
make my heart melt with one look,
leave me infatuated with you?

How dare you
smile a smile that lights up the world,
entrance me with your voice,
leave me infatuated with you?

How dare you
appear in my daydreams all day,
have me longing for what could be,
leave me infatuated with you?

You dared,
and now I am completely and hopelessly
left infatuated
with you.
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