All will be lost,
And all will be found
once again when you are not looking.
But I can never not look.
It is the bane of my existence.
I survive on the meeting of eyes,
the nod of heads,
the shake of necks.
All is well,
as long as you keep your distance.
So don't come near.
Enjoy the looks, the smiles, but never think about touch.
I will burn you as soon as skins make contact.
I promise you,
I will make your body a living hell.
I will turn your soul into ash.
I am the Lilith's daughter,
You don't know what I am capable of.
I fend for myself.
I do not need your pity.
I don't need you.
You may stay in the fringes for the time being,
But when it is time for you to leave,
Leave and never look back,
Never think back,
Never talk back,
never never...
I am Lilith's daughter,
You don't know what i'm capable of
Keep your words
Keep your love, if that's what you want to call it.
Keep anything you could offer me.
Nothing you can give me will make me satiated.
I am so much more.
I am the Lilith's daughter,
And you don't know what I'm capable of.
I've been absent from this website for a really long time. I would like some thoughts about this and constructive criticism please.