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Cerasium Aug 2018
Death like all things
Are a simple state
Permanent in most
But subtle in others

Eternal peace must be achieved
Before death can be final
A life of wealth and luxury
Can never find peace of mind

Nor can a life of sorrow and misery
Find balance in all things
Life is a path in which to follow
We must choose the right path

Or we suffer eternal damnation
Fighting amongst our brothers
Spouting words of hate
Will never bring one salvation

Words of truth and love
Hope with all things
We attain everlasting peace
For there has to be a balance

Life must come with sorrow
As it also comes with bliss
Abandon all you don’t need
And share upon those who don’t have

Leave not in a state of anguish
But in a state of calmness
Shed the unnecessary
And bring only love

For when these things are at one
We find ultimate truth
Hidden in the mind
For us to truly see
Cerasium Aug 2018
The heart bleeds
A crimson red
Destruction and Mayhem
On the bend

Lifeless corpses
Maggots and flies
Clean the once living bodies
That now cling to the floor

Death and his horse
Have so much work
They enlist the help
Of the fates at work

Plagues rise
From hollowed graves
Killing everything in sight
Leaving nothing but decay

Souls arise
The sorrow of mankind
Death follows swiftly
As a helping guide

Pointing to their once warm home
Now but a cold and lifeless feast
Acknowledging self pity
The soul does weep

Crying out for salvation
Of their once beautiful temple
Leaving so suddenly
They take flight

Life seems pointless
In the aftermath of plague
Souls scream out
In hopes of something safe
Cerasium Aug 2018
River of salt
Flowing endlessly
Down a rocky shore
To an endless black

The heart clenches
Pain sets in
For the moment
It relieves the pain

For when the river
Stops it’s flow
The pain revives
Only this time stronger

Stronger and stronger
The pain does grow
Until unbearable
The source lie still

Unbroken pain
Chest tightening
The loss of a love
The torture of mistakes

Hidden away in pasts vault
Lost to us as passage of time
Memories vanish
But the pain remains

The feelings we once had
The pain we once felt
Rushes to us
Like an endless stream

Losing our way
We focus on this
Torturing ourselves
In order to feel

Rip the heart out
Cast it aside
Nothing works
Cause the feelings don’t hide

Yanking and gnawing
Ripping out your soul
Pain pain pain
Is all that’s left behind

Silence feels safest
Until the thoughts arise
The gentle voices calling
From which they can not die

Anger and frustration
Easy to mask the pain
Hiding behind a twisted smile
Or a demented sense of humour

Yet deep inside
One thing holds true
That slowly but surely
They are rotting inside
Cerasium Aug 2018
Crimson drops
Silent killer
The darkness falls
A Pool of tears

Thy darkest deed
So simple and pure
Thy shallow breath
Gasping for life

Heart beat slows
Death is upon you
For in this darkest hour
Your worst fears come alive

Shadows lurk
In hallowed halls
Terror rises
As they begin to move

Silent forest
So sincere and divine
Casting evil
Where thoughts may lie

Evil begins to flourish
The light all but vanishes
The darkness grows
Upon this devilish night

And in the hallowed halls
Of a once great heart
The beads of deceit
Begin to unfold

Travesty awaits
All who enter
For in this heart of crimson
Lays the demon of defeat
Cerasium May 2018
When I look into your eyes
I see the sparkle of your love
the fire burning brighter every day
when I see you smile I feel the heat of love

I see the darkness you once held to
Disappearing before my eyes
seeing this I can't help but feel
I was the one who cause it so

I see the flame of our love
Burning so bright I can’t help but feel alive
I see the glow of love and happiness
I feel a burning inside

I feel like singing you this song
In hope it reaches your gated heart
To see you smile brings me joy
I want it to last forever

My heart goes out to you
to protect you from everything
All the bad to disappear
and only joy and pleasure remain

My heart
it feels like burning
I see the passion in your eyes
Everyday I see you smile

And it brings me nothing but joy
cause I'm the one that caused it so
I'm the one that caused it so
TI'm the one who has your love

I see the flame of our love
Burning so bright I can help but feel alive
I see the glow of love and happiness
I feel a burning inside

I feel like singing you this song
In hope it reaches your gated heart
To see you smile brings me joy
I want it to last forever

My heart
it sings out to you
In every joyous way
My heart is burning with the passion

Of our flame
that can't be doused
I feel the love you have for me
and I can't help but say

I want it to stay
I want it to last
I can't help but say
I love you
Cerasium May 2018
I'm holding onto threads that were once
A double braided rope
Dangling over an ocean of sorrow.

Of fear.
Of Anger
Of Hopelessness.

But cause of you,
I can actually try to rebuild that rope
I  finally be able to climb up and away from the cliff.

I won't have to fear.
I can actually hope again.
Hell I can actually smile and it's cause of you.

There is no way I am giving all that up for uncertainty.
Not if it means that I will be back here
Dangling on the threads of what once was.

Just to be barely hanging onto life.
You are in a way my savior
And I wouldn't have it any other way.
Cerasium May 2018
The light fades to gray when the shadows come for us.
Run while you can we are just prey.
We walk and talk like we are hunters,
but we all have something to hide.

It maybe just a simple illness.
Like we're sick or in pain.
But if we talk a closer look,
We see that all of us are ill.

You run around in circles accusing,
Looking down upon others.
You need to take a second to look deeper,
We may look crazy on the outside.

But if you open up your eyes and see the ones who hide.
You will see that we are just like you.
All afraid and terrified.
Yet all you do is run and hide behind fake masks.

None of you will face the truth.
For the only ones who can are labeled the crazies or possessed.
Just take a look and find it in your heart.
Take a chance,
See the future.

And find that we are all just one.
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