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3.5k · Apr 2015
My choice
Don't tell me what to do
I know how to make the deal
But anyway, the deal is more like a stone
*** I know it can't be reversed
And the choice is my own
A choice off the few
You can't do
2.6k · Feb 2016
I **** my enemies
I got critical strike
on all my nemesis
I ain't got hybris
Running for my life
Running with my dear love
Away, dodging all problems
We do not get killed
We are the perfect team
To win a dogdeball match
I once got on a dodgeball team with my crush, and we won! That totally maded my day
2.1k · Feb 2016
Social Hangovers
I Disappear in the crowd of dancing people
The music is loud while I walk through the corridor
I am outside now, the first breath of fresh air for hours
My legs are hurt and my head are dancing with stars
I walk without saying goodbye, I just walk
I stand so sleepy watching the turn of the street lights
The sunrise in the horizon and I'm waking
My body has recovered but my head still hurts
but it's different from last night, cuz today
My phone rang and I got social hangovers
Sometimes you just know you are doomed, but you don't necessarily know why
1.1k · Aug 2016
Sharing is not always caring
Why do we share a poem?

I only write to myself
As a memory of what I was
As a reminder of whom I'm trying to be
1.0k · Jan 2016
I'm frighten to lose
I'm frighten to play
I'm frighten to get
Another okay
892 · Apr 2016
Am I a bird or a fish?
Am I a bird or a fish?
Do I fly until I fall frozen dead.
Or do I swim every day in the same water like an aquarium fish.
I'm still wondering about this question...
664 · Feb 2016
Wingmans aid
I'm on fire and i can't get enough of you
Cuz you are surreal and one of the very few
Who can make me smile no matter what
So I will try to get you with my whole squad
Sometimes you just can't make things right by yourself!
642 · Aug 2016
What is the truth worth?
Rather than all the love I ever had
Rather than all the money I ever had spent
Rather than all the faith I ever had
Give me truth in all your words
I'm currently flirting with this girl. However, I can't tell, if she thinks the same way I do...

I hope that one day.
I can see the truth.

"if you want something in life reach out and grab it" - Christopher McCandless
625 · Feb 2016
Can't #365
The light goes out
And we disappear

I can cry crystal tears
I can have a hundred fears
I can stand up for what I'm
But control my mind no way
I can break without notice
I can struggle everyday
I can search for the help
But I don't ever think
That this girl will ever help
She can rip my heart
As it was a piece of art
And I let her do it every day
Just go on, I say it's okay
590 · Mar 2015
Behind friendly borders
When our system finally is done
I am traveling through the sun
Painting my body to destruction
But then there are a new system in construction
Seeing the world in a new light
Have to keep up in a hard fight
We settle down under the new orders
Trying to find safe behind friendly borders
Bombs and worriors are hidden everywhere
The enemy does not even care
About the cruel way of killing people of innocence
Now we must live under barbaric violence
Now it's always just jihad in da house
And then I die like a weak mouse
Made after the terror attack on Charlie and the jews in denmark.

Sorry for bad english
580 · Feb 2016
Why do we write?
I write a hundreds poems per year
My mind explode in words every day
But still I havn't got the point
The point of the poems I write
Cuz what is point of poetry?

Is it to get followers and be famous ?
Is it for processing your thoughts
Is it to compete with friends who write?
I dont know? I just write, like right now
I just write all my thoughs down everyday
but why?
480 · Feb 2016
I Break my Bones

                           destoy the mind?
Letters from an old friend
Cant Even

                                         See how this will end
I follow my own way now

                                                           ­           Into the darknezz

                                                       ­       Dead?
                                                    ­                  I walk
                                                            ­                        around
                                  ­                                                            in a world of
                                                              ­                                                   Mirrors
                                   Everybody is the same
                                                            ­        nobody is no one
                                                   Except me I know I walk
                                            So I walk
the world is just a little piece of Darknezz
462 · Feb 2016
I saw how the water was pure
I saw how the water was clean
I never felt like an empty shell
I felt I was a simple bubble
How I rise just to disappear
When reaching the surface
455 · Aug 2016
Sometimes it doesn't matter, if you are good or bad. The only thing that matters is, if you are.
I recently had a fight with my sister about being a bad brother. I'm never home. .  .  So she is right, I'm a bad brother, but in the end, I'm a  brother.
422 · Feb 2015
I am sick in my mind
when I tried to be kind
You were like nothing else
when you were at the party
all other guys looked after you
You kissed with another guy
but it's allright, cuz i kissed with you too
I thought we should be together
And live a perfect life in a house
But When again er cound't do it
we missed more when just a bit
i felt the fault was mine
but you keep lying to my face
and alle was gone
now you just have to finish
you finished, and I was left alone
22 maj 2014
402 · Apr 2017
Life/Tears of blood
What do you do?
When your friend has a scar
So deep in the hearth
And it's bleeding nothin but tears
312 · Jan 2016
In the past just like a shadow
A warm July day I jumped
Out of the cold shadow
Out of the open window  
Out of my dead life
I explode in many pieces
Just to feel how to live
Just to feel how I am

— The End —