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Natasha Sep 2014
I felt a slight urge to go back to all of it
assimilate myself into
something I had so desperately wanted to rid myself of
back into the same methods, ancient routines
all the things we spoke of
were simple tasks and far away dreams

we've gotten what we've always wanted
yet, we still feel all the more haunted
by the lack of structure, mindless bliss.

you can send the kids from high school,
but you can never take high school from the kids.
take me back to the person I used to be
when you were there for me
I know it seems like forever but do me this favor please
way back when we were stupid
held grudges just to help us sleep
oh my god
how ridiculous were we?
Natasha Mar 2018
Hi guys I see I have lots of inboxes just give me a little bit to respond to you guys I’ve been super busy lately xo ps you guys are lovely
Natasha Dec 2013
Ash hits the floor
A razor in white powder
Bottles in the sheets
Psychosis to beat
Natasha Dec 2013
Los Angeles, I'm yours
city of ash and lost angels
we walk hand in hand
eyes forever caught in my tangles.
Our wings are eternally
tattered & torn
they float like paper-thin
sea weeds
attached to delicate branches of velvet;
oh how we were ever scorned,
for these wings will carry us no more.
yet as the sun sets in the hot
red sky, smell of summertime
against the dim city before me
I'll clasp your hand close in mine
for we have but one night,
and the entire ocean to see
Natasha Nov 2013
Speechless cannot hold
The emotion
I feel essential to express






Cancer man.

Natasha Feb 2015
I will not live my life,
Stalking the the perimeter of my cage
To every other being such as me
This seems like a reasonable fate
For you are kept from the terrors and disease ridden world
And fed twice a day

I was meant to starve sometimes,
So that I am thankful everytime
I catch my prey
I want to travel for miles
And watch the sunset from a different mountain top every day.

I want my roar to echo in the deepest valleys, only to be answered by absolute silence. Instead of being observed as an act of violence.
I cannot continue my life this way, as your placid royal highness
When you get down to the core of my being,
I am after all- a wild tigress.
Those poor zoo animals. All I see is their spirit crushed by fences and bars. They long to simply escape and be free as they were intended to be
Natasha Nov 2018
cast out to sea,
caught on a rock
with waves crashing around me.
we used to sail,
we used to rise
we used to float on waters, endless
ebb and flow with the tide.
but as the storm approaches,
my thoughts grow weary
the compass points in all directions
we both jump ship in fear of steering.
I'm stranded, wet and cold
in a storm of sadness, confusion, anger
it has come the time, for us to decide
are we a lifeboat or an anchor?
Natasha Aug 2013
Sage & sweet grass

Hand made quilt

Steeped Chai

Dozing sighs

Cool breeze

Life at ease
My life at the moment. Revelling in the pure bliss of simple moments such as this
Natasha Mar 2014
Oh my long hair, bearded, whimsically beautiful friend.
Lily & Lilac bloom from your soul, Baby's Breath nests in your hands.
You happy, hippie masterpiece... Can you explain the tortures beyond your happy facade? Though your sunlight illuminates my soul in the best ways, but I'd still like to feel your rain.

Cry on my small shoulder, if you ever need to & do not ever worry that I'll someday hate you. I'll brush your locks of gold across your forehead
& tuck them behind your ear.
I'll run my fingertips over your shoulder blades & spine,
if it helps soothe you, my dear.

Light some incense, boil the iron kettle for tea, lie on a roof while you
tell me all of your troubles & smoke a little ****.
Bathe in the dewy musk, of August's late rushes
of beautiful, nightly breezes
all in which you may smell the ocean (she teases).

So don't be shy, don't be scared my friend,
a fire like me sees no such thing as the end
of such boundless spiritual energy, between two human entities.
you know... you've always meant so much to me,
so smile & raise your chin.
fly with me
Natasha Dec 2013
I remember you well,

                             in the Chelsea Hotel

               you were talkin'

                                    so brave & so sweet.

     Giving me head,

                       on the unmade bed

   While the limousines wait in the streets.
Natasha Sep 2015
It feels like it's time to wrap myself in cotton sheets, drink tea with my grandmother and walk with red & yellow leaves beneath my feet.
Where did the summer skies go?
Natasha Sep 2013
I can't think of the correct words to describe
Exactly what you are to me
I can't begin to explain

The surprise

That I fell so smoothly into your
Honey stare

I pulled myself out of the cool blue water
In pursuit of your amber gaze
Natasha Jan 2014
Once again,
as I retread over
the fragments of your
literary beauty.

You write in the most potent essence of
our connection embodied.

I am so ever ensnared by the rhythm
that your words play on my heart strings.

Especially, now
In this time where I am so desperately in need;
of just
a small dose of affection

trace your fingers on my lips gently
for if you play my pulse
like you do that guitar

my soul will sing to yours
through my heart beats
Natasha Jan 2014
Captured chills
release their patten of ice light shows
against my skin.

desolate and alone,
could my heart call yours home?

in these sheets I try
to lay not lie
but it is difficult I find,
to be honest about my mind

I watched the stars from a
mile away
and it feels as if
I'm only pulling on what's left of yesterday

keep treading
on these open waters
for you are too valuable not to spare

But if you shall sink,
like a rusted anchor
in the deep
know I'm already there.
Natasha Dec 2013
You set free
Electrified butterflies
When you shut my lips
With your finger tip
Natasha Apr 2014
I can feel him pulsing
from deep inside me, all down & up underneath

but, when I'm on top
I have my fun,
I grab his wrists,
kiss his neck just a little bit
his eyes roll back
breaks free of my grip, running down my ***
till he finds the sweet spot
& rubs me nice

now this is how I like it
he takes control
I lose my mind
lose my body
in our souls



           & moan

                        baby, please don't stop,oh

his head

                                                     his jaw goes


                         we both


                                                                as one.

I have a pretty good *** life
Natasha Apr 2020
my head spins, and I forget
nausea creeps in
before each sunset.

children age, and pictures grow old
speaking of stories
repeated, told.

empty heart, empty stomach
gasping void nocturne.

the past imprinted on my mind
like old lighter burns.

pain, joy and memories unfold
who I used to be seemed so simple
before my heart turned cold.
Natasha Mar 2014
I search
                                      for the words

                                                          ­                     I
wrote on my hips;

                                                                ­              not another word,

                  left my frozen lips.

                                                          ­                      There is no way to
                                                                ­      springtime,

        the winter,
                   takes her tole.

                                                               ­       I bury myself away,
                                                         in this 3 pillow,
                                           double bedded hole.

Darling, but I keep myself sane.
               I dream of flowers in my hair & the warmth in your name.
    Early July conversations,
                        tapping strings, how we'd softly sing
                                           & were guided to one another's lips
      at the very touch of our finger tips.
                               I always thought I was better than this,
                                                             ­            Love,
                                     Your heart is one I often miss.
I think about you everyday, I just dont know what to say.
And I cant let you see,
this terrible side of me
when I can only talk through poetry.
But I put myself through it.
Through tragedy comes creativity,
so I thought I 'd let my feelings flow about an old 'Cat Gentlefolk I used to know.
Natasha Feb 2014
Hand shaky, balancing the easel
Paint brush tight within grip
I've never seen a rainbow
Come and go so quick

It seems as if the rain clouds
Parted only for a moment today
Grey desolates,
but fear not, the colours will make their way

Shoes paint the streets with difference
Among all crowds, the brush flicks
But drop your tools & raise your arms to the sky
For you must paint the wind with your fingertips.
Natasha Jan 2014
****** my blood outta the carpet but it still left a stain
Nothing came, nothing left
Yet nothing stayed the same
I can't say what I want to
Maybe my tears will spell it out
Or give us a shed of life
In this awkward emotional drought
I wish my tears would guide me on a river
To a place of no despair
But instead they took a hard left
Spilling off to nowhere
Not quite sure how we got to this cliff
But 9 reaches 10
And you're still ******* that *****
Please open your eyes to the possibility
Of (perhaps?) maybe
Your girl could be me
Happiness is a certain
Troubles all among that
But please,
I just need anything to get that feeling back
written when I was 13
Natasha Jan 2014
Hand laying idly off
the edge of my cotton sheets
my double bed, made for two
yet I am alone, watching the steam
pour off my tea as it steeps.

I'm stuck in the past
my calendar still reads December
burning holes in the days you stole my heart away
the pages fold into but an ember.

Darling, my soul lives on
I close my eyes, and remember as I nestled my head into your tightly muscled chest
your voice softly singing an old song.

*"...she never mentions the word addiction,
in certain company. She'll tell you she's an orphan after you meet her family. Says she talks to angels, they call her out by her name. Yeah she talks to angels, they call her out by her name.
She keeps a lock of hair in her pocket, she wears a cross around her neck. Yes, the hair is from a little boy! And the cross is someone she has not met, not yet. Says she talks to angels, they call her out by her name.
Oh yeah she talks to angels!
They call her out by her name..."
The italics are Black Crowe lyrics. An old song
Natasha Jan 2015
A small ripple in a vast river body, that would strike up no particular conversation.
Perhaps it was just a figure of your imagination

& tell me, does life ever really change?
When we get turned around
& swept up in all the fast-paced daily moments- blind.
Everything's the same baby,
just rearranged
a maze of moving staircases,
every soul climbing towards
the light
dangled dauntingly
above their heads

But tell me if you're all so afraid to die, why do you work yourselves to death?
Does money fill the gaps of time spent apart?
Do possessions talk for the conversations we could never start?
But please don't be alarmed,
I stitch my own seams on this broken heart
You see they're not pretty
to the sight or touch
But scar tissue never bothered me much

Just promise me,
you'll tell me if I'm never enough
I'll crumble this weary heart in an eyeblink
and form another from its dust.
I won't heart-broken or crushed
The shell of the figure
I used to be grew
a skin mighty tough.
I can be anywhere you want me to be
and nowhere at all
I can be your first priority
or the last one you call.
As long as you
Tell me
You love me
I wont be sorry

face first, I fall

*I'm really lovely, underneath it all
Its been a year today since she died
Ive got a lot on my mind
Scatttered here there. Everywhere
Natasha Sep 2018



I have

succumb to

what I've learned

from early on.

Numb yourself

when the hurt

is too strong.

Numb yourself

when you

feel like

you can no

longer go on.

Numb yourself

so you can

pretend you're


Numb yourself

so you can

last, just another day

Numb yourself

so you don't

have to die

Natasha Apr 2014
old winds blow through the fields of wheat
    my name
    above all things
    it whispers softly
    calling me to free my spirit

& run forever through the open landscape until I find my horizon.
Natasha Dec 2013
I sit
At my window sill, still
trying to keep sane
I walked along the wooden dock
waited on the ports
sat out in
the rain

With my small hands
like tweezers
I'll sit with you, remove your splinters
let's work through
the sore spots that bring
your heart to
beat out of tune

Through my veins
chemicals & saline
Great minds think alike, right?
think like me;
body on the earth,
soul in the breeze.
take a deep breath
darling don't you see?
the current of our waters change
when you allow your mind to be free
Natasha Feb 2015
If you picked at my brain theres alot you'd find, trust me Ive spent hours tearing apart my own mind. Again here I am tripping over a new path full of old fears, that have never resided- always here. Demons that hide behind the trees- the same ones under my grass woven bed- monsters beneath rocks
and in my own head. They strike ruthless with open jaws- tiny little flesh searing bites that tear the fabric of my being apart.
Inside, underneath the ribcage and sinew-ache our sad little hearts. At the potential that we could lose this, let it slip away like tiny silk threads- the happiness. For the connection we share, heavy enough for my feeble back- is the also cross we've chosen to bear intact. In the brightest of days- comes the blackest night. And through the darkness and pain my instinct is fight or flight; I dont mean to hurt you.
But looking out for ones self is something we all do. In the end we all lose
for fragile paper thin hearts such as ours are easily bruised
You know,
I'd never want to make you choose between being with me and doing whats you

for now you care enough to walk with me
along this path of life though so unforseen
you look those monsters in the eye when they reveal their fang shaped teeth
and always just remind me to breathe.
At this time, I suppose that's all I need
but I pain over the fact that I can't still be sure of you and me
Last night ******
Dont think he really enjoys me all that much
Oh well
I guess we have that in common
Natasha Feb 2014
It took me months to realize, that sometimes
I wish she hadn't died.
I held her head as life slipped from her eyes
as her heart fluttered its last bumping butterflies.

She really was my only family
Now I sit alone,
in this big wooden house
just as it is
hollow & empty.
it seems so silly. But I look at the tags on my desk and I can't bear to wear them because I almost lost them & nearly lost myself in the sadness before I found them again. I'm so stressed and everyone seems to need my help because they're breaking down.. But I'm cracking, I can't hold myself up anymore, I'm done trying and I just miss her so much.
Natasha May 2020

why did she damage me?

so permanent and irreparably.

so much so that

I wake at night and struggle to breath

as her hands

wrap around my throat

and squeeze the last small breaths

out of little eight year old me.

so much so

that I can't trust


so much so

that it takes pain

to help me feel

some sort of release.


why did she have to damage me?
Natasha Sep 2013
I just can't seem to think clearly anymore





               Any      Way

I just need the loving touch of an angel
To bring me back to sanity

                           Sweet and gentle man

I ask you

                      Gently and carefully

Let me bathe in

                                    Your aura

         Of hazy night, and deep raspberry perfume
Natasha Jul 2013
I'm so sorry
For causing you the worry and pain
I love you
I'm really trying
I was so good
I will be again
You will not have to bury your child daddy
Natasha Mar 2015
To address all of the feedback I've been receiving in regards to the way I write or express myself I want to make some things clear.
#1.  I want to share my utter graciousness and love to all of those who support me on this website. I never thought my poetry could touch the lives of so many and have this sort of effect. I really do, truly thank all of you who have spent your time posting lovely comments or even liking some of my poems. You guys are the best! You are the reason I keep writing and feeling proud for all that I do. Thank you so so so so much for all of your love and appreciation. I can't tell you guys enough.
#2. In regards to me "seeking attention" or "getting recognition" from other people. In some way, I suppose you're right. I do want recognition for the work I produce in terms of my poetry. I want people to read what I write and share their opinions on it because I enjoy simple literature, reading and writing in general. I am not writing to having people say "poor you, you must have it so hard" I could honestly give not a single **** about any of that. I appreciate your concerns but I have friends and family who love me that I turn to when I'm in need of real support- and I write to simply get the residue of whatever bad feelings are left off my mind. I appreciate the heart-warming, extremely loving comments that I've received from many of you and they really do mean a lot to me and make me feel like I'm worth it. This is not addressed to you. This is addressed to the people who believe I'm trying to get attention by putting my work out there, this isn't what poetry is about- so stop projecting your own ideas and thoughts onto me. You will be blocked and unfollowed- I don't have patience or time for this ignorance and stupidity. I write from how I feel in a specific moment, whether that be happy, sad, depressed, loved, uneasy, numb, crazy- these are all parts of who I am, everyone can relate to all of these feelings- I just choose to express them more intensely or publicly than some. Some choose to post them on Facebook, or Instagram or church or to their friends- so please don't patronize me for simply expressing how I feel at a certain time. Poetry is meant to be shared and loved and constructively criticized, poetry is from the heart and soul of those who can't seem to express it any other way.
#3. Any comments regarding religion or spirituality in general I would rather address personally through a direct message- I was raised Roman Catholic- baptized, confirmed all that jazz. I also had the luxury of having a Buddhist grandmother and from both of those experiences in each religion I personally related to the Buddhism concept a lot better than the Catholic/Christian one. I believe there is a higher power (to some perhaps it can be seen as what you define as "God" or "Jesus") but to me I feel like it is so great that none of us can put to words or even fathom exactly what it is. Heaven and Hell both exist on Earth to me, I've seen glimmers of both. And I personally believe that when we move into the next world after our time on this earth has ended (death) that we are thrown into complete knowledge, complete understanding of the meaning of life and all that surrounds us. Perhaps not immediately, but eventually in the grand eternal scheme of things. With that, it is no ones place to try and change anyones point of view or beliefs in any aspect- I believe what I believe and if there is an all forgiving God, he would surely understand that.

So thank you to those who have kindness towards me on this site, and to those who don't? Find another poet to follow because I am clearly not your cup of tea.

Peace, love, hope & compassion

xox natasha
Natasha Mar 2015
Dear Sir,

I want you to fill me up
With all that hot sticky ***
And let me push it all out
so you can watch
when youre all done

I love our bodies connecting as one
and especially the feeling of that skillful tongue.
youre curvature fits me so perfect
That all pain from the inches that barely fit is so worth it

And the butterflies create
their rhythmic
flying circuit in my belly
when you use your fingers on
me like that old tele

you give me a rush with every touch
and flood me down below
caught in the palm of your hand

I wouldnt want anywhere else to go
Natasha Jan 2019
So do it--decide.

Is this the life
you want to live?
Is this the person
you want to love?
Is this the best you can be?
Can you be stronger?
Kinder? More compassionate?
Breathe in.
Breathe out.
and decide.
Grey's Anatomy
Natasha Jul 2013
I lose my breath

And try

to gather

My thoughts

But I am drowning
too soon

In your honey laced soul
Natasha Aug 2013
You're a beautiful mess

Struggling with yourself

My dear,

Don't fret.

For we are all,

In one way

A wreck.
Natasha Dec 2013
Emotions encased in these sound-proofed walls call me wrong, the antagonist. For I never should've let us become as close, as this.
No matter how you swallow me, it will always hurt, you're eternally burnt.
The dragon breathing in the back of your throat, yet you needn't water to quench your thirst
For, I've spent years beneath the stars, and they always remind me not to breathe
Lay for hours on a beach at midnight
for miles, tis only sand & sea
I open my small palm, within it
I reveal a small flame
Hold my hands within your frozen grasp, honey
It'll make you feel a little more sane
Let me wrap you in my spirit
My rose & amber-wood scent must surely
Entice your senses
Haze unfurling
Warmth of a sunny spot light
Your body aglow
No need to be shy baby
Just let your feelings flow
Natasha Jun 2013
The very presence of your skin, sets mine ablaze
Kiss me down, down, down
And hold my gaze
Natasha Jun 2013
The very presence of your skin, sets mine ablaze
Kiss me down, down, down
And hold my gaze
Natasha Jun 2013
Looking up at me
It's more than I can handle
Show me what its like
To be tasted by an angel
Natasha Jun 2013
Oh baby,
How your
Light me on fire
Natasha Jan 2018
apart from me
a part of me
you lay-
somewhere in between.
floating oh so
carefully, in
a neutral, languid

as you speak, your
words float past,
here today
and gone so fast.
tell me, dear
which conversation
will be our last?

not that I care,
I simply don't
have the energy to.
it doesn't mean
that much to me
to mean that
much to you.

though down
the rabbit hole
I go
and the other side
breaking through.
for Alice doesn't
concern herself
over the
attention she
garners from
a mere shrew.
here there and everywhere, nobody in particular and everyone at the same time
Natasha Jan 2015
Through and through,
you write from the small
woven cavities in your chest
well, only those you
allow to be expressed
and if you weren't
a million miles away dear?
I'd put you back
together so fine
you never need shed a tear

As good as my heart is
which is covered
most now in black
I haven't a clue where
I'm supposed to live
so on matters of home
its hard to go back.

go where your heart pulls you
listen & love the earths warm sighs
exploring the globe from every side
happiness, freedom, calm
you'll find,
dear just keep me on your mind
for life works its way
in time
Natasha Dec 2013
We sync on a ship, whose condition is all but known, even by the captain.
We float on by an amber tide of relief, as
these shots of burning courage will give me more seconds to breathe.

Drunken stupor, loopy moving
Stuck on "forever", the album keeps spinning
I don't mean to turn this into sport
Said with creative liberty, you're winning.
Natasha Mar 2015
Early morning wake to
the pale yellow sun streaming
gently through the broken blinds.

Rolling over onto the warmth
of another body
I can still say is mine.

Olive skin, speckled with scars
and freckles- perfect imperfections
all but your double-sugar dark roast eyes.

Time lingers as you watch me
wake, semi-concious smiles
of the brand new day.

Goodmorning beautiful, I love you

I couldn't tell you
a better thing to say.
Waking up to a gorgeuos person who tells you youre beautiful is probably the best way to start  your day
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