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938 · Jun 2019
Cotton Candy
Cotton Candy Jun 2019
i let softness sit in my chest
cotton candy woven between ribs
sweet and light and a bit sticky to the touch,
hard to untangle oneself from

i let softness take a seat at the table
fold its hands in its lap
smile, nod, and listen with joy
such polite company, the kind you hope stays late

i let softness make its home here
to the best of my ability
welcome it openly and appreciate its presence
try and return its kindness
made this as my first poem hence my username lol,,, i'll try to write more often.
671 · Jun 2019
Cotton Candy Jun 2019
swim like a mermaid

through the ocean

to me

swim through

rough waters

until you reach

the calm

under moonlight  —

surface my soul

entwined with yours
561 · Jun 2019
Cotton Candy Jun 2019
your heart is too accepting
it was awfully gaped
that anyone can dock
anytime at unusual time

close your harbor
be the right place
for one certain ship
we all allot too much of our time for someone or something that are not even the right things or person for us. i guess we should not let this consume us. it would be not worth it. have a good day!
501 · Jun 2019
Cotton Candy Jun 2019
a pearl sat on the softest piece of you, 
at the crossroads of your hips. 
I lean in and kiss it, the delicate taste of salt,
and my cold nose is warmedby your skin, 
the gentle smell of aftershave and flesh.
I look up at you, your prickled jaw looks back, 
you look at your eyelids,
the sensation overcoming you.
that little pearl, a bleached version of your skin,
it is the riches of a thousand oceans.
498 · Jun 2019
Cotton Candy Jun 2019
tonight, let's dance
like daffodils in a hurricane
braving the gusts
of winds
that threaten
to tear us
425 · Jun 2019
way overdue
Cotton Candy Jun 2019
i dreamt of you last night
of your name lighting up the screen of my phone
of us chatting again, talking
as if we're friends
as if nothing happened

i would say that it was as if thing were normal
but that isn't normal for us.
or now is it?

normal for us is,
it's ambiguity and tentativeness
it is stubbornness
and resentment
and bottled feelings
and empty explanations
and hurt pride

normal for us is silence
and things are back to normal
424 · Jun 2019
Cotton Candy Jun 2019
a fire burns
in my soul —
for him,
small at first
before it grows.

it's a forest fire
that starts
from my toes
and up
through my belly
into my heart
to my head

i am thrilled —
by the burning
i am basically writing anything in my head right now sorry if it feels empty
405 · Jun 2019
b l a z e
Cotton Candy Jun 2019
the fire burns bright,
clouding my mind
with the smoke
of an angry heart.

she tries
with all her might
to put the blaze out —

will she succeed?
i am so frustrated right now.
387 · Jun 2019
who am i
Cotton Candy Jun 2019
i am the shoreline

i face storms

and sunny days

and i don’t break

slowly my sands

are stolen

washed away

and yet i remain

i am fiercely determined

to succeed

and all these things

will simply help define me
329 · Jun 2019
Cotton Candy Jun 2019
don't expect me to do for you
what you don't do for yourself
don't mistake your right to be wrong
for my respect

the worlds collided, merged
what you attack rules over you
the song i've known for years
makes sense now but
i still won't play it out loud
but i'd watch you dance anyway

i will tell you what i have been dreaming about
since i chose to be useful
those are my real hopes
and dreams
that i want out, once and for all
but that would never be allowed
i am, we are, exhausted, anyway

your anger is justified by everything you lack
there is no point in teaching
you need to be left to learn

here is my last line
everything this masochistic mayhem is about
it's fine to be alright
it's still normal to feel okay
it has been always normal
for you to be okay
it is okay to show vulnerability
you are human after all
but always remember to defend your keep
steady now and don't lose your footing
this will be my mantra
316 · Jun 2019
full moon
Cotton Candy Jun 2019
i can not be the only one
who has those nights
where you feel
a power deep within
as if you could pull the
oceans into the earth
make the sun set
and the moon rise
turn the masses
to turn to you
those nights
where you feel
as though
you could save the world
where you feel
as though as you could
save yourself

— The End —