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DaRk IcE Jun 2014
At once we meet, as the moonlight meets the shadows
Feeling as naked as our own thoughts.
Bonded by an unknown passion that our breathe speaks.
We are paralyzed like tombstones with writing, having so much to share.
At once we began to utter a single word, a word that shatters into pieces before us like broken glass.
In an instant the pieces fell in perfect rhythms as our song began to play, like morning birds singing.
This was no stranger, for he was my heart, that was lost long ago.
Love awakens, just as bright as the moonlight in the shadows.
DaRk IcE Jul 2015
Must it take an end to bring fourth sight?
Must it take pain to bring fourth light?
Must it take tears to bring fourth colours bright?
Must it take neglect to bring fourth fright?
Must it take lonely ness to bring fourth a forefilled night?
DaRk IcE Jul 2015
Your love could brighten the darkest of days. Bringing a smile without any effort
My love for you came instantly, your companionship came with no price.
So many black days I beared, you lightened the weight.
Taking care of you was the highlight of my day.
Although our meeting was cut short, our bond was deep.
You were spoiled by my love, for that I'm truly honored*.
I lost a pet yesterday afternoon. Im just now able to bring myself to write about it. Im like most other pet owners, my pets are my babies. There is nothing like the love you get from a pet. You will be missed deeply. Rest in peace my little Echo
DaRk IcE Apr 2015
As the sun drips down upon the edge of the earth, the sky sheds darkness...The pain reminds me I'm still alive. Your face resides in my mind like a tatoo. I can hear your voice and feel your breathe on my neck. When I close my eyes your spirit is here. It helps me cope with your irreversible, constant negligence.

My heart, its amazing because its been beaten, broken, used, torn, kicked, shattered, thrown, cut, stabbed and it still works.

Now that I know how you roll
My heart has taken a toll
Left behind and pushed aside
Now I know that I must decide
The difference between being pushed over and being strong
I know my intentions werent wrong
I fought the good fight
Because I knew it was right
Everything I had to offer
Wasnt enough for him to bother
Its ok, there is a man out there praying for a woman like me, and when I find him, he will see
Im beautiful, ****, loving, understanding, most of all, WORTH IT.
DaRk IcE Jan 2016
Seeds of a hollow tree lying beneath
Your feet
Sprouting at your heels


Wandering aimlessly amidst
Sunken flowers
Dead leaves stirring in a
Breeze, breaking Plexiglas
Loud silence piercing
Deaf ears
Blind eyes searching a thousand seas
For you
Pure emptiness at the bottom of an ocean
Quick sand devouring what's left
Of you
Forever in a time warp
Of nothing
DaRk IcE Apr 2015
As swiftly as the tide rolls upon the shore
      To restore it's ripples of beauty, it
             Retracts allowing all to see how
                   Beautiful life is when they're
Without the water, the sand would be corse and brittle, easily broken.

Without the sand, water would have no *purpose in life.
DaRk IcE Jul 2014
The tides of the sea rise like the sun and crash like glass.
Maybe for the reason to be recognized...
Limits have no limits and ends have no ends.
Its a great competition out here some say...
The most beautiful glorified,  and all else falls to the wayside.
We are all beautiful in our own way some say...
What most never see is quite hard to believe.
Striving to find a place to fit in, in a place that only views naked flesh as a headline.
We are all unique some say...
Unique is often considered weird and weird is an outcast in society.
We all have our own calling some say...
Then we wonder what is our calling? What are we here for? What is our purpose?
Its that, that we must search ourselves for.
DaRk IcE Dec 2015
Shallow stones skipping across the water careful not to penitrate the surface...maintaining a suave demeanor

All to careful demonstrating a perfect front for the crowd, always pleasing...

Class clown turns bullying into a comedy skit humiliating the girl in the corner who is homeless...If he only walked a mile in her shoes

Thoughtless and unbound acts of the most popular, always shunning the one's whose crowd is smaller

Its not easy being the underdog, the less fortunate...outcasted by societys cruel intentions bound from a silver platter
The bullying needs to stop. Its such a mean and disgusting thing. It takes lives every day.
DaRk IcE Apr 2015
She was an eccentric one, living a life of solitude in the depths of the woods. People believed her to be a witch, having seen her using cauldrons supposedly conjuring magic potions for sinister spells. Her only friend, a black crow that perched on her shoulder as she tredded the woods gathering goods. The children often hid behinds tree's and bushes peeking at her in fear that she would catch them spying and turn them into frogs or something worse.  The supposed witch went on about her business preparing for winter months ahead. She dressed quite odd in times where women only worse dresses, she wore trousers. Thick, hand sewn deep brown trousers that she explained kept her warm in winters harsh storms. She seemed to have a remedy for just about everything, encouraging everyone's theory that she really is a witch. She used her cauldron to make herbal tea's and maple syrup to earn a living. She had unusual methods used in much earlier times to see if the maple tree's were ready to be drained of their syrup. The children had seen her thumping  a stick against the tree's not knowing that she was listening to the sound it made which told her if they were ready or not. Her methods, although unsual to current times were nothing of a witch. One fridged winter day a little girl found herself caught in a merciless snow storm. The wind howling fiercely, she was going in circles and indefinitely lost. There she lay face down in the snow passed out from freezing temperatures and pure exhaustion. Out of nowhere the supposed witch came across her lying in the snow. The little girl came to only to be face to face with the witch and was terrified. The witch pegina put her onto a sled and pulled her deep into the woods back to her shack. She poured her a hot cop of tea. The little girl was reluctant to drink it because she thought it was a magic potion. Pegina said, it's only tea child. The little girl smelled it and replied, it does smell like tea. She began sipping it and found it was most delightful. Her clothes were soaked so pegina had an idea. She offered the little girl a pair of deep brown trousers just like hers. The little girl laughed, she said, I'll look silly. They were dry nevertheless, so she put them on and to her surprise were quite warm and cozy. About then, the storm was letting up and it was time to get the girl home. They made the journey back to her house, before departing the little girl asked her a question. She asked, do you think I'll turn out like you? Pegina said, only if your lucky.
I had alot of fun writing this in my own words. Im interested to know if anyone knows where this came from. Please feel free to leave comments if you know or think you know.
Thank you for reading and participating
DaRk IcE Nov 2015
Water falls through the cracks of her rough life
Waves of leaves dancing in the dry air as she wanders hopelessly
Lost in a blackened forest where life cant be sustained, hardened soil lusting for rain while withering away
The beauty of a rose garden now a faded memory among broken glass
Grey clouds hover above, never parting way to the sun's beauty, sentencing a soul to infinite sadness
Direction misplaced somewhere along the way, disoriented to normalcy where her mind once was
Fading into the background almost ceasing to exsist, but somehow fitting in perfectly
DaRk IcE Apr 2015
My love searched the open fields of perfectly red spoken words
Perfectly red spoken words
I traced in golden sands along the shores of paridise
Perfectly red spoken words rolling off my spanish tounge for your ears only and eyes to enjoy.
Perfectly red spoken words I sing to your soul as we become one enchanted in dances of gods of powerful beauty
Perfectly red spoken words I desire to embrace your gaze upon my chest and we shall grow roots that cannot be severed

              Perfectly red spoken words you
whispered to me among daisies and lilies surfing in the wind of an unwarranted force.
Perfectly red spoken words you painted in my image in vibrant sequences of romance among your brush
              Perfectly red spoken words You poetically illustrated to my tears of beauty hanging onto every verse of my sunshine.
As one
Against the
*Perfectly red spoken words
DaRk IcE Dec 2015
Vibrant colors of a feather sync perfectly together flying in a pinkish red sky
The sun is slowing falling into the edge of the earth, rising darkness upon mother earth
The moon slowly peeks its slenderness into the high sky, giving companionship to the stars
Offering great views of territories unsearched
A dragons breathe breathes fire into Halley's comet traveling rings around earths edge
Showering majestic lights with-in a dark pinkish red sky
DaRk IcE Jan 2020
Staring into an empty space filled
With wonder
That reaches for the
With an absent
Laughing at depressions
Dismay of shattered
Dreams doomed
By suicidal
Sleepless nights
Loving the one's who
Your exsistance
Each exhausting day
Is harder to get through
Then the one before
Yet you do it all over
Because who else
Giving credit to your
Biological makers
Who raised your
And encouraged your
Feelings of inadequacy
Missing pieces of a broken
Home are all you
To carry to your
Somehow missing the
Point of why
DaRk IcE Apr 2016
Staring into an empty space filled
With wonder
That reaches for the
With an absent
Laughing at depressions
Dismay of shattered
Dreams doomed
By suicidal
Sleepless nights
Loving the one's who
Your exsistance
Each exhausting day
Is harder to get through
Then the one before
Yet you do it all over
Because who else
Giving credit to your
Biological makers
Who raised your
And encouraged your
Feelings of inadequacy
Missing pieces of a broken
Home are all you
To carry to your
Somehow missing the
Point of why
#depression #despair #abandonment #anxiety #brokenhome #abuse #sadness #hopelessness
DaRk IcE Jul 2015
Cat tails upon swamps daring the devil to thrive
A joyous symphony parade
Shells basking on black ice fearing the suns ray
Amongst lucid angels
Cults domain, a dreadful playground offering demise
Early risers oblige
Judgments come free, offering scorched missing graphs
Ultimate sacrifice, lie motionless staring through deaf ears
Wading anxiously among moss, disfiguring disguise
Red is a lovely colour, lathering whims you plant along dead sea's
Lovely with distance, diluted by view
DaRk IcE Jul 2014
A broken heart knows no peace, belonging becomes a feeling in the distance.
A soul turns grey and looks of ash. So very fragile if disturbed it will crumble.
Once caught by the swirl of the wind its gone forever. And forever it will be searched by its owners hollow body. Looking to be whole again it knows no rest until its found.
Emptiness must become full again, someway, somehow.
Years go by as if never seen or noticed and now the hollow body becomes old, frail and weak.
Ridden by pain and stretched skin hanging from thin bones.
Now comes time to accept what is,  will remain. The fire sizzled out long ago in this withered body. Now awaiting to be laid low in a dark bed that's hears no sound and sees no light. Hope returns as then peace will be found in the heart that now lies to rest.
DaRk IcE Apr 2015
Spirals ever winding in the symphonies of my beautified mangled heart
Enchanting shades of red slithering through the frown lines upon my disappointment.
Numbness molds into the crakes of fallin' pieces of molten flesh
Expiring memories desperately holding onto my fear of forgetting his touch, his smell
                   Fingertips reminding me of the love
I was completed and fulfilled in my lustful fantasies.
                      From my wet thighs against his
I was found in my disappearance
DaRk IcE Apr 2015
Im not sure if mad says it...I hear your words of fire while getting burned by the flames rolling off of words like *****! Sometimes Im completely, in utter shock like the cat got my tounge, but cats loath me. Memories flash in my mind of my own suffering of things he wouldn't do or didn't do. I took the burdon, I carried the load. I worked magic so our lives didn't turn out tragic. Not one time did I complain, and having to beg for appreciation is ******* insane. At the end of the day my feelings are forced to drift away, be at bay, where they may. Completely alone, isolated, yet in the core of the crowd. Never seen with all eyes on me. Again...I hear the word *****!! I turn around with cat-like reflexes and bellow words from the sword of my tounge like sir Knight himself. My scold is merciless, my point sharp, my sound ultrasonic. My powers brought forth thunder and lighting into his arrogance. Why must I be drained from the blood running through my rolling veins just to be heard...?
DaRk IcE Feb 2016
Selfishness is such a root evil
It offers no
Only undeserved punishment
Many nights lying in bed
Crying yourself to
While the other sits high
On a 14 carrot gold
Tossing bread crumbs your
Way with
Your life such a dreadful
Left confused and searching for some
Abandoned truth
There is no such thing
Pouring your heart into a glass
Already filled
With rage
Just in time for
Living a shallow exsistance
Never able to please
Only to suffer more relentless
Hell bent
At the hand of the one
The sun doesn't exist
In hell
Only deep pitted flames to cast
Pain in the greatest
Of the one
Who loved with no
Erasing laughter and
Upon the queen you
Lacing the air with nails that pierce the
And the blood shall
Onto the shallow
Grave you call
DaRk IcE Apr 2016
Gazing into the night sky
Mourning the death
Of a dear friend
Feeling empty at
I can hear her voice of
Our last encounter
It was of an Angel
Her smile could brighten
The darkest
Her spirit was pure
And her intentions
Meant well
Her last few months
Were harsh
But even still
She persevered
And kept going
Death never seems to
But is always on
Her body was tired
And I know she was
Ready to be with
The lord
As much as everyone who loves
Her wishes she was
Still here
We all know she is in
A better place
With no more
Pain and
Words cant describe how much you will
Be missed
And you will live on
In all our hearts
My neighbor and dear friend passed away early this morning. This poem is in her honor and memory. Rest in Peace my Angel.
DaRk IcE Jan 2016
Mistakes are easy and usually one-sided
Selfish acts
Dominantly casted upon another who is
Blinded by what they
Believe in
Or whom.
Defiant behavior resumes in their mind
Knowing the path is righteous
And not backing
Level headed becomes only true for the
One *******
And for the one who is struck
Well, they become the
The root of all to be demonized for proper behavior
Love doesn't win
You fall like a piano being lifted outside
An apartment
As it lies on the ground
In disbelief
No one takes
But who cares
The rope was old
DaRk IcE Apr 2015
She howls at the moon in the midst of the night. Seeking lost souls trapped and screaming in fright. Her cries play melodies of melancholy trials lost, her spirit stolen callously at a grave cost. Roaming the dense fog on hallows eve Watching the dead rise, I'm sure many were known to be wise. As she so gallantly skips past ancient tree's they whipser vintage stories about Victorian times and all its glories. Tree leaves construct reenactments of ****** wars riddled of death and destruction among differences of the people, only wishing to gather and come together at the church steeple. Her howls are searched among the hollow lands above makeshift graves of innocent people seen as second rate, not suprising of their final fate. Beings born with no guidence for a undeniable ratchet societies views, she howls as she hears the news. Her ravaged heart however battered still beats, I am She Wolf.
DaRk IcE Mar 2016
Scorned words broken
On your floor of
Cutting like a machete
In an overgrown
As the rain trickles
Off my
A lost soul
Roaming the world
Aimlessly, lacking
Greatness, never instilled
Riddled with
Wonder of
What a father
Only left with what
Lost the game
Of love
But won
In it's
Realist form
Living the reality
A cruel world
With a heavy
A solider
Trained most
Having left with
No choice
Surviving is
Life's game
You live or
You die
Bleakness in sight
Of nowhere
In particular
Just knowing
Your always
Of a dream
DaRk IcE Feb 2015
Shards of glass pierce my soul, dry tears speak in dark times among my heaven.
Bound in skin shackled to deteriorated bones screaming for youth.
Blackened eyes laced with red mists of the past.
Silhouettes of ancestry hovering in my dreams having never heard my breath.
Images received from beyond my known Existence.
A frail being rose from secrets decided before my entrance.
Moaning cries bellowing from my core, desperately pursuing acceptance of my bounty.
Wonders that spiral inactively, survive the essence of time.
DaRk IcE Dec 2015
Another sleepless night has me wrapped up in its undeniable embrace
Squeezing ever so tighly as to steal breathe with every inhale
Mind wandering on every avenue known to maps on a never ending journey
Desire for sleep multiplying like fast acting bacteria with no antidote
In despairs wing restrained and bound to my bed
DaRk IcE Mar 2016
The smell of Jasmine lingers as he strums
Notes fall like rose petals softly to
The floor
Our love grows wild and blooms
Into a Mosaic of vibrant
The world slows down a little as I look
Into your eyes
I hear everything as you
Look back at
Raising your hand, you softly
Brush my cheek
Which ignites my flame
My soul burns like a wild
Out of control
Traveling in a Eastern wind
Straight to your heart
Your soul catches
In the
And we unite as
In flight wing to wing we
Race, swirling up above
  Soaring into
Blue Wild Yonder
DaRk IcE Dec 2014
Oceans full of lies and deception impale my soul.
The nails hurt as they become one with my flesh.
I know what every hour on the clock sounds like.
Late night TV is no longer unfamiliar
Anxiety clutches my body like vice grips.
Trying desperately to reclaim me as it did once before.
My fight is real as is my pain, although I hide behind darkness I cannot deny its presence.
Anxiety and depression are a few of the ugliest things on this earth. It seems impossible to conquer and often claims lives. We must stand strong against this disease and fight back with everything we have. Never say you can't because you can. I'm living proof of that. Its come back to try and claim me again. I promise it won't win.
DaRk IcE Jan 2016
Lying at the bottom of a
Endlessly drowning
In the
Blues of ratchet silence
Wasting away among dead
Roses of red
The soil below molds the
The grooves alow them to
*Deep into a blackened
The only one who knows me
The dark side of the
Doesn't smile
The light side of the sun
The crisp air Burns open
My skin sheds
The longest hour taken
By two
DaRk IcE Apr 2015
From the outside looking in I see your reflection, the man your trying to be. The man who loves with no convictions, only true intentions. Holding onto her soul, reading her thoughts like an open book, speaking her words before there said. Feeling her desires and forfilling her aspirations one by one. Making her whole, completing her dreams by her side. Taking her hand, strong and wise as her guide into the unknown. Shielding her from evil as her own super hero, your kryptonite her pain. Sailing the high airs with her underneath your cape. Sweeping her off her feet, a true gentlemens treat. The only fire to her flame, she burns for you and only you. Her loyalty, she gives of your deserving embrace, the antidote.
DaRk IcE May 2016
The surrender of
What can't be
Is at your
It's spineless
Body crawls into
All you are
Lurking at the
In your blank
Eyes of a
Your alone but always
Accompanied by
Shadows along
The walls
Which you
During long
The fools who approach
Hoping for something
Catch the
Wearing the witch
Never looking back
To the pain
That transformed
Fast and furious
Saved your
DaRk IcE Jan 2016
Sleepless nights take me away
As the blood pours
And my skin
Im left ******
Somwhere between
Near and
Come take me away to my distant
And leave me disturbed and crazed
Darkness hovers where eyes are peeled open
And zombies are my
Staggering in rhythmic choreographed dances
That werewolves sing to
Offering a hand so we can dance the
DaRk IcE Mar 2015
Words led without action are salt in my wounds. The emptiness grasps me like tentacles of the mighty octopus. Leaves me blind with 20 20 vision. Breathless is my chest, still with a beating heart. Mentally unable to shut down night after night. Many blood stains remain on the road my thoughts travel. Riddled with death who is now my best friend, my one and only companion through thick and thin. Wasting away in the darkest of light. Darkness consoles and consumes me with the best intentions...Always
DaRk IcE Mar 2016
Echos of screaming entities
That swirl inside
My shattered
Every wall that surrounds
Me slowly closes
In until it
One with
Complete disconnect of
All that is
And reality
My soul bellows
Out into
That ive
Lost in an unbreakable
Thats wishes to
My body
Lies a
To the
Dismay of
A smile upon a
That doesn't smile
Rusty chains ******
My wrists
As the dark lord
Drags me
DaRk IcE Apr 2016
Oceanic waves parting the
Rolling clouds
Waging war against
All that's
Some parts of you
Are gone
And thats
The place in which You
Disguised as a
The world will
What lies beneath
Sore eyes
Silence comsumes the
Blind and you
The midnight cries
Scream in the
As the world
A void which
Cannot be filled
DaRk IcE May 2016
Laughing mockingly at
Dead leaves
As the thunder
Rolls in
Good has been lost
And evil
In stone hearts
The unkind leads
All known things into
Darkness greets the
Behind comatose
And the mind is
The world is
In mourning
As hope is lost
The end of the world
Never happens
It ends prematurely
At greeds
DaRk IcE Feb 2016
My mingling dreams
Hang nonchalantly
Dangling in full view of my
Desires with
Love in my
Hearts of red colour
Rise from
My chest
And cling to
My loving eyes seek the moon
And stars
In his
My soul grasps his entire being
My breathe syncs
My love has awakened and will never
Die until death
He holds the key to my heart
Only he can make it
The garden is planted with love
The flowers bloom for
And only
The rest of our lives we have
To enjoy
The fruits of
DaRk IcE Apr 2016
Lighting strikes back at
The thunders angry
The great battle of
All that lives in
Clashing of many
Personality traits proves
Hell on earth now and
Chaos runs with the
North winds
That blow in monstrous
Fronts mother earth
Herself can't contain
Something kronos conjured
From a blackened
Where love was never left
And hatred is your best
An unlikely force unleashed
In the great sea
Ways onto dry land
Staring with weary
Yielding for
On the front lines
With nothing left to
And short of a
You surrender
To the unknown
Which possess
To act with such
And bitterness
DaRk IcE Mar 2016
Silk sheets brush my cheek
The kiss on my lips
Burns with
The light in his eyes
Carries me across the deepest ocean
In the distance fields are
The wind howl's
Into an inferno as we make love
I hear the alarms sound
But the fire still burns inside
My everything sings to you, I breathe
For you, every step I take
Is in sequence to your heart beating
We write beautiful words together, and compose
How beautiful the birds sound as they
How the sun bestows its beauty as it sets in the Western sky
As we sit hand in hand at night and stare up
At the sky the stars tell a story
About how they got there
The ghostly wind blows through silent tree's
As we walk by
The air adores us as we say nothing
Saying everything
Bliss takes us away into infinite galaxies
Of endless
While we soar among the stars
DaRk IcE Jun 2014
Night is among us, the world becomes still.
               Like a calm before the storm.
The moon shows her beauty, her feminine curves wow us as we admire.
The sky looks of magical colors, some light, some dark, and they are woven together like a Quilt telling a story of generations
                     Passed on.
The air speaks to us, in a voice as soft as silk, and sweet as a rose.
To whom listens, its only for you.
                       Only you.
DaRk IcE Jan 2016
Trapped in these walls of confinement waging war with the unknown whispers residing in these hollow hallways my soul grasps
Infinite solitude engulfs the flames in which I burn
Wandering down a dim lit hallway where all living things die
Lost inside twists and turns that hold no direction to civilization
Thick fog seems to follow my steps where the sun doesn't shine and the clouds roll
The ground is weightless to heavy feet and light air
Drifting off somewhere between here and now but ending up in the same place
This place seems familiar, the emptiness of an occupied room, and a hint of obscenity
The smell of these damaged walls lingers like the stench of cigarette smoke
It sinks deep into the follicles for permanent residence
DaRk IcE Aug 2015
Dreaming up at the sky tonight, so pure and bright
Planet's spinning of warm colors and cold rings
Stars looking down on earth, displaying their beauty
Clouds swishing to the north east, slightly blocking the moons light
Light and dark colors slowly merging together, eventually traveling the same path in the skies endless roads
The moon spreads its love to our planet, giving life to those who bloom at night
Jet planes soaring in the nights darkness, leaving cold trails that wish to follow
Astronauts walking on the moon, searching for signs of life beyond earth
As were looking up, searching for different worlds
Rocket ships making trips through space, nearing asteroids big and powerful
Defying places unseen, the places we look up and see, as we dream up at the night sky
DaRk IcE Jul 2014
To fly is to be with ones self
Careless to imperfections of society's view
Flowing wondrously in times parade
Shining in your spotlight as you skip by
In that moment eye's are upon you
******* your talents and seducing your beauty
Basking in the public's eye on your cloud 9
It was quite a journey to happiness
Many a dark paths daring to tempt me a stray
The heart speaks of experience"wise advice"if you will
Decisions of many forms show themselves
This isn't a time for indecisiveness
But patience is a virtue...

Danger comes in many disguises
Praying on your wildest fantasy's
Lusting you into the pits of hell
Where demons strum fiddles of fire and sing in chants of unknown tongue's
                         Enough! I say
I'm in search of gates lined in pearls and angels singing songs in heavenly echo's
A place no one dare trespass
You must earn your place here
This is what I seek, this is where I belong
DaRk IcE Aug 2015
The being which suffered modest abuse among the thorned bush blooms a beautiful rose. One by one each silky petal torn carelessly from its stem fall silently to the ground. Bruised and discolored each became frail and weak. Righteousness pleading innocent as breathe fades into the wind carried by admission. Peacefully evacuation bringing serenity among a once dying rose*.
DaRk IcE Dec 2015
Lingering dreams pondering the shores line, always coming back to meet again
Rolling thunder thickening behind cumulus clouds almost touching the waves
Lightening crashes amongst turmoil between night and day

The rising sun peeking over-top the mountains in the east sky and slowly setting in the west putting on a color show in the sky

At last the moons light brightens the galaxy, the stars apear for endless dreaming of tomorrow and never wanting this moment to end

With such beauty of night and day The sky cries missing them each day they pass Impatiently waiting for their return
DaRk IcE Jul 2015
Somber screams of embrace never felt, loud silence my only memory

                    Solitary by force of ignorance, living life through dreams

Needing is but a wish, occuring only by fantasy

                    ****** pleasures non-existent reality forfilled only by yourself

Lustful thoughts created by the mind that longs for them, never touched

                    Overdue affection decays in the chambers of your heart, fatal blockage

Bliss is stunning on me, yet its not made in my size...
DaRk IcE Jun 2014
As the witching hour approaches we know nothing of time. We act as robots programmed for daily routine.
Wishing for an existence to feel alive.
The earth spins so very fast as times Marches on.
In the chaos of rush hour upon us we began to speed like race cars on a track. In the far distance our ears detect an echo, that slowly becomes closer.
We haven't much time left to complete incomplete thoughts. We hustle like wolves chasing prey, as darkness rears its head light is no longer. We rest with our mouths full.
DaRk IcE Jul 2014
Today's the day
Naked bushes bloom into explosive colors for the pleasure of world view. The news on your paper plate is laced with love and peace among the people.
Understanding is understood...
Today's the day
Silence echo's the rhythm of winged angels humming enchanting sounds throughout the winds serene breeze.
Peace is peaceful...
Today's the day
Hearts beat to the sound of the same drum, in perfect alignment, with no song book, no rehearsals.
Belief is believing...
DaRk IcE Jul 2015
The new age bellows of brittle morals and shattered beliefs
Confusion follows  bleak choices   of tragic consequence
Lost  with-in a black cloud, anxious to be rash and disorganized
The only reaction that feels comforting to a fragile mind
Years have flown by as your heart cried desperately for a helping hand
Condemned by high class society's view, confidence is out of reach
Reclusive to social interaction by fear of pointing fingers and snide looks
Creating your own safe haven, protected from scorpion stings waiting in the shadows down dark alley's
Beginging a journey from four familiar walls that you called home
Leaving behind scolding memories that were once open, transforming them to healed scars
This is dedicated to a dear friend which  I care deeply for.  You can do this!!!!
DaRk IcE Jun 2015
As this black day is here
We all feel his presence near
All his fans coming together to give love
He is flying above, with wings of a dove
His halo is bright
Although, we try to stay strong with all our might
Remembering his beautiful smile
We all stop and stare for a while
Today we honor a true King
And together we shall sing
The void is impossible to fill
Your legacy lives on still
I know your up above looking down
So we promise to smile, instead of frown
Our love for you will never end
For that, our hearts will mend
6 years today that we lost a legend and a true king. He is truely missed, but loved every day. He lives on through us. We love you michael forever and always.
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