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your mom Apr 2018
When you find love,
open your arms wide.
Tell love that you’re happy it has finally stopped by to say hello.
Tell it to make itself feel comfortable.
Never ask how long it’s staying,
Because you may not want to know the answer.

When you find love,
It may not be at the time you think is right.
It may come in the midst of chaos.

But please, make sure you take the time to care for that love.
Make it feel safe, warm, and secure.
Make love feel better than it ever has before.

When you find love,
It may not look the way you thought it would,
Or the way you remember it.
It may be harder this time.
It could be darker, heavier, and more difficult to keep up with,
Or it may be lighter, and easier than ever.

It may be younger. More jittery and less mature.
Full of laughter and adventures.

It may be older, but still just as beautiful.
Calm and passionate, and always level-headed.

When you find love,
Tell it how beautiful it’s looking today.
Make love smile.
Make it feel better than it did the day before.

And once you find love,
Keep it in your grasp for as long as possible.
Never let it slip from your fingertips.

Love is kind.
Love is laughter.
Love is security.
Love is passion.
Love is beautiful.

Please, never let love feel any other way.
your mom Mar 2018
love isn't always
an open door
your mom Mar 2018
Pray for my well being
Let me be free
Escape my mind
Answer the questions I can't ask
Stop and breathe when I can't catch my breath
Ease my body

your mom Mar 2018
let me love you.
Because sometimes,
just for a second,
it teaches me how to love myself.
your mom Mar 2018
There was a hard lock down drill at my school today.
This means that we had a practice run of what would we would do if
there was a shooting.
We hid under desks, behind walls, and inside cabinets.
There were whispers among students,
because we all knew that it was just a drill.
A practice.
Made up.
We all knew it wasn't real.

But what if it was real?
What if the last time I took a breath,
was in my fifth period history class?
What if I never got to see the outside walls of my high school again?
I never got to college?
Got married?
Had children?
What if my entire life story was washed away because someone decided to take a gun into my school, and take the lives of innocent students?

World, was has happened to you?
Why do so many feel like they have to take the lives of innocent people, in order to gain something for themselves?
Why are we letting this happen?

My biggest concern isn't what I'll do in math next week, or what tests my teachers have planned.
It's if we'll make it that far.
If you pray, please pray for our schools. Our world is becoming a downward spiral of violence, and this needs to stop NOW.
your mom Mar 2018
I am the silence before the lightning.
The roll of thunder before the rain,
and the calm before the hurricane.
I am the cry of an wolf,
and the roar of a lion.

I will not be shaken.
your mom Mar 2018
Do you not understand that no means no?
That stop means stop?
That all of this could be over and done,
if you would just listen to what I have to say?

You call me names because I tell you to leave,
and you talk down to me when I don't want to hear your apology.

You say you want to make peace,
but you only want to hear your side of the story.

You say that I'm wrong.
That this is my fault.

But oh, my friend, you are the one at fault.
None of this can fall back on me.

So please, just leave me alone.
That is all that I ask.
I need to clear my head,
because all you're doing is clouding it up.

Please listen to me now when I say no,
since the first time wasn't enough.
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