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Blissful Nobody Jul 2014
For once did the supreme forgive him,
Mercy was always the greatest will.

Suddenly, he became the child he once was,
and cuddled up to his father.
Evil existed no longer,
humbled by the greatest presence.

He thought of all the miseries he'd caused,
all the pain he'd given.
thought of it as the only vent,
to his own misery.

He wanted to fit in,
make mistakes and be forgiven.
For long he'd been denied that,
and nonacceptance turned to wrath.
He still envied his siblings,for he wanted to return.

Reminiscing old times he remembered,
he was happy and soulful once.
That day he decided he'd retire,
Be the good he always was.

For once and forever,
things were as they should be.
peace and quiet prevailed
Life sprung up again to its beauty.
Blissful Nobody May 2017
There was no magic in those tears,
That I spent thinking about you.
I should have been happy,
Red love still ran through my veins.

That was no mesmerising glint,
It wasn't the joy that shined through.
I should have been involved,
Life was having an affair with me.

That was no enchanting smile ,
It broke my heart to put on a mask.
I should have been swooning,
An experience was leading the dance.

That was not a sparkle on my face,
When I thought I will meet you again.
It was the fatigue that shone through,
My thoughts had just run a mile.

I am still ecstatic .
Red love still runs through my veins.
Blissful Nobody Dec 2019
will I know when I am near,
near the brink of inexistence,
in this human form,
when I sleep a final time ?
will I know the eternal existence,
when this human form will be lost?
the cosmic stitching that holds,
my entity to this form,
will wither and loosen,
these tethers that exist,
will all be gone.
will I know when I am near?
will I know my eternal infinite form?
Blissful Nobody Feb 2022
In a different life,
I would have waited,
Without the means to know,
To know of life or death,
To know of your happiness,
To know of your struggles!

Not in this life though,
Where you got swayed,
All the means at your end,
Never did you ask once,
How did I survive this world,
Where you left me alone,
So very alone?
Blissful Nobody May 2019
From conception to birth,
From then to now,
From my laps hearth,
You've grown and how?

My little person,
Grow up at your pace,
I'm in no hurry,
Life is not a race.

I never think,
What will you be,
Save me this job,
Wish you be free.

Not from this life,
Free from the world,
Do tell after,
I would like it in bold.

Be happy my child,
There is no other way,
Be the vibrance,
Make it stay.

Learn the tunes,
The rhythm of this world,
Do your own dance,
Sing those rhymes untold.

Whatever you choose,
Stir it with a bit of compassion,
Wisk a bit of mindfulness,
Shake it with your passion.

Chug it all at once,
Surprise me then,
Be high on life,
Unbridled and unhidden.
For my little person and to all the little ones.
Blissful Nobody Jul 2014
Missing blissful memories,
Cherished thoughts.
Memories in webs,
Tangled knots.
Binding grievances
Pave the way.
Unfettered thoughts
Have their own say.

Moments felt,
Moments understood.
Times are past,
Graveness its hood.
Calm seas rejoice
In silence.
Storms are but
Reasons to penance.

Regret hopes to
Unbind the will.
Will’s infant cry
To escape.
Bewilderment stares
With mouth agape.

Confusions unfold
In graves.
Souls depart
To hellish caves.
Brevity speaks
A thousand words.
Wilderness stands
On a million swords.

Confused and petrified.
Thoughts again
To guide.
A vicious circle
So unholy.
One committed
To every folly.
It's a game of perceptions,
Yours for mine,
Mine for yours,
But put it into perspective,
Observe from a distance,
React less and listen,
Strike One, forgive,
Strike Two, observe,
Is it a pattern with you?
Strike three and I annihilate.
That's how I operate now.
Have no energy for drama.
So keep mulling alone.
I am not listening anymore,
Only observing and perceiving,
To keep you away from my world.
Strike three and you are out!
Done giving those extra chances!
Blissful Nobody Aug 2018
I like calm in my eyes,
They don’t wander anymore,
Searching for something ,
Picking and nitpicking ,
The small troubles of the world.

I love the silence of the void,
It hums me into its stillness,
Takes me everywhere and nowhere,
Places beyond these dimensions,
Away from the all the chatter.

I adorn the nothingness,
It puts a blissful countenance,
It fills my senses to contentment,
I want it and yet it’s nothing I want,
It sends me to the above and beyond.

I feel this harmony within,
Tugging and pulling my strings,
Arranging the notes of my being,
A harmony born out of chaos,
And synchronised into a melody.

My kindled life shining bright,
I see everything in its wholesomeness,
Untouched by the worldly elements,
I embrace now that exists in nothing,
This universe leads me to everything.
To be :)
Blissful Nobody May 2019
We are made out of the same stardust,
I have a little more gold in me than you.
You need the touch of an alchemist,
Then you'll be the gold you yearn for.
Not the material worldly kind you think,
The golden glow will fill you inside out.
We are made out of the same stardust,
I have a little more gold in me than you.
Love yourself a little more everyday. Be golden.
Blissful Nobody May 2019
I had almost forgotten,
The lines between the lines,
Details in dreary designs,
Perpetual persistent patterns,
Relentlessly resilient repetitions.

Why would you come now?
To remind, reminisce or read,
Reckless racks of reads.
All- knowing knocking knight,
A random reckoning recites.

What are these questions?
You ask, alter and annoint,
These dreadful death dreams,
And plough out pangs of pain,
Of a wilted and withered world.

Can't  allow this anymore,
Lose this loathful lust of yours,
That belittles my boistrous being,
Paint a pretty picture please,
Let go and leave, one last time.

I live in a different universe,
Of my wonderful whimsical wishes,
Floating  over my fantastic fairy tale,
Never nitpicking the neverending nows,
The happy hopeful and happening hows.
To all those untimely listeners who question your being:)
Blissful Nobody Jan 2016
Things that were,
Some still are,
Some were
and never to be,
Fading into existential dilemma.

I wish not to exist,
Not in your thoughts,
Never in your words,
Let me fade away,
Into the abyss.

Try not to remember me,
Never to be found -
I would have crossed .
Don't come find me -
No such labyrinth exists.

I wish you wouldn't cry,
Know happy and sad alike,
No emotions I seek,
For my physical form.
An Infinitesimal speck- Me,
An identity wouldn't exist.

I am a universe,
On my own,
To another I would retire.
Don't shatter yours,
for mine.
When I am gone.
When I am gone!!!
Blissful Nobody Jul 2014
You loved me so,
to numb my pain,
You served them more.
To end my miseries,
My happiness you abhorred.

You loved me so,
To cure my ailment,
You poisoned my soul.
To vent out my heart,
You closed all doors.

You loved me so,
To quench my thirst,
You offered me sulfur.
A desire to experience heaven,
Hell was raised above.

You loved me so,
Answers when granted,
Were forms of silence.
Breath when needed ,
Vacuum you granted.

You loved me so,
Of wine I dreamt,
Found blood and gore.
Expected images of life,
Death images you swore.

— The End —