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Dita H Nov 2014
So the ending could be of ambiguous note.
And that all she will see now is the worth in the future.
The word of the past, will no longer be
in the back of her mind.
The scenes of the present would not matter as much.
She will learn to live and laugh,
Live and laugh until the time
she has to make a choice.
Dita H Nov 2014
I am fading, I am decay.
My star soon meeting its makers.
Nothing you do will ever make me feel,
for my mission here is done:
I have met eyes with you,
And in that glance,
I felt the cold in me burn.
Dita H Oct 2014
You will not waste yourself.
You still have years,
to think, to live, to breathe.

Don’t think this is the end
because she screamed,
he hit, you cried.

It’s just the night,
blurring you,
masking himself
as a friend.

He is not your friend.
Yes, he knows all your secrets,
but he also knows how to twist
and turn your insides.

You are his spaghetti for lunch,
his afternoon snack,
his shot of whisky
downed and ready to approach that girl by the bar.

He is not your friend,
though his smiles comfort, his touches
are the kind of silk you’d never afford.
He makes you forget who you are,
the hole you came out of, the land you belong to.

He gives you light, somehow, but know
it is only a mirror of the truth.
He is not the sun, with all her glory,
However you make yourself believe
You are wasting yourself in him,
The morning presents you with possibilities.
You ****** them with your own hands, for him.
You still have years, but left undiluted,
you will poison yourself.

I see you have given up,
You see in the darkness,
You are the surrendering light,
You are the desolation in the sky.
Dita H Aug 2014
Hope is everything right now.
All things are caressing my fingertips.
If only I could move a step,
They would be in my clasp at last.
I try, try, try as much as I can,
But these feet are shackled.
You want me here, here, here.
You senseless pig,
You wall of concrete
Do you not see
That I am a bird?
Land is not my home,
sky is, and I am dying now
dying slowly, slowly, slowly
every moment more
that I stay here.
Dita H Apr 2014
The hiding
Is so much worse.
All i want to be is symmetrical.


Knowledge rained
On them today.
They tasted the acid
and it burned their lungs,
it burned their lungs.


Run into darkness
For safety.
You never know what you will find.

to me.

Find the treasures
On a lonely island.
Talk to the trees.
Find a friend in the fish.
Die an honourable death.


— The End —