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your mom Mar 2018
The biggest storm wasn't the one outside,
beating against her windows,
and flooding the streets.

It was the storm inside of her,
beating against her heart,
flooding her eyes.
your mom Mar 2018
Dear Best Friend,
Thank you for the happiness you've given me.
You've been the only spark of light in my darkness before,
and for that, I'm forever thankful.
You keep me smiling when I don't want to,
and keep me up when I want to shut down.
Thank you for not letting me shut down.

Dear Best Friend,
Do you even realize how beautiful you really are?
Your beauty, grace, and kindness shine through any trial put in front of you.
To me, you're just as beautiful on the inside as you are on the outside.
I love my beautiful best friend.

Dear Best Friend,
I'm almost done with my thank you, and I wanted to end it like this:
You've given me more than I deserve.
You've given me second chances,
and thirds when I can't seem to get it right.

You've given me the backbone I need to keep myself up,
a helping hand when I needed the support,
and an ear when I needed someone to listen.
You've been there for me through every heartbreak,
every cry, every tear, and every doubt.
You've been my saving grace.
You help me more than you know.

Dear Best Friend,
Thank you for all that you do.
I love you.
your mom Feb 2018
I put my heart in your hands,
and for a while,
you kept it.
I put all of my love and trust
into you,
and you held it
for a very long time.

You held it safely in the grasp
of your fingertips.
Softly, in the palm
of you hands.

You kept me warm, and
you made me feel safe.
You loved with passion.
With strength, and tenderness, too.

You made me feel beautiful.
I liked feeling beautiful.

One day, your grasp on my heart
gave out,
and you stopped loving.

You let me fall,
and let me hit the floor,
without a single warning.
your mom Feb 2018
I don't know who I am.
I don't know what I want.
I don't know how I feel, and
I don't know what I want to feel.
I don't know who my real friends are.
I don't know who I can trust.
I don't know what I'm doing.
I don't know how to control my emotions.
I don't know.

I'm going through life,
one day, one minute, and one second
at a time.

I'm doing the best I can.

Please, let that be enough for you,
because I don't know what else to do.
your mom Feb 2018
I don't want to love you,
but you make it so hard.

Your eyes tell a story,
that my heart wants to listen to.

Your smile,
Your voice,
Your everything,
drains out the sounds of my conscience.

Please, don't let me love you.
Because once I start,
I will never stop.
your mom Feb 2018
Think of me as a flower.
My petals are slowly falling off.
I haven't gotten much sleep lately.

There goes another petal,
slowly falling to the dirt floor.

All I want, in this little garden I call life,
is love, happiness, and to feel alive again.

Think of me as a flower.

My roots aren't strong enough
to keep me intact anymore.
There goes another petal.

My life is like a flower's,
but my petals are falling off,
and faster this time.

Please, let me feel love,
and let me feel alive,
before the last petal falls.
your mom Feb 2018
My hope had been taken
by the shadow of the Earth.
But he; he was the
revival of hope that my
world desperately
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