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DaRk IcE Dec 2015
Its no secret hearts beat for true love*
Of your soul-mate leaves one breathless rumbling in fantasies sheets
Sunday morning dreaming
Holding your pillow tight, embraced within the grip of wholeness with-in his heart
Believing in harmony on beds playground inside his Fairy Tale
                                           Eyes magic lies in his soul, his scent on my lips
                          He haunts my thoughts, roaming endlessly until Im awakened by
true loves
DaRk IcE Aug 2015
Times hand spinning through webbed lies filling soiled eyes
                  Panting in deep swirling waves ravishing your soul
Rustling among hectic skies searching for a lifeline
                  Lost in chaos, menacing fragile emotions screaming for shelter
Howling violent winds sweeping lose foundations underneath rocky feet
                  Left behind with battered bruising in silent sequences
Voiceless words forever forgotten among unacknowledged ears
DaRk IcE Jul 2014
I was panic ridden as the morning approached. Pain surging through my womb with loud cracks.
The storm is coming...
Try as I might to prepare for devastation, falling short of mental preparation.
Flooding has begun, tinted with red curtains flowing in the wind.
I know I must brave the scold of my loss...
A part of me is no longer.
I lost a baby and I wrote this is memory.
Thank you all for reading.
DaRk IcE Apr 2015
Traveling the world upon your hazzy skies engulfed in lustrous plumbs.
My lusting of your branches carries us across the galaxy, basking in your rays barreling into my solor powered eyes. Astroids plummeting through space to the rythem of our hearts, dancing in robotic trances among our union. Starships orbiting our rings for all eternity to our guide through wonderous star showers, distributing perfectness among a
world          unconquerable
DaRk IcE Jan 2016
Life's fleeding in dying rose petals
Fading into brownish
Falling one by one onto
The cold
Swept away by the creeping wind
Lurking in
A quarter freed
But three quarters
DaRk IcE Jul 2014
Its 3 am, the witching hour
And my thoughts grow sour
Enduring the ache of my hollow heart
Its been a year since our part
Remembering the fun times we had
I can't help but feel sad
The soft brush of your kiss
Is one of the many things I truly miss
The nights grow longer and longer
As my mind continues to wander
At times a smile sneaks up on me
In your arms is where I wish to be
In Love's Bliss, lost in your magic
Our loss will forever be tragic
DaRk IcE Mar 2016
On the cusp of
Left and
A young girl
Who's fate
Was sealed
By a
Father who
She had her
Love to
But it had
To a man
With priorities
To another
And a
Half empty
Beer can
There are no
Pictures or
Just painful
Memories of
His drug
Deals between
My friends
Shamed and robbed
My head hung
As my tears
Left on the
Door step of
An abusive
There was no where
To turn
Each day
Was ruthless
Never ending
For me
While my
Father managed
To cop a high
To sail
In the end
Payed the
Abandoned and
Casted into
The shadows
Of two
Who never
Gave me a
Choice to be
DaRk IcE Apr 2015
This feeling of emptiness couldnt get any more empty. As I lay here forcing tears
From surfacing in my cracked eyes I
Wonder if he feels the same way.
Lost in a whirlwind spinning in
The core of mother natures
Scorn. Please just take me
Away from here. Out of
This misery I reside in
Do with me as you
See fit. Spare my
Life, or take it.
If you spare it, take me to fields of gold
    That gleam in the suns jealous skies.
          Shining its beauty in my shadow
               Lighting my way through the
                    Darkness my heart insists.
                          Lead me into a place
                               Pain isnt allowed,
                                    Only love
*If you take it, may I forget the pain and
    Sorrow I once felt. Allow my spirit to
         Rise free and unburdened. Let my
              Lifeless body rest free of any
                  Unfinished business on earth.
                        I want not to be a restless
                             Spirit. I wish to fly with
                                  The birds in the sky, be
                                       One with them. See
                                             Things how they
                                                  Were meant to
                                                      Be. In peace
DaRk IcE Apr 2015
He's loving her from a distance, slowly dying inside from pain stricken grief

Refusing to see what he has right in front of him, a beautiful, amazing woman

Her love for him flowed as natural as a spring in the mountain's, showering mists of kisses upon his cheek*

The profound pain painted on her face as he stormed away haunts him night and day.

He wastes away with a heavy heart over what he's done, choosing to surrender to darkness rather then respond to light.

**Foolishness was always his demise and he feeds it 3 course meals on a 4 figure salary.
DaRk IcE Sep 2014
When I see you my world lights up like the skies on July 4th.
My heart pounds like two fifteens in the trunk.
I began to feel nervous, perhaps shy like I've never met him before.
Something takes over me that I can't explain, something I can't explain I can't control or stop. I become weak, my breathe  becomes rapid. I try to hide it, but I'm sure he notices. He says nothing, just smiles like he thinks its cute. I can't stop looking and smiling at him. Silently thinking he is so **** and I smile more.
He asks what?
I say, its just good to see you, that's all.
One day I will have the courage to tell him the truth, I just know it...
DaRk IcE Jan 2016
When the butterflies have all flown away
And your
The scent that drove you wild
Has grown
When the intimacy never comes around
Things are
The days turn to weeks since you've spoken
Its obvious
When complements become rare
The bond
When strangers care more about you
It's time
DaRk IcE Oct 2014
When love was once love its blossoms were  vibrant and mild
Ever loving in a rose bath
Its clutches so protective with strong arms
Feelings only eyes can explain as a single tear beautifully roles down her soft cheek
She loves you, you stupid boy!
When love was once love only emotions can explain.
DaRk IcE Jan 2016
When the waves calm and the clouds part I see you
Bruised and bound within your own fueding mind
Crying, no wait, laughing
Skipping to the beat of a song your heart once sung
Traveling in a direction where crazy meets sane
Becoming a cluster **** of once was and once wished to be
Climbing out of the pits of your hell smelling of burnt skin and leather
Somewhere along the way you missed the great parts of life
Those little things that you wake up for every morning
Remembering parts of a different you, the few times you found a slither of happiness worth living for and something you held dear
Now it's so close, yet so far away of a weak grasp at the tip of tethered hands
Lost in a whirlwind of the war that rages inside of you that won't surrender
Coming and going have merged together creating constant confusion of right and wrong
Claiming to be wise when you surely don't know what wise is
The road never ends, it keeps winding through the ruff of disappointment of repeated mistakes
Taking you back to square one where the waves howl and the clouds never part.
DaRk IcE Apr 2018
"As a young lost little girl
Didn't look like nobody
Difference of skin color
Different beliefs
Wished for a future to the Sky's
But was told I wasn't good
Wasn't pretty enough
Hair is to dark
My race is *****
In an environment of pales
I never had a chance
Was always portrayed in a funny
Nobody spoke to me, I literally wasn't
Invisible as the black sheep
In an all white field
Never knew what self esteem
Was, never heard things like
Good job or I'm proud of you
The mud below my bare feet
Is where my place was
Never remember holding
My head up, I was alone
Nobody to fight for
Smoke filled homes almost
Took my life before i even
Had a chance to grow
Everything was always hazy
I never knew what was to come
Or if I would see another day
Falling into a deep dark place
That has took
Me down in my
Adult days
Watching every minute on
The clock roll
Looking at movies over
And over praying for some
But it rarely comes
Its become a stranger
My best friend
Consuming my way of
Living is like being in
Same walls every day
My world is minute,
Microscopic you might
I'm falling fast
Pain has caught me now
Stabbing me, trapping me
Holding me hostage
But the price is to high
For freedom
Walking has become a
Eating is like a
My room has become my
All the other rooms have
To the right I allow
Myself to see a small
Piece of light
Sometimes i feel like I've already
Walked into the
DaRk IcE Apr 2015
Wonderous lustful sips of magic aiding in my abandonment of your memory, clinging onto my heart with retractable claws while the blood pours into a vile.
Reenactments of past unsuccessful battles fighting for power having lost lives as the ultimate sacrifice. Prideful shadows of shaken spirits begging for normalcy, hiding behind warrior's images never to appear inferior. Strongest survival teqniques arise grim consequences.
                             Barricaded beneath rubble
In the core of your tropical tsunami. The aftermath, devastating as is every ending of our endeavours.
DaRk IcE Mar 2015
I breathe faded pieces of my soul when i think of you, the very person who took it away. My lips softly kiss the few good memories we shared. I can still taste the scent of your distance and smell your unspoken words. My heart slowly dissolving as you ignore my existence as i long for you minute after minute, hour after hour, day after day. My skin screams for your world to enter mine as your spirit roams the minds playground. Cold and abandoned my eyes cry silently, you make me fade...
DaRk IcE Jan 2015
You say you love me... Prove it
You say you want me... Fight for me
You say I'm beautiful... Show me I am
You say I'm ****... Compliment me
You say I turn you on... Make love to me
You say you don't want to leave... Then stop walking out

At the end of the day I'm left holding an empty heart full of air. A heart so lite that it floats away like a balloon that escaped a little girls hand. She cries for the balloon and she desperately wants it back, but she will never get it back. Once its gone, its gone.
Loss of any kind hurts and the wounds are deep to say the least. Even when we know that once certain things are lost that we can't ever get them back, we still tell ourselves we can. The greatest pain can make the greatest hope.

— The End —