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  Mar 2018 Dev
Boy just take it easy
Boy just take it slow
Please don't give up now
You have so much further to go

Put that gun down boy
Step away from the ledge
All the demons your fighting
Don't have to stay in your head

Let me help you boy
Let me be your light
You and I together boy
We'll give 'em a hell of a fight

This is it boy
It's time for war
With me by your side
It'll be easier than before

We got this boy
We won't back down
We'll take 'em all on
We'll knock 'em to the ground

Boy let's take it easy
Boy let's take it slow
All the demons you fight
Will no longer call you home
  Mar 2018 Dev

The Perfect Girl
As most would describe her
Quite, sweet a lovely delight
but be weary boys the perfect girl bites

Short brown hair
with a strange splash of colour
Light blue eyes
that couldn't get any duller

The girl was once pure
An absolute saint
she went to church weekly
Till he covered her with a fresh coat of paint

Warm cardigans and jeans
that was her fashion
until the boy on the pedestal
came into her life crashing  

A girl so perfect
was doomed from the start
She fell instantly for him
but he had no heart

Changing her style
and the way that she looked
trying to gain his attention
and surely he was hooked  

Low cut shirts
and extremely short shorts
forgetting her bra
and fixing her looks
dropping her grades
and breaking the rules
she became a new girl
but her reputation stood

She was just another game
but only at the start
For somehow pedestal boy
had suddenly grown a heart

A relationship grew
and they both were obsessed
A static connection
that was somehow messed

The tables had turned
and so had her heart
Perfect girl made a choice
Lets be apart.
  Mar 2018 Dev
the moment a poet
falls in love with you

is the moment
you live

f o r e v e r
  Mar 2018 Dev
Lyda M Sourne
It's 3am

I'm on the phone
No one's awake and I'm alone

It's 3am

The radio's on
Songs are played on lonely station

It's 3am

I'm in my bed
My eyes are open and sleep has fled

It's 3am

I'm on the balcony
The sky is dark and just quite scary

It's 3am

Some windows have lights
Could they also not sleep tonight

It's 3am

I'm still awake
When will life ever give me a break
Insomniac nights are the worst. And it's been going on like this for quite awhile.
  Mar 2018 Dev
Tiana Marie
She was like music,
and I longed to dance.

Her heart was the beat,
and I begged for the chance.

Her words were the vocals,
and I was put in a trance.

Her smile was the melody,
and I fell in love at first glance.
  Mar 2018 Dev
Emily Miller
I’m relieved that you’re not here.
Though I’ve never seen you here before,
I sort of expect you to be,
Because the memory of you follows me wherever I go.
Slipping noiselessly through the door
Into the din of the bar,
With a perpetual cloud of smoke clinging to you,
Highlighting your phantom affect.
I don’t think I could handle it,
Seeing you here.
Visions of you already plague me
Without seeing you
In person,
Sitting before me
Balancing on the back two legs of your chair,
Heavy leather boots crossed at the ankles,
Rocking on your long, lean, jean-clad legs.
I don’t think I could handle it,
Hearing you order your Jameson,
One hand in the pocket of your long black coat that grazes the floor when you sit,
The other wrapped around your glass,
And although the smell suffocates me,
Sometimes I sit out on the smoker’s deck and breathe in the smell of burning tobacco,
And if I’m particularly desperate to feel your presence without succumbing to the need to call,
I order it.
But see,
I can’t actually call you and ask you to come,
Because you will.
And if you ghost through the threshold with your paint-stained hands casually shoved in your pockets,
And give me that gut-wrenching,
Heart-stopping grin,
I’ll die.
Because death is the only way to avoid my incessant need to be near you.
Even now,
Knowing that your insides are just as coal-black as your eyes,
I yearn for the feel of your broad shoulders flexing and rolling beneath my fingertips, my hands running over the expanse of your chest,
Seeking entrance beneath your shirt
As if I can feel the tattoos that lie beneath.
The neck,
The jaw,
The parted lips,
Everything I’ve kissed and caressed a thousand times,
I know I would do the same a thousand more,
If I got the chance.
So thank God that you’re not here.
Because if I caught one glimpse of your irresistible, impossibly soft, dark locks
Falling over your severe, furrowed brow,
Mussed by the wind
And from your fingers running through it over and over,
To the envy of my own,
I would burst at the seams,
It’s a good thing you’re not here.
  Mar 2018 Dev
Souvik Sarkar
We both were sitting still;
I, just clustering courage
to hug you and have a deep feel.
You were fast-
Blew my cheek with a long kiss,
As you hugged me, the moment turned full of bliss.
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