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1.9k · Oct 2018
CataclysticEvent Oct 2018
From the ashes,
Of my life.
I rise,
I crawl, I fight.

My fingers ****** and raw.
Here I stand,
In the glory of my flaw.

I rise.
Always I will rise!
1.6k · Oct 2018
Dear Dad,
CataclysticEvent Oct 2018
Dear Dad.
I wish I could tell you,
That I'm doing okay.
And I'm getting along just fine.
I wish when you look down,
Upon my life that you would see,
I wish I could say.
I'm doing okay.
But the truth is dad,
Every day is a struggle.
To get up and get dressed.
Running on auto pilot all morning.
Hoping I don't forget to pack,
Her lunch for school.
It hasn't gotten easier.
It hasn't dulled in any way.
I still hurt,
Just as much as that day.
I wish I could tell you,
I'm okay.
I wish when you looked down,
You saw how happy I am.
Im sorry I'm letting you down.
I'm sorry I'm not doing,
The best I can.
I am trying
But every single day I end up crying.
I miss you.
And it doesn't get any easier.
698 · Jul 2019
Little lamb
CataclysticEvent Jul 2019
And then I inhaled,
A deep earth quaking breath.
And exhaled
With an earth shattering roar!
Fire poured from my lips,
Smoke billowed from my nose.
I was no ones little lamb anymore!
666 · Jan 2019
CataclysticEvent Jan 2019
True loneliness is
Wishing for a time when you were
Surrounded by that toxic person
Because then at least
You'd have someone else telling you
How useless, unloved,
replaceable you are
Besides yourself.
632 · Feb 2019
CataclysticEvent Feb 2019
When you call a **** poem victim-y.
Victim-y is the person who makes
Excuses for why they treat people like
An *******.
"I had a hard life, so I'm an ***."
Using excuses for bad behavior.

A woman writing about
How she felt about her body
After she is ***** is not
It is fact.
Not a woman alive who's been *****
Will ever say she's not affected.
That she hasn't gone home
Looked in the mirror
At the body she's had her whole life.
And felt utter shame
Less than who she was before.
Like the good pieces of her
Were ripped away with his touch.
Victim-y is excuse.
Talking about your loss,
As a women.
That is utter strength,
And those who can't see that.
Maybe you're the one playing
Someone called a **** poem victim-y.  Telling her to get over it and stop writing about it.
626 · Mar 2019
The Act of Grieving
CataclysticEvent Mar 2019
The act of grieving.
It’s unlike anything I’ve
Ever had to go through.
Survived through 17 years of
Mental torture at the hands of
A mother who should have loved me;
But alcoholism had her by the throat
That never received any justice.
Physical abuse and mental abuse
For years by a man who should have
Cherished me but instead hated me.
12 hours of labor with no medication.
No relief of the spine crushing pain.
And yet the simple act of you dying.
             Of you leaving me behind,
                           In this world without you.
Has crushed and devastated me.
     Leaving me
                          annihilated and listless.
And without

My best friend, my cheerleader, my fan, my sounding board, my dad, my confidant, my partner in crime, my moral backbone, my courage, my strength, my forever compass, my mother figure, my only family.

I don’t know how to exist here.

The act of grieving,
Has left me tired and restless.
And I’m unsure if I’ll finish the act
Or the act will finish me.
   Exit stage…..
                                                        ­        Right.
617 · Mar 2019
CataclysticEvent Mar 2019
I always thought
As a child that
Quicksand would be
A bigger problem then it seems.

But then I realize
My mind is quicksand.
That slowly drags me in
Suffocating me in depression
And the more I struggle
To free myself
The more lodged inside them
I become.
Dying slowly.

So maybe
Quicksand is a pretty big issue.
You just can't
See it.
617 · Dec 2018
Demon 1-4
CataclysticEvent Dec 2018
The demons in my head,
Come to the light in segments.
Created by a younger me.
The broken bleeding 11 year old
Who had her virtue,
Her self worth taken.

Created by the mind of a child.
To protect a future her from the same fate.

Astrid the anxious
Demon one.
Questioning ever person.
Their intent,
Their honesty.

Lilith the angry.
Demon two.
The fire that burns inside
With ever unjust,
That can't be changed.

Alloster the protector.
Demon three.
The biggest.
Holding a wall so high around me.
Not even those I  love can't get in.
To protect me,
He's isolated me.

Demon four.
Drowning me in waves.
To only let me breath a moment
Gasping for air.
Before plunging me back,
Deep into her grasp.
571 · Jun 2019
CataclysticEvent Jun 2019
Being so tired you can't get up.
You can't drag yourself out of bed.
Being so wound up you can't sleep.
You can't sit still without feeling like
Your skin will crawl off.
It's a weird feeling having both at once.
Like you can't move,
But under your skin in vibrating.
552 · Oct 2018
My Dad
CataclysticEvent Oct 2018
My dad was a hero.
He wasn't a saint.
He was human.
And he owned his humanness like a god.
His mistakes weren't hidden away.
He shared them with me.
A lesson so hopefully I didn't,
Have to learn it too.

My dad was made for greatness.
He could have been or done anything.
And he chose to raise me.
Teach me,
Love me.
Become a mother and a father all at once.
Dimmed his shine,
To help me find mine.

My dad was a blessing.
Not perfect or without fault.
But always able to admit his mistakes.
Followed by an apology.

My dad is now my angel.
The voice in my head I hear,
When I want to quit.
When I want the world to stop,
Turning like nothing has changed.

He's the flash in my vision,
When I feel utterly alone.
Lost without a destination or home.
Reminding me I am my own home.

He's the calm that shows up,
When I'm drowning in panic.
Hunched over unable to move.
Suffocating in anxiety.
Reminding me,
It's okay...breath.

My dad is gone.
But the lessons he taught me live on.
The calm he gave me,
Still remains.
And some days I think,
He still comes back sometimes.
In those bad moments.
Those drowning, suffocating moments.
To put a hand on my shoulder and say,
"I've got you.  You've got this"
547 · Mar 2019
CataclysticEvent Mar 2019
You've filled yourself
With so much bitterness
I can't
Stomach you.
Like acid on my teeth
You rot all you come
In contact with.
536 · Jan 2019
Own Heartbreak
CataclysticEvent Jan 2019
I wonder if  all the things
I left unsaid,
Are the things that hurt
Me the most.

I'm my biggest heart break.

520 · Jun 2019
CataclysticEvent Jun 2019
And the ground beneath
My feet vanishes.
The air in my lungs
Evaporates within me.
The blood in my veins
Exsanguinates through my pores.
And my mind shrivels and expands
Like the core ready to explode.
And I’m dying.

5 things I can see:
The chair
The sky
The door
The walls
My hand

The walls are closing in.
4 things I can touch:
The floor
The chair
My hair
The walls

The walls swirl in my vision
3 things I can hear:
The birds outside
The fan
The sound of my feet bouncing off the floor.

The walls move in and out of my vision.
2 things I can smell
The cut grass.
The sweat on my skin

The walls
1 thing I can taste:
The salt on my lips.

And then the walls vanish.
504 · Dec 2018
CataclysticEvent Dec 2018
The thing about my dad,
He made me believe that
I could rule the world.

That I could and would
Change the lives of people
Whether in a small or massive way.

But he left before I could do,
A single one of those things.
And now I'm left here wondering

Can I do any of those things?
Or will that hope he gave me,
Slowly wither the more time
That passes from the moment he died.
And left me here questioning myself.

486 · Feb 2019
Cyclone 8
CataclysticEvent Feb 2019
Forever she'll be
The girl that just
Doesn't fit anywhere.
The broken girl.
Visible flaws
people stare.
And the girl,
She hides
Hoping to disappear.
459 · Nov 2019
Sky paints
CataclysticEvent Nov 2019
I saved the best for last.
I saved the end til now.
To mark the sky in oil paints.
456 · Sep 2018
CataclysticEvent Sep 2018
That's the word to describe myself now.
When you left,
I lost my family.
And since you've been gone.
I've learned that,
Without you I am utterly alone.
And that,
At any age,
Is the most devestating realization.
I'm mad you're not here.
I'm mad that you're gone.
But most of all,
I'm mad because I shouldn't feel so alone!
437 · Aug 2019
CataclysticEvent Aug 2019
And you blink.
For a moment.
For a second
And everything can change.
In a moment
In the blink of an eye.
And we all must blink.
436 · Dec 2018
CataclysticEvent Dec 2018
Forever and always
We end as almost
Almost the greatest love
Almost forever

The continuous knowing
That we could have been
So much more
Than we ever were.

We end in tragedy
Anger and dead silence.
We end with no end.
No goodbye.
Just a story that
Simply ended
In the middle of a paragraph.

426 · Oct 2018
Rip tide
CataclysticEvent Oct 2018
In the deepest parts of my mind.
Where the waters,
Ripple in the rip tide.

I've traveled to far in,
In the darkness
Swallowed from within.
424 · Feb 2019
Protect you
CataclysticEvent Feb 2019
The heart whispers
"You could have told me
The truth.
I still would have loved you."
The brain replies:
"I know, that's the problem.
You shouldn't if you knew.
Someone needs to protect you."
419 · Sep 2018
CataclysticEvent Sep 2018
This is my goodbye to you.
I've loved you for four years.
I've missed you for one.
I've taken back roads,
And detours to avoid your road.
Slipped and broken bones,
Trying to miss your exit.
Each without success.
Ending up in your driveway,
Falling in love even more.
Knowing **** well you don't love me.
I have loved you since 2014.
Been through hell and back with you.
Only man i trusted to meet my mom,
Last man to ever meet my dad.
I loved you.
Without bound or limit.
And in the end im spitting out teeth.
From the smack in the face when you left.
Hitting me out of nowhere,
Just gone.
Like i didn't matter.
Over text.
Like and after thought,
Oh by the way...
Ive back pedal and rewritten this dozens of times.
Trying to have the right words.
So you understand.
I'm not you.
Leaving you isn't something that's
Easy for me to do.
You mattered to me.
You were never an after thought.
But my neck still hurts from your leaving.
And 2 months later a new girlfriend
Who must have been there all along.
Like a shadow.
I have loved you for 6 birthdays,
6 christmas's, 6 thanksgivings,
and 5 new years.
But that ends here.
My heart's still pleading with me,
To wait a little longer.
To hang on,
He'll come back.
But you left so fast,
Almost like you were never here.
You watched me watch my dad die.
Told me you'd be here.
To hold me up,
You had my back.
1 month later you had her on her back.
And i became...
An after thought.
Left in the broken bleeding wreckage,
Of my life.
Alone with whiplash.
From the backlash of her,
And you together.
I have loved you for 4 years.
I'll probably love you a lifetime more.
But this is my goodbye to you.
Because after 4 years of loving you.
All i got was....
A text message like an after thought.
Oh by the way,
And whiplash from your cruelty.
413 · Feb 2019
Light keeper
CataclysticEvent Feb 2019
And when my darkness
Takes over a little more
Of the space then it usually does.
And the days become hard
To even get up and out of bed.
You light the way to the exit.
So that when I am ready
And able,
I can find my way back home,
Back to you.
The light keeper,
Of my storms.
407 · Mar 2019
CataclysticEvent Mar 2019
My story is covered in
Tear stained ink marks.
Blood soaked covers
And ripped out pages.
It's not a pretty story
With flowers and happy endings.
There's no shining armor
And forever after kisses.
There's no magic.
The evil villain is me.
My story will most likely
End  in the words,

"She really tried."
403 · May 2019
32 Letters in May- Note 30
CataclysticEvent May 2019
Being sick isn't easy.
But even harder when,
From the outside looking in
Everything is perfectly fine.
But from the inside looking out,
The days are black as night.
And no one left the light on
400 · Feb 2019
Breathe me
CataclysticEvent Feb 2019
I couldn't breathe.
Like the walls
Were closing in around me.
The air thick with panic.

Then I looked up
And you were there.
I could feel your presence
Wrap around me like a blanket.

And the walls stopped moving.
And the air wasn't so thick.
For the first time
In months
I could finally breathe.
399 · Feb 2021
When love found me
CataclysticEvent Feb 2021
I found love not when
I searched high and low for it.
I didn't find it when I begged or pleaded.
Love didn't come when I forced it,
Tried to squeeze it into a box it wasn't meant for.
Love found me when I wasn't looking.
When love was the last thing on my mind.
Amongst the rubble of my grief,
Love wrapped its arms around me.
Surrounding me in a peace,
I had been searching for,
For years.
I didn't find love behind doors,
I pried off the hinges.
I didn't aquire it from hearts,
I begged to love me.
Love didn't follow me around,
Hoping that I'd turn the right corner
And just find it.
Love found me with my head in my hands,
On my knees begging for peace.
It found me raw,
Just asking for a second to breath.
Love found me,
When I needed it,
Not when I wanted it,
Only when I was ready for it.
Unrequited love is not real.
Those times,
When you search for love in the wrong places.
From the wrong people.
Behind doors that don't want to open,
But you pry off the hinges.
The love in those places, is
That thing we call unrequited love.
When really,
That love was really never meant for you.
CataclysticEvent May 2019
Grey like this
Or gray like that.
At least with May
It's spelt one way.
It's one word
Two spellings is just absurd.
But how do I honor you,
What you went through.
If I can't figure out
Without a doubt,
What the hell way
To spell the word grey/gray.
Brain cancer awareness month
370 · Feb 2019
One day
CataclysticEvent Feb 2019
I get up
Every morning to fight
The same demons I fought
The day before.
Knowing it'll probably end the same
Tear stained pillows
And razor blade art.
But I get up
Hoping today is the day
The switch is flipped
And the demons aren't quite
As strong as the day before.
Until one day
The demons maybe
For the most part are gone.
352 · Mar 2019
CataclysticEvent Mar 2019
I have stepped back
So many times from
I have ended up
In the next room.
Backed into a corner
I never meant to put myself in.
I spent a few years
Learning that
I never have to silence
Myself to avoid
The doubt that others
May have in me.
I am capable
And worth
The confrontation.
343 · Mar 2019
CataclysticEvent Mar 2019
Breathe deeply
When the world
Starts to tilt
On its axis.

Stand up.
Believe in your

For your strength
Has gotten you through
100% of all of
Your very
Worst days.
343 · Feb 2019
Self Destruct
CataclysticEvent Feb 2019
Random scribblings of
Off label thoughts.
Black label
The ones meant to
Tear people apart.
I hope
You read the warning label.
Surgeon General's
She will Self destruct.
333 · Oct 2018
Did you get that?
CataclysticEvent Oct 2018
Most days I'm sad.
Mediocre sad to.
Like I can't even do that to the fullest.
I'm to tired to even be sad.
Barely making it passed.....breathing.
Coherent ramblings pass me off as,

Fumbling with my zipper in the morning.
It's inside out.
Laughing it off like duh.
I'm failing her.

Most days I am a breath above,
Stringing words together by chance.
Scrapping my knees on the concrete.
As I pick myself back up again.

Demanding more.
Knuckles raw from dragging,
Myself through each day.
****** noses from the change,
In pressure as I fall again.

Stand up.
This life was given to you,
So no one else had to have it.
So beat it.
Fight it.
Challenge everything you thought,
You knew.
This life,
This life was meant for someone like you.

Stand up.
333 · Feb 2019
Forever Artwork
CataclysticEvent Feb 2019
I write about you.
I talk about you.

Forever keeping
Your memory alive.

Deep in my heart.
Where darkness swirls.
I'll keep you safe
From that part of me.

I'll never let your memory
Get swallowed in that part.
So I'll keep talking about you
Forever in my art.
332 · Jul 2019
CataclysticEvent Jul 2019
My reactions are never
A disgust in you.
But rather
They are a disgust
In myself.
319 · Mar 2019
Vivid Dream
CataclysticEvent Mar 2019
I dreamt of you
The other night
Of the last day
We had.
I remember feeling
Anxious all day.
Feeling as though
My skin was crawling.
My chest so tight
I could not breathe.
Panicked with no cause.
I was utterly
And I chalked it up
To just being me.
Later that night
At 0305 they called me
"You may want to come."
I got there at 0325
"I'm so sorry."
"He's gone isn't he?"
That look of sorrow
She gave me,
I knew.
I couldn't feel you.
At 0319 may 27th 2018
You were gone.
And all of the panic
The fear
It made sense
I felt you leaving me.
312 · Feb 2019
The Shattering
CataclysticEvent Feb 2019
The shattering.
It's that moment
That one moment
in life where everything
That ever happened
And what's left behind is dust.
A land void of anything
Where you must rebuild or fade away.
The shattering
It's where you decide
You decide to keep fighting
To keep moving forward
Or to let go
To give up
To fade.
The shattering
Is where you decide.

So decide.
310 · Jan 2019
CataclysticEvent Jan 2019
My world feels like,
It's always moving at 100 MPH
And I'm always running
To catch up without
Ever reaching a Single destination.
309 · Jan 2019
CataclysticEvent Jan 2019
And I jump off the deep end.
I dive head first into this..
Possibility of future.  
Where before I couldn't
See past the next few
Moments just surviving.
I've jumped.
Hoping at the possibility of
A future where the loss of my past
Can be managed,
With you.
Praying I haven't
Jumped head first into
An empty pool.
305 · Jun 2019
CataclysticEvent Jun 2019
And it all went gray.
All the color in my life drained away.
The vibrancy in my words
Liquified and ran down the drains,
Of my life like tears.
My life became a black and white movie
With no sound.
A vestibule to my torment.
Then like a solar flare.
Blue awash my vision.
And slowly as it cleared there was you.
Blue in all your glory
In my world that had been gray for so long.
And the colors are slowly coming back.
In small solar flares at a time.
Glimpses of oranges, purples, and pinks.
But my favorite,
The vibrant life assuring ...
293 · Jun 2019
Liquid sand
CataclysticEvent Jun 2019
My insides
Vibrate as if my
Muscles have been turned into
A 5 foot 3 ***** on extreme.
And my mind is thrown
Back and forth inside my skull.
What do I do
If I failed?
What do I do
If everything I have ever wanted
Slips between my fingers like
Liquid sand.
289 · Jan 2019
CataclysticEvent Jan 2019
I have become,
And breathtakingly

And she is,
288 · Feb 2019
Hidden Tar
CataclysticEvent Feb 2019
I open my mouth
To say the things
I've always meant to say.
They stick to my throat
Like honey.
Congeal in my lungs
Like tar.
And everything I ever
Meant to say
Remains stuck
Forever a secret hidden away.
284 · Dec 2018
CataclysticEvent Dec 2018
She makes broken
Look beautiful.
    Her scars she wears
     Like grace.
And when she spoke

I swore time stood still
And honey dripped from
     Her center like satin.

280 · Mar 2019
Even when
CataclysticEvent Mar 2019
I promise
I'll love you
Even when
I can not love
I'll love you.
Even when
I do not want
To be alive.
I will love you.
That I do know.
I will love you,
Even when
I can not get myself
To bring the words
To my lips
I will love you.
277 · Dec 2018
CataclysticEvent Dec 2018
Like gasoline and a lit match.
We burn alive.
First in orange and yellow.
Then blues and purples.
Until all that is left
Of me

Is a pile of grey ash.
Swiftly swept away,
With the wind.
Just like that

273 · Mar 2019
CataclysticEvent Mar 2019
Missing you
Is like choking
On air.
It only happens
When I breathe.
266 · Jan 2019
CataclysticEvent Jan 2019
My strength is
Never needing anyone.
My weakness is the same
I've spent so long,
Avoiding help

I don't know
How to let anyone in now.
A steal door welded closed.
And I'm trapped on the inside.
Screaming to get out.
264 · Oct 2018
CataclysticEvent Oct 2018
I knew that you would go.
I knew you had to leave.
I just thought,
I had more time than that.

I knew the odds said,
You had some time.
But reality said.
You had less.

I knew that you would leave.
I knew you had to go.
But I just thought,
That you'd stay.
CataclysticEvent Oct 2018
Your dad died.
It's just another bump in the road of life.

My dad was not a bump in the road.
He was a sink hole in the middle
Of my house.
It was a 100 car pile up on the highway,
And i'm the one on the bottom.

My dad dying was not a bump in the road.
It was a devestating loss.
Don't tell me what I lost.
Do t tell me to get over it.
That I haven't had it that hard.

My dad dying was my world falling apart.
My Axis tilting.
And that is what I lost.

You sit there and act like life,
Is some simple game.
You can smile through,
Because it's all sunshine and rainbows.

It's not and I'm angry.
I'm so angry he gone!
I'm so angry he got taken from me,
And my daughter.
I'm so angry!!!
That he died,
And my alcoholic mother,
Who treated me like trash,
She's still alive.

Don't tell me my dad dying,
Was another bump in the road of life.
To me,
Him dying was the end of the whole world,
As I knew it.
A good friend of mine told me to **** it up, it's just life.  And because I do great grade wise in nursing school I should be happy.  But I do great because I stidy so much because I'm afraid to sleep. Or stop to think.
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