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 Oct 2018 Bobby Dodds
If you misspell a word on a paper
You don’t shred the whole paper.
You fix the mistake
And move on.
Note to self not to shred myself up about doing one thing wrong.
 Oct 2018 Bobby Dodds
These days are full of deaths
And resurrection.
I rapidly shift between the warm yellows
and the sallow blues.
The temperature is fading
And so is my will.
But some days make my bare bones glow
Back to the way they were,
Way before.
 Oct 2018 Bobby Dodds
My heart feels like
it's about to shut down
from all the truths
that only I know

People view me
as kind
with empathy

Yet once they witness
my darker side
this inner demon
that is always
a few steps behind me

Once they see
the ashes and smeared blood
tainted within my mind and heart

I am once again alone
alone to pick up the pieces 
of a love that never was
Open my eyes
I take my pill
To feel alive
I won’t sit still
No more complaints
No more joint aches
It may be fake
but I’m awake…

A trance-like state
It is a place
So I can hide
No need to face
There is no shame
No more disgrace
The astral plane
My inner space


A dreamland Utopian place;
my mind where it exists
Then leave me here, I wish to stay;
This place I want to live
The world out there’s too harsh and cold;
I’m tortured day-to-day
It’s safe in here; stay till I’m old
I’m better off this way
Though it’s not real, it’s real enough
As long as I believe
I’m not like you; I’m not as tough
So, lies are tales I weave
Turn into truths inside my head
My new reality
I live my life as if I’m dead
I’m fine; Just let me be
Written: September 29, 2018

All rights reserved.
[Iambic Dimeter & Iambic Heptameter format]
 Oct 2018 Bobby Dodds
Pagan Paul
Quiet! Shhh!
Can you hear it?
The animals are talking.
No, they are panicking.
Can you smell it?
The Forest is on fire.
My Forest is aflame!

I run, following nostrils singed with heat,
against the tide of the fleeing fauna.
Reaching the blaze I see....
eight of them.
My anger rises and erupts.
'STOP!' I bellow. They turn and draw swords.
My eyes narrow and a look of pure disdain unfolds.

I continue.
'I am Rook, Lord of the Forest Kingdom.
How dare you, enter my domain with no permission
and reek havoc on my Forest'.

A step is taken, toward me.
The eyes of a fighter glower, at me.
The point of a sword raises, threatening me.

I punish.
'For your transgressions and your destruction
you shall stand as stones, for eternity,
and as a warning to others'.

A scream pierces the air as a foot,
then another, compresses to rock.
The rest join the chorus, agony,
as each become statues,
twisted and contorted as
the Ancient Oaks they had destroyed.

My Oaks.
This is my Anger.
Would you care to see my Love?

© Pagan Paul (2018)
 Oct 2018 Bobby Dodds
That got your attention
Didn't it?
Even though I am a stranger
Who couldn't possibly know it to be true
And worth is subjective
Those who know you would disagree
And point out your merits
And you would weigh yourself
To realise that not all parts are equal
Who am I to say such things?

And yet you take the time to read it
Reread, incase you misread
In reading you contemplate it's truth
You are my puppet, and me your puppeteer
How could you be such a sheep!

Why are you amused?
Why does insult carry more meaning than praise?

It's easy to hurt.
Sticks and stones may break your bones
But words can make you think you deserved it.
We are social beings and so
We look for validation
But insult stands out
It leaves a branded mark in our brains
And so we spotlight it

It's easy to be sad.
But it's fulfilling to be happy.
Being positive is hard
But it's worth it in the end.

How could I possibly know?
I couldn't.
But I do.
And soon you will too.

What are you doing now?

You are reading!

Now you are smiling.
You're Wonderful

Inspired by Dennis Willis's "You Are a Hallucination"

Sticks and stones line borrowed from xkcd's comic.
 Oct 2018 Bobby Dodds
yellow soul
I meet her an autumn evening
It was cold outside, but she didn’t care
She took my hand and dragged me away
from the party, the people, the noise
she said that it was a perfect night
a perfect night for us to meet
cause the sky was cloudless
and the moonlight wasn’t bright enough
to steal the beauty of her favorite thing
the lonely yet perfect stars
she said she was like the stars
easy to admire, beautiful and unique
but dangerous to come close to
that she could destroy everything
but I wouldn’t believe her words
it was like they became
a brisk breeze that cold night
her ocean blue eyes lit up in the moonlight
and her long blond hair
where full of crunchy leaf’s
her nails were long and painted
with dark brown nail polish
and her coat was nowhere near
she laughed at me
when I panicked and said a stupid joke
and she kissed me on the lips
when we saw a star shouting
glide effortlessly across the dark blue sky
I closed my eyes for second or two
And when I opened them again
she was gone
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