Drag out of
Bed and into
Clothes for the
Day. Stumble into
The bathroom and
Brush, rinse, spit.
Line eyes: one,
Two, three. Each
eye, each lid
Gets three. No
More, no less.
Slide down the
Stairs but do
Not forget the
Gate. Throw on
Shoes and make
Way into the
Kitchen. Grab something
To eat – wait
Don’t. Coffee won’t
Make sick so
Just pack a
Lunch for later.
Leave for school
And brave the
Day, take it
In threes. Count
Your steps: one,
Two, three. Earbuds
In; can’t hear
A thing. Class
Passes ever so
Slow, sludging along
Until all the
Threes are up.
Make playlists in
Threes to make
Sure it’s enough.
Everything done is
In threes because
Anything else would
Be too much.
Even in twos
Or ones. Take
Care of body
Of mind of
Living space in
Threes. Clean and
Nourish to remain
As healthy as
Can be with
Allergies and sensitivities
To almost everything.
Do the best
That can be
Attained and maintained
Without a toll
In the long
Run. Remember to
Go by threes.
Listen, breathe, be.
One, two, three.