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2.8k · Mar 2022
D Cole Mar 2022
The feeling of your absence doesn't bother me,
I guess because I never lost you.
I want to move on,
but fragments of ecstasy pierce my heart,
reminding me that you're no longer mine.

When you cross my mind,
my heart skips a beat,
I just wish it also skipped the feeling, that you're weren't enough for me,
Maybe I'd still have you in my arms.

2.1k · Aug 2021
With her face on my lap...
D Cole Aug 2021
If you look into my heart, you'll cry
the brilliance that keeps it whole hides when you get too close.
Each piece with a different tale, my heart is an erratic choir
echoing the blues dining with love.

Yet with you, echoes of ecstasy emanate from my heart,
forging a beat, from my litter
As though love knew it'd wrong me,
with you as her gift to me.
1.5k · Apr 2021
With you
D Cole Apr 2021
Tame me with the gaze of your eyes
       Shield me from the cold world with the
warmth of your smile.
1.5k · Dec 2022
Nights alone
D Cole Dec 2022
I had tailored denial for my heart
and for each new sun, that fabric became home.
I had lost taste of the lips of love


I started dreaming again... feels as though she'd never left
Igniting obscure euphoria bereft of my heart


I'm trying to convince myself...
that it's just another night when she ruses
me with pills of nostalgia.

Pulling strings that remind my body of the excitement when our skins knead.

Teaching my heart, again, how to skip a beat.

I'm trying to convince myself that it's just another night...
...but she is now an anchor in my dreams,
dragging me to what it felt like
to be in love.
The after effect from the perfume of love,
Even after we fall out, I catch glimpses of what we were
883 · Jan 2021
Tales of words
D Cole Jan 2021
Words are forged from the fire of the soul,

Brought to life by streams of emotions

bursting from the heart

In harmony they dance, telling the

different pieces of art painted by the

When you write, different words
Seem ,in one accord, to come together
As though attempting to
fulfill a puzzle of mystery
And when you're done
These words tell tales from
Hidden places with in us,
Saying not a word.
777 · Jan 2021
Through my eyes.
D Cole Jan 2021
When I was young
the lens to my eyes was stained in rainbows
the world was colourful and
life, a rainbow pie.

As I grow up,the stains wash off
and I realise,my lens was never colourful
for every time I awake, the hue is further from my sight
For every time I want a rainbow pie,
life reminds me I'm not yet there.
Live ,young and alive...don't let life happen to happens for you
775 · Jan 2021
How it goes.
D Cole Jan 2021
         I was in that moment,
When the small space around me

Nurtured the esteem in me,

       Breeding under the shade,

Waiting to knock down

The gates of my insecurities,

Feeding on hope ,it grew

an astonishing being it became,

the eyes that made her notice me

The fragrance that lead her

Into my hands.
Once introvert__now extrovert___
Who to blame!
Cutting through hard walls
As a knife through butter
That new feeling
Leads you to places, see faces,
See smiles
Before you know it
It's no longer YOU
It's You because of her.
686 · Jan 2021
D Cole Jan 2021
Beauty they say, is
Symmetrical perfection,
Flawless as the deep blue sea
Radiant as the sun's grin

Beauty _I say  is,
The flower blooming in serenity
With its delicate beautiful petals
****** to the eyes of the world
It's aesthetic appeal misunderstood by the majority
          Beauty I  say,
Is all what makes you different from them,
    All what makes you an emerald and them the background colour,
Beauty I say, is all the different pieces glued together to make you.

Beauty   they   say,
Is seduction to the eye,
Is the calm ambiance
   Is the mesmerising sunset
  that all eyes fumble to adore.    

Beauty I say,
Is the vibrant spirit you owe,
                   Is the tiring  maze that makes you a piece of art.
Is that wild storm that makes my eyes attracted to your presence.
I know your beautiful
679 · Jun 2021
Saint's journal
D Cole Jun 2021
I am a worrier ,one of light
playing with stone and might
   in life's cradle,
in a jungle of emotions with only but my pride to cuddle.
I strike with my halo,
to darkness saying hello.

    Have never give'n to the   'bliss' he bestows on seekers,
but the feeling is no longer as good.
My heart whispers the secret garden to my my mind,
and I wonder what's like to give in to the temptation.
Mortal  to our own thoughts and broken by the eyes of the world,  tread softly because oh, the earth is delicate and quite selfish with its secrets
674 · Mar 2022
Slave to world.
D Cole Mar 2022
Mortal  to my  thoughts,
broken by the eyes of the world,
the warmth in my heart hides from her cold breath.

treading softly, so that I don't awaken her judgemental tongue
I've lost step to what makes me happy,
Just to keep her quiet.
The world will always judge you, let your eyes focus on you and not her.
671 · Jan 2023
D Cole Jan 2023
...and if it's not forever
Let me be the best season you've lived.
434 · Sep 2020
The last of HER kind
D Cole Sep 2020
The roses that now  sprout in the garden of my heart are lifeless,
the brilliant red that preyed upon the  love we shared is now all but a heatless fire_-with Lovat it's new reflection.

Shadows of despair corrupt the shine in my heart and a mask of heart break suffocates my mind
I can't feel or tell reality,for the colour that painted my life faded away.
When love is the colour in your life... heartbreaks devour all the colorful pieces in your world...leaving you empty
398 · Sep 2020
YoU and Me
D Cole Sep 2020
Accompany my eyes for the words never spoken
Dab my heart to calm the storm with in.
Quietly whistle the songs that ignite  beneath my skin with chills
As my nose flawlessly lets in the calm seduction of your presence.
As my eyes close to meet you in my dreams.
340 · Jun 2023
Attic lily
D Cole Jun 2023
Attic lily,
Crafted from Michelangelo's  hands,
a gem eyes fumble to adore.
Shapes, lines, curves perfectly placed on her body to sing harmonies that echo perfect anatomy

Attic lily,
a dazzling dream,
but her soul hugs a dead sun.
She's a sculpture of fair marble
built with a jungle of thin strings to fill her entirety, like a cat's cradle adorned with twines of roses to mimic completion.

she thought losing a few petals for the happiness of others was kind
A rose for him, a rose for her...

she is all but a mirror,
for her smile has always been a reflection of others.

she wears a face with printed traces of happinesses to shadow the gloom breeding under her own.

Attic lily,
strong built independent woman
but secretly prizes to be caressed in hands with a feeble touch, be pursued with a genuine smile be treated worth more than an art piece in a gallery that eyes dart on and forget about it, the second they walk past.
to be checked when her soil dries out.
Attic lily, she is,
for no one notices her unless they need something from the attic.
My friend's story. Relatable?
338 · Jan 2021
Hey dream keeper,
D Cole Jan 2021
Life is a limbo of crippled dreams
waiting for the fire in them to be ignited
But in solitude they shall remain,
their wings will grow big
but will never kiss the sky,
For the dream keeper knows not
what they can do
Follow your dreams
315 · May 2022
As I heal...
D Cole May 2022
...But the longer the taste of your lips fades

from my mouth

the more fond I become to that of blood

from my bleeding heart.
288 · Sep 2020
D Cole Sep 2020
Our paths have crossed not once,
But I cannot say I don't know you
When my eyes burn to get lost in your world
   all the nerves beneath my skin crave for your touch_for the fragile cherrylips_.
   My muscles lust for the excitement when my skin kneads your delicate skin  
  I cannot say I don't you know you, when
          my hands ache to explore every inch of your diamond body.
245 · Mar 2022
Sonnet 1°
D Cole Mar 2022
I don't mind if I get lost,
as long as it's in your eyes
I don't mind losing time,
with you in my arms...
226 · Apr 2023
Dear diary
D Cole Apr 2023
"I am broken"  slides off the tongue easy,
but leaving the dream is not as thrilling  
I have made friends with my cracks that I
I don't remember how not to be broken
We sit and chat around the bonfire of my, insecurities....
Laughing on, about our best memories
....Memories of heartache, depression betrayal,,
of obscurities
that Kindled my life as long as I can remember.

I think,
I'm now addicted...
To holding hands with my pieces
To the warmth of my insecurities
To the peace when I trace my, backtracks

I think I'm now addicted,
.... to the lies painted by my smile
to the tingling feeling when my heart is pricked by arrows of, disappointment
To the reality of feeling uncomfortable in my skin
Because to me that is, contentment.

I am broken,
Parts of me can no longer fit, together.
My thoughts are triangles, In a circle of my reality, around my square life.
Held together by tired strips of, leather.
I am broken, but somehow I make it work.
199 · Dec 2022
Attic lily
D Cole Dec 2022
Attic lily,
Crafted from Michelangelo's  hands,
a gem eyes fumble to adore
   Shapes, lines, curves perfectly placed on
         her body to sing hormonies that echo
            perfect anatomy

Attic lily,
A dazzling dream, but her soul hugs a dead sun
fair marble sculpture,
     built with a jungle of thin strings to fill
          her entirety, a cat's cradle adorned
                with twines of roses to mimic completion.

she thought losing a few petals for the
      happiness of others was brave
          A rose for him, a rose for her...
    she is a mirror, for her smile has
         always been a reflection of others.     Hypocrite,
     she wears a face with printed traces of
           happinesses to shadow the gloom
                 breeding under her own.

Attic lily,
strong built independent woman
     But secretly prizes to be caressed in
           hands with a feeble touch be pursued with a genuine smile be treated worth more than an art
             piece in a gallery that eyes dart on
     and forget about, the second they walk past.
to be checked on when her soil dries out.
       Attic lily, she is,
         for no one notices her unless they
               need something from the attic.
190 · May 2022
Blue petals red sky
D Cole May 2022
You know...

it's not that I don't care

I want to hug you close, I do...

So close, for the warmth of your skin  to

melt my soul

I want to lose my self in your eyes

everytime our eyes meet

... to know you beyond the surface like a

dark secret

I want to know when your soul is hurting

so that I cover its bruises with kisses.

But I hold back,

because vulnerability is a dream...

and I don't want to fall asleep

unless you're by my side.

Whispers of my pride

remind me that you're not mine

...that you're a ghost
out of reach
D Cole Apr 2022
Her eyes are toxic to a pure heart
her selfish claws devour your humanity to specks that tide with the winds.

I guess that is why I'm adorned, a knight...
my shield and sword, pride
and my armour, valerian steel.
A blessing or curse, I can't say
for as one half shelters me from the scotching world
I can't help but feel as though the second is nurturing the fire in my heart to quite...
warmth for one soul, I can feel my humanity slipping away.
It's not something I blow candles for,
but it's the new world order.
163 · Sep 2020
Mortal love
D Cole Sep 2020
In mortal confinement
The love we bore made commitment,
As a contagion,our hearts became more found of each other
But in silence it blossomed,like lilies in the artic with none to adore the aesthetical sense.
Petals on the winds,our love out into the cold world a beautiful aura unexplainable in word
But the love we bore couldn't be,
For fate never  let in ,
to let us be.
But what  we shared was real, for even in the unseen world our souls remained intertwined _ even if fate never let in to let us be we'll always be meant to be_ .

By C•o•L•e
163 · Mar 2022
Words of the heart
D Cole Mar 2022
I've seen you once
but my heart can't let go of the feeling that we're meant to be....
162 · Feb 2023
Blue petals Red sky
D Cole Feb 2023
They say, Never say never,
I guess l now know why
Because, I'd never have thought that
reading could be so addictive.

I found a book today,
and...I've only read the first chapter of her,
  I already know I'll want to finish her story,
probably read it again and again,
Until my fingers can effortlessly trace every detail of her pages,
...until I can flawlessly feel every emotion she keeps secret with my eyes closed.

I found a book yesterday, and since I opened it,
like a puzzle, she fits perfectly
with each turn of the page, I want her more.

I'm addicted to her story,
to the way she knows where to look inside of me.
to the feeling of completion when she's close.

I found a book that I can't put down,
and if it's okay with her, I'd like to keep what I've found, as I become a part of her story.
159 · Dec 2022
Who I am i
D Cole Dec 2022
I'm a tree of the decisions I've made,
of the emotions I've given a chance to sprout
   ...the dreams whose leaves I've left to weather
      of my feeble personality guided by the winds of this world.

I am a tree , changing  with the seasons
My leaves are different poker faces stacked up in a deck of cards
If you want a king, a joker, a gentleman, a nobody...I can be all lords.
I'm in a comma with my eyes unfastened,
to see each version of me build walls of make believe
I want to stop them, but the world does a decent job at stroking their ego.
With each new sleeve, the real me sinks  deeper each time I wake up.

I don't accord to fiction  but, these shells of me lie about my story
    ...about the tales of my roots
...the purity of my smile
about the strength of my heart.

I want to get back to the surface,
to feel, again, the sun's kiss
I scream in my head...
But the dome I built can't let my roar out
So, the tree I am, I remain still
as my life burns out.
Unread poet in a twisted utopia
143 · Dec 2020
My wind
D Cole Dec 2020
My heart dances with the wind...
My mind is bruised by its caress...
that pain I want,never to cease
My skin dried out by its presence... be continued
Young love
137 · Jun 2024
My 20th piece
D Cole Jun 2024
My mind is a storm, but
If you ask me how I'm doing...
I would probably say..
"I'm okay" ... like many threads of make-believe that I've woven into a seeing glass that I see my reality in.
The things that used to effortlessly settled in my mind, I now strive for...
I miss childhood innocence,
the peace my mind used to cuddle with and take for granted,
the beauty in naivety of how good people are
I miss how little control I had over my story...
I guess I was comfortable with someone else holding the pen, as though I'm more confident in them to write what's best for me than myself

My mind is a storm, I guess because I now write my own story
I never used to bother my mind with...
When should a new chapter in my life start? Where should I put a full stop... Should pause now, Does the sentence have too much emotions...I'm I writing my story right?...which characters should I give more screen time? this a sad story?  What do other writers think? Do I have an easer?  Do I know when I should start writing again?
But of late, my thoughts conjure answers from the mirrors around my life
I ponder on which version if reflection I should section keep                                                
  I tell my myself... maybe if I was a writer,                       maybe then I'd know what I'm doing wrong,
maybe I'd know what a good story looks like.

My mind is a storm, for I have spilled the ink of my thoughts over the canvas of my life, and I see not my next step.
I thought I'd distract myself with an abstract masterpiece from the noise of the colours, but my hand knows not the path to strike the fitting brush strokes.
To me, I'm a mess... perhaps other eyes see art
To me I'm a mess...but I can't say I'm done with my story.
Generic thoughts in your 20s!
136 · Oct 2020
D Cole Oct 2020
Train your dreams how to fly,
    On their wings __you'll reach horizons
         For they have no limits,besides the one who wields them.

— The End —