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217 · May 2019
32 Letters in May- Note 14
CataclysticEvent May 2019
Dear Me,
It's you.
We are us.
Stop demolishing the
Foundation we built below us.
Don't demolish years
Of growth for moments,
Of doubt from others.
You, me, us
Are enough.
CataclysticEvent Oct 2018
Your dad died.
It's just another bump in the road of life.

My dad was not a bump in the road.
He was a sink hole in the middle
Of my house.
It was a 100 car pile up on the highway,
And i'm the one on the bottom.

My dad dying was not a bump in the road.
It was a devestating loss.
Don't tell me what I lost.
Do t tell me to get over it.
That I haven't had it that hard.

My dad dying was my world falling apart.
My Axis tilting.
And that is what I lost.

You sit there and act like life,
Is some simple game.
You can smile through,
Because it's all sunshine and rainbows.

It's not and I'm angry.
I'm so angry he gone!
I'm so angry he got taken from me,
And my daughter.
I'm so angry!!!
That he died,
And my alcoholic mother,
Who treated me like trash,
She's still alive.

Don't tell me my dad dying,
Was another bump in the road of life.
To me,
Him dying was the end of the whole world,
As I knew it.
A good friend of mine told me to **** it up, it's just life.  And because I do great grade wise in nursing school I should be happy.  But I do great because I stidy so much because I'm afraid to sleep. Or stop to think.
213 · Apr 2019
CataclysticEvent Apr 2019
I erase my words so often,
I start to question
Whether I actually wrote anything at all.
I stay silent so often,
I question
Whether I've ever actually existed at all.
204 · Apr 2019
CataclysticEvent Apr 2019
Reverberating within myself
A constant vibration
Internally decaying
The only way out
Is through my
Written rot.
Just a mess of decomposition.
Left for everyone else
To read.
202 · Dec 2018
CataclysticEvent Dec 2018
The weight of grief
Is only as heavy as
The love you held for them.

I must have loved you
With everything I had.
201 · Mar 2019
CataclysticEvent Mar 2019
Frozen wasteland
Of human remains
Where there once
Were dandelion kisses
And lovers in the grass.
Now there only
Lies ash.

It coats my throat
And fills my lungs.
A copper taste
Forever in my mouth.
Left questioning exactly
Where in my life
This anxious
Wasteland of recurrent
Depression was decided.
201 · Aug 2019
CataclysticEvent Aug 2019
In the darkness I heard this keening.
A sounds so devastating.
As if they were dying from the inside out.
As if the world had swallowed them whole.
Devouring them.

And it took me a minute,
To realize.
That sound was coming from me.
I was the one dying.
But utterly and unwaveringly  alive.
199 · Jun 2019
Patchwork Creation
CataclysticEvent Jun 2019
There is this innocence we have as children.
This fundamental right
to believe in a world where anything is possible.
That our daddy's can scare away any boogeyman,
Hiding under our beds or in our closets.
That the world is full of possibilities,
and there is endless time
covered in romantic notions.
But as adults we are no longer fundamentally innocent.
We are patchworks.
Taped in some spots that come lose all the time.
And sewn together in other spots,
That don't come undone all so often.
But we are broken and glued back together,
more often then even we are willing to admit to ourselves.
We harbor resentment and bias,
creating our own worlds in which the boogeyman
is everyone.
and not a soul can save us from him.
The part of us that was so eager,
The part of us that believed in a world of endless possibility
Withers and rots.
Leaving just the acidic taste of lack luster life.
Endless, monotonous daily tasks.
Craving the days when the world didn't feel like
The inside of stove with the pilot burning but out.
We are no longer the innocent.
We are the patchwork creation of a life,
That hasn't always been forgiving.
We are what our children think can save them from anything.
We are the boogeyman killer
The demon vanquisher.
Patchwork and all we may not be innocent,
But we are strong.
199 · Feb 2019
Stave the Darkness
CataclysticEvent Feb 2019
I wish I could say
Life is easier with you here.
Depression doesn't work that way.
No amount of love i have,
Will change how I
See and feel the world.
But when the darkness clears,
And I can see and feel the world
With the clarity of normalicy.
You make that,
The most magical time
It could possibly be.
And for me,
That is enough to stave,
The darkness.
To get me through
Right back to you.
193 · Oct 2018
CataclysticEvent Oct 2018
When I looked up,
The world had turned to Ash.
The sky was black as night.
Every ounce of innocence,
Held within my hands,
Had slipped away.
And I was standing,
Within a ring of fire.
I'd burned everything within sight.
190 · Feb 2019
CataclysticEvent Feb 2019
An artist can create
A master piece.
And everyone will flock to their work.
Marvaling in the beauty.
And at the same time
They've walked by the
Subject of that artwork
For days, months, years.
Never noticing
Never seeing
The sheer beauty.
Because only in artwork
Everything is beautiful.

Once you become someone's muse
You will forever be
Beautiful and remembered.
190 · Mar 2019
Not meant for you
CataclysticEvent Mar 2019
There is no such
Thing as:
Unrequited love.
Only love,
Never meant for you.
189 · May 2019
Hardest Part
CataclysticEvent May 2019
The hardest part,
of your dying.
was being able to survive.
Being the one to
let you die.
even if it meant
you wouldn't suffer.
letting you go....
I still haven't
and I don't know if I
actually survived.
189 · Aug 2019
CataclysticEvent Aug 2019
I'm devastation in cling wrap
Melted to the frame.
Popped balloons on birthdays.
A bankrupt business.
Giving out more then it has.
An empty O2 tank,
On the hip of a cystic fibrosis patient.
Useless extra weight.
Like an anchor
On a boat trying to set sail.
Going nowhere.
Remaining in the same spot.
Growing  roots
That barely scrape the surface.
Only to be blown over
With a gust of insufficiency.
Inadequate valves
Leaking out life sustaining fluids.
With more effort to fail
Then to just
Let go.
182 · Aug 2018
I've got you
CataclysticEvent Aug 2018
"I need you,
Even when i say i don't.
I need you to be here."
I'd never heard you so vulnerable.
So scared,
Like you feared i'd run away.
"I've got you."
I told you.
With firm conviction.
Like i wasn't breaking inside.
"This is my strength,
Where i am good,
I can take care of you.
I've got you."

And as you got worse
My resolve only grew.
I'd do whatever it took
To take care of you.

"Gene there's nothing we can do,
The cancer's to far gone,
Radiation won't cure you."

"I don't want to give up."
You say with sadness and doubt.

"Of course not Gene.
We're just taking a different route."

And then you looked at me.
As if looking for an answer.
With a tear streaked face i nodded.
And said,
"I've got you."

The next day you stopped talking.
And 5 days later you died.
And from that moment on,
I wish i had lied.
I told you i've got you.
And in the end i did.

And every day since,
I've still got you.
Right in my heart.
I spent my whole life loving you,
And i'll spend the rest of my life missing you.
For the rest of my life.
"I've got you."
My dad died of glioblastoma multiform.  A brain cancer thats incurable.  He died in 20 days after diagnosis.  And i was left alone, bit i was there every step of the way.  I miss him every day.
179 · Jun 2019
Heartbreak muse
CataclysticEvent Jun 2019
The one thing about pain,
There is never an end
To the amount of material
We get from the experience.
Heartbreak is such
A wonderful Muse.
179 · Jun 2019
Far to often
CataclysticEvent Jun 2019
Far to often we leave
after the love turns
To ash in our mouth.
And our lungs harden
Like cement in our chests.
And our hearts,
To diamonds under the pressure
And then shatter.
177 · Oct 2018
If it weren't for you
CataclysticEvent Oct 2018
I wonder to myself.
If she were not here.
If I had not had a daughter.

Would I still be here?
Or would I have left this world.
Long ago?

Because this loneliness is haunting.
This emptiness draining.
And I just wonder.

If it weren't for your light,
Would I still be here?
176 · May 2020
May 10, 2020
CataclysticEvent May 2020
Happy mother's day?
My mom taught me what alcohol tolerance was by 9.
That some nights if I didn't make dinner,
I wouldn't eat.
She taught me how to be a light sleeper,
By passing out drunk with lite cigarettes.
My mother taught me,
Boys font like fat girls, and you're def bigger then me.
She taught me how to hate myself,
But still love her.
My mother taught me how to be strong,
By making it the only way to survive her
Never ending drunken rampages.
She taught me early,
Not love,, not her daughter comes before the drink.
She taught me how to take care of her.
Make sure she got home from the bar at 1am,
Unscathed from the journey,
And still be up in time for school.
She taught me how to live off little sleep,
And even less attention.
Early she taught me,
I was no more special than coat hanger on the wall.
She taught me your mother's cigarette smoke,
Will cling to your clothing strongly,
You'd have to fold them with dryer sheets inside.
She taught me,
That I'd stay for her to make sure she was okay,
All the while destroying myself.
She taught me how to love someone,
Even when you don't like them.
She taught me how to be respectful,
Even when those people don't deserve respect.
Recently she taught me something else.
Sometimes those people you love,
Will never love you enough to not destroy you,
As they destroy themselves.
She taught me we all have a breaking point.
A point of no return.
And that sometimes it is better alone,
To be an orphan.
Rather then allow them the satisfaction in your torture.
luckily I had a father who could both an amazing dad, and an amazing mother.
174 · Aug 2018
My World
CataclysticEvent Aug 2018
I create my own destruction.
My very own hell.
Stuck in a world I feel lonely in,
But doing everything to make myself lonely.

Trapped inside myself,
I can’t seem to let anyone in.
They get close,
I get distant.

I’d rather sit at home alone,
Then commit to letting someone,
Who may actually care,
Sit beside me on the couch.

The thought of having another person,
Comfortable in my presence.
Wanting more from me than,
I am capable of ever giving.

I’m drowning.
I’m alone,
And in the end,
I do this to myself.

I’ve created a world,
In which I am miserable and lonely.
Where no one feels welcome,
And even I don’t want to be here.
171 · Dec 2018
Death Toll
CataclysticEvent Dec 2018
She sat upon the world.
Looking down at the souls,
So far from her fingertips.
And she smiles knowing
Each one will one day,
Taste her.
Feel her love.
Death is promised,
To all.
170 · May 2019
32 Letters in May- Note 26
CataclysticEvent May 2019
I don’t know why it feels as though,
I have known you my whole life.
As if instead of getting to know a new person,
Rather I am remembering all of the things,
another me has forgotten.
As if maybe we have been here before.
Maybe in another life,
Another universe.
Where our stars;
Crossed paths once again.
Destined to be no matter what
Path we take in our lives.
And I’m not one to believe in the fates,
Or that we have soul mates that are ours.
I do believe in connections.
Soul connections where people can recognize,
Another soul that matches theirs.
Like the internal wirings of our bodies say,
“Oh hey, I know you.”

And then those connections stick.
And we are drawn closer to one another.
Maybe not forever,
Maybe for only moments.
But the connections of the soul,
Are ones that we remember,
Randomly for no reason.
Even if it was only a quick Hello in an elevator,
Never to see each other again.
Those Connections,
We remember them.

We remember you.
168 · Dec 2018
CataclysticEvent Dec 2018
We drown in the waves,
Of our despair.
A constant pull,
Into the darkness.

A constant fight,
To stay out of the dark undertown.
To keep my head above water.
Some days the pull is,
So strong I almost drown.
Other days,
I can float upon the surface of the waves.

But always my thoughts
Drift to you.
Only a word away from tears.
And my tears add,
To the bottomless ocean of grief,
Threatening to drown me.
I miss you dad.
164 · May 2019
32 Letters in May- Note 32
CataclysticEvent May 2019
32 letters written in May.
Almost all about you.
That however is nothing new.
But all this writing.
Coming to terms,
Sorta, Kinda.
One thing always rings true.
You were my very best friend.
God did i love you.
I'm almost 99% positive.
That on top of bringing me
Lucille, my savior with 4 legs.
You also brought me him.
Guiding us back to one another.
Where I always belonged.
So thank you.
For looking out for me,
Even after you left.
I'd expect nothing less,
Of my first and favorite savior.
161 · Nov 2019
My words offend you
CataclysticEvent Nov 2019
You tell me how I write offends you.
That my use of memory,
Insults you.
It's weird for you to write of past loves,
As you are surrounded by new love.
I'm sorry my words,
My ability to relate to someone else,
Maybe help them with their struggles,
Outweighs that I may offend,
Another heart attached to mine.
So my words are silenced.
In fear of your offense.
161 · May 2019
31 Letters of May- Note 1
CataclysticEvent May 2019
May is grey.
but for me
Every day is grey
Surrounded by reminders.
I am a reminder.
Of everything you were.
Everything you did.
May is graduation.
It's supposed to be happy.
And I am
But my happy has,
A black hole of anger,
and sadness in the middle
And I fall into it daily.
Sometimes hourly.
And May isn't as happy.
As it should be.
Could have be.
If you were here with me.
Grey in May.
Grey all Day.
Every day
In every way.
I think of you
And miss you too.
159 · May 2019
32 Letters in May- Note 5
CataclysticEvent May 2019
My control has become
the thing I grasp onto
My OCD on high alert
Rewriting a planner
13 times in 6 months.
More rewriting then months.
But the mistakes
grate at me
rubbing me raw.
The white out,
Like a black mark
on my life.
Another reminder
that I failed
to save you.
and then I realize
I have no control
my life run by failed
attempts to remain flawless.
only to be reminded by whiteout.
That I failed you
I couldn't save you.
And I stayed.
I let you go
And I stayed.
Like a black stain on me,
I stayed.
158 · May 2019
32 Letters in May- Note 23
CataclysticEvent May 2019
Tell me your secrets.
The ones you're to afraid to speak.
Tell me the darkest parts of your mind.
Where the dark parts of you lurk.
Use me like a vault.
No one will ever get in.
Your secrets are safe with me.
I'll never let them see.
Use me,
Let me be your secret place.
To place all your wordy posessions.
Don't hold yourself do tightly.
When I'm willing to be your ear.
There's no point in hiding
When spoken it'll only disapear.
Beneath the vault in me,
Where all my deepest darkest secrets no one will ever see.
158 · May 2019
32 Letters in May- Note 9
CataclysticEvent May 2019
My Lifeline
Once upon a time
it used to be my dad.
He was my safety.
The person I could count on
to have my back.
"I've got you."
But he's gone.
And somewhere along the way
he handed you the keys
to my walls.
And gave you the manual to protect me.
Somehow you took over
where he left the
car running.
And as you learn the way
you've slowly made it possible
for me to trust someone
other than him.
And now
you've become my person
My "I've got you."
The person to bring me back.
From the darkness of my own mind.
You've become....
                                My Lifeline.
156 · Sep 2018
CataclysticEvent Sep 2018
Will the thoughts of you,
Ever become less.
How can i still love you,
With our relationship in such a mess?

When do i get to move on.
Set free from the chains,
That you put on me.
When am i set free?

I hate that i still love you.
That i choose you daily.
Even when,
You are no longer a choice.
What kind of voice,
Does that give me?

Why can't i let go?
Why cant i see,
That you've moved on,
You no longer want or need me!
156 · Jun 2019
The trouble with food
CataclysticEvent Jun 2019
I still struggle with
How loud my food is on my plate.
How it screams at me,
Pokes and prods my squishy parts.
I struggle with
The sweet endearment of my softness.
How he loves my "curves".
My mind screaming FAT.
Trying to destroy the sweet sentiment
That he so freely hands to me.
Like a rose he's specifically plucked for me.
To show me he thinks my "curves"
Are worth the fact that food
Makes me gag when I realize how
Fat I've become, and how
I struggle so badly with the number
On the scale.
I threw the **** thing in the trash.
Let's see how you torment me now,
When you can't flash the red numbers
In my face.
I struggle.
Daily to remember I am not
A number on  a scale.
I am not a size in my jeans.
I struggle
Not to scream at myself,
And starve myself back to "perfect"
Avoiding mirrors like snickers bars.
As if they may crack with my reflection.
At the hideousness of my softness.
Looking down,up next to, around
But never at the woman in the mirror.
At the curve of her waist.
Or the curves in her hips.
As if I dare look, if I dare
Accept that woman in the mirror
Accept the softness of her.
Maybe food wouldn't make me gag.
But I struggle.
I avoid full length photos like,
Maybe if i can't see "HER"
She doesn't exist.
154 · Oct 2018
CataclysticEvent Oct 2018
You'll forever be,
My never ending love

Which means,
You'll forever be,
My never ending heartbreak.
153 · Nov 2019
New norm
CataclysticEvent Nov 2019
The scariest moment
Is realizing that I've forgotten
I've forgotten what it was like
To have you here.
And this new world
Where you aren't has become
A world I've become accustomed to.
My new norm,
And that is terrifying
152 · Jun 2019
I Wonder?
CataclysticEvent Jun 2019
I often wonder what my life would have
Been like, had it started differently.
If I had a mother who adored me.
Gave me all the affection I wanted.
Protected me when I needed.
If I'd still be the same.
My tragic life of
Misfortune, neglect, pain,
Suffering, ****, abuse, and fear
Have shaped me
Created the girl that I am.
With a moral code so strong,
With standards about empathy and caring
So above standard.
I am reminded daily.
"Not everyone is like you.
Not everyone cares as strongly,
For so many as you do."

Would that girl be gone?
I believe the tragic life,
That i was given,
Was to create the woman that I am today.
And the outstanding and amazing
Father I was given,
Was to offset the mother I was denied.

And anyday of the week.
Any year in my life.
I'd take the life and father i was given,
Over a better life without him.
And without the woman that I became.
147 · Jan 2019
Green Eyes
CataclysticEvent Jan 2019
Green eyes
Drowning in human lies.
Swimming in sin,
Dying from within.
147 · Aug 2018
Am I?
CataclysticEvent Aug 2018
I don't know.
I have no idea what i'm doing.
Maybe i never did.
But maybe,
In this life,
We never really know
what we're doing anyway.
Until it's all over.
And what we've done,
Becomes what we did.
And the end,
Becomes the begining.
146 · Feb 2019
Sky light
CataclysticEvent Feb 2019
The sky has always been
A place of solace for me.
A comforting place
A warm embrace.

From my bedroom floor
As a teenager
Broken and bleeding
Watching the stars and the moon
Praying for no more.

My bedroom window
As a new mother
Just begging her daughter
To go to sleep
Swinging back and forth
In the moonlit glow that fell upon my floor.

And here I stand now
On my porch steps
Looking up at a sunset
So vibrant and warm
In my heart
I know it's you
You're watching somehow.

And when I'm old and grey
And my eye sight is gone
My hearing lost
The memories of every single
Night sky
Sunset and sunrise
Will  keep my solace
Until I leave this place.
146 · Aug 2018
CataclysticEvent Aug 2018
Do you know what it's like to drown
With your head above water?
Like no matter how hard the struggle.
Something always has your feet.
You down into the depths.
Before you know it
           So far
                        You can't
Hope has no pull
       To save you.
      You never give up.
Just in case,
                 The end...
                          Is worth the struggle!
141 · Jul 2019
CataclysticEvent Jul 2019
I have stepped down from the
Pedestal in which you placed me.
With shaking knees
And sweaty palms.
And I hope that maybe now you'll see
Everything you thought I was
Was what you wanted not me.
138 · May 2019
32 Letters in May- Note 17
CataclysticEvent May 2019
And all at once
It hits me
One look
And how much
I truly love you
Drowns me.
And I'm soaked
To the bone.
Never having known
This immense a love.
136 · Apr 2019
Drawn to the dark
CataclysticEvent Apr 2019
The world is on auto pilot.
And I can't seem to find
The warmth.
Today I'm drowning.
Today I want nothing more
Then to be left alone.
To curl within the confines of my mind.
Disappearing amongst the dead leaves.
Days like today remind me
I am not fixed.
I am not infallible.
I am more darkness then light.
And I don't want the light.
I'd like to drowned here in the darkness.
Just a little longer.
135 · Dec 2018
Silent Choice
CataclysticEvent Dec 2018
The loudest choice ever made,
Is not making a choice.

The loudest sound you'll ever hear,
Is the silence.

Slammed doors,
That disappear before they reach the frame.

Memories that house only pain,
Brought forth by someone else,
Only to be felt alone.

Silence is the loudest answer,
You will ever recieve.
Don't take it as anything else.
A choice not made is a choice.
Don't make excuses.
So when you go to slammed the door,
On memories that only bring pain.
And you doubt yourself.
The silence was their choice.
134 · Oct 2018
Above water
CataclysticEvent Oct 2018
I'm drowning in dark matter.
Wrapped so tight.
I can't breath.  
Struggling to keep myself,
Above the water.
So that I can get to a,
Tomorrow that may or may not,
Be any better.
But I'll keep my head above water.
Keep pushing.
Even know the days,
When it'd be so much easier,
To just sink.
Let go.
I'll keep my head above water.
For a day when maybe,
It won't be so hard.
134 · Jun 2019
CataclysticEvent Jun 2019
There are days when I feel as though
I may actually be okay.
It’ll be a good day where I am not
weighed down by anything in my brain.
I can function on a level that almost
resembles normal.

But those days don’t last.
And they are not more then half my days.
Most days I spend in this state of mundane,

But on my dark days.
On the days when the sky has no light.
And my mind is as turbulent as the sea in a tsunami.
Those days tend to take up my months.
And I spend most days,
Trying not to drown.

But those good days.
God do those good days taste wonderful.
After months of tasting ash and debris in my mouth.
Those good days taste like sunshine.
CataclysticEvent Sep 2019
Some goodbyes are like butterflies,
So soft if you hadn't been watching,
You'd never have known they'd gone by.
Other goodbyes are as loud as fog horns.
Going off inside the confines of your head.

Some goodbyes are like yo-yos.
They come back a few more times,
Before they're truly gone.

Often goodbyes are as painful
As an electrocution in a downpour.
But sometimes they're as freeing
As the wind caressing your skin,
From the open windows.

Some goodbyes are heaven sent.
Others are hell bound.

But one thing they all have in common,
At the end of every goodbye,
It takes a small piece of you as a memory.
133 · May 2019
32 Letters in May- Note 31
CataclysticEvent May 2019
Slightly off course.
With little remorse.
That is how I love you.
That is how I will always love you.
All the way.
129 · May 2019
32 Letter in May- Note 7
CataclysticEvent May 2019
My days consist of
an Acrobats walk
along this black hole
within my chest.
Balancing among the rubble
within my heart.
Stumbling into its blackness to drown.
But climbing out
to walk along the edges again.
A little further away from the edge each time.
My grief a balancing act.
One where
During the day I circle
the edge of the darkness.
But at night
I fall into the darkness.
Only to resurface again in the morning.
129 · Feb 2019
Never knew
CataclysticEvent Feb 2019
Like everything
I never knew
I don't know
Who I am
Without you.

And like everything
I thought I knew
Who I was
I won't ever be
Without you
128 · Feb 2019
To rot
CataclysticEvent Feb 2019
The worst part about
Fighting a war on the inside.
There is no place to throw
The carnage when it's over.
It just sits on the inside,
To rot.
126 · Jul 2019
CataclysticEvent Jul 2019
I think what hurt the most
Wasn't the fall.
Or the crash landing.
It was getting up
To witness the wreckage I'd created
On my way down.
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