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Nov 2018 · 726
There is
Cambria Andersen Nov 2018
Knowledge in the deep places
The hard to reach places
The hard to read places
Knowledge at the end
With the endings
Only then
Wisdom with the years
After the tears
Beyond the fears
Wisdom will be there.
Courage at the depth
The bottom of the soul
Of the spirit
Courage in a breath
Loving in the light
Bodies at the height
Loving in the night
Loving again
After it's right
...Always loving
I feel like this poem is undone, but until the rest comes to me, I am leaving it here.
Nov 2018 · 2.9k
The Mountain
Cambria Andersen Nov 2018
After the rain, came the heavy snow.
Falling with silent thuds through the trees,
the bush and below.
Muffled crunches of boot ensconced children
zipping up parkas against flakes by the million.
Stillness in my heart slipping through the broken parts,
dripping to the snow in colors of blue and vermillion.
The quiet flakes gently holding my confusion and loneliness.
Caressing my cheeks as a mother would to her child crying
in whispered tearfulness
A painful summer ambled slowly away leaving a far fairer autumn
but as winter and her snows knocked at my door, the mountain beckoned, and I lost him.
Any ski purists out there may understand this. My relationship was about over, but as snow filled up the resort, it was the end, of it all.
Nov 2018 · 314
I used to feel that way
Cambria Andersen Nov 2018
I used to feel that way.
All I needed
was your kiss.
I used to feel that way.
Only to touch your lips.
I used to talk with you
We used to live and laugh.
I'd never thought
we would burn out and crash.
I never saw it coming
never thought I would fall
out of love, out of your arms,
out of it all.
I used to walk toward you,
now, it seems you're further away.
I can't seem to reach you,
So, maybe I will just stay.
I used to feel that way.
I used to feel that way.
Have you felt that way? I do some days.
Nov 2018 · 224
God and the struggle
Cambria Andersen Nov 2018
I am always waiting for the struggle to stop. I realize though, it's never going to stop.
The struggle is the challenge, it's not just the getting through.
it's learning how to manage-
this life.
Even making all these mistakes that I do.
And staying humble, always humble and remembering
that The Lord is in charge.
Not me. Not you.
Every person's struggle that believes in a higher power.
Nov 2018 · 517
Again invisible
Cambria Andersen Nov 2018
I had been left out of the life that I had made my life about.
Now I feel outta my skin-  an invisible wife.
Nov 2018 · 280
Cambria Andersen Nov 2018
Toe the line, keep the peace
lay brick and mortar higher
do not proceed.
For fair is my heart and weary am I
of the anger that follows the deed.
I hear the warning from my heart
but I don't wish to flee.
Trying to hammer down the wall,
the masonry, that encircles me.
I am an invert. I have to try extra hard, and that's ok.
Nov 2018 · 1.6k
Cambria Andersen Nov 2018
I was well once
I was soft once
No bouts of crazy once
No Bipolar once
I am stable right now, but not too long ago I was cycling. I have to manage it everyday. I live with it like anyone else that lives with a disease. It doesn't define me as a person, but I have to admit, my poetry comes easier when I am cycling. I am grateful for the stability I have today and the ability to manage this disease and still be successful in my public and private lives.
Oct 2018 · 222
Cambria Andersen Oct 2018
Knowing turned to loving
Loving turned to comfort
Comfort turned to silence
Silence turned to hurt
I am in silence.
Oct 2018 · 343
If we knew
Cambria Andersen Oct 2018
If we knew what our soul looked like.
If we understood just how beautiful we are.
Idleness and low self esteem would be replaced with,
Love, ambition and a heart full of fire.
Oct 2018 · 335
The Benefactor
Cambria Andersen Oct 2018
I have been alone most of my life.
Every now and then someone would walk in, cup my chin,
give me a moments peace from the anxiety of living and not knowing how my day would end.
I could close my eyes, measured breathing into sleep.
I would dream for days, breaking only to sup and eat.
I could forget my sin and remember my goodness.  
A reprise. No need for forced politeness.
It was a break. No moving forward. Without or within.

Then, one day, I would think that I could awake, unlock my heart and carefully peer outside.
But every time my benefactor would be gone, and I was alone again.
When I was alone I would go through terrible bouts of insomnia that would effect my bipolar. Occasionally with a person sleeping next to me, for a while, I could break the cycle, but it never lasted long and I was back to having the world on my shoulders and not sleeping. It took a long time to break that cycle. Years actually.
Oct 2018 · 1.1k
Cambria Andersen Oct 2018
Time is burning like a candle, the flame dancing next to my bed.
And, somewhere in my mind I am searching, 'round the many corners in my head.
And, somewhere in my mind I'm seeing, lovers, ghosts of who we used to be.
And, somewhere in the night I smile, as I rescue moments from my memory.
Somewhere in the night I'm racing, reaching out to catch your falling star.
Grasping at it with eager hands, only to drop my own fragile heart.
This poem still haunts me. Every time that I read it.
It all happened. every bit of it.
It was good that it did. I am better for it.
Oct 2018 · 630
Cambria Andersen Oct 2018
I loath the part of me,
that cannot intercede,
with the part of you-
that has no need
for me.
Again, this was such a hard time for me. I learned so much though, that has helped me grow and stretch as a person. I am not a pushover any more and have become assertive. I understand that love fades sometimes and that holding on tighter makes it all the worse. It's best to take the lessons you've learned from that person and move forward.
Oct 2018 · 338
Cambria Andersen Oct 2018
The anger grows larger than the hurt.
The tide changes, disappointment floats away.
Resentment seeps in deep, to the marrow, and takes it's place.
There was a time that I was so hurt and disappointed in my lover but as time wore on, anger developed. It was such an anger as I had never felt before. I no longer carry that with me, though.
Oct 2018 · 400
Cambria Andersen Oct 2018
I am seen when he wants to see me.
When he is angry or ambivalent,
I am iridescent.
The more I try to shine for him
the easier it is for him to see right through me.
He has stolen my colors.
Poetry from just before my divorce.

— The End —